Why do you guys hate Idea of Eldar and Human interbreeding or Half-Elves in general

Why do you guys hate Idea of Eldar and Human interbreeding or Half-Elves in general.
pls dont blam me commissar fuklaw

Because I'm lazy and this is YET ANOTHER eldar waifu thread that actually doesn't deserve more attention, I will copy the post from the other thread. I'm guess it's you again, right?

>I can't speak for everyone, but personally half-elves have never added anything of worth to any setting Yes, this includes Tolkien
>It's just something that people copy from Tolkien without any need. And as someone that is more of a fan of the Eldar than wh40k humans they sure never add anything to the Eldar. Eldar being truly alien beings, far from humans, with as less interaction with humans as possible helps them staying true to themselves and keeping their own identity.
>Eldar are the best when they are not sympathic. Eldar are the best when they are proud assholes that go into an inhuman frenzy as soons as fucking monk'eighs dare to set foot on their turf. Eldar are the best when they are truly alien. They lose their edge when they start to become sympathic, they lose themselves. Any kind of interbreeding and bonding between both races ends in the Eldar being swallowed by humanity, because their empire is just too big for the Eldar to keep to themselves. Ultimately you would end up with a tiny minoriuty of humans having somewhat pointier ears - and the Eldar destroyed, probably forgotten.

I know right? Eldar waifuing aside. Half elves need that love.

What went wrong?
People here used to have fun and take it easy.

>commissar fuklaw

And now six more hours until page ten.

>All those racemixing threads
I wonder whose agenda is being pushed here.

Eh. In the old fluff it was a thing; now that over half the shit from then has been squatted GW has started to make WH grimderp. It's a cool idea, the ultrasmurfs had an half eldar librarian at one point and I personally thought it was cool.

Pic related, it's the librarian

Sorry, here it is.

>inb4 that one pirate
>inb4 commorrah experiments
Thread after thread, day after day.

humans are the niggers in your comparison.

It's the (((Cabal)))

Like I said before, I'll keep shoving this shitty screencap of mine every day until you like it! Or no longer post these threads.

Yet people still breed with niggers.

Has there ever been a time a blam needing heretic asking nicely for no blam ever worked? No. No there has not you double heretic.

Posting here cause thread got archived.

turns out we aren't so different after all.

Zog me...
Do you think pic related is may cause a LCB situation?

Because it is not fucking canonical, and significantly fucking degrades and lessens the Eldar as a race.

Fuck off with your waifuism, you god damn tertiary scum.
You don't give a shit about the Eldar or their lore, you only care about your stupid fucking fanwank. Go back to /d/, smutfaggot. Your kind is not welcome here.

I'm still sad that I'll never have an orkoid waifu?
inb4 squig waifu

Is this a general now?

The other thread was about eldar waifu, not general. Keep your xenofucking cock in check.

Keep going.

Have you read OPs post?

Honestly, out of all the types of posters here on Veeky Forums, the cunts that make these "lol, eldar/tau waifu" threads are the worst in my eyes.
I wish a thousand deaths upon them. They don't fucking give two shits about the races they are talking about. Their waifuism is directed at retarded fanwank that cancerous cunts here on Veeky Forums came up with, and they have the fucking audacity to pretend that their fetish crap has anything to do with the actual setting.

I absolutely loathe them.
Mods kicking those smutfaggots out of this board was the best fucking day of Veeky Forums. They could not fucking keep that shit to themselves. Having threads about Eldar was absolutely impossible because those fucking wankers would flood the thread with their shit tier "art" and waifu posts.

I blame LCB. I hope the cunts who came up with that cancer fucking die a painful death.

And yes, I am mad.
I take my Eldar very seriously.

Your tears are delicious. Now I know why DEldar loves torturing people so much

>I take my Eldar very seriously
You are a good user. I kinda also blame the DoW games, which pushed female Eldar characters a lot and caused of anons to get a superficial interest in the wh40k universe, which in itself is nothing bad, but then started to read 1d4chan instead of some codex and perpetuated the qt eldar waifu meme.

