Why does Veeky Forums hate Slaanesh?

Why does Veeky Forums hate Slaanesh?

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They love it.

Why does Veeky Forums hate Slaanesh?
We don't.

Somebody post "it"


We don't. Fuck your effortless bait, you're not contributing to board quality in any way.

Ok, now you are just feeding khorne

Cause Veeky Forums is a PG board now. Can't have the little kids see T&A now, can we? /s

he says it plain as day, user

because /d/ is easymode nowadays, there's nothing extreme left in there besides the diaper fetishists

Well, you ran a foul with a grox, well, that really sucks?
Well, babies, don't you panic
By the light of the Warp, it wont at all distort
I'll get you a Heretek Mechanist...

Slaanesh is fine. Its' fanbase is not.

You ever meet a Slaanesh player? Every one I've met has been grown man who never got out of their chuuni phase.

Slaanesh himself is fine

Someone post the pic of the 3/10 trap with the Slaanesh tattoo on his fat ass.

I am from the Future.
In AoS Slaanesh is going to be consumed by the Great Horned Rat.

In 40gay Slaanesh is going to be consumed by the new Eldar god

I agree but I am a Mortal Slaanesh player whos army is about perfection, excess and glory. I don't have any retarded boobdaemons or naked models.

Isn't Slaanesh technically the easiest Chaos God to kill?

He was only recently born into existence by the corruption of the Eldar and their greed, excess, etc

He's not very strong other than his ability to feed off corruption of people, their greed, excess, lust, etc

He's more manipulative and scheming than Khorne or Nurgle, but not nearly as intelligent or long-term-thinking as Tzeentch.

He's getting his shit pounded in in AoS after a long run of being the Mary Sue of Chaos, because we're now being shown just how feeble he is on his own.

He was almost beaten by Khaine and had to be saved by Khorne, who himself had a tough time of it.

He's become hated by most of the Chaos Gods to a greater extent than they naturally hate each other.

How is Slaanesh even still around?

>meet 9/10 women
>I mean smoking hot
>she's heavily into yugioh and cs:go
>she buys things in the store I work at
>she kinda likes me
>flirts from time to time, invited me to see the new samurai jack episodes at her place
>her house looks great, smells of lavender too
>at the store working
>some friends are playing warhammer 40k
>she enters the store
>told the girl I like to play the game
>she sits down with my friends to learn about the game
>all of the guys play SoB and slaanesh demons
>one guy starts making out with his HQ
>she is visibly disgusted
>she stops coming to the store

Slaanesh is fucking shit, hope they remove him in the 8th edition.

Slaanesh is a good character actually, being the embodiment of personal excess in any form.

/d/tards and deviant faggots RL took that as he's the god of sex and ran with it, hoping that putting boobdaemons and dickgirls in their army will increase the chances of Slaanesh coming down hirself and taking their virginity at the ripe age of 47,

>Bring back Sigvald
>Bring back ugly crab daemonettes
>Make the KoS look like a cow again
>Make the fluff about narcissism, gluttony, pride and excessive pain

maybe that would help remove some of the dumb shit


Russian roulette with SHAME

I don't have any more problem with Slaanesh than I have with other Chaos Gods.

The "fanbase", however...
>durhur lel god of gay sex amirite

being the easiest to kill god of chaos is a bit like being the 4th kenyan to finish the Boston marathon. Mildly disappointing, but not in any danger of losing that position.

Nurgle, who is flat out impossible to kill, is okay with Slaanesh. Tzneech is good with Slaanesh too, because Slaanesh may be useful for a future plan.

Khorne fucking hates Slaanesh, but by himself is not able to destroy Slaanesh, because Slaanesh would probably gain power from the suffering of anyone involved in the fight, creating a feedback loop, keeping slaanesh from being destroyed.

>autistic screeching about borad quality
>write this post

Ayy good work

>tfw you want to show this to a friend but you don't know anyone who likes both rhps and 40k


Because nurgle is our patron

I don't. Slaanesh supports my girl penis.

