How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

I wish Veeky Forums's mods would be a bit more active.

One. It's not a matter of size, but coordination. Angels are terrible dancers, they keep knocking each other off. If you just want to know how many you can fit on if they're stationary you can get about twelve.

Depends on the setting.

Moderation in general has gone to complete and utter shit under Hiro. Look at /tv/ now, man. And it just encroaches on every board that's still coherent.

Depends on the seduction roll

Only one, because Aziraphale is the only angel who can dance. Except he can only dance the tango and that takes a partner, so... none, I think.

>How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Assuming the angels can occupy an arbitrary amount of space, and denoting the number of angels as N, we arrive to:
>N = [surface area of pinhead]/[Planck's length squared] = 4*pi*(r^2)/(sqrt(h*G/(2*pi*(c^3)))^2),
or for a more readable form, picrelated, where:
c is speed of light,
r is radius of the pinhead,
G is gravitational constant,
h is Planck constant.

Assuming r = 2 mm, it comes out as roughly 3.5*(10^28) angels per pinhead.

Wait, shit, I fucked up the math, it should be actually roughly 2*(10^65) angels per pinhead.


Thank you.

>mfw this sounds retarded at first but actually forces you to ponder about what angels are, the nature of their existence, whether or not they are actually physical beings, their exact relation to God and the nature of omnipotence and whether or not it can include doing the logically impossible

Hey, look, someone who gets it.
OP didn't invent the ridiculous question, it's an old medieval christian thought experiment kind of like a zen koan.

I sort of want to create a setting where a complex scientific experiment aimed at answering this question went awry, causing a resonance-cascade-like disaster.

"The angel density is almost at the Karnoff limit! Shut it down! SHUT IT DOWN!"

"I-I can't! It's not responding! The music's still playing!"


>Get in thy armor, child!

None, hell they don't even fit in a room!

1d100 angels

17, but one won't have a lot of room to move


is that official art? angel doesn't look familiar

Only on Veeky Forums.

Are we talking jeudeo Christian angels
If so...
However many God wills to dance on that particular pinhead at any particular moment in time...
So roughly between
(0/0) and (infinity^infinity) or between literary incalculable and literary incalculable, give or take literary incalculable.