Delicious Homebrew Stuff

Tell me about good Homebrew stuff that you run or have encountered in tabletop RPGs.
It can be settings, rules, races, classes, anything! As long as it's interesting.

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Here you go, enjoy.

I've created a bastardised 5e with homebrew rules to fit the Naruto universe, since jutsu casting in that isn't like casting Vancian magic in Vanilla 5e.

I have no idea if it fucking works, or if it's balanced, but I'm a new GM so I can handwave a lot of stuff away as "I'M LEARNING, THIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN IS A BETA TEST", and all of the players are enjoying themselves, so that's what matters, I guess

>Play low fantasy game
>Seems rather typical, with setup for various nations of differing races of medium-sized creatures setting up to go to war.
>Lots of monsters in the wilds, which prevents much civilization expansion, so it's basically all of everyone involved.
>Get all these hints of something bigger going on behind the scenes.
>The Immortal King didn't get the nickname because he's so old and it's a joke, but because he's been assassinated like 50 times.
>The rumors of giant monsters getting killed by single people are true and not fantastical tales.
>Stories of long-dead heroes aren't just legend.
>Soon begin to realize that there's a small group of immortal people fighting to pull civilization along.
>They never refer to the place they're at as home, even the king.
>The god everyone worships isn't the sun, but is here, and under the freaking city. It's an ancient spaceship.
>Humanity followed the spaceship to this planet and vowed to protect it until it healed. It's been chased by the other races who crashed and remained fighting.
>MFW it's a fucking Destiny fanfiction and the other races are the Fallen, Cabal, and the actual real natives of this place who the Traveler was trying to uplift next.
>Because nearly everyone's (save the cabal's) computers and drones were destroyed, they had to relearn how to do basic civilization building because of their previous reliance on everything. Now that centuries have passed, everyone has forgotten save for the Guardians and Cabal.
>{spoiler]And the Worm kings.

I've hacked 5e D&D, to the point where it's not even recognizable as the same game anymore.
>instead of roll+mod it's now roll vs. Stat
>AC and DC are penalties applied to stat
>wildshape works completely differently
And I'm about to complete my magnum opus: getting rid of classes and levels entirely and turning it into a point buy system.

Thank goodness I have patient players

>I bought a car and spent shitload of time to make it into a bycicle.
Nice job wasting your time.

Oh boy I have a ton of this stuff.
>As long as it's interesting.

So you're not playing D&D then.

I made a sorcerer subclass. I don't know if it's any good, play testing it now.

This should be the latest version. I made it before the wizard UA as well. Always like critiques.

er, 5e

Well, here's the best stuff that I've personally created.

>Human Subraces
>Carousing, Philanthropy, Research, and Weird Stuff
>Mesopotamian Pantheon
>Magician Archetype for Rogue
>Previous Adventures
>Action Dice for 5e





And this is, in my opinion, the best thing I've made for 5th Edition D&D.

Hope you enjoy this stuff, OP.

OH! I forgot, I made one more thing; it's not technically homebrew but it is something that the thing I made it for (not D&D) BADLY needed but the publishers were too stuck up their own asses to make. Will upload in a moment...

Ladies and gentlemen...the Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Monster Manual.

Oh yeah, and I changed armor so that it acts as damage reduction instead of avoidance.once I finish the point buy thing I'm probably going to work on an overhaul of the magic system.

>i bought a car that guzzled gas and barely ran properly, so I spent a shitload of time turning it into a machine that better fit my needs

Best homebrew I have seen so far, in my opinion, is two systems that came straight outta Veeky Forums people getting shit done.

Dungeons the Dragoning and VELOcity. I plan on running the latter sometime in the relatively near future since I have been having a serious itch for some Jet Set Radio style action.

what is VELOcity

Skatepark the Graffitipunkening.

Some autists wanted to make Jet Set/Grind Radio and pic related into a tabletop, featuring stats such as 'hella beatz' and 'Stylin!'

Ever read Air Gear or see a skating cartoon/movie from the 90's? Think that in rpg format.

My JJBA PbtA homebrew.

VELOcity is a Veeky Forums homebrew system designed to replicate the feel and freedom of running around an urban playground and going anywhere. Taking its main inspiration from the Jet Set Radio and Air Gear franchises, the game's focus is on freedom of movement, radical action, oodles of style, and several varieties of sticking it to the man.

Now that I'm done copy-pasting the first section of the wiki's description it is an RPG where the focus is on movement and doing overall XTREME punk shenanigans. Like I said I've been on a Jet Set Radio kick recently and I wanna see how the system works since I am intrigued by the concept of your rolls allowing you to build up a pool that can be spent later.

Wouldn't mind seeing a writeup of this, take it you keep advantage/disadvantage the same?

What are all the ways the Immortal King's been killed?

Yeah, I briefly considered turning it into a flat bonus but I actually kind of like it the way it is.

I've been thinking about doing a more detailed write up for a while. Would anyone else be interested?