Shadow War: Armageddon general /swag/

Multiplayer Battles edition.

Core rules:

Kill Team rules:

Blank roster sheet:

New mission for 3+ players

Other urls found in this thread:

First for the Inquisition

nth for why the fuck can't I use Eldar rangers in a scout-bro 40k game

Because you're not trying hard enough

Let howl the lackeys of the Corpse Emperor! Let his sniveling slaves breathe their last in stupefied terror! The Chosen of Chaos come for you! No power in the materium can save you now from our wrath!

You tell em, Aniki!

I'm still confused since I can't find anything specifically stating which profile for a plasma pistol to use in CC. I suppose it will need an FAQ...

Watch what you say bout da Forearm Emperor, he's on his way ya know. Aaany day now. Thing's'll sure be different round here for sure once the Big Man Upstairs shows up.

Needs a FAQ.

Currently, use either profile. If the opponent complains, compromise.

>chaos-tyranid alliance negotiated by genestealer proxies

Time to start fandexing expanded KT lists.

Posting this again since I didn't get a response last time, this time in image format. Is this list legal? Is it terrible? I haven't played SW:A before, but watched a couple dudes play a game at FLGS, and it seems really cool

If yer boss has a shotgun he loses his +1 attack dice.

First game greentext story
>play with orks against inquisition
>be defender, he's attacking
>start with same numer of models
>set up spanner boy with big shoota, two shoota yofs and boss with buzzchopa and slugga
>spanner perma down one of his guys
>his sniper tries to do some dmg but i save everything
>my reinforcements shows up next to his group
>two boyz charge on inquisitor
>spanner takes out sniper
>he pass bottle test
>inquisitor btfo both of my boyz
>in his turn he rushes with quisitor and ties in combat with my boss
>inflict only one wound but only due to his terrible rolls
>other guy roams thru my camp
>in my turn reinforcements shows up but lands 3 turns of running form place where anything happens
>nob keeps fighting with quisitor, but fail at rolls and he makes 3 attacks on me, all failed to wound, spanner set up overwatch and other yoof with shoota run to get in range
>his last non-leader model runs at my overwatch and survive 6 shoots form big shoota, scoring objective to leave thru my side of table
>we kept playing just for fun
>we kept fight of nob and quisitor, this time ended up with no wounds inflicted
>then i shooted with 2 yoofs and one spanner into that combat
>overall 8 hits on inquisitor (5 wounds, all saved with stormshield) and 2 on nob (no wounds)
>after this he btfo my nob, and rushed into yoof, killing him aswell
>I failed bottle and we're done
>shit was really fun

btw, do I get extra attack dice for having 2 weapons or weapons and pistol just like in regular 40k? And does he get extra attack for having power sword and stormshield?

Do Inquisition kill-teams suffer from not being able to take bigger guns? I'm looking over their rules for the first time and they don't seem to have much with a lot of real heft.

Yeah, I'm just not really sure how painful/often running out of ammo is/happens. I figured giving him a second gun might help a bit
Also the model I really want to use has a shotgun

You get an extra attack dice for 2 close combat weapons (pistols count) but lose that bonus if you also carry a basic, special or heavy weapon. A stormshield isn't a close combat weapon.

so if my nob had let's say: slugga, buzzchopa, but also combi, he'd loose bonus attack on charge, even if i delcare that i charge with slugga and buzzchoppa?

A bolt pistol is a 5+ ammo roll on 2d6 and only fires one shot at a time. You won't be running out of ammo often.

Yes. Just carrying a basic/special/heavy weapon removes the bonus.

Just got my brand new "Tyranid Prime" special operative in the mail.

Did anybody save user's updated rules summary from last thread?

Not that guy but that's pretty shitty, at least let us buy a sling to negate that or something

Play around it. A nob gets base 3 attacks anyways, charge him in behind a yoof or two and you will have no trouble winning combats outside of melee gods like solitare or nid prime.

Is being able to start the game hiding really all that good? I guess it makes it so you won't have cultists shot off the table turn one, but I mean if that happens I feel you're either not playing with enough terrain or just set up poorly

What are people using for their Inquisitor models? I'm going almost entirely 3rd party models (since I don't live near a GW) so all suggestions are welcome.

I'm building him with a Storm Shield and a Plasma Pistol.

You used to be able to negate it if you had an extra hand!

It's good for missions like Ambush too, gives you much more flexibility with deployment

Here's part of my team so far, I'm mixing in Privateer Press bits

1 x Inquisitor (325)
Inquisitor (225)
Plasma Pistol (50)
Storm Shield (50)

2x Crusader (320)
Crusader (85)
Chainsword (25)
Storm Shield (50)

1x Acolyte (130)
Acolyte (65)
Sniper Rifle (40)
Toxic Rounds (20)
Camo Gear (5)
+1 BS (-)

3x Initiate (225)
Initiate (50)
Lasgun (25)

This is my list, it's representing an Inquisitor, his bodyguards, his Interrogator (the sniper), and representatives of the Steel Legion regiment that he requisitioned for his purposes in Armageddon.

Looking forward to being able to roll in some characters from SWA into my Dark Heresy/RT games and vice versa.

