Pathfinder General /pfg/
What do we think about the new entothropes? Would you a werewasp?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What do we think about the new entothropes? Would you a werewasp?
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Where wasp?
I would, but only theoretically. I wouldn't in reality online because I don't want to join a /pfg/ game, I wouldn't in my IRL group because even though they know I'm a furry the furthest I'm willing to push that with them is my Catfolk Paladin whose personality is super stern, and I can't with my usual online group either because they don't play Pathfinder.
Call me Yukko because my life is suffering.
Isn't a wasp demonstrably less furry than a cat, though?
Werewasp + Ghoran power couple is the new meta, and I hope someone applies to the next lewdgame with it.
p o l i n a t e
What book is this from
True, but if I did play as a wasp I'd have to ham up the bug-ish nature of it and/or weird out all my friends with my freakish knowledge of different animal anatomy.
But it's a lot more fetishy
Bestiary 6
>Werewasp Skinwalker with a big wasp butt
10/10 best thing ever
Honestly, I actually kinda like this art. Paizo has managed to avoid "generic furry face"-itis for most art of this kind of thing, which I like. Anybody else got examples of surprisingly decent Paizo art?
>no skinwalker heritages for all the werebugs
Art thread
Not to hard to homebrew, though.
I wanna fuck this Kobald!
How do you raise up your own army and keep it for yourself?
What sort of a campaign would you guys like to play? We already have one about being evil and another about making money. Anything else you would be interested in?
As long as you're not going on about your dick, I don't really see how that would be an issue.
I mean, is it though? Admittedly, I don't really know what people are into, but "giant wasp" doesn't seem too bad.
Is there a template for this?
Good for you, friend! Goals are important.
I hope your dream comes true user
How would you build him?
Poison, crossbow, ranged sneak attack... I can't wait to hear all about how useless he's going to be.
Admittedly, I don't know much about poison builds. Some kind of slayer/toxicant alchemist gestalt?
By making it undead.
You can also make a were-wasp, but make an Emerald Cockroach Wasp and have it be a commander.
Maybe I'm just oversensitive to the thought of my IRL friends thinking I'm some kind of pervert, though I suppose almost nothing I do can be worse than what one of our other friends who sometimes joins can be like, in one of the last games we played in The Unlucky Red Chair she joked that another PC's young daughter was getting some dick from the fellow orphans you rescue early in Book 1.
There's a thing you can do with Alchemists that allows them to infuse their bombs into their ammunition, it's pretty good IMO.
Undead bugs are an untapped market and that makes me sad.
Romance of Three kingdoms style. Empire has been slowly dying from inside for a generation. A corrupt cliche takes over, rebellion ensues. Corrupt and incompetent tyrant takes the helm, former factions that made the rebellion split up and rebel again. Tyrant dies, but it is no over, now it is a scramble for power and forge their own fiefdom/kingdoms/empires.Two generations later, the Empire is gone, the dynasty extinct, and a new empire has risen up from the ashes from the most unlikely candidate and later newcomer faction.
>Not CE
This is one of the few situations when I'd allow our cleric of Asmodeus work his LE magic without recourse. Wasps are horrible creatures that need to die.
We Terra ForMars now.
Qlippoth and Qlippoth lords when?
But what about THIS kobold?
To be fair, does anyone know anything about poison builds? I don't think Paizo even wants them to exist.
This could work, but I can't think of any ways to mitigate how awful crossbows are.
>Spectacles of Thought-Seeing
>Price 3,600 gp; Slot eyes CL 7th; Weight —; Aura moderate divination; Scaling prize
>The wearer of these ornate crystal lenses gains a +6 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks. When she uses Sense Motive to determine whether someone is lying to her, she gets a brief flash of the liar’s thoughts at that instant.
How exactly do these work? Does the brief flash apply whether or not the Sense Motive check is successful?
If a +6 competence bonus to a skill item is normally worth 3,600 gp, how is this item not strictly better?
And then there's this kobold, too.
Can a humble/poor and kind young priestess become a masterful schemer? How would you roleplay it.
Currently sorting through the thread, is there a mass download/pdf put together yet?
Reminder that Mooncursed Barbarian is worn out trash, and Beastkin is where it's at.
>TFW SotJRDM has Valeriya get stung by an emerald cockroach werewasp just to keep up with the /pfg/ metameme
I haven't seen Beastkin. What's the difference?
As written, yes you get the flash no matter the result.
And no, they're straight-up better than they should be at that price but the GM is supposed to stiff you on treasure for having them.
>Trade rage for shitty beast shape that runs off of rage rounds
>Also can go anthro because ???
>Meanwhile Beastkin trades out fast movement for the ability to pick several animals as you level
>Also only trades out rage powers in order to get beast shape during rage, meaning it stacks into your normal rage
>And Beastkin can be combined with Invulnerable Barbarian
Are your cities and towns pristine, or is are they overflowing with crap, cholera, dysentery, typhus and disease in general?
>crap, cholera, dysentery, typhus and disease in general?
oh silly user, the middle ages were a time of enlightenment!
What would a Lawful Neutral Cleric of Zon-Kuthon's reasoning be? How do you reconcile Pain, Envy, Loss, and Darkness ( C R A W L I N G I N M Y S K I N ) with out being an evil shit?
Where are the review anons from last night?
That pretty much describe all of urban history until very, very modern times. Also horses are more contaminant than cars (all that excrement).
there were some exceptions, but they are not very well known. In particular certain jewish communities were very clean and put a lot of effort into making sure sanitation and clean water were available.
Also, don't forget this kobold!
