Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Campaigns for the future Edition: What do you guys wanna do when Starfinder rolls out? Personally? i want to run game involving a legendary planet lost to time being discovered and have everyone who's anyone try to stake their claim on it. The Party is hired guns to make sure Faction X gets the lion's share of the resources and land.

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What would be a setting be like if it is possible to prove that souls are not real?

Despair would abound.

Xenosaga, set before the events of Episode III.

post your Starfinder characters.

I'm waiting for the mech supplement. I'm not touching space opera.

Golem's rights.

speaking of.

Anyone touch Gonzo 2's giant robot rules?

Who wouldn't want to help the rulers of the galaxy claim what is rightfully theirs?

In all seriousness, I wouldn't mind charting unknown systems, delving into ruins in search of precursor artifacts, battling vicious beasts and hellish machines, matching wits with deadly rivals, subverting the plans of cruel warlords, and fighting for existence itself against threats from beyond the stars.

And maybe save an alien princess or two somewhere along the way.

This is all I want out of Starfinder.

I love playing casters, but I hate preparing spells. So obviously I play spontaneous casters. To those who play prepared casters, how do you deal with preparing 15, 20 or more spells a day?

Will there be space magic?

What will happen to all the gods, and divine beings?

Make a few "Quick pick lists" ahead of time filled with the essentials with a few floating spots to round out against what you think you're going up against.

I could go for that, but I want this, too.

I think i saw that magic and tech will be blended nearly seamlessly.

Wait a second. Where did the half succubus, dragon prince/princess, and geletinous cube races come from? Are people allowed to used custom race rules for overlewd?

dsp monster books

Well Dragon Princess/Prince rose to public view after it was homebrewed for Dragon Game 1 and Dragon Game 2.

Dunno about the other stuff.

Half succubus: Player's homebrew
Dragon Princess: Someone else's homebrew
Gelatinous Cube: Legit DSP sorta

The GM's been pretty generous with 3pp content, just PM him if you want to use something. His only rule seems to be "don't try and bamboozle me with something clearly overpowered".

>What would be a setting be like if it is possible to prove that souls are not real?

But that's the truth, user.


Daemons, devils, and demons all look at their hoards of screaming souls and think "Then what the fuck have we been stealing and bartering all these millennia?

>What do you guys wanna do when Starfinder rolls out?
Play Dungeons the Dragoning


... their biggest problem is complete incompatibility with not having everything be just the giant robot rules.

So either the entire party does it or no one does. There's not even WBL replacement or class replacing or anything of the sort to measure up or gauge with.

It's functional enough if you can find a place for it though.

Keep playing Pathfinder, because I like fantasy way more than Sci-Fi and I can't really make characters for the latter very well.

Hope you weren't hoping for plasma weapons to not suck.

I want to make a fantasy version of a Matryoshka brain. What would be the steps?

I want to be a space wizard/engineer. DIVERT MAGIC POWER TO SHIELDS!

Honestly? Once I start getting into 4th level spells, I just leave them empty, or fill them out with magic missile and meta-magic versions of such.

Magic missile is a fun spell (RIP magic missile storm), and leaving lower level stuff empty means you can spend 15 or so minutes to get whatever you need if you have the time.

I also had a nice GM who let me make custom magic items, so I had a magic book of various 1/day spells like Featherfall or Secret Grimoire

I probably missed a few, but here you go. Not as much NSFW stuff as I thought.

I want to run a Starfinder campaign where the party are a group of criminal misfits (think Guardians of the Galaxy) forced to work together when a Void Dragon steals a princess who holds the key to opening up the Void, which will allow the Outer Gods to manifest.

>tfw making a duo app with your honey bunny for Dimensional Ark Abyssia

Every time I see Styx, I think: "Wow, what an inappropriate name for this. Why aren't they metal or something?"

The Cube is from the 2016 April's Fools thing

I want to run a wasteland themed campaign that starts out completely underground in an abandoned subway system with eldritch themes, then takes to the stars when they manage to repair a junker and realize they're in the middle of a galactic war (and they might've just added a third faction of eldritch horrors to the mix)

I think it's cool!

I most likely will use Dragonstar setting mixed with that of Fading Suns for Starfinder vs the Forces of Evil.

>I have to withdraw Kanna. I don't really have the time to add another game anymore (and it's plainly obvious that I'll never finish her NG+ sheet).
o shit

Can vampires subsist on animal blood?

