Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/

Falling Skies Edition
Never made a general before sub-edition

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>8th edition FAQ:

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1st for 8th Edition being actually what the hobby needs to survive.

2nd for Slaanesh

If only it was going to be MORE like AoS

Still waiting for plastic valhallans

So what are our expectations for balance in 8th?
Given we wont have any armies that haven't been updated in 5 years, will it be better, or given the rules writers will it be just as poor?

You'll be waiting a long time then


Hopefully chaos marines won't be shit

>mfw Assault is good again and Riptides will get shit on by bolter fire

8th ed best ed.

How do you think grav is going to operate in 8th?

god that pic is cringe

no WIP thread so i thought i'd share my progress tonight. About to hit them with the first layer of Auric Gold.

anyone else working on something?

Working on some scouts. Gonna start highlighting the slacks while i still decide on what color to make the cloaks.

Are Eldar any good in Shadow War?

What chapter are they? I'd recommend making the camo cloaks an arctic-camo style if they're going to be mostly grey/white.

Its my own chapter. I was thinking of a light or a medium gray, but the blue is what Ive used for my capes and such so far.

I'm gonna start making my first army, what faction should I pick?y friends tell me that all my favorites (orks, chaos marines, tyranids) are all bad right now, but I don't want to do space marines cause that seems so casual.

i reckon it'll be the most balanced version of 40k so far. simply because everything has been worked on at once and they did more and out of hosue playtesting this time.

wait until 8th drops and then pick what you want

8th edition is about to begin in a month or two, so just go with what you like since GW has promised that this one is balanced a lot better than 7th, and things like Riptides and Dark Angels leading Space Wolves are getting hit with the nerfhammer.

So Orks, Tyranids, and CSM are more than likely to be viable choices, and if not Nids or Orks, CSM.

Word Bearers a best

First, Chaos Marines are quite good right now, so your friends are working with info that's several months out of date.

Second, there's about to be a new edition, so by the time you settle on something, come up with fluff, buy it, paint it, and model it, everything we know now isn't gonna matter.

You can go with any of those options and be fine. Besides, it's better to play a weak army you like than a strong army you hate.

> buy Necron codex last week
> Buy all the paint for the scheme I want to paint the army in
> New edition makes codex obsolete
> Hear I can get a 'refund" voucher from the codex
> There is going to be a codex released for the new edition
> Here about the all models can damage each concept
> Gauss weapons lose there uniqueness

Good thing I didn't invest too much. I can at least get paints with the refund voucher

Not really no. You have cookie cutter lists and they still aren't great.

What do you guys think about the new stat lines?

>not playing what you want because other people meme about it being bad

Pick what you want faggot. Fuck them. Unless it's tau, then fuck you.

Ork meme fags BTFO

CSM are solidly mid tier right now. Not on the level of vanilla marines or Eldar or anything like that, but they've gotten a big step up from being the bottom 3.

It's amazing what free army-wide special rules can do.

>Good thing I didn't invest too much

This is a miniature game. You spend. Dont invest.

They'll probably still have an easier time damaging things or, if not, at least deal extra damage instead, since that's a thing now.

>being this much of a faggot

Unless your opponent is a WAAC cheesing faggot, CSM are beyond playable. I shat on my friends Dangles with Night Lords of all things, and no I didn't use the cheese Prince either.

DA? What an accomplishment...

I thought CSM were shit, user?

I want weapon skill back.
Guardsmen should not be able to even hit Lilith.

>retard doesn't know that unless her WS was 7+ they'd hit her on a 4+

Why is the thread edition named after some shitty alien show?

>It's an 'every army worse than Tau or Eldar is weak' episode


Actually reminds me Chicken Little, since is a chick, but also remember that op is sometime a faggot

Easily killed by a Bloodthirster of any kind, kek. No EW!

what are the odds my scion army is still going to be legal (outside of "open" or whatever its called)? Or do I have to buy some some regular mooks and tanks?


What are my fellow anons guesses as to what army will be set a flame for 8th?

AoS was christened by the burning of Bretonians by a bitch

My money's on a Tau player with more riptides than pathfinders


1/4 of a page of rules would make a massive difference. I know they want to turn 40K into a collectable skylanders but please add it back in.

Okay, they hit her on a 5+.

They were Dark Elves actually.

Pretty good I'd wager. 14 valid force org charts, at least one of them will probably skew towards elites even assuming the MT don't maintain their own faction status


I didn't play Fantasy, so my bad for the mistake

I dunno.

Scions as a stand alone army is retarded anyways, and clear ally money bait.

Very likely. Odds are good that they'll either shift Scions as a whole into being a troop choice for Guard so you can just slot them into a guard army wholesale, or there will be an FoC that lets you do it with minimal issue

Continuing the idea from the last thread, should "notable" posters like GGA and RGG have a 1d4 page?


No, that's stupid. Even assuming you wanted to have a page for someone, it should be a namefag with actual content-creation going on.