I'm actually using Cypher, the new one. Giving him a bolt pistol and plasma pistol in hopes of gunslinger.
Then I have two Fallen without Power/back packs as my Crusaders. 1 Plasma pistol storm shield, 1 power maul bolt pistol.
Then a kit bash of tempestus, neophytes, and adeptus..."henchmen"

Something like these

They're from an imgur post as "bounty hunters"


Hot damn those are sexy.

I'm really looking forward to being able to contrast between the relatively utilitarian/regular look of Steel Legionnaires versus the eclectic and grim dark nature of the Inquisitor and his goons.

Cypher, thinking of paying for a storm shield and calling the 3++ from the Lion's sword

It works fluff wise because Cypher actually impersonated an Inquisitor for a time.

Ha, I was doing literally this for my genestealer cult

Why the fuck do most people play Grey Knights for shadow war? 50 percent of people at my LGS play them and it's really annoying. My guard get chewed up by the Psycannons.

Im a spectator kind of guy and I enjoy watching Shadow War games and I've noticed that too. Don't know why a majority of the games on youtube have grey knight teams

>why do many people in a hobby dominated by unattractive white men with inadequacy issues play the PUREST OF THE PURE SUPER ELITE SUPERSOLDIER faction.

I'm guessing it's because it's the cheapest team to run. $33 for a strike squad box, and it has everything you need. There's only 1 psycannon, but you can easily convert the psilencer into another one. The next cheapest would be wyches or craftworlders, but you'd need 2 boxes of them, depending on whether you want more chain hooks and platforms (you do).

GK are also very generalized.

Because they are unimaginative marine-fags and GK is the only pure PA team.

How does your playgroup deal with buying extra weaponry or equipment during the recruit phase?

Some examples;

-Recruiting an Ork Yoof and equip him with two shootas, with the idea to trade it to another Ork after the next game.

-Recruiting an Ork Yoof and equip with with a Shoota and two Red-Dot sights.

-Giving a model without a ranged weapon a Holographic Sight in his inventory.

My group currently accept all of these examples, and put a limit of two weapons of the same sort in one models inventory. So a guardsman can buy two lasguns and two laspistols, but not three laspistols and no basic weapon.
Personally I am pleased with these rules, but someone wishes there to be no limits at all, while another feels all three of the examples I mentioned should not be allowed.

>-Recruiting an Ork Yoof and equip with with a Shoota and two Red-Dot sights.

So by the RAW the first is 100% legal as long as you put the second shoota on the model somewhere (if you're not enforcing WYSIWYG, max of 2x of a weapon seems reasonable)

The second is questionable. The 'ammunition and gunsights' section says sights are "specific to individual guns", which I read as meaning you attach it to a gun when you buy it and can't change it later... but the wording is ambiguous.

For the third if you mean the photo-visor, then that would be acceptable RAW (it's not attached to any weapon, and nothing says the equipment you buy needs to be *useful*) If you mean another kind of sight, see my answer about the 2nd example.

No, you don't lose the charge bonus. Just the extra attack die in cc.

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Because gunner with psycannon and upgrades is a 36" that shoots on 2+ and ignores cover, 2d3 shoots anywhere s7 -2 d3 dog will obliterate anything even in order to shoot or charge at them you have to sacrifice someone, but they recover from pinning early so...
Horde army may be able to handle them, but all the others not really

New mission guys

is this an attempt at satire?

i mean i laughed so it's not that bad of an attempt

Using models from my old Inq 28 retinue that I never finished.

Also this guy as a pistol and dagger recruit.


This game works best on choked terrain.
The knight should only shoot at 4 inches, and be ambushed.

Each player take turn to place a piece of terrain of their choosing, so simply don't build a bomberman maze at your gunner position.

Why is it that even if I can absolutely trounce my opponent they can come out with the same amount of cache's as me AND get more skills as a result of injury rolls? What the fuck.

Is there also a way to refund useless skills? Gunslinger on a grenade launcher SWO, jesus.

What was the other skill you rolled for your swo?

The one next to gunslinger, some other pistol based wank. Extra attack in CC or something. FFS i'm a guardsmen. My Sgt domed a fucking alpha with a las-pistol and yet the alpha came back with a fucking skill.

Is that the sorcerer kit? Looks sweet man.

Because RNG, if you look at the rule it's no shit that lots of random stuff appear are there so the players that fell behind have a chance to catch up, instead of just quit while the winning guy jerking off vigorously.

then don't pick shooting, every table have one or more useless skill. Why didn't you choose guerrilla?

What page do you use to make your teams?

Yeah, that's something that needs to happen, there's a lot of choice city fighting units that are thus far just benched.

The other guy did fucking bottle though when he lost two guys. He came out better in every way for pussying out and quitting the fucking game.

What's the best way to start an ork kill team?

I would really like to put the Klaw on the boss (because I like how it looks) but its expensive..

>>I won because my opponent rolled an 11 on two dice
>>Why does random chance impact advancement?

Give the launcher to another unit, and rearm your gunslinger?