They get some sustenance from animal blood, but not enough to subsist entirely on it for long periods of time.

How long can vampires go without eating anyway?

Idk, a few days?

Depends entirely on what rules you're using for feeding. Bestiary vampires don't need to feed at all, since it's not a listed quality, but that's not really ideal and kinda defeats the point of using vampires.

Blood of the Night's rules for vampire feeding tell us they can subsist indefinitely on animal blood, but they don't get any of the benefits of feeding on intelligent creatures (save bonuses, tracking bonus, treating creatures as very familiar for spellcasting). Any vampire can survive indefinitely without feeding, but if they go more than HD-days without feeding they suffer stacking penalties that end up pretty crippling to a bunch of stuff (like -10 Str/Cha) and are compelled to feed no matter the circumstances if they see an opportunity.

Lords of the Night says they have to deal ~20 damage with their bite attack each night or else they start suffering minor penalties that don't really amount to much. Not really a good way to go, mechanically, since it means a given vampire has to fang bang like two or three peasants a night to get along without penalties, which is kinda ridiculous.

Particularly I go with "The Oldest/More Powerful they are, they more they need to eat." A Newly turn can feed on a person, just a non lethal amount, every couple days. Meaning that if he can rotate through let's say, 4 willing subjects, that would give the first enough time to recover and so son, so he could feast on the same undefinetely. Whoever, his needs would gradually increase to the point where a 100 year old vampire would need to feast the same amount everyday, and would crave more than that. A 200 year old vampire would need to feast daily in the equivalent of at least half of all the blood a person has, which is lethal. And from them on, the rule of thumb is doubling their need every 100 years. Meaning a 50% increase every 50.

>All that fucking Vult envy last thread
What the hell is wrong with you people?

>How dare he have a game when I don't!
>How dare he not put up with my shit?
>How dare he have a social life outside of autism finde
>He's shit! You hear me? SHIT!
>I don't care that people are literally crawling up his ass to fill Slow's spot!

t. Vult

Neophyte Base: 1 dose (person 1/8th blood) 1/4 days

50 years: 1 / 2 days

100 years: 1 / day

150 years: 2 / day

200 years: 4 / day (fully lethal if single target)

250 years: 8 / day

300 years: 16 / day

350 years: 32 / day

400 years: 64 / day

450 years: 128 / day

500 years: 256 / day

So a 500 year old vampire just dessicates a village and moves on to the next because he's already starting to feel peckish.



Only if you like bestiality and bondage

yeah. kind of starting to think it is.

Post more logs, nerd

god dammut

What campaign should I run for plebians whom never played Pathfinder and that are Muder Hobos ?

1. The Learn 2 English campaign
2. murderhobos are faggots, find better friends

I like one of those.

No. Everyone's patience and tolerance has a limit. I'm not Jesus.

Sons is a great source of busty character art, I'm kind of surprised people aren't keen on using her.

Is it the distinct hairstyle that makes you immediately recognize who the girl is?

I wanna use it to run Gradius

Giantslayer is a very murderhobo campaign, as well as Shattered Star.

Wolfmorphs in Bestiary 6

Tigermorphs when?


Rolled 15 (1d24)

Continuing from a few days back, got busy.
Updates: Kanna fucked off.
Banebird and a furry applied.

Maximum is closing new apps (but not editing) early, apply now or forever hold your peace.

1. Emilia Ivanov ( Centarius )
2. Romulus Nohrm ( CountSuccula )
3. Allanz Gremund ( T K. )
4. Sinh the Red ( Denim Giant )
5. Chiundra ( Nox )
6. Ecaterina ( M. Kawase )
7. Cijiska ( Exhack )
8. Ingrid Proteah ( Krim )
9. Konja K. Snusel ( Wist )
10. Gogo etc. ( Hallow S. )
11. Olivia Favillina ( Hecate )
12. Helvetica ( Shiney103 )
13. Aeshma ( Literallywho? )
14. Alkurith Rekanthor ( Jordan B. )
15. Serax ( UndeadBabyDragon )
16. Stefon Vargrave ( Crablock )
17. Edward Loum ( Stein )
19. Fierna ( Akodo Rokku )
20. Paradise ( Luna R. )
21. Sophie Devrouge ( GitGuzzler )
22. Giles B. Foreyu ( Chemicalbraids )
23. Kyton ( Krysie D. )
24. Ballus Swale ( Alex A. )

