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Let's establish some ground rules first:
1. No shitposting
2. No attention whoring
3. No artificial dramas
Call me a nigger, you are the cancer of Veeky Forums
I spend couple minutes scratching my nose and someone steals my upload ;<
In surprise twist, being a wizard is kinda shit.
I would personally pick either the space ship or watching humanity prosper. None of the others appeal to me, the universe described in space ship doesn't sound all that exciting whereas the prospering one does.
Awwww shit, Eternal Darkness CYOA!
you too
That's what it is? I honestly didn't know.
By the way, what is an Eternal Darkness? Is it good?
No, you.
one of the best games of all time, cannot recommend highly enough. Sadly the company that made it cruised on its success for a few years before just falling apart.
An old gamecube game. I had terribly shit taste the last time I played it, so take this with a grain of salt, but I liked it. I've no idea how it holds up.
Reposting the newer Beri CYOAs, with the typos fixed.
And here's the other one.
An old horror game for Gamecube. A forgotten masterpiece.
Wasn't there suposed to be an update to this?
Since the OP posted Choice of Smalltext, here's a recent CYOA with small choices and some text.
That's the newest one in the Drive, the older version lacks the four under For Honor/Deus Ex.
If there's newer, I don't know anything about it but inventing new choices honestly wouldn't be too big effort.
>Wasn't there suposed to be an update
There was.
>If there's newer
There isn't.
sometimes simple is best
"It opens bitch's minds!"
fresh OC by your boi SDA
> Not infusing your gun with CORPSE GOD.
the death of /cyoag/
"Insanity Shotgun" and "Corpse God Revolver" are two of the greatest names for legendary artifacts I have ever heard.
Show me what you get for worm 5 so far?
Is the guy Doing Delinquent CYOA still around? You giving us sukeban options to go with it?
Sound like the kind of weapons you could get in Elona+
I wish Veeky Forums would get IDs.
Anyway, I posted Branching Hearts couple threads ago and people wondered about it being almost 30 pages. This one is shorter, only 15.
However, Branching Hearts was EASY. Just read until you find your waifu and then it's just half page of text, maybe the library bonus. This one tells you refer to different pages for rules, has you picking skills multiple times for different states of childhood and have potentially RETROACTIVE cost reductions for skills.
No waifus tho, some q3.14s but not a word about how much they love you no matter what.
Brace ur butts.
Isn't this supposed to be updated?
Why not switch up the combinations? Insanity Revolver and Corpse God Shotgun?
Or Corpse God Insanity and Shotgun Revolver?
This is the newest one on the Drive and I can't find anything about newer version existing.
Why not Corpse God Insanity's Shotgun Revolver?
Corpse God of Insanity's Revolving Shotgun?
Star Dust CYOA please
Also summoning SDA, because he is my favorite author.
Praise the Emperor, glory to imperium of man!
The emperor protects!!!!
Jesus Christ how many pages does it have
15. That was the last one. He said it when he posted the first one.
Thank you for posting Branching Hearts. I greatly enjoyed it.
>tfw just discovered the most tasty thing I've ever eaten
Who here /comfy/
Am I wrong in disliking cyoas that have both waifu picking and "standard" elements like picking magical items or other perks? Both are fine but rarely work well together
Is it still legally available anywhere? The Wii U virtual console or whatever?
Semen on french fries?
did you bukkake on a plate of fries?
What CYOAs even do this?
It's kebab sauce.
So it's semen?
Yes, that's what we're saying.
The ones that do, they usually call them Companions instead of Waifus but have long description on which ones will fuck you and how.
So you dont like waifu content mixed with standard cyoa content or what? i dont really understand what you mean
Well, it's not available digitally, so far as I know, but it's not one of those old games that's been bid up to obscene prices. You can get it for around $25 on eBay.
I hope you've already come out to your parents.
I prefer those the most. I think both the elements blend well. I'm not a huge fan of CYOAs that are just "Pick a random waifu"
Shouldn't it be thicker then?