So he chose to take a bottle test and failed it deliberately? Sounds like a tactical move. Maybe from a strategic viewpoint he actually won, while you just won the objective.

>Rolled marksman skill for my pathfinder Shas'ui
>Have my 2 markerlights back in action
>2 pulse-pistol-pals cover each other's butts with supporting fire and stop chargers dead
>Don't know what to spend my rearm/recruit points on from my last game
>Rail rifle got knocked OoA by a cheeky Flamer for my next game
How's your shadow war going /swag/?

If I'm building a killteam for isolated games (tyranid warriors) do I wwant to bother having more than 3 nids? Or do I just go with 3 and buff them up quite a lot?

>Giving up a specialist slot so you can give some asshole with a bad advancement roll two laspistols
C'mon lad

kinda defeats the point since the guy he's using it on is a specialist which would essentially mean he's wasting a specialist slot

jelly af tbqh fampai, love that model

You can give him demo charges instead. :)

>stomped everything as guard
>switched to genestealers
>get nothing but people camping back lines in overwatch
>always roll kill team fight somehow
>one mission where i didn't get kill team fight was the raid
>i was defending


>tfw when user just learned that you can tactical bottled out to protect from further injury

If you get that much salt, maybe this is not the game for you.

or your opponent is a dirty bastard so he used loaded dice to get 6 on his roll.

>Don't know what to spend my rearm/recruit points on from my last game

Get the weapon reload on that terrible 8+ rail rifle.

Why are you rolling on the Shooting table for your special weapons guys?
>pistol only skill
>pistol or basic weapon skill
>non-heavy weapon skill
1 out of 9 and your special weapon guy will get useless shit (that would have been premium on a grunt), 1 out of 4 that it's useless shit or a mobility boost at the cost of accuracy (if you could get this instead, you should have, it's huge on a flamer), and what's REALLY good for them?
Crack Shot or Marksmen? 5/9 that you'll get it. Sounds fair, but actually it's not that great when the guerrilla table is loaded with goodies and worst case will give you something not as awesome as the best case, but never something useless.
Shooting is for the grunts.

Grenade launcher are not Heavy weapon. But run and shoot would still be useless.

I tried, but if I charge I get overwatched to death, and they still hit me on 2+ even if I have the stealth skill that gives me cover in the open. I'm using nids so I guess it's bad match up due to being a small team

I know, but I don't rate that skill on a grenade launcher. On heavy flamers, now that's a nice skill, even critical in some scenarios, and won't make you regret you didn't roll for a medic or a scavenger.

>2+ on overwatch

Should I get a recon drone, or will I end up using all my ammo fishing for a hit?

wanna run a kill team themed around a rogue trader's retinue. Not sure if i should use the Astra Militarum or Inqusition rules.

I kind of like the ability to get plasma pistols on the whole inqusition team, but I'm not a bit fan of their specialist or skill selection.

On the other hand, the AM leader is a little underwhelming for a Rogue Trader captain, and, well, only laspistols.

Thoughts folks?

Do inquisition. Stats are just stats, you can refluf it as you want. Although there are no good rogue trader models out there.

if you find one tell me because I want one

Kal Jericho makes a pretty good RT

>being a small team

So are they, get the venom canon. If you fell asleep for the first 2 game and let their gunner get fat, i hope you also have 2 fat venom cannon gun beast to out shoot them, or else you're fucked. Especially with the Sight they can outshoot you.


Wondering how to model my inquisitor. How much survivability does power armour actually provide? Worth the 10 points at the start?

10pts is as cheap as equipment comes, so it's pretty auto-take.

I'm thinking of making the following team:

Inquisitior/Captain - power sword, digital weapons, botl pistol
Acolyte/Seneschal - plasma pistol
Acolyte/Arch-militant - storm bolter
Acolyte/Voidmaster - bolt pistol
Initiate/Armsman - lasgun
Initiate/Armsman - lasgun

I would consider modelling the Arch-Militant as a Crusader, because they're pretty fucking insanely based.

Gotcha. I'm just wondering how many initiates I want to squeeze onto my team. Taking bottle tests at 25% down is making me really carefully evaluate whether I want to field 8 or 9.

Don't play WYSIWYG. Klaw count as chopa or big chopa is acceptable, only thing like slugga or shoota count as combi shoota or big shoota is a little too much.

You need 2 box of boyz anyway, Orkz have cap at 20 and they benefit from outnumbered the opponent, playing with 10 would be seriously handicapped for you. And with 2 box you have a spare Nobz to build the klaw one.

Altho i advice you should buy the nob box, more option, spare nobz can be used as boyz if you want.

disregard this user's opinion

amusingly, if I really wanted to conform to the last RT game I played in... I'd have 2 crusaders - one with a storm shield (and grenade launcher, but I can't do that), the other with a power sword (and flamer, but again, I can't do that).

I am half-convinced that the Ordo Xenos rules were added purely as fan service for us RPG nerds.

Inquisitor have 10 ld and is amongs the army that don't have to worry about bottle test.

Oh wow can't wait to absorbed your great wisdom user.

Oh wait, you had none.

Just pissed that even though I absolutely trounced him I still came of worse in every way.

Very good point. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, chief!