Not doing these:
Yamelia Behrendt ( Argentum ) [Joke]
Dr. Linus Lux ( Christopher G. ) [Incomplete]
"King" Angelo Sette ( Guy V. ) [Joke]
Velvet ( Broodie ) [Joke]
Ragnus ( BiGeRxMaN ) [Incomplete]
Jaune Noruas ( AnonMD ) [Incomplete]
Calesedria ( Anthony R. ) [Incomplete]
Rhyisjir the Burned ( SP00K_E ) [Incomplete]
Sayaka Ikusaba ( Nanashidesu ) [Incomplete]
Valentina Vendrid ( Lilith ) [Incomplete]
Titania ( Dom d.) [Incomplete]

Lucius Nacht ( Tuvarkz )
Umbranae ( DoubleAction )
Crytha Tamegall ( JohnnyJohnJohnnyJohnson )
Fahd Lutfi ( Shoebox D. )
4916 ( Jane D. )
Rattles-Old-Bones ( Kevin B. )
Garret Lacedaemon ( Luca )
Duke Dissentus Squidissius ( Blooper )
Kyron ( Redman )

That is the most uninterested character I've ever seen.

"I have fish, whatever."

>Tigermorphs when?
>Rakshasa-Spawn (Beastbrood)
>Deft and charming, these bestial tieflings inherit much of the subtlety and guile of their proud rakshasa progenitors.

That's so dumb. A vampire of 500 years would have to have a little over 1000 willing subjects to rotate through in order to ever settle anywhere and allow of full recovery of the subjects, and then he would basically be on Santa schedule, sipping from 10 and a half subjects an hour, more if he wants free time. Dunno how long you imagine it takes to greet a subject and drink from them, but it has to take less than 6 minutes if he wants time for other stuff.

Of course, the vampire of that level may not be concerned about the well-being of subjects and might opt for slowly killing 250-500 prisoners/slaves to save time sipping and get more time for maniacal laughter and coffin naps, but then he would start diminishing his food supply, which has to be balanced with population growth (I assume this vampire has some big castle with a city of oppressed or ignorant townsfolk below). Still a lot of time spent chugging either way. One dose as represented in your example would be around 24-30 oz. No matter what you do about sustainability/subjects, 500 year old Vlad needs to go through 250 Big Gulps a day.

Assuming he goes for the murderous vagabond path instead, that means 32 people dead a day at the most extreme (full drain). Better hope there's a lot of villagers cause he's gonna go through 11,680 to reach 501 years old. Either way he'll run out of villages and/or attract extreme levels of attention before long. Say hello to the Paladins, Vlad! Which makes you wonder how such a creature even manages to get to that age. It's quite impressive and a lot of hard work.

'sup /pfg/

Any chance one of you has a link to Rite Publishing's "In the Company of Medusa"?

It'd be very nice if that were the case.
pretty please

Rolled 4 (1d23)

Serax, the petty thief with no dad

>Born to a Tiefling mom who "travelled often, performing and singing for others" aka basically a high class whore
>Absentee dad who made like a nigger and ran after conception
>Mom taught him to play lute as a kid
>he was autistic about climbing stuff
>then mom teaches him how to steal shit
>Serax keeps failing and they keep having to move
>mom slowly becomes a helicopter parent and Serax runs away
>...and that's it.

UndeadBabyDragon, is this an actual application or are you trying to share something with us? I feel bad because I think I got trolled.
If this is a serious app, expand the backstory to actually include "how it came to this", fix up the grammar, and expand his personality. In other words, fix literally everything.

Concept [ 3 / 10 ] - It's like he's a nigger or something, I think that's what he was going for.
Backstory [ 1 / 10 ] - The only reason it's not 0 / 10 is because it exists, I'm not even going to say "it tries" because it doesn't.
Ambition [ 0 / 10 ] - It literally doesn't exist.
Villainy [ 1 / 10 ]- I mean he's a petty thief, which is better than nothing I guess?
Party Value [ 4 / 10 ] - I mean he's got the basic rogue / utility / off-face stuff down but I'm really not seeing a niche for him in most parties. He can probably fill a lot of gaps if they exist and is useful if you have to split the party, I suppose.
Sexy [ 2 / 10 ] - Not seeing it.

Are any of those PFS legal?


Those are pila

Woooooow, it took that many pilum to kill me?