>Life is filled with pain, envy, loss, and darkness
>But my parents are kicking me out, so I need to get a job
So my friends and I are playing Wrath of Winter, and I have to say that bit where your party is tasked with being Heralds is really cool, especially since you get +2 to a random stat of your choosing just for saying yes. As a GM myself, what are your thoughts on giving players permanent upgrades in exchange for dedicating their characters to serving a cause?
I'm around, but I think the review user who showed up after I went to sleep did a better job of it than myself. We don't really need two reviews for each app.
Does Golarian allow lip service clerics? I know they don't allow clerics with ideals.
>faint, humming timbre in their voices
If only PF kobolds weren't trash we'd have more Kb.qt's running around in the games.
And here's one for the ladies.
Come to think of it, why is Z-K LE anyway? From what I've read, he'd be better off as NE, to better contrast with Shelyn and fit his sheer malevolence. The only reason I can see him being LE is because he's so far gone that he barely knows right from wrong, which is still a stretch.
They're as clean as they can be - which is to say, cleaner than you'd think, but less clean than you'd hope.
Magic helps, but wizards are not sanitation workers and do not intend to be.
You have no idea.
Move Zon-Zon to NE, and move Urgathoa to LE.
Both seem NE to me
Then move Norgorber! We have to move a Major Deity to replace Zon-Zon!
Discipline and hierarchy are extremely important in Zon's faith. Himself and his followers follow a creed towards some hidden goal obsessively, he's arguably got a more lawful church than Asmodeus, God of Contracts for how little self is involved.
We don't though?
LE has all the devils in hell
Doesn't matter. Major Deities are a big enough deal for LE to need another one.
this thread is too slow
I just wanna talk about pathfinder
I'm so lonely
We could talk about that if you want.
I don't have much to talk about beyond my ongoing attempts at balancing something that probably can't be balanced while being kept interesting.
Then lets talk Pathfinder friend user!
What are you working on currently, if anything? I am making a Were-Wasp Alchemist based around poisons!
I really like this idea because it commits them to something, which is nice, plus they view it as free stuff if they're good sports about it, and free stuff is always great.
Here's another kobold!
Want to talk about homebrew?
I'm working on a magic system myself!
As a player I think it's a neat idea but I don't really know anything about game balance from a DM perspective.
If it'll make the game more fun for your players without breaking your game, I say go for it.
What are you trying to balance?
I am also trying to come up with a worthwhile poison build. I've read a bunch of guides and resources but even the most optimized builds seem really useless compared to... just about anything else. It's really sad, I usually love trying to come up with weird gimmick builds but with poison it always feels like there's nothing I can do to make it any good.
I've never played with homebrew. I always been interested in the idea but none of my groups have ever been open to it. Most of the people I play with have had bad experiences with totally broken homebrew stuff, so I guess it makes sense.
Any chance of Starfinder leaks?
I had every intention of starting a Pathfinder / Forgotten Realms game this weekend, but someone at work got fired so I have to cover his shift. I'll have to cover his shifts for a long time.
It was going to have PoW and psionics, but start in 1369 DR.
Not currently-book isn't out until August. We have gotten a few tidbits and details from the devs, though; is there something specific you're wondering about?
That sounds like a fun campaign. I've always liked the Forgotten Realms setting but it seems so rare that people set their campaigns there these days.
Medusa as a basic player race. Fluffwise they're cursed Elves, crunchwise they've got bonuses to Dex and Con and a penalty to Int, +3 natural armour, all-around vision w. +4 perception, aaaaand...
the gaze attack.
It's such a core part of the thematic draw of the medusa, but obviously giving a save or die ability as a racial isn't going to work. I've thought of uses per day, but that's always struck me as such a stale system, I prefer something that lets characters try to push themselves at some risk. As such, here's my current iteration of the ability:
Basilisk's Cursed Gaze (Su): 30 ft. range. While a Maedu's regular eyes are open, they take 1d6 points of dexterity damage per round as their features begin to calcify and turn to stone, though they may reduce this damage to 1 with a successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma modifier). Anyone meeting a Maedu's gaze while their eyes are open takes 1d6 points of dexterity damage, and can make a Will save of the same DC to negate the damage. Anyone who's dexterity reaches 0 as a result of this is permanently turned to stone. A Maedu cannot reduce the ability damage taken from using this ability to less than 1.
Also, some basics will be available June 17 for free:
Basically 12 minor PC races, plus some pieces of rules, plus some basic conversion rules for Starfinder -> Pathfinder.
See DSP's Monster Classes: Harpy, Imp, Medusa for a scaling gaze weapon, by the way.
Fucking Harpers, man.
I prefer dog kobolds.
I felt like I was the only person in the world who thought kobolds were supposed to be dogs. When did this change? Why?
You missed 4th edition. It turned a lot of people off during the reboot.
Mine would have started in not!Greece during 2nd edition.
Following the roll of years, the enemies would have been Sahaugin, Sparta, Shadovar, wild Dragons, Drow, then not!Vatican.
There would have also been ancient Elven or Psionic ruins. The PCs have to balance homesteading, adventuring, and senate campaigns.
I would have skipped the Spellplague.
In the current setting I'm doing (same one with Medusas), my Kobold are ninja clans with elemental kung-fu.
What are kobolds like in your settings?
3rd edition.
Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Offering reviews to other players
>Roll up a guy who by all accounts is completely unsalvagable
>Got /pfg/ breathing down my neck for more reviews
What do
Just be honest. If a nigga's shit, he's shit. Just don't act all high and mighty over it and offer ways to make 'em not shit.
If it's the gnome sorcerer shitposter, just ignore him and pick someone else to review.
When is it not?
What's wrong with gnome sorcerers?
Close your browser, turn everything off, go to bed, get all warm and comfortable, and fall asleep counting big muscular lion-centaur women.
How do you take over the kingdom? What strategies would you suggest?
Define kingdom parameters.
Define available resources.