Who would win a war between Arachnids and Tyranids?

Who would win a war between Arachnids and Tyranids?

Tyranids, they have actual spaceships. Their ground forces are comparable but have guns.
Tyrnid psykers basically give them straight up magic.
Tyranids also engage in global scale biological warfare that the arachnids wouldn't have an answer to.


bugs dindu nuffin

How many Tyranids vs how many Arachnids?

The numbers would have to be collosally in the arachnids favour before I'd give it to them though

People tend to forget that the Arachnids lost the war against the humans.

Book: Tyranids
Film: Tyranids
Your had-canon Arachnids: Tyranids

Tyranids are an end-of-the-galaxy threat that is only held back by plot and the will of the Emperor. Arachnids are just an insect-looking species.

Looks like somebody didn't read the ST book. Arachnids have spaceships and laser weaponry and more.

Tyranids, Star Ship Troopers is about politics not war.

The books and movies all suggest that the war literally only exists as a way to keep the world in check through a false enemy that everyone one work together against.

The books go into it more, but the government/military is literally just sending troops onto an inhabited planet and using all the gore as propaganda to continue the war.

It's the equivalent of sending someone into a bear cave, then declaring war on bears because that person got killed by a bear.

Tyranids are more like uber bears that are always hungry and visiting orphanages.

Also the bears have bear/orphan hybrids that infect other orphans, they also have sneaky bears, stinky bears and giant bears that spawn more bears.

Don't forget the Drop Bears that terrorize Space Australia.

I thought ST book was actually pro nationalism? The way you describe it sounds like it's a jab at warlike politicans.

Sorry I meant to say the movie instead of the books.

The book can be seen as a defense of pro-state nationalism if you look for it, but Heinlein also wrote The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, which is *the* anarcho-capitalist book.

What I'm saying is, you get what you want from his books.

The movie is a complete reversal of the books' tone, because the director disagreed with the original author's viewpoints.

>The book...

>meant to say the movie

Haha never mind then.

If people insist on an analysis, I would say "The movie shows many of the dangers of nationalism (e.g. unthinking obedience leading to disasters) but the government managed to win the war so it also takes the position that nationalism isn't a total catastrophe."

But real talk the movie was just kind of your standard Rah Rah action movie trash. It was GOOD action movie trash, but there was no deeper political message intended. You can go looking for one if you insist.

I have but op posted movie arachnid so i assumed movie.

think a better pairng would be arachnids vs ender's game doryphores

>Tyranids eat some Arachnids
>get all their juicy genes

>but there was no deeper political message intended
>But we never thought of Starship Troopers as a warning, or something like that. When we were working on the [Robert] Heinlein book, we felt like we had something that was pretty militaristic, pretty right-wing, and you could even say had a tendency to be fascist. We felt we should counter that with irony and other means to make it interesting to ourselves.

>When we came on our promotion tour to these countries that had been fascist, notably Germany and Italy, and France to a certain degree, it was a continuous fight with the journalists, explaining to them that the movie basically used fascist imagery, and was using images of Leni Riefenstahl to point out a fascist situation.

Surprisingly, there are few (some say none) pictures in the book.

Arachnids, because Tyranids are not allowed to win anymore.

How bout this: Movie Arachnids vs. Megarachnids from Murder

Without entering into tactical and techonological details, Tyranids would quickly overcome both the Arachnids from the book and the movie. Their biological advantage is just too great; they would straight break through any possible defense their opponents could come up with.

It's Heinlein. It's about spanking.

>tfw the satirical military dystopia used to be a unique, daring, and controversial idea once upon a time

>Not from warhammer 40k versus something from warhammer 40k
>who wins

Goku could shitstomp 40k.

Go read stranger in a strange land, then read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, then read Heinlan's own writing about the books he wrote and realize that you're projecting political beliefs onto him and that he just liked making interesting worlds. How anyone can come away from the chapters about the officer's school believing that it was a positive thing or that morality really was an 'exact science' is beyond me. Do you just literally interpret everything you're told?

I didn't know catachan had drop bears user

Starship Troopers (both the book and the movie) doesn't explicitly comment on the goods and evils of fascism. Its aim is to show that fascism works.

Humans were at war with the Arachnids for real state and because the arachnids saw humanity as a threat. The book says so.

Tyranids absorb Arachnid DNA, both species benefit.

Sorry what.... Arachnids from the movies? The nids curbstomp with unbelievable ease

The books? Unsure, I know they have ships and tech in the books

>both species benefit
>Arachnids are consumed and therefore go extinct
>both species benefit

I don't think mutual benefit works like that.

>Tyranids absorb Arachnid DNA, both species benefit.

Except the Arachnids who are wiped out

Krillin could stomp 40k, probably even at Ctan/ daemon prince level. Exterminatus is like the only thing to stop even DBZ humans

Then again anime is so OTT

Honestly, given that Heinlein just liked world-building and wasn't trying to give any specific message (and seemed to be fairly laid-back, though I could be wrong about that), I don't see him having any issues with the tone the movie took. (Especially because the author and the director had two very different experiences in WW2.)

Wasn't the movie originally not starship troopers and later adapted into being more like the book?