Bows need strength

>Bows need strength.
>Orcs are strong
>So Orcs should be good archers.
>But usually they are the worst archers.


Other urls found in this thread:

bows need strength AND accuracy

orcs be dum dums

Orcs are a melee race.

>But usually they are the worst archers.
Cite your sources OP.

Strength just translates into how fast and thus how far the arrow can go. To a certain extent, it will help in accuracy as well, because some muscle control automatically follows when you have strong muscles, and you will be relatively stable in grip. However, you still may have zero eye-hand coordination, eyesight, and movement prediction.

and yet in LOTR orc bow and crossbowmen are some of the most powerful ones in the setting, probably only second to the elves

Because bows also need skill, and patience to learn. Orcs, as a stereotype, haven't the patience to become master archers, only for basic proficiency.
Lord of the Rings Orcs were decent, though not spectacular, archers, given that they used to be elves. Warhammer Orks consider themselves proficient if they can get the arrow to go in vaguely the right direction. Basically every other setting is somewhere between the two, depending on how retarded that setting's flavour of Orcs are.

Is accuracy really important in battles?

Orcs lack the patience to make decent bows and arrows. They also would probably much prefer to get in a good scrap. Orks love guns because they are loud and feel great to fire, bows are just shit.

when you shot en masse to hit another army, not that much, but if you're hitting individual targets, yes, think Legolas in Helm's Deep

No, you usually win by having none of your arrows hit the enemy. The English did that at Agincourt and two-thirds of the French nobility dropped dead out of sheer shock. Later, at Patay, French knights repaid the favor by tactically swinging away from their targets causing them to die of surprise.

LotR Orcs also aren't strong, or at least not stronger than men.

It really, really depends on your type of Orcs.

Do you really need accuracy when launching a volley with other orc bro?

Endless Legend orcs are tundra hunter-gatherer archers.

Orcs are nearsighted like rhinoceros.
this guy here does a rundown of what weapons would orcs be profficient at given their physique. Bows would be one of them
also elves and dwarves



Not really. Ranging was far more important than individual accuracy. Basically you drop the arrow on top of the targets and let it and the other 10,000 arrows do the job.

Bows also need some semblance of discipline and "grace" (read: Being able to have the patience to aim a good shot) as well as control over their strength in more fine manners than just yank or swing.

Now do you know of any orcs with discipline, grace, and finesse?

too dumb to build good bows

Dexterity to aim, strength to pull back for more arrow velocity...

I feel condescending just having to explain this.


Look at those fucking brows. If their eyesight is good enough, they could be the best long-range archers in harsh sunlight. If not, though, holy fuck they couldn't hit anything.

If they do manage to hit the broad side of the proverbial barn, though, the arrow is going through at least one wall.


The English actually won because the French knights had to wade through a ton of mud and were tired as fuck by the time they got there.

Lets also not forget that the English took in a lot of prisoners that day. So much prisoners that they put some to the sword out of fear they would fight back.

Archery requires far more than raw, brute strength. Good archers need to be well disciplined and regularly trained to be effective in battle. Orcs generally lack these traits and usually aren't presented as archers. Even LOTR's orcs aren't good at archery; they just have sheer numbers.

Skirmish archery is not the same as firing a volley to ruin the day of a black of infantry

Not really the point I'm making senpai.

Uruk crossbowmen were formifable but that's only slightly relevant. Regular orks with their shitty shortbows were only dangerous because of their numbers.
I'd say the ranking goes something like high elves>numenoreans>wood elves>everyone else

I thought the Mordor uruks used powerful composite bows and crossbows. Cause fuck those primitive humans and elves.

You may be right. I definetly don't remember their archers being lauded or anything though. In fact the only thibgs of note they ever did as far as i remember are killing isildur and boromir

Usually the implication with physically strong races with a warrior culture is that range weapons are less respectable because you don't get to look your opponent in the eyes as he dies.

Their weapons are more feared in general. Cause a club wielded by a sinewy beastmans would still cave your head no matter how shitty the craftsmanship or how clumsy the user is.

But remember that lesser ork or goblin archers are feared cause they use poisoned arrows.