No, but at the same time you shouldn't mind because PFS is trash.

Jaune is complete now, so if you wouldn't mind adding him to the list, I'd be grateful.

>review user is an edgy /pol/fag
Oh boy

statistics is not politics, user.

>says the /pol/fag
Fuck off

Post first level paladin spells that are worth a damn

Paladin are worth a damn?

Sinh, the #stylish Red Dragon

>is a Dragon
>his family, being dragons, were also nobles and rulers
>but Sinh is born just as the rebellion starts, Vivat Imperium Hūmānus, and kicks out all the dragons
>he grew up listening to stories from his mom, who flies off into battle one day and doesn't come back
>so Sinh, because he's young and weak, runs
>obviously Sinh is not a fan of running as a dragon
>so he wants to take back what he considers his birthright and is looking for help to (re)conquer the Empire

Alright, so the backstory is split into two parts in this app. Together, they're still short, but they give enough of an idea about what happened and what he wants. I suggest, though, expanding either the HDICtT section or the personality section or both, to give a little more insight into his character. This is actually a good example of a short app, but I'd like to know more about his person. What are his hobbies, what else is there to his character, is there anyone who he bears a specific grudge against, etc.

Concept [ 5 / 10 ] - It'd be a 4/10 for being a generic 'noble who wants his shit back' app, but I'm giving it bonus points for tying into the setting.
Backstory [ 6 / 10 ] - Short but effective, although more details would help.
Ambition [ 8 / 10 ] - Another would-be Empire-toppling player.
Villainy [ 3 / 10 ]- We're told he's greedy, but he's not at all evil. In fact, he's even one of those "muh nakama" types, judging from his personality.
Party Value [ 8 / 10 ] - T. Dragon's advancement will eventually make him more or less invincible; he gets +1 nat armor every level. Antipaladin gives good support and damage and his stats are solid all around for what he's going for, the classic frontline dragon.
Sexy [ 8 / 10 ] - He's (flaming) hot.

>le edgy /pol/ xd
Get over it m8 there's nothing else in the app. When you make your mom a whore, your dad a runner, and yourself a thief you tick the boxes in-order.
t. haven't been to /pol/ since creation

Paladins are worth a damn, their spells however are not.

Rolled 19 (1d22)

Oops forgot to roll

added him

So your just an edgy retard then, got it.

Sounds to me like you're butthurt over nothing

Can you prove it?

>not you're

He might not browse /pol/ but he certainly has the right mindset.

I seem to remember silver beard being decent. It was in d&d tho, my DM is not bitchy about conversions but many are.

Endure Elements
Litany of Sloth
Protection from Evil
Lesser Restoration

>hurr durr how DARE he use the word nigger hurf durf this is my SAFESPACE
Lad again let's go through the list

>mom is a courtesean
>dad ran off, not after he was born but literally after he got mom pregnant
>they're poor and basically homeless wanderers
>the character himself is a pickpocket who evidently gets into trouble with the law for them to need to keep moving
>he also runs away from home

This checks out so well with the meme negroid that all that's missing is an especial fondness for chicken and watermelon, I'm not even sure if it's just a coincidence because the app itself has so little substance to it otherwise. I'm literally using it in reference to the meme, it'd be like someone making a character who's a god at math, wears glasses seven inches thick, and is king at rts games and me calling him a gook because it's so obvious that's what he is.

>and me calling him a gook because it's so obvious that's what he is.
So you were just being edgy then. Point still stands.

Okay, so I couldn't find the details in previous threads, but what were the suggested character creation rules for that romp through the Lower Planes?

I've got an ember of an idea that I'm getting hyped about, but it doesn't work unless the character's already high level with maybe Mythic levels too.

The current rules got revised a bit, apparently.

Who's interested in a campaign where you rampage through the levels of Hell slaughtering the Archdevils?

I am.

Shit, really? What sort of revising, the kind that makes a high-power campaign start low-power?

I wasn't the one coming up with it. I just showed the guy the result of his own numbers.

72% of afroamerican families are composed of single mothers. Call me racist if it makes you feel better but face reality.

Speaking of vampires, are their fangs out all the time or can they change between gameface and normal like Buffy, or something?

t. Vult

Try not being so obvious.

Sure I'll face the reality that your an edgy piece of shit

Fuck off to /pol/ or than 'chan 4 doors down if you want to jerk off over how enlightened you are about those goshdarned darkies.