Because it humanizes the Eldar, and I do not fucking want them to be humanized. The more alien they are, the better.
I don't want them to have anything in common with humanity other than superficial appearance.

I want them to be arrogant, fickle and unknowable aliens, whose outward similarity to humanity is barely a poor veneer that hides their utterly alien nature. They move faster than human eyes can track, their minds are far more complex, yet also far more prone to being utterly overwhelmed by emotion at the flick of a whim, and they channel terrifying, barely restrained psychic power, that is their birthright.

They are superhuman beings, a human is to them, what a monkey is to us, and I want it to stay that way. Half Eldar humanize the Eldar and quite frankly, fucking degrade the idea of what the Eldar even are. They may be elves in space, but they aren't some japanese waifu elves in space. They are almost fey like elves, with heavy dose of Noldor in them. Utterly superhuman beings, to whom humans are nothing but vermin at best, and cattle to be fed upon at worst.

The Eldar should be fucking terrifying to humans, because they fucking are terrifying. They are a race of genetically engineered warriors made by the fucking old ones, just like the orks are. Their minds are geared to fucking LOVE killing and slaughtering others. They are beings that only truly reach their full potential when they are engaged in combat. That is in which their true nature shines. The lack of adversity and war was what CAUSED the fall.
The CWE have to shield their minds from war via the path system, otherwise they get fucking addicted to killing. Dark Eldar are addicted to killing and causing pain as default because they do not restrict their emotions.

Eldar Waifuism is cancer, because it reduces the Eldar into nothing more than objects of lust.


DoW kiddies are the biggest waifufaggots around.
They should go the fuck back to /v/.

>I think with my dick which hasn't had any human contact besides my hand since I was born

They are literal space elves. Their names derive from a word JRRT made up to refer to his elves. Their original gods are the same ones that WHFB ELVES worship. Their faction runs on space tech that is for all purpose magical.

Apart from some superficial differences CWE and DE fulfill the same role in the setting that the Asur and Druchii filled in the Old world.

What's your fucking point m8?

that the eldar fulfill the niche of elves in the setting and waifufaggotry is something all elves attract.

The Eldar didn't receive nearly as much waifufaggotry before DoW games.

And that doesn't change the fact that waifufaggots are cancer that should stick to the board they were exiled to, /d/.

Not everything has to be like Tolkien. And that they attract waifufaggotry is no excuse for waifufaggotry.

Blood Bowl has females. Just escape there through the Warp.

Cuz Eldar are gross and the half breed are grosser. Tau tho...

It's because DoW came out at a time when the internet was expanding and was at the time when it was the wild west, where people could do a lot more without persistent identities.

It's like catching lightning in a bottle, all the ingredients were there - a wargame with a lot of fluff, a pretty great videogame adaptation of it, and online communities that discussed the game and it's lore.

And yet tolkien left a huge impression on the works that came after him. 40k was WHFB in space, but even as it shed it's more fantasy counterparts like squats, the eldar stayed as space elves. Their place in the setting is still roughly the same as the HE-DE split. CWE raid the imperium somewhat instead of trading with it like The high elves and the Empire, but they are still firmly on the "unite together to stop chaos" thing.

The DE raid the imperium and have their LSD raves with morathi's cult being largely replaced by the wych cults and fleshcrafters.

>And yet tolkien left a huge impression on the works that came after him
And yet not everything has to be like Tolkien. If, unlike every fanfiction of this scenario, wh40k Beren would find wh40k Luthien her reaction to his advances would range from belittling amusement to the hate-fueld desire to crush that mon'keigh with her mind.

because GW lathers up everything up with GrimDark.

It doesn't change the fact that the word Eldar is something Tolkien made up to describe his high elves. WHFB high elves were largely inspired by the Noldor in their weapons, crafts and heroes, and CWE were high elves in space.

