So fellow fa/tg/entlemen what is your favorite type of setting and why?
I like a low fantasy not!europe with not!middleeast attached to it because you can really put a lot of different cultures together without making it too exotic.
So fellow fa/tg/entlemen what is your favorite type of setting and why?
I like a low fantasy not!europe with not!middleeast attached to it because you can really put a lot of different cultures together without making it too exotic.
I like Hitler.
I like post apocalyptic settings, like original fallouts, also Deadlands.
Fantasy that doesn't try to be historical and attempts to consider the implications of its fantastical elements, mostly. Use of history is definitely encouraged, but I'm not that interested in straight up 'historical country with the numbers filed off'. Integrating myth and history is fucking A, though.
I'm actually fine if you really follow through on historical inspiration but it's often used as an excuse to be lazy with the setting.
Also very much there for ridiculous operatic sci-fi with galactic empires and world-spanning political betrayals and shit.
Stalingrad ruins ;)
Fantasy with a sense of the exotic that doesn't cling to history. Something with a sense of discovery to the main locale. Settings that feel like the creator sat down and imagined something without an immediate reference in mind.
I like fantasy set in our reality, like Lenin coming back to life because everyone kept saying that Lenin lives forever, so even he believed that.
Rednecks thinking vampires are gay have AIDS because they look skinny and pale.
I tend to compartmentalize different types of games.
For medievalist fantasy I prefer a focus on individual characters, with stuff like true names that give abilities.
If it's a more modern game, I like it when supernatural stuff is hidden and nobody but the player characters and their antagonists (maybe some allies) know about it. Nothing turns me off faster than commercialized magic and interdimensional demons in tophats.
Weird West. Convinced my players to give Through the Breach a chance, they seem to be loving it as well.
I like High Fantasy stuff, lots of gods, lots of big, ancient dragons/giants and stuff.
I like elves being reclusive and manipulative while staying in their forests.
I like generic dwarves who smith and make money
I like humans being the dominant force but with lots of internal problems.
Desert tribes, northern barbarians
not!France being home of chivalry and knights
not!Wales having good archers and farming a lot
Couple of Teutonic/Livonian esque holy orders on edge of civilizations borders.
I really want to do a pre-columbian Americas style setting (Aztecs, Incas, Iroquois, Tlingit etc) but I've got no idea where to start. There's that african fantasy pastebin, but is there a native fantasy pastbin?
I like gonzo settings that are silly, but not total retardation. Like Goblin Punch's setting Centerra.
Has there been a fictional setting where humans were endangered/borderline extinct while the other races were doing ok?
that shit's my jam
Sweden? London?
>GURPS: White Genocide
Pol get out, we're trying to have a good thread
No fun allowed
I like high fantasy in that kind of over the top style where the party can be a magic robot, a lizard, and two halflings in an overcoat and it still feels like the kind of party that could go out and save the world from a dire evil.
Plus it gives me excuses to make CRAZY monsters.
So do I.
He sent help to us against the Soviet scum, while the rest of the world abandoned us.
>OP is smughitler.jpg
>Pol get out, we're trying to have a good thread
I'm not sure what you're expecting.
Could also be bedroomeyeshitler.jpg if him being bad at seduction is your thing.
I am split between a modern alternate history low-powered supers setting and semi-realistic SPAAACE setting.
The former has been quite the world building exercise for me since I set the biggest historical changes in the middle of WWII with some minor things before then and explaining why the world at large is not aware of super-powered people.
The latter setting has helped me figure out just what bits of science fiction I enjoy and why in addition to letting me have an excuse to run the players through just about any scenario I can come up with due to having a literal universe of options.
Thoughts on Deadlands?
I'm big on Low Life's Oith myself.
>sentient twinkies