Amazons, Shield Maidens, and other Warrior Women

Post em. Realisim need not apply.

> inb4 -4str



>that's supposed to be a dark elf
Thought it was some of these /aco/-orcs from the thumbmail.


Tall and muscular amazons are the best.






Have you bullied your casters today?




Realisim is out the window. ...

>fat people entering combat
Get right the heck outta town with that, tumblr

Though it might be more reality is out to lunch

>you will never fight alongside a strongfat as fuck farmer's daughter who, as the least desirable of her siblings, spent years tossing hay and wrestling pigs to the point of martial mastery.

stealing this

Depends on the distribution of fat to muscle this is disgusting.

To each their own. I think she's rather adorable.

Tumble detected

But wasn't tumble merged with jump, to form Acrobatics?



>-3 str
>-2 wis
>+4 cha





That guy is wearing far too much clothing for this particular scenario.




She's only adorable because you don't have to smell her, being an ex-fat I know first hand she'd smell repugnant.

Just because you didn't bathe regularly. She probably smells like bacon, or garlic bread.

Sounds like you were just an unhygienic piece of garbage.
Plenty of fat people don't have BO.

He's wearing jeans and loafers, so I assume he's a Modern Self Insertyman Sucked Into Fantasytown sort. which is awful, amazon fights need no such justification

>Doesn't realize even showering twice a day you still stink due to sweating more than others
>Not to mention the smell alone in other areas especially given her proportions

Shaking my head at this denial

How tall does Veeky Forums like their amazons?
Normal ~5'9, tall ~6'2 or giantic ~7'0?

My nose is wrecked into near senselessness due to the chemicals that i work with every day.

This is a non issue.

Fair point then

>Normal ~5'9,
Manlets out.

Trish Stratus to Xena sized. Which is 5'5" to 6'0" if I remember right.

Izzat a Shugoki?

yis, got it from /fhg/

For a woman 5'9 is pretty normal.


Fuckin hawt.


I think there's a few more of this lady cosplaying as each class.

Stop manlet, only humans with dwarfism are below 6'3".

Not to mention that the Amazons would probably just rip off those ridiculous clothes as soon as they found him. Men have no need for clothing in Amazonland, especially not clothing that hides their whole body from the eyes of women.



I want a bear dog

I let each man cut me once, before I kill him.
Count the cuts and you will know how many Strong Belwas has slain



That is an ostrich

>Not cuddling your castor affectionetly knowing they can't escape your grip
>Grinding them gently against your strong and toned sweaty body with ease.

Casters are not for bullying, they are for snuggling.


Mate, there's a difference between having non-toned muscle and being fat.






>tfw no giant, muscular gf to make bedsprings scream with
Or any pictures of them, for that matter.

Bigger the better, but at least tall. Probs peak at about 9-10ft



So Pam from Archer.


Gigantic prefereably with horns and cow ears

What do amazons do

are stone age girls of dinosaur fuckin island amazons

>What do amazons do

Since I'm a big guy, 6'6, I go with 7'0 or up.

I want that Drow to be real and take me as a sex slave so bad.


>low tech amazons

Caucasian Mountain Dog or Tibetan Mastiff.

Truly, black men are KANGZ, and the only ones who are human beings, all other races are subhumanlets.

>he actually thinks that sweating makes you stink
You must be a skinnyfat office worker with pores full of nasty bacteria.

This would be hot if I didn't have to go through with having my (male) characters repeatedly raped by female characters, whos PLAYERS are fat, creepy guys.

Guys with no sense of what is actually sexually desirable, no personal hygiene, and no concept of the word no.

guys who are so far from getting laid that they don't understand consent exists, and make every story into rape and force, even between characters who should be into one another.

yeah fuck that group I'm out peace drop mic l8er I'm quitting better nothing

That is many kinds of bad.

posting a more realistic one just for variety's sake

Imperial Mourning Wolf from Mutant Chronicles.


>stick arms


Between 7' and 8', built with abs and hips.

Need more oni/ogre girls.


Elf-san wa Yaserarenai


>ywn force your oni gf out of her armor, away from adventure and into a bath suit onto the beach.

Thats Dejah Thoris, the princess of Mars.