They still have that niche in 40k, only instead of fantasy races, they are called xenos because they are aliens. It doesn't change the fact that they look like elves - attractive to humans but far more dextrous and agile, had a golden age that's long past and are some of the prime enemies of chaos. Those are the broad strokes of the CWE in the setting. Pointing to little differences that exist between the two different settings doesn't change that.

You seem to think that someone has claimed that they aren't elves of the setting, when no one has done that.

They are the elves of the setting, but that doesn't mean that they can't be at the same time, inhuman, fey like aliens.

that's what elves are, and with that comes the waifufaggotry. Unless you say that tolkien ruined fantasy because he was the OG waifufag.

And that doesn't make waifufaggotry any less cancerous or any more excusable.
Waifufaggots should be shunned and shamed everywhere.

>because GW lathers up everything up with GrimDark
And this is why this fanfiction shit doesn't work. It has nothing to with the rest of what you are posting. The Eldar might be based around all that elf-stuff, but they are in a completely different setting that works on different rules.

And before anyone else poinst that out: yes, all that fanfiction crap can be fun and such, and I shouldn't take this so seriously. The problem is waifufaggots taking this far more serious than the actual lore, disrupting any reasonable talk about this race and being. These posts are an reaction to waifufaggotry

this is a goofy waifufaggotry thread referencing a time when this place was not nofunallowed. Just shitpost or hide the thread or go to any general for serious discussion.
Oh so fanfiction is only alright when it fits your preconceived notions of the setting.

Tolkien had like three human-elf couples and was able to desribe their relationships without degrading his elves, without turning them into one-dimensional waifu-bait, whithout making his elves an almost all-female race that does nothing but pandering to some ronery faggots dick.

>The Eldar might be based around all that elf-stuff, but they are in a completely different setting that works on different rules.
they are still that setting's elves.

And we already know what the baseline eldar are from regular lore, thus allowing fanfics to fill the gap.

Fanfiction as a rule, is fucking cancer most of the time. And the sort of fanwank that waifufaggotry embodies is always shit, because it completely abandons the setting and focuses on fetishistic fish fullfilment crap.

>this is a goofy waifufaggotry thread
This like the third? fourth in a row? Waifufaggots don't stop injecting their fanfiction whenever serious discussion is happening, so you have to bear me being in this thread.

then fuck off to another thread.
>abandons the setting
funny how GW keeps changing everything about the setting's backstory every two editions but that doesn't ruin the setting or fulfill the writer's fetishistic wish fulfillment.

And they are still in a different setting. They will get shot or nommed away if they start to act like your cuty animu girls. This shit doesn't work here. And it would be against their nature anyway.

you can hide threads you don't want to participate in instead of whining.
>inb4 some assblasted mod tells everyone that waifus don't belong to Veeky Forums and will be moved to a trial waifu board.

Given that you waifufaggots always ruin actual serious Eldar threads, I will just grant you the same treatment here.
Now fuck off back to /d/, scum.
Your ilk were exiled for a fucking reason.

what makes you think that elves have to act like animu grills?

>serious eldar threads
you mean
>Aeldari threads with Ynnari factions.


>thus allowing fanfics to fill the gap
There is no gap, they are a complete race. Eldar are completely fine outside of some bad writing on GWs part. There is nothing to fill, but to shit on.


>bad writing
I guess that is the stuff you conveniently fill up with your headcanon.

Believe me or not, but most of the time I'm doing this. But not this time, it's fun so far.

Your fanfiction and fanart.

> I take my Eldar very seriously.
This is a game that literally includes something called "The Yncarne." If you take this seriously, then there is seriously something wrong with you.

>comes on a site that was originally created to discuss anime.
It's a complete mystery.

No, it's shit like Eldrad doing eldrad-things despite being one of the best psykers or that one time the Avatar of Khaine losing against everything. You have to accept these things and concentrate on the better aspects.


There is nothing in the modern (read, post rogue trader) lore of the Eldar that even suggests that there are such things as the half eldar, so there is no fucking gap to be filled. Faggots that write fanwank about half eldar INSERT that shit into the setting, where there has been no fucking mention of half eldar being a thing in over two fucking decades.