>Have long descriptions on which ones will fuck you and how
Not ringing a bell, can you name or post some?
He probably just dislikes it because they're usually lazily written sextoys that don't mesh with the rest of the CYOA. It's fine when it's doone well.
What is wrong with mixing both? or is it that you want Husbandos[\spoiler]?
The new adventurer one Beri just released.
>bulleted list waifus
Truly the scum of waifu CYOAs.
You sound salty.
If i remember well A new adventurer and its other components have no waifus
There were waifus in that? I guess there was the page with the fairies. That's the one you were talking about, right? I don't remember there being any other waifu options.
Here's another for you.
Holy fucking 15 pages, Batman
>Zodiac waifus
Fairies were the waifu option.
You can't really fuck any of them with the exception of boux
A new adventurer is narrated by the waifu
There is not much explained about her anyways so does it really count?
Not with that attitude
Hope that this gets a fair number of responses, I really love this CYOA.
Silencer of Fates
>Childhood Events
-Kidnapped (Yes)
-Foreign Playmate
-Lost Critter
Points: 5 Positive, 5 Neutral, 12 Negative
Convert 6 Negative into 3 Neutral.
Positive Powers: Clerical Training (Greater), Natural Cache, Statecraft Apprenticeship, Luck of the Gods
-Neutral Powers: Magical Training, Magical Lineage
-Negative Powers: Blood Thicker than Loyalty, Essence of the Void
-Orin, Pitus, Sianna
-Flame Draminth
-Trial of the King
Loptr was a relatively studious child, but an adventurous one. Tales of the past instilled within him a deep passion for magic of all kinds, one furthered by the discovery that his magical aptitude allowed him to wield both divine and arcane magic with surprising skill for a youth. Loptr is surprisingly eloquent for a young child. His manners are impeccable for one so young.
Naturally lucky and charismatic despite occasionally seeming a little off, Loptr made three fast friends during his youth-the flighty Orin, met during a foreign diplomatic meeting hosted by the Church, Pitus, who met him during a meeting between the king and the master swordsman, and the witch Sienna, who once abducted alongside Loptr and helped the prince escape. He is also close with a young Flame Draminth that he once aided. It has the loyalty of a hound, but the temperament of a cat.
The prince's greatest challenge was the Trial of the King, where he encountered monsters who would have surely taken his life were it not for the aid of his tireless protector, the enigmatic Knight of the Red Thorn, who allowed him to move through the ruins without loss of life. The experience left the prince a little wiser and more cautious, although he seldom shares specifics of what he encountered there.
End childhood with 10 neutral fate points and 10 positive.
Honestly, I prefer them to those that are just three paragraphs of "she loves you and [fetish]".
But three paragraphs of actual character are preferable to either of those.
>She loves you forever and [fetish]
Those are not waifus those are sex toys
Here, first attempt at modifying the venerable "choices with a sting" CYOA. Over 2 hours in GIMP, though most of them coming up with ideas for a choice I've eventually scrapped. I wanted to remain true to the old "style", without too many frills or additions. Most of the choices are basically the same, sometimes with a little rewording. Others I've modified, added or removed as need be. The theme I've tried to keep to was that the drawbacks should be natural consequences of the essential wish between each choice itself. Ideally, at least with some of them, when someone decides not to make a choice because "the drawbacks feel too severe" it should be possible to point out them that it's effectively the same choice they've made in any number of other CYOAs, hopefully getting them to really think about something.
Someone who couldn't be happy playing with their dog for eternity probably couldn't be happy ever.
>the beloved has no downsides
if you were expecting people to come to the conclusion that having a bang-maid with none of their own opinions might eventually get dull on their own you came to the wrong place
She is boring as fuck user you have terrible taste
Too, many, commas,.
>Most of the choices are basically the same, sometimes with a little rewording
Then you ask her to not be boring. Done. Did you reach the limit of her current ability to not be boring? Ask again. According to the wording, she'd be able to .
Hmm i can't really choose between the degenerate and the innocent