Warhammer 40,000 General Thread /40kg/

"Kindly no Gathering Storm and 8E discussion. This is a 7E and OLD 40k discussion thread." Edition

>8th edition FAQ:

>Latest GW teases

>List organizer picture book

>Offline list builder
Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off, I will talk about what I want to.
8th best ed yet?

first for sisters

How many mortal wounds will a deathstrike missile cause?

Too slow

>mfw a deathstrike missile lands in the middle of a huge group of units and only kills 3 models.


FPBP. 8E supremacy, all other E inferiority*

*: Exceptions made for 2E and 3/3.5.



Probably d6

So, lets talk traitor legions: whats tgs best guess for the legion rules

What are your favorite models/characters? I love the Salamander pyroclasts models.

world eateres: roll a d3 to deploy on the deep strike phase in unit coherence or a 2+ save, terrain is now gets hot for all of your units

word bearers: summon a psychic phase of daemones ltre jump specail rule, whoever rolls first gets 1d6 wounds chaos mutations. 5++ to all codex special weapons on the charge assault and shootin gphase

Thats was a garbled mess

I think it's fair to assume that Death Guard will have rules that'll make them super durable. How it'll work, idk

>Death Guard: Increased Toughness, FnP, additional saves from range
>Thousand Sons: More spells, better invulnerable saves
>Alpha Legion: More cultists, infiltrate, Warlord shenanigans
>World Eaters: Bonuses to charge and melee, probably involving more attacks and higher strength
>Night Lords: Fear, Night Fighting, Charge after Deep Strike
>Iron Warriors: Tank/Monsterhunter, fucking with cover and more tanks/engines
>Emperors Children: Bonus to speed or attacking first, FnP
>Word Bearers: Daemon allies and Summoning, Cultists


Alternate, more likely version: Space Marines/Imperium/Aeldari/Other Xenos/Chaos

1. All armies and their models will have their rules spread around all 5 books. So, no Scenery and Rulebooks. Rules will be featured as 12 pages at the end of each book. (Source: GW FAQ)
2. Xenos will have two books (Unconfirmed rumour)
3. Space Marines will get their own book (Unconfirmed rumour)

NEW Factions:
Thousand Sons
Death Guard
Adeptus Mechanicus (Skiitari and Cult Mechanicus)

Removed Factions:
Skiitari (Merged with Cult Mechanicus)
Cult Mechanicus (Merged with Skiitari)
Khorne Daemonkin (World Eater plans?)
Militarum Tempestus

Go back to 1d4ddit

100% official Grand Alliance tier list

Xenos Hordes >> Xenos Empires = Imperial Forces >>>>>> Chaos (Daemons) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any flavor of power armor

Nightlords: some form of fear mechanic, like -1 or 2 to moral checks they cause.

5+ to ignore non-mortal wounds.

>NEW Factions:
>Thousand Sons
>Death Guard
>Adeptus Mechanicus (Skiitari and Cult Mechanicus)
>Removed Factions:
>Skiitari (Merged with Cult Mechanicus)
>Cult Mechanicus (Merged with Skiitari)
>Khorne Daemonkin (World Eater plans?)
>Militarum Tempestus

Where's this from?


Thats a fluff faction list, not the game factions.

Stop giving him (You)s.

So we could get TS rules right from the get go? That's pretty awesome. I guess we have Magnus' new model to thank for that.

Too bad they confirmed on the live Q&A that KDK is getting rules and that the factions listed on the site are more of a fluff list than anything to do with the rules releases.

>KDK is getting rules
Yeah, as seperate models.

KDK as codex will be discontinued.

Ork Kommando Nob
Pretty much sums up Orks in a single mini.

But his entire "generation of orks are great, Kommandoes, Snikrot, Zagstruk, Badrukk...

Not in any way shape or form confirmed. Hell they even said on the live q&a that they aren't getting rid of codexes and that they would be a thing at a later date.

Speaking of traitor legions and traits, what do you think each traitor legion's command traits will be? At the very least, I'm thinking TS will have destiny dice and WE some sort of blood tithe maybe.
Any other ideas? Maybe something like NLs spending command points to have fear that penetrates fearless, or DG being able to do something like attempting to revive some dead units into plague zombies. I dunno, be creative.

>they even said on the live q&a that they aren't getting rid of codexes
Uh, duh?

KDK and Scions won't come back.

Scions are cool and all but their breastplates suck in comparison.

who the fuck wants scions back

For me it's a tossup between the Thousand Sons guys. They all look so nice.


Always loved the Cultist models, their ragtag and scummy look appeals to me

When the fuck are GW going to release the Dark Vengeance cultists separately

The Forgeworld Avatar of Khaine.

so are you guys rebasing you minis for age of the emperor 8th edition?


...like, 4 years ago?

8th edition bitch


Im talking about the models that are exclusive to the DV box, like pic related

Probably never.

Silly user, KDK and Scions MODELS will get rules.

Their codexes won't be in 8E. :^)

Thats entirely your speculation. 1 for 1 codex conversion hasn't been confirmed happening or not.

anyone know where to download Hand of Darkness and Eye of Night?

Where my plastic Sisters at?