If you don't want to take your hobby seriously you can go be a fucking pleb somewhere else.

I hope you buy authentic paints from GW stores user.

> Unlike all of you plebs, I take my miniature game space elves very seriously!
> All the rest of you must be smutfags, in which case get off my Veeky Forums!

40k is 1.) A game, and 2.) absurd by its very nature. Taking it so seriously that you demand that others also take it seriously is just silly.

The level of "seriousness" I take the hobby is this:
>Please lets stick to the established lore, pls do not fucking insert your fetishes into the hobby and pretend that your half eldar fanwankery is anything more than pathetic fanwank.

Just because 40k has absurd, and comical elements, doesn't mean that you can just insert your own headcannon into the setting and pretend it is valid, which is what the waifufaggots do constantly.

>pathetic fanwank.
right until GW makes it canon.

So as GW has not made that wankery cannon, can you fuck off with pretending it is anything but your shit fetish fanfiction?

>it's okay to turn an alien warrior race into all-female kawaii fap-bait
>because some namefag some time ago wanted to have a place to talk about animu somewhere
It isn't really about the style, but just what's done with this.

> established lore
> cannon
This is a franchise where the names of people, organizations, and even entire species changes based on what GW can copyright. Taking 40k lore so seriously that you insist anyone who disagrees with you shouldn't be on Veeky Forums is silly given that GW is behind the wheel.

My "insistence" is for you to stop injecting your fucking fetish wankery into the discussion and pretending it has any validity.

This is Veeky Forums. Insisting that someone or something doesn't belong on Veeky Forums is basically all we do.

And yet there was only one mention of a half-Eldar and since then has been buried forever.

everything in 40k is a warrior race dumbass.

Humanity isn't.
Nor are the Tau arguably. The only genetically engineered warrior races of 40k are Orks, Eldar and Tyranids.

Nah, I'm going to go ahead and continue doing that. What is or is not allowed on Veeky Forums is not your decision.

Besides, since when has liking hot space elves been much of a fetish? Seems pretty standard to me.

And I am going to keep calling you a smutfaggot that should go back to /d/.

Then you will always have at least one user calling you out. This is a reaction to your action.

That's fine, it just comes with the territory. No matter what it is, someone will always insist that it shouldn't be on Veeky Forums. It's still silly.

kek, fucking IGNORED

look. man, I like elven and eldar waifus. But we don't need 3 threads a day on them.

It's probably the guy who hates waifus making a thread just to give himself an excuse to complain about waifus.

That is always a possibility. There is significantly less bitching in the other thread.

white people are super insecure about race mixing because they see themselves as being on the losing end. which is odd because if white genes are so superior then shouldn't they be able to overcome any perceived negatives?

>being THIS much of a xeno cuck

Eldar truly have no self control, that's why they keep making these threads.

Elfposters should be placed on a tighter leash.

Taldeer is canonically a wraithknight now

Eh, the fic was never finished so I assume the story got a bad end and it wasn't important to the Blood Ravens beyond giving Tarkus more reasons to hate the eldar.

I personally think its neat. Especially how they would have to except so much hate.

The Imperial who falls for their feelings knowing they are a heretic and will be hunted down on an imperial world and possibly have the Ordo Xenos hunting you.

The Eldar would become an outcast among their own culture for degrading themselves by getting close to a lower life form with a finite life span.

Plus it's the ultimate renegade thing to do that doesn't involve barbed wire and god knows what else.

Damn dude, ya know Slaanesh and other weird rapey plus Cthulhu horror is out there. You can't comprehend the heresy!

The story has been made canon in the RPG's

Does that mean that we get the benefit of BBC? Do we get to wave around Big Human Dick whenever these scenarios come up?

Why do I get a feeling an Eldar penis may be more echidna...

out-of-universe? don't give a shite.
in-universe? Dat 'eresy fing mostly.

nNormal humans breeding with Diggas is less heretical than Eldars interbreeding with Mon-keighs.

y no one want half-elf offpsring???