PDF Share Thread # 64

No PDF share thread? Let's fix that!

It's Da Archive!
It Will Be The Best 8 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
STEP 1 Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. there is lots of stuff, including filled requests directly posted to the board. This was an awesome thread with a huge number of open source pdfs posted at the end - don't miss it!!
Look through the posted open source pdfs and pics and stuff.
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.

STEP 2 Grab your Documents: Da Archive is multiple documents.

Da Archive: Usually Getting Bigger. Hopefully better as well.

Da Archive Annex is where the new links get put. It will be raw and unpolished, with lots of coded links. Sorry for the bother.

Da Wish List is comprised of unfulfilled desires. Please look through it and try to help.

STEP 4 Get a coffee or a stronger beverage, get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is less than 100 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without really looking you will miss 8,000 pdfs.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/
mediafire.com/download/wb8n4t5499j98ig/Central Casting - Dungeons.pdf
mediafire.com/download/925yswz97sdm6lf/Engineering Dungeons.pdf
mediafire.com/download/ol6vk60xvnftxd5/AD&D 1st Ed - Dungeoneer's Survival Guide.pdf

STEP 7 If you want MORE, the previous threads are all archived in here:
archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/
There are other Veeky Forums archives somewhere as well.
7chan might also be able to help.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) - the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.
If you post a list of requests, Please make them a column, not a sentence.
Zombie Hookerz
Lysergia Fur, The AnthroBrit Invasion RPG
Slutty NPCs for Everyone.
Dirty Backstabbers
Cheerleaders the Hottubbing
Les Mort, The Game of Sapphic Vampiresses (aka Lesbo Bloodsuckers)

Step 44 probably requires more alcohol, so go get some, assuming you are the correct age for your area and thus magically mature enough to handle it.

Step 45 Da Archivist Does Not Have An Opinion.
He sits on the side of a river and writes down everything that floats by.
Yachts, canoes, trees, trash, bodies... and he logs them all.

Opinions are best used when user asks; "What is a good X for Y?" If they ask, we Invite you to climb on your soapbox and give us your Best sales pitch. Many of us are quite interested in learning about them.

STEP 5 Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread.
You don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, tell your monitor or your teddy bear. Please don't tell us about it. I understand your frustration, they used to drive me crazy. I would punch my teddy bear.

STEP 6 Rumors of Da Archivist being an A.I. from the Deep Web are unfounded. It does not have mysterious ulterior motives.

P.S. - Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

← I had to put this text in an image because Veeky Forums refused to load it as a pdf. Must be potent stuff, odd.

STEP Zillion Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - Include a Page Number -, there are dozens of copies of some Pdfs.

STEP 3.14 I believe 'Da Archivist' should be a title, not a tripcode.
The Phantom, V, and the Dread Pirate Roberts all live on beyond the abilities of one person.
I'm looking for a sidekick to train up in The Way,
(The Girl Robin would be perfect, loved that slingshot.)

Step: 33 1/3 Anons could also help by going through the lists and checking for dead links and notifying the board. This is mentioned again because it really helps us out.

STEP: the Next. If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, here is one way to clean it.
Contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, then the pdf is purified.
[email protected]
By the way, Thanks Mageguru, you're the Best!

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere.
Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all.
Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Smelly Fedora Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

You do not have to wait for a request to post a link, We love links.
We REALLY love links to Collections and Troves.
We love links to things we already have; “More Sources = More Gooder”

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

My personal quest is to help Mageguru's noble cause:

Outdoor Geomorphs Set 1 - Walled City (Missing 1 Geomorph Page)
Mystara - Player's Survival Kit (Missing 54 Fame & Fortune cards)
11450 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game (Silver Anniversary)
AC3 - 3D Dragon Tiles - The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina (missing 2 cutout pages)
TSR 1067 1991 Fantasy Collector Cards Factory Set
Assault on the Fane of Lolth for 3E, which is a Worldwide Gamedays module

5e Adventure League

DDAL05-14 Reeducation
DDAL05-15 Reclamation
DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege
CCC-SFBAY-01-01 Plots in Motion


More Guns! By BTRC (Giving up on this one soon)
Crawling Under a Broken Moon issues 17 and 18

So I have someone whose interested in the Call of Cthulhu stuff, but all they had was the Keeper's handbook at my lgs. So because of that and general broke-ness You guys have the Players handbook or DM guides for Call of Cthulhu? or is it too big of a thing to post? failing that any fun alternatives?

