Why does Veeky Forums hate storygames? It seems like anytime Fate or PbtA come up here, it devolves into an absolute shitshow.
Why does Veeky Forums hate storygames? It seems like anytime Fate or PbtA come up here...
What threads are you looking at? I haven't seen it in the ones I'm in. Then again, I filter 2/3rds of the thread on Veeky Forums.
Fate works great if you don't mind the mechanics being a distant third place in your games. Apocalypse World's a pretentious pile that, despite my best efforts, I cannot understand the finer mechanics of. I'm also not a fan of the GM never rolling.
I like compelling narrative constrained by simulationist rules. The rules don't have to be super complex, just enough to prevent wishful powerwank bullshit from retarded That Guys.
Story games tend to do the opposite and empower said retards instead. What's more, I find a 'narrative' system like FATE just makes the narrative more abstract and meta.
Well, most of the PbtA discussion on this board seems to be people losing their fucking minds over how Dungeon World is a piece of shit... which it is, but there's dozens of other, better games out there on the system. Apocalypse World likewise isn't great, but that still leaves Monsterhearts, Urban Shadows, Monster of the Week, The Sprawl, Masks, City of Mist... all are fantastic designs.
I tried Fate Accelerated and writing down all the scene aspects was a chore, and the players didn't know what "should" happen next. There is no strategy to the game part, everything gives +1 when evoked so it's just ping an aspect then roll for the to-hit and hope you get lucky.
Even the dice is stupid, has anyone ever in the history of RPGs wanted to roll a zero or -1 when they try something?
>having to solve nine fucking captchas to be able to post
Just pass my shit up
...you realize you only write down relevant Aspects, right? I don't know how you managed to miss the entire point of the game so powerfully.
There are a couple of dedicated autists who really hate them, and there are a couple of dedicated autists who love to argue with the first two autists, and always the twain shall meet.
Personally, I would love to play Monsterhearts or Masks, and I had fun playing Fate.
>having to solve nine fucking captchas to be able to post
Switch your settings to legacy captcha.
Two words, no "YOU DID IT WRONG" messages
I wrote down the 2 Campaign themes and the 3 aspects of the first scene on note cards and put them in the middle of the table and my players were already bored.
Sorry your group is retarded, user.
>using quick reply
I bet you don't even post from the catalog
The meme answer is ree metacurrency. Personally, I just don't like how you need to pay up to make something that's already true have an effect. If I'm a Master Swordsman, then it's simpler and more in-line with the flavor to just be very good with swords, rather than being decent and then suddenly jumping in power at arbitrary times. There's also the magpie factor, but that's more of a personal problem.
There's some good, some bad. I will hold up Apocalypse World as one of the examples of genuinely good game design. There's a few people who have their problems with the collective worldbuilding or the GM moves or whatever, but that's just people positing that their opinions are facts, which is the usual.
Sorry your group is content with utter shit, user.
>There's a few people who have their problems with the collective worldbuilding or the GM moves or whatever
Sure, only a few. I guess that's why DW is getting BTFO in sales and popularity by D&D 5e.
>indie game sells less than the biggest name in the industry
Gee, user, you sure showed me. Do you also think the Transformers films are bestf? Do you think Call of Duty is the best game?
Don't you two start.
>implying I think Dungeon World is an example of "some good"
As mentioned upthread, Dungeon World isn't a very good PbtA game; it gets popular because D&D fans want something else to play and it gets tossed out as the first alternative.
I'd rather believe that some RPG system isn't good than the alternative that my beloved friends and family are bad people.
Sorry my real-world experience triggers you to whiteknight the delicate honor of someone else's game product.
Hipster bullshit.
I think it also gets shit on way more than it deserves, getting crap from both the anti-storygame folks and from the storygame hipsters alike, with a side of hate from the "I hate D&D" crowd.
Is it a really good Apocalypse engine game? Nah. But is it terrible shit that is so bad that it warrants stuff like an user in a thread a couple months back begging some total stranger "please never play this"? Hell no.
This. Just look at all the redditty replies ITT as well. People desperately trying to moderate their opinions so they don't get downvoted is a hard habit for them to break.
>if you don't have a strong opinion stated like an asshole, you're reddit
Are you okay, user? Are you getting enough oxygen to your brain?
I haven't been off Veeky Forums in the past decade and people call me reddit all the time.