Rate my metal horror painted a decade ago

I wish I remembered how I painted this ._.

That reminds me, does qst have a wiki or will they use 1d4chan?

Why are they all in the same clown pose?


So with 8th Edition will I finally have plastic battle waifus?

Yeah, it was intended to be Chicken Little, given the amount of "sky is falling" we've seen recently.


gotta say i'm digging the grey and blue

I don't really get the get the information in the post about stat lines.
Are they literally just saying "str and toughness still exist as they do" and I'm expecting it to say more, or what's the deal with the thing about opposed roll?

>tfw you can't decide between painting your Night Lords or working on your wych cult because they're finally going to be playable in 8th

I wasn't ready for this kind of pressure

Will Iron Warriors ever get love from GW?

>Wytch Cult playable in 8th

Literally just that S and T and all that still exist. BS is the same, but just straight up tells you the number rather than doing X-7. WS is now the same as BS, with it being a number you hit on instead of a retarded chart that just went from 3-5.

Lelith only hits them 66% of the time, user.


>playing any Legion that isn't a Cult Legion or the Black Legion

You have no one to blame but yourself.

If the game is getting regular range-wide balance updates every year, it'll have to be the most balanced edition, even if the team has no idea what they're doing.

Sh-shut up

Iron Warriors are cool ;-;

the metallic bits in the auric gold dont spread evenly id recommend putting down some balthazar gold or leadbelcher first. better metallic look and no color bleeding through.

Assuming -1 Mods for Marines shooting at a Dread in cover, it would take 24 Bolter dudes to remove a Dreadnought in one turn. Also with a -1 Mod to armor save for Str4 Bolters.

bit of an odd question

i really like the morghast minis and have a few but would like to play with them as well. No one in my gaming circle plays AoS though.
what could I reasonably proxy them as in 40k.

What dies everyone think of 8th so far? I'm in an intense rage over the vehicle rules because as a Guard player I thought my Russes would be safe from bolters hitting front armor. I fucking hate it Veeky Forums. Vehicles aren't infantry. They can't feel or have a toughness (the Mechanicus can argue all they want) because they're fucking vehicles. But other than that shit seems fine.

This 8th edition announcement has taken a lot of the wind out of my sails. More out of concern that I won't be able to find games afterwards, but I don't want to work on anything in my backlog right now.

That's a flamer not a horror.

they only remove 1 of its 8 wounds on average.

also cover is a save mod in 8e.

demon prince or something chaos-y like that.

i feel like you could run that fig as few different demons without upsetting too many people.

Depends how large they are, though I'd say your best option would be something Chaos related, maybe Warp Talons.

Waving their guns in the air like
>Hey Xenos! Look how stealthy we are!

Cant wait to see them complete, user.

I think the 1/50 chance of getting a hull point stripped off by a boltgun is worth not being one-shotted by a lucky lascannon anymore.

What about a page just for notable posters on Veeky Forums?

the hospital stabbing was so unexpected

I'm pretty optimistic overall, though that may be because I don't use too many vehicles.

That said, I wouldn't give up just yet. They may still introduce special rules that make a Leman
Russ nigh immune to things that need a 6 from the front.

Dropped 40k for Warmachine when 7th came out.

Heard about 8th, was hyped, saw the statlines posted and... ordered more Warmachine stuff.

Honestly it's more because Warmachine is the biggest tabletop game in my area, but seeing the statlines killed my hype pretty quickly.

If Im not mistaken they are about the size of a demon prince so you could use them as such.

Make that 18 Bolter dudes in Rapid Tap range.

Daemon beasts, Dark Eldar grotesques, Eldar wraithblades(pushing it but for Ynnari maybe), CSM Mutilators, Centurions for a Chaos Marine warband operating out of the Space Marine codex.

Lots of things.

Boltguns can already hurt Rip Tides, they seem to have done alright for themselves despite this though

I have 5 boxes of scouts to do, these are just the sergeants.

Beakie iron warriors are cool

The initiative rules annoy me a bit, but I like everything else.

They explicitly mentioned making bad units playable, ergo wyches.

I... What?

Literally every 40k player I know is excited for 8th right now. Sounds like you need less shitty people.

I like the Explosion rule. Just because it rewarded players for extremely lucky roles. Even if a Russ gets blown up I still gotta give my opponent credit. I don't know why they couldn't have made non-Tyranid monstrous creatures walkers. Fricking daemon engines are walkers why can't a shitty Riptide or Wraithknight?

If anything vehicles are going to be too strong in 8th, I can see them getting a huge point increase since gone are the days of a sole lascannon blowing you up on turn 1. Someone worked it out for the Dred and it was like 200 bolter shots to kill it.

....They look like bumblebees

New map is out. I can't find Cadia, did they leave it out?

It doesn't really solve the problem of seventh user. The main vehicle killer of 7th was Grav and weapons that relied on mass glancing. Lascannons never were an issue.

Beaky anything is cool.

Its the new map with the space marine map superimposed over it.