Would Emps actually ally with Autist Satan against slaanesh? Just a minor question...
I mean, not that he need any aid, just for thoughts

I thought that

tolerates Slaanesh but doesn't like his sadism, not that Nurgle is benevolent but since he views suffering as a way of strength rather than evil enjoyment

likes Slaanesh because he's the newest God on the block and easily to manipulate.

thinks Slaanesh is a fucking idiot and hates him, saved him out of the desire to have a good fight with Khaine rather than helping Slaanesh out of good will.

Maybe not outright hated but Slaanesh isn't popular with the other gods at all. I thought Tzeentch also kinda viewed him as an upstart, since the other Chaos Gods started popping up in the Roman-Medieval era of Earth while Slaanesh comes along way, way, way, way after and acts like he's hot shit.

Probably not. But even if Emps was willing to do that, I doubt Autist Satan would be.

Slanessh and Nurgle love each other. Who do you think was the think tank behind venereal disease?

Correction, Khaine was beaten by Slaanesh, but only because he'd been cursed, and because Slaanesh had eaten and absorbed all the other Eldar Gods, and the other Chaos Gods had to help him, and it still took forever to actually beat him in a fair fight.

We need more appreciation for Khaine. Dude fought the power of over half a dozen gods at once and nearly won because of how fucking angry and roid-raging he was.

He's the only one that does, I'll wager.

Because at least half of Slaanesh fans are creeps who only play up the /d/

desu, I consider Asperger Satan to be more sympathetic than half of the characters in 40k

I love Slaanesh. I hate the average Veeky Forums poster's complete ignorance of Slaanesh and thinking the God of suffering, horror, and excess is some "LMAO xDDD 420 sex" god.

slaanesh posting tends to be very low quality.

also, it gives us Vietnam flashbacks of nicedaemonettte.

>God of suffering

Just for fuck's sake guys, Slaanesh is not the Chaos God about anal or light BDSM. Slaanesh is the Chaos God representing sentience at its worst, when it purposefully inflicts suffering for its own pleasure and completely sheds all inhibitions and wantonly throws itself into pure sadistic hedonism. Slaanesh is the Chaos God of the Bosnian who, upon finding out that the Serbs have started a war, kicks down the door of his Serbian neighbors he's known for over a decade, beats them within an inch of their lives, and rapes for a week before he shoots the family in their liver and watches them writhe on the ground for an hour until they die.

Slaanesh is disgusting, depraved, and just downright inhuman. If you think it's remotely erotic or enjoyable for you, then it's not Slaanesh. Not only are Slaaneshi cultists completely bugfuck insane and will do horrible things for weeks or months to anything that can't run away fast enough, they're self destructive. If given nothing else to do they're have a murder-orgy until they all die of dehydration or only one person is left alive.

Sexy Slaanesh is worse than Honorable Khorne memes.

I wrote this out in a Slaanesh thread ages ago, just fished through some threads and capped it for you.

Emps doesnt needs allies against them, and won't need anyone's help after ascension either.
But if alliance will be held, it will likely be with ynnead

Like the other Chaos gods, he feeds off corruption. He doesn't jerk off a she-dick and enjoy fun orgies. He's not the God of Sex. He's the God of Excess. Gluttony, greed, lust, any human emotion taken to the extreme is Slaanesh's forte. Sex isn't even a large fraction of it, and he doesn't look like some dickgirl BDSM goddess. He looks like a horrible, disfigured monster, just like the other Chaos Gods.

/d/tards will never accept this.

You would wager and then have to pay up. There are many self-loathing fags in this hobby that are eager to gobble up what I feed them.

You tell me what a Chaos God that turns its followers into sociopaths craving pleasurable release and will pursue any means to achieve it is. Slaanesh is constantly referenced in the fluff to do shit like form murder-orgies torturing people for weeks on end until killing them, melting down people into drugs after raping them, or killing people in the slowest and most excruciating fashion because they orgasm after each death.

Khorne, Tzeentch, and even Nurgle cause far less suffering. Even Nurgle has the decency to kill you in a semi-fast way, and you can always give in to Nurgle and be turned willingly into a painless vessel of disease.