Click the file in the OP


Dime Adventures - Pulp Alternate History Roleplaying

Fate - Wearing the Cape

Savage Worlds - Broken Earth, The Radiant Grove

Stars Without Number - Sixteen Stars

Welcome to Scarthey (5e)

Welcome to Scarthey (PFRPG)

Wyrd Chronicles #28

Wyrd Chronicles #29

Looking for Hacklopedia of Beasts Deux (for 5th edition, not the series of 4th ed ones).

Also looking for Zealot's Guide (5 through 7).

Thanks much in advance.

Requesting Nobilis 2E. Only 3E in the archive. TIA

Looking for The Shackled City, please

Anybody have the existing Lankhmar modules for DCC? Thanks!

Wow, like magic, thank you.
Everything looks beautiful.
I tried about 14 hours ago but my filters were having kittens, something about cross posting naughtiness and wanted me to point to the part of the doll where the internet tried to touch me.
Here is the Annex with the stuff from last time, thanks again.

This was a huge help, I really didn't have time to put it up now, thanks

That's a new thing in NoScript that prevents cross-site script attacks, it's a little touchy right now. Go into your Noscript options thingy and find the XSS options, and paste this incantation into the end of your whitelist:

^https?://([a-z]*)\.Veeky Forums\.org/[^"?%]+$

It tells NoScript that it's okay for boards.Veeky Forums.org and sys.Veeky Forums.org to talk to each other, as well as any other subdomains from *.Veeky Forums.org.

>Stars Without Number - Sixteen Stars

You Sir shall hitherto be known by the title of The Baron of Awesomeness in all the lands in which I hold dominion.

(No Stay Frosty yet? Heard this was submitted ages ago, thanks in advance)

So I've had a copy of a request that doesn't have a PDF release for a little bit, but the phone scanning thing is leaving a lot of text unreadable. Does anyone have suggestions on a free/cheap way to scan this?

i know im reaching with it being the first day on the market, but is anyone sitting on Heroes of the Darklands (PF) yet?

>Heroes of the Darklands

Paizo.com says no downloadable PDF until tomorrow.


Bomp for Creative Commons



Searching for

Milleniums end
Quantum black revised

Thank you, and the kittens thank you as well.

Bestiary 6 is finally out. Has any kind user already found it and uploaded it?

Does anyone have "Solo" by Zozer Games for Traveller?

FASA Trek rebooted under Cepheus Engine 2d6 SciFi OGL.


Requesting Victory by Any Means - Jovian Chronicles Edition.

Somebody must have it. I've seen it in a couple of dead torrents.

>tfw Da Archive appears on Scribd



Does anyone have a scan of the Gamma World 1E Map (there are re-creations, but I'm itching for the lame black & white map)

Additionally, regarding Paranoia - whenever you see mention on the ill fated 3rd^H^H^H5th edition, there's mention of a BUG Sector manuscript that supposedly leaked, but never with a link.

Has been cleaned, and is going through QC, most likely we will post this weekend.

Entirely new to this. Saw DDAL 0515,16, 18, 19 on Scribd of all places. Not sure what rules are on posting direct links, but wanted to alert folks that they can be found. No sight of 14 and 17 yet. If links ok, happy to post them.

Unfortunately I'm not convinced that BUG sector ever was leaked, or at least not digitally. I've been looking for years for this and couple of later supplements, all of which are the same one that after people are looking for for. Nothing on torrents, other sharing sites, nothing, so I don't believe it. Happy to be proved wrong, but not expecting it.

Clean scans of all the the expansions books for KDM

Sadly they are not High res.

Requesting the Northlands Saga Complete for Swords & Wizardry, thanks in advance for your time.

I know this isn't really your ballpark (hehe) but is there anyone out there with a free version of any paid print-n-play baseball/football games?

Bah, heard El Raja Key Rey Archives were on sale, but it is only $10 off the Standard DVD.

Anyone have this critter?


Requesting Degenesis: The Killing Game Campaign Book

Anyone have any of the Parsely modules?

That's a bummer... not too surprising though, I'm pretty good at finding stuff.

On the Gamma World front though, I've accidentally put together a compendium of all the GW Dragon articles (I have a problem. Will post tomorrow.

Coyote Trail + supplements anyone?


Is it possible to get it before this weekend? Or just not do-able?

Strange request I guess, but anyone know where I can find AK interactives books regarding tanks?

Requesting Belly of the Beast RPG



Anyone have the gm guide, missions?, or supplements for covert ops?

Looking for an updated this is not a test rulebook or the scrappers one.

Does anyone have a copy of:
Robert Kuntz's Garden of the Plantmaster? The original 1987 version not the 2003 release for 3rd Edition.
The Dark Eye Beastriary, The Vampire of Havena and Ofering from Heaven module, in English
Mythic Rome
GURPS Discworld 4th edition (not third)
Degenesis: The Killing Game Campaign Book
The Chaos Gods Come to Meatlandia, Blood in the Choclate, Green Devil's Face #6, Veins in the Earth, Vaginas are Magic and Slugs!