Don't know if anyone cares about summarised battle reports. Marines vs Elysian Drop Troops
>Turn 1
Terminator Librarian and Terminators exit Crusader to cast a buff to claim a VP for casting a spell, proceed to lose almost entire squad to a single multiple rocket pod shot when Elysians combat drop in.
>Turn 2
Marine Predator arrives from reserves, Crusader reduces Veteran squad to 2 men. Avenger enters the table and fails to harm the Crusader with lascannons. Special weapons squad landing right next to Land Raider only score a single glancing hit with three meltaguns. The dice luck has taken a sharp turn at this point.
>Turn 3
From here on my Marines take vengeance for never hitting fliers in any games, Predator one shots the Avenger with a snap shot lascannon, avenger crashes and burns into nearby infantry squad and kills 4. Combat Squad plasma gunner pens the side of the CCS Valkyrie and makes it explode, another miracle snap shot. Vulture kills only the Librarian who tanks 19 shots for his last Terminator buddy, second infantry squad gets charged by dreadnought, lose 4 but hold fast.
>Turn 4
Game is now over as Vulture loses its punisher cannons to a weapon destroyed from a snap shot meltagun hit, Dreadnought proceeds to chase down remaining guardsmen and kills 8 with the heavy flamer. CCS Colonel who is the last Elysian infantry man remaining charges the Crusader with a melta bomb, fails to damage it.
>Turn 5
Silliness ensues as we discard any objective related cards and attempt to complete more interesting ones. Land Raider kills the colonel due to a failed Death or Glory, Dreadnought fires heavy flamer and assault cannon into Drop Sentinel in the open and doesn't scratch it. Vulture with nose heavy bolter and Drop Sentinel kill off Scout Squad and a Combat Squad respectively.

We had a lot of fun, despite neither of use getting to use the units we were looking forward to (Avenger and normal Terminators who always die before doing anything).

Only half of them are in there.
Here's all the unique guys (Heavy is there twice as he has two weapon options)

You can find Hand of Darkness and Eye of Night in VK Art of War.

I like the aesthetic, I just hate that they're only available as monopose. Like, it's fair enough that guardsman are all wearing the exact same thing, but who the hell is the fashion coordinator ensuring there's only three different styles in the cultist army. I want a kit with a heap of different arms/legs that fit on the same bodies so you can really make a ragtag bunch of chaos worshippers.

>still no Arbites army

I don't think there will be again. :(

man those are nice. I don't even play chaos but I might buy them to have them as objective or something.

They should honestly just release civilian models which can be used as trophy bits/objective markers/cultist of all kinds

>unique guys
>half of them are mirrored with a headswap

Man, working on these mouldlines is absolutely killing my mojo. Any tips for doing this shit quicker? That GW tool any good?

>that champion model is fluffwise the chaos champion Tetchvar
>he used to a commissar
>when his planet was attacked, he opened some gate and allowed chaos forces in
>they adopted him into the cult, but as punishment for his wormy ways they sewed his stormcoat into his flesh
>he went from an HQ choice commissar to the sergeant of a human grot squad and the weakest character in the entire game

has anyone in 40k ever been more JUST'd? he even has the hair

>be Nid
>see Tau without a gun
>start charging for free food
>I trip
>I break my neck
>Tau laughs at me


sitting in a wheely bin at GW headquarters until someone works up the mental strength to go and retrieve them for the waiting hordes of gibbering autists.

an civilian vehicles. gw would get so much fucking money from me, i love to make terrain with broken vehicles.

? is that some sort of new rules change? can nids kill themselves now?

Ork players would be taking out loans

>tfw no hive-city wrecked open topped subway train model for hallway firefights

Fire Warriors

Nids have been killing themselves since like 5th edition, senpai.

>Synaptic Backlash
>Eating themselves

Hoseface and Gimpy are mirrored bodies, as are Wheezy and Mumbles.
2 dupes outta 9.

Magnus. He's just so pretty.

If you stick with 7th, you can just use the 3rd edition rules for them.

Like this ?

Ah. Never played against nids before. The only person with them at my flgs is the singular girl who paints them and nothing else.

Deathwing Knights are just fucking awesome.

Why not make a thread about 5th edition?

Such is the cost for associating with chaos

That ain't civilian enough.

>plays or owns Nids


Yeah it's actually great.

How to beat smashfucker, a knight and a LR full of termis charging your lines as guard

Every time indeed.

Yeah, weird right? This particular hambeast seems at home with them though. Literally a walking bio-hazard.

you wait 1 months for 8th.
Ez counter

Flyers, flyers, flyers
oh and did I mention, flyers
Alternatively run them as elysians as use more flyers
I mean, I roll knights with 3 vendettas deep striking around the place and 10 man squads with 9 twin linked meltaguns

Who the fuck plays with a nipple height table?


Well guard is about to become the epitome of "Fling shit and dice at it till its dead" because of the new "Everything has a chance of killing everything" rules. So literally wait 1 month.

No-one. That's a normal height table both the girl and jamal just have midget legs and normal sized arms. They're really pushing the diversity agenda with their weird black female midgets.

Culturally diverse POC and womyn do.

>Favorite model
Call me a fag but damn I really love the Ghostkeel, it's just big enough to be awesome without crossing the line.
>Favorite character
Cypher without a doubt, dual wielding pistol badass who plays both sides of the war? Whats not to love

I just hope Necron Gauss weaponry is even half as effective as a line of guardsmen

Cypher is unironically edgy and I love him for it.

Tank walls with chaff infantry to absorb charges is going to be really common.

>Stacys spectral paintjob

Any rumours how invulnerable saves and feel no pain will work ? Additional rolls or modifiers ? Say they gain a static value of like FNP(1) or INV(2), with the former increasing your toughness for calculating to wound rolls against shooting and the latter ignoring the rend value of the weapon up to it's own value.

I hope they give gauss some new rules, because the whole "Wreck anything given enough dice" schtick has been given to everyone. Maybe Gauss will just be better at it?

>le necrons are so powerful
In exchange the majority of their units are glass cannons with shit saves.

Then shit like Monoliths and Canoptek Wraiths come along and you stop being able to excuse it.

No idea maybe the shooting preview will let us know

This is a really awkward advert picture; you can really see into their tortured souls that they are just there for some money
Whereas the grown ass neets in the rulebook pictures look like they're having fun, smug fun