Slaanesh? There's no hope and no way out. You're better off killing yourself than letting a Slaanesh warband get you. They're as bad or even worse than Dark Eldar/Dark Elves. Slaanesh represents the very worst of the Chaos Gods in terms of suffering inflicted.

Because it's fans are trash, and
is a lame ass theme for a god.
>b-b-but it so much more than that
No it's not. You might like to think it is, but it's not. GW views it as nothing more than that, you're just a delusional slannesh fanboy.

Besides, birdboy is best chaos god in litteralyjust every single way anyways.

Damn right on that count, Daemonettes only look sexy at a distance. When you get close you realize they aren't beautiful women but twisted monsters right as they slice you apart.

So its Pinhead?

Tzeentch is a bitch compared to Slaanesh. There is nothing truly horrifying about Tzeentch, he comes across something you'd find in just about any fantasy setting, a malevolent god of magic and change.

Slaanesh on the other hand is a depraved abomination who will only act as a blight upon all life until finally destroyed. Slaanesh is disturbing unlike the other Chaos Gods, as are its cultists, which is why I love Slaanesh. Because it's only thing in 40k that can put a chill down my spine. It turns upstanding moral men into degenerate beasts who massacre people with excruciatingly painful sonic cannons that cause flesh to melt purely because it gives them a sexual thrill.

Slaanesh is the only thing besides Dark Eldar/Elves legitimately worth committing suicide if it shows up on your planet. Everything else is just going to kill you, but Slaanesh? It will drag your agony on for possibly forever if it gets your soul. The only course is to blow your fucking brains out than face the Nyarlathotep of 40k.

None of that first part is true, unless you're counting the new lore that's only gotten shittier over the past decade.

It is true though that Slaanesh enjoys the suffering of others more than any other Chaos god. Tzeench has actual plans for domination and power, and at the very best he's pragmatic in his evil and not sadistic. Khorne is all about death and destruction, but in combat. He doesn't care for suffering or murder, but warfare and death. Nurgle is all about sickness and rebirth, improving through suffering and letting it make you stronger, not a nice guy but not sadistic at all.

Slaanesh is the only one who is truly sadistic, and it's probably why he's the Starscream of the chaos gods. A new guy, powerful, but full of himself, at odds with the other villains, and maybe thinking he can take them out and rule for himself.

>sexual pleasure

Dropped. Fuck off with your literally wrong interpretations of 40k lore.


>Every one I've met has been grown man who never got out of their chuuni phase.

Everybody in 40k is massacring everyone else in an excruciating fashion for reasons.
Excessive brutality is shocking in 40k?
Enjoying the horrors of war?

The only substantial difference with Slaanesh is that it's all performed dressed in fetish-wear.

Speaking of Tzeentch and Slaanesh, why are Slaanesh's greater daemons called "Keepers of Secrets"? You'd think that secrets, hidden knowledge, would be in Tzeench's domain.

Are KoSes called that because they let their cultists indulge in unsavory things in secret? Is it meant to point out how they're enablers more than anything else?

>Honorable Khorne
He is though, bu some fluff. Not that satan can be good at anything. He just considers oppressing the weak to be useless for his amusement.

They are all triple traps. They have a dick, that is actually a vagina on a very long tentacle, that has another somehow bigger dick on the inside. that's their secret.

I was under the impression that Slaanesh always existed, the Eldar just fucked a hole in the warp so he could escape only recently.

Wait, there's nerds who don't like Rocky Horror?

>None of that first part is true, unless you're counting the new lore that's only gotten shittier over the past decade.
The new lore is shit, I'm talking oldhammer fantasy.

Khorne isn't so much honorable as he is singleminded. He doesn't like inflicting torture and suffering simply because it's a waste. If he's not getting a fair fight, he's bored and views it as a waste of his time. He'll kill you, sure, but he'll do it painlessly, and so long as you're worth the fight. If not, he doesn't care about you at all. It's why Khorne's followers have the highest casualty rate, they're all desperate to prove themselves worthy in battle for Khorne's approval, and he couldn't give two shits about losing any of his men so long as they're not his proven warriors and chosen ones.