This one? the other 1st ed map that is truly b&w is just a hex map on the back of the book.
I was just glad that it wasn't on wikipedia or duckduckgo when I looked.
That would be great, please put some spaces in them to avoid hyperlinks. Thanks very much.

Does anyone have Unbound by Grant Howitt?

Humbly requesting The Starrunner Kit- The Black Hole Edition: A Sci-Fi Space Toolkit by DIY Productions. Updated from the original White Star supplement with some forty odd extra pages and a character sheer for the Black Hack.

Has rules for mechs!

I would like to post for the bump and also request info guidance, any one of you know of a game that is good for hosting a steampunk game with a focus on trading and economics, that isn't GURPs?

Can someone point me to a free pdf of 'This is not a test'? Or some other post apocalyptic wargame you like.
If the rules of the upcoming fallout wargame are shit I can at least play something else and maybe use fallout minis.

Requesting Justice, Inc. by Hero Games.

I provide a similar game as an offering.

Pulp Hero

CORPS 2nd Ed. by BTRC

m39@ /#!QzggXIoS!ZlKkM6o1AynMyiGOvkCdwijapl_6NiUgSN-0HfliDOE

Requesting Project Twilight for Werewolf The Apocalypse

I looked in all the WoD, and W20 troves but couldn't find it. Am I blind?

Anybody have any pre-made call of cthulhu adventures for 7th ed?

I just found Pulp Hero in Da Archive, so that link is a pretty sorry offering. My mistake.

>Am I blind?
You could be user; but at any rate it's in the second OWod Trove, under Werewolf/Misc


From noble knight, it looks like there's that map, without the cities and cryptic alliances marked.

Here's that Gamma World Dragon Magazine Compendium if anyone wants it.


This is what I'm hunting for

Requesting Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok
From Pendelhaven. Did not see in the archive. Thanks

Awesome. Thank you. Compendiums like this should become a thing.

That is fab, thanks!

Thanks a bunch. I promise I will look harder next time, before asking.

It was linked last thread.





Requesting Battle Century Z.

No worries!

More Mirrors = More Better!

Blood in the Chocolate was dropped last thread and I think Veins of the Earth was the same thread or the one before that.

Check the Annex dated the 25th (Second one this thread)

I'll remind my Enchanted Honey Badger of Bookkeeping to add the others to my Lookout List.

Arrrgghh...the link be dead.

Has anyone been able to find the Burning Wheel Codex in pdf form?

Still hasn't been scanned.

I'm working on a scan but it's slow going since I don't really have equipment for it.

>No Stay Frosty yet? Heard this was submitted ages ago, thanks in advance
Yeah, it was sent in almost 2 weeks ago. Guess Mageguru is really backed up.

Don't post these as they are actually unclean.

I already got them, and will be cleaning them and adding them to my trove in a few days.

Anybody got Monsters and Other Childish Things?

Archive on the border between p.47 and p.48

You are a god amongst insects.

Archive and Ctrl+F user

requesting final and full version of zweihander. i only have the free beta version.

Does anyone have a link to the new edition of Unknown Armies?


Castle Falkenstein Firearms Margarine

Castle Falkenstein The Second Tarot Variation

Chill Monsters

Alterkine Players Handbook

Alterkine 8 PreGens

Alterkine Dossier

Alterkine Planetary Survey

Alterkine Escape From Utuki

Alterkine The Ones We Were

Requesting Tails of Equestria.

Saw some pony related stuff in the archive but not this.

Anyone's got Kobold's Guide to Gamemastering?
Been searching the archive and annex for the past few weels.

Pretty sure that was dropped by The Guru a couple of threads back.

Sure it's not in the latest Annex? That would be the second annex posted in this thread, as the first one was a bit out of date.

Is this even out yet???

Anybody have anything specifically about building dungeons? I'm going to build a dungeon that starts on the surface and goes super deep into the earth where a long forgotten god has been trapped for millennia.


Here ya go. It's a scan, but everything looks readable to me.

If anyone's interested, have a bash script for stripping watermarks from purchased PDFs. Requires qpdf.


mediafire.com/download/wb8n4t5499j98ig/Central Casting - Dungeons.pdf
mediafire.com/download/925yswz97sdm6lf/Engineering Dungeons.pdf
mediafire.com/download/ol6vk60xvnftxd5/AD&D 1st Ed - Dungeoneer's Survival Guide.pdf

thank you

Thank you friend, this should be an interesting read.