After a PC dies, the player rallies the rest of the group, and by unanimous vote...

>after a PC dies, the player rallies the rest of the group, and by unanimous vote, they demand that his death be retconned

>"Thanks for playing with me guys, I hope you can find a new GM soon."

Depends on the context
>player charges into a dangerous fire knowingly
He dies
>rocks fall out of the blue and kill a party member
A solid case

fine, he comes back resurrected by the BBEG as one of his generals.

Allow him to come back as an armless, legless, eyelesss undead abomination.

Easy. Tell them no, but that there's a way to ressurect the character. Explain that you want death to have meaning, but at the same time, you don't want them to either lose a character they really like or feel like anything is beyond their power if they try hard enough.

Good thing this isn't a democracy. Your vote means shit. He's dead Jim.

Everything eventually always boils down to Monty Python references.

How did he die, OP, fucking give us details


That isn't how he died, though.

I'm assuming OP is talking about something that happened in real life, so I want to know the circumstances.

Tonight, on Things That Didn't Happen.

While fishing for trout, he accidentally hooked his own navel on the cast and accidentally disemboweled himself. Thankfully, he was able to scoop up most of his innards and stuff them back into the cavity he had made, but a trailing piece of his small intestine attracted Gurunga, the legendary fish that was worshipped as a god, who mistakenly believed his wriggling intestine to be a worm. The surprising elasticity and toughness of the small intestine allowed for him to be pulled underwater by the fish, which dragged him deep while he struggled to hold his guts in place. The wise fish, thinking that the man dragging behind the worm was some form of elaborate trap to finally catch him, released his hold on the small intestine and swam back to his home, leaving the poor man to briefly debate whether he should focus on somehow tying up the gaping wound in his belly, or putting all of his efforts into swimming up to the surface, or simply reaching into the cavity underneath his ribcage with his own hand and squeezing the air out of his own lungs in order to speed up his death.

With the debate overwhelming his mental facilities, he died from a brain aneurysm.

>muh privileged millennials
>muh privileged players bc podcasts
>muh all powerful DM meme

I don't know, it's one of these things.

It's just bait.

Sure let it with resurrect being common they pay for it.
Games wjere its ultra rare or not there fuck him up.
Spine doesnt work right and legs are useless, or they are blind ect....

Is the guy playing Rasputin?

A man sold him a ticket for a tarrasque ride, only for him to discover that it wasn't a tarrasque at all, but a very angry t-rex with pieces of paper mache armor glued on.

Feeling cheated, but not cheated enough to demand a refund, he decided to ride the costumed t-rex and was promptly devoured.

Haven't had that happen, but I have had the opposite happen, and it was awkward as fuck.

>Second session of a new campaign
>Everything going smoothly except one guy keeps making bad decisions
>Other party members tell him to be more careful
>There's an obvious trap in a hallway
>While the rest of the party is carefully planning how to deal with it, he wants to go mess with it
>Everyone else rolls their eyes, "You're not being funny"
>Trap activates, almost kills him, but I show mercy
>Whole group unanimously stops me and say, "No... He should be dead after that shit."

While swimming across what he thought was an underground lake, he discovered it was actually a Giant's toilet and got flushed down to his death.

That's fucking retarded and sounds like, if this is DnD or PF, you made him take a Crit Fail on a Natural 1 ability check, which doesn't fucking happen. Even if I'm wrong about that, that is absolutely not something that could be spun as anything other than "DM wants the character dead so made up bullshit to get it to happen."

>Man somehow pulled out his innards with nothing but a regular fishing hook
>Said fishing hook managed to go into the innards, behind any layers of skin, muscle or far
>All this without the fisher noticing he just hooked his own gut, which would be insanely painful
>Somehow, he survives this ordeal, so the DM decides this random ass accident calls forth a Godfish, because it happened to be swimming within sight of this dude's line
>Godfish then pulls out the dude's guts again, and then drags him into the water, to set up the character's death by drowning
>By some miracle, it looks like the player may just actually survive this horrific bullshit
>DM decides he dies of a brain aneurysm right then and there to make sure he can't survive

If you don't want someone, then get rid of them to their face.

lmao you got owned

After kidnapping and interrogating the tribe's shaman, he decided upon a last chance plan to stop the oncoming army. After facing extreme challenges and making many terrible sacrifices, he managed to sneak into the main camp of the hobgoblins and challenge the chieftain to ritual combat. Since the chieftain could not refuse the ceremonial challenge, they proceeded to engage in a violent tooth-and-nail brawl, ending only when he abandoned any shred of shame or civilization and tore out the chief's jugular after biting deep into his neck.