>There is nothing truly horrifying about Tzeentch, he comes across something you'd find in just about any fantasy setting, a malevolent god of magic and change.
>Slaanesh on the other hand is a depraved abomination who will only act as a blight upon all life until finally destroyed. Slaanesh is disturbing unlike the other Chaos Gods, as are its cultists, which is why I love Slaanesh. Because it's only thing in 40k that can put a chill down my spine. It turns upstanding moral men into degenerate beasts who massacre people with excruciatingly painful sonic cannons that cause flesh to melt purely because it gives them a sexual thrill.
Slannesh is just a boring god. Sure, Tzeentch's concept isn't unique, absolutely nothing in 40k is, you're delusional if you think otherwise, but's he's certainly done better than slaneesh's DUDE SEX LMAO

A warband of Khorne Warriors will kill you on the spot, possibly enslave you and throw you into a gladiatorial pit where you will die fast from decapitation.

Stumbling across a Slaanesh warband and failing to kill it however will result in you being raped for weeks or months until you die of exhaustion. And that's just what I can assume they'd do, the RPG books leave it rather open-ended if they do worse things.

Which is sad, really. I thought that Blood god should have better armies.

Ohhh, I thought we were still 40k.

Yeah, that's correct as far as Fantasy goes. Since the Chaos Gods were inspired by a mix of Greek, Roman, and Pagan mythology, and many gods of those pantheons are centered around sexual deviancy, yes, Slaanesh was inspired by them. Still though, he isn't an eroitc /d/girl with big tits and a dick and sexy daemonettes. He's a disfigured abomination with disfigured abomination servants.

Don't quote me on this, but in 40k I believe Slaanesh was created by the Eldar through their own corruption and gluttony at the height of their power, so they forsook their own gods who abandoned them, and Slaanesh was born from their remains and destroyed much of the Eldar's power, halted only by Khaine's angerocity.

Newhammer, idk what retarded shit they put out on him.

>Slaanesh on the other hand is a depraved abomination who will only act as a blight upon all life until finally destroyed. Slaanesh is disturbing unlike the other Chaos Gods, as are its cultists, which is why I love Slaanesh. Because it's only thing in 40k that can put a chill down my spine. It turns upstanding moral men into degenerate beasts who massacre people with excruciatingly painful sonic cannons that cause flesh to melt purely because it gives them a sexual thrill.
>Slaanesh is the only thing besides Dark Eldar/Elves legitimately worth committing suicide if it shows up on your planet. Everything else is just going to kill you, but Slaanesh? It will drag your agony on for possibly forever if it gets your soul. The only course is to blow your fucking brains out than face the Nyarlathotep of 40k.

>he actually belives this.
Guess what fuckwit, every single thing in 40k besides maybe the imperium and tau make suicide a better option then getting captured.
>bu-bu-but MY god fucks them to death, that's so horrible and interesting unlike all the other stuff!!!1!!
It's boring and one note.

Hope you're still seeing her bro

>halted only by Khaine's angerocity.
Lmao, he got raped by slaanie, but later khorne laid claim on his sorry ass, since they share similar spheres. At the end, while khorne was beating slaanesh, Khaine shard in 1000 pieces (perhaps because khorne forgot his axe, so he was using poor khaine as one.).

>lmao raped

Slaanesh had the power of the other Eldar gods, and Khaine had been cursed and weakened prior, and the other Chaos gods had to devote their power to helping Slaanesh win, and it was a fight that lasted an eternity that Slaanesh barely won. And Khaine still got away.

How the can anyone hate the source of best marines?


Yeah but he didn't. Because chaos plot armor. I hate how much fanservice chaos gets.

It wasn't always that way. I think Black Library is staffed mostly by Deviantart fanfiction autohrs, and their Chaos branch consists of the same faggots who sexualize Slaanesh that this thread is mocking.

>Posting most asshole of all space marine chapters

Turn yah damn music down, we are trying to actually fucking do shit here other then get high and fuck eachother.

Oh hey, someone translated Icy's stuff.

No it isn't. Orks, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Eldar, Tyranids, etc all just shoot you. There's nothing really special to them as it's just some variety of murder that will be painful but only last for a couple seconds, maybe a minute at most.