Though he had defeated the chieftain, his elation was short-lived. The other hobgoblins, not for a moment even considering the prospect of being ruled by a human, made his coronation brief, with another hobgoblin immediately challenging him. Though he defeated that hobgoblin, and the one after that, he succumbed to despair at the hopeless situation and was finally slain by the third challenger.

> if this is DnD or PF

It sounds more like something like Dread or 10 Candles, but with the Final Destination component ramped up to 11 for the sake of absurdity.

>>after a PC dies, the player rallies the rest of the group, and by unanimous vote, they demand that his death be retconned
If the entire group is together on this, it's enough to make me consider the scenario.
As always, I will spend no more than 2 minutes on it, then my decision is final and if I was wrong, I'll make up for it next session.

>How did he die, OP, fucking give us details
Yes, let's review the scenario:

>Literal Bait Scenario
It does seem like a capricious sequence of events, I probably shouldn't have had him roll for such a mundane action as casting a line and those crit fails were silly, he wakes up on the bank of the river from a bad dream and a trout on the line.

>Taken For a Ride Scenario
He made the decision to ride a Tyrannosaur provided by a clearly shady proprietor.
Plus he totally tanked his Handle Animal roll and you all saw the T Rex get that crit.
He ded.

>Tidy Bowl Death Scenario
You all knew exactly what kind of campaign this was going to be when you joined.
The death is entirely justified and stands as is.

>Chieftain Challenge Scenario
Alright, you make a point.
He was pretty heroic, but got himself into a situation with no winning solution, despite his bravery and honor.
The way he handled himself should count for some mitigation of his risky decision he could have known was doomed to end in his death.

The third challenger defeated him, delivering a crushing blow and in an act of humiliation, tossed his limp body over a cliff into the river where they discard their waste.
Broken and defeated, he awakes having barely survived, feeling a strange healing energy from a strange item he's lying upon...

>that's fucking retarded

What was your first clue?

Jesus, what kind of bitch-ass group did I fine.
Fine, I refuse to retcon his death, but I'll bring him back in a way that improves and drives the narritive.

If they demand a retcon, I flat up refuse.
That is retarded.

>It's the phylactery story all over again.

There's precedent for that in norse mythology. The death and not-resurrection of Baldar. Baldar got killed, and no-one was happy with that, so Hel made a bargain. Everyone in the world had to cry for the fate of Baldar, but Loki didn't so the conditions were unfulfilled, and Baldar stayed dead.
So go do some norse torture jazz on the party, like you should have been doing the instant they started to take a vote.
If you need an idea of things for the party to do, I think it was in Loki- Agent of Asgard #11, but there was a rambling punishment by Odin to Sigurd and some woman, during the "heroes become villains, villains become heroes, because Red Skull mindjackery". Perhaps co knows. Stuff about hiding your heart in a goose's egg on the island of shadows, while you're in chains. etc etc.

My lips curl into a smile as a little bit of drool drizzles down my chin.
My eyes refocus on the players as my nipples harden.

I have won.

My penis erects.

They have lost.

I whisper something that they couldn't possibly hear under my soft moans.

The world grows hazy.

One of them steps closer while the rest yells.

I tell them the commotion they caused earlier alerted the dungeon denizens, and now they have all gathered. Dozens of enemies that the players have no way of defeating storm down from both corridors, forcing the remaining players into a fruitless fight.

They panic and cry and beg.

I tell them that their friend can come back alive.

But he soon gets ripped apart too, to a symphony of loud moans before a steady line of semen erupts from my penis that is now poking out my pants. It hits the revived player straight in the forehead.

They have no other GMs to turn to, so they thank me for the session and although they would like not to, they return next week. Meanwhile, I masturbate to the experience for the rest of the day, alone.

>get murdered
>find out you can come back to life if everyone feels like shit that you died
>time passes
>ask goddess of death if you can come back to life
>she tells you you can't becuase your murderer didn't give a fuck

This actually happened in a Dragon Age campaign I was in. We'd just saved the world from a fucking dragon-cthulhu Old God thing, but one of us was taken down by hordes of the darkspawn coming to bleed all over it and corrupt it.
It was eventually decided that my character bleeding to death while surrounded by allies was retarded as all hell, considering it took him some ridiculously long time to do so.

Norse gods were ducks. They cheated in the binding of fenrir too


in what system is a T-rex MORE dangerous than the famous Tarrasque?


I like the cut of your jib.

I'm crying, holy shit.

The cleric requests 5k gold coins to cast Resurrection to bring your character back. Or, a mere 1k gold to use lesser magic to bring them back a bit weaker. However, the cleric does happen to need something done...

Boom. New quest, new plothook, and when the players succeed, the party member is revived.