Slaanesh drags this out a lot longer. It's why Slaanesh is better as a villain, because there's some actual horror to it as they don't just kill you, killing you is what you hope for. Everything else in 40k is pretty fucking jaded as it's just murder with a different paint job.

What's the ultimate difference for a citizen between an Ork invasion and a World Eater invasion? None. They both end up getting their heads chopped off and die in about forty seconds.

I'm pretty sure Nurgle's boys would rather leave you with some crippling disease that leaves you in And I Must Scream territory, and the Dark Eldar are just Slaanesh with slightly more spikes.

>and the other Chaos Gods had to help him

No they didn't, there are only lore snippets saying that Slaanesh and Khorne fought over Khaine like two children fighting over a toy.

I think the fight between Slaanesh and Khaine is also portrayed as being much more one sided in Slaanesh's favor.

There are justifiable reasons for why Slaanesh won such as being a personification of the Eldar as a whole instead of a single aspect of them like Khaine is and a large portion of the Eldar Empire forsaking their own gods likely leading to a weakening in Khaine.

It's not portrayed as being in Slaanesh's favor. He barely wins over Khaine.

GW might've retconned that to fit their Chaos fetishist perspective, but as far as I remember, Khaine was not bested easily nor fairly by Slaanesh.

Which army has sexier models, Slaanesh or Dark Eldar?

Slaaneshis are abominational demons
DEldar are retarded elves in fetish suits (excluding 4armed freaks)
do the math

So... SoB?

Slaanesh love is best love. Every Apocalypse game I go to requires my Zarachnyel murdering it's way across the field

it's a pickle surprise!

how do you make a pickle surprise? take bread, put on the mayonaise, and finally haaaammm.

where's the pickle? that's the surprise~



Why O why won't GW roll a dumptruck full of money up to Mr. Culexus' door and pay him to animate Happy Fun Times With Slaanesh and Friends? HBO would be all over that like white on rice.

Both wrong

I don't. I just think sometimes it is too much.
She needs to limit herself, or else she will drive people away.

It can't hold an axe and clip off 10 heads at the same time; Worthless bisexual peace of shit.

except he kinda can, perfection in battle is kinda under his domain too.

Someone post that fluff bit about the chalice slaanesh gave the other three

Hellraiser is basically a bunch of daemons of Slaanesh taking human form and fucking with anyone who solves a puzzle box.

Slaanesh should look horrifying and arousing at the same time, being both male and female and something else, and being in terrible agony and ecstasy at the same time, something a human mind finds hard to comprehend fully.
Not just a dickgirl with horns

You try to draw that then.
Because all the fluff describes Slaanesh as inhumanely beautiful, so beautiful it's wrong as it can't be possible to look that perfect so it sets off uncanny valley territory.
You can't actually draw the chaos gods, you can't draw perfection, you can't draw a plan, you can't draw entropy, you can't draw pure rage, you can only draw your interpretation.
Although I agree "artists" should put more effort in than "girl with penis and horns"

>the embodiment of excess
>limiting itself

what's next, you´ll ask Khorne to chill?

The problem is in art as miniatures is that you are limited in stylisation and symbols.

Blood, skulls, axe, anger

Green, decay, scythe, illness

Blue, bird, gown, magic

pink/lilac, tentacles, nudity, excess

Its really hard to display this excess or perfection other than nudity and bdsm.
The Noise Marines with music is rather a good other theme/symbol, but hard to pull off without looking like a rock band parody army.

Keepers of Secrets know your darkest desires.


Slannesh promises pleasures only to use you like a sadists battery, draining you of all compassion and emotion until you are nothing more then ethier a corpse or a primal sadistic monster.

Slannesh is a VTM Toreador made into a god.

No Slaanesh appears to everyone as what THEY desire most and find the most attractive.
So if you like black girls, it would be a black girl to YOU, but like something else to a person standing right beside you.

In Sigvald the Magnificent's book he goes to the realm of chaos and meets Slaanesh.
Why is Sigvald so awesome? Because when he met Slaanesh, Slaanesh looked like an exact copy of Sigvald (which is fucking awesome because it just proves Sigvalds narcissism. Even Slaanesh was impressed by Sigvalds vanity)