Is life more comfortable for a mortal in a world conquered by LE devils/baatezu or a world overrun with CE...

Is life more comfortable for a mortal in a world conquered by LE devils/baatezu or a world overrun with CE demons/tanar'ri?

You can generally fight and murder demons and make it clear that might-makes-right. Try that with Devils they will sue you into literal oblivion.

One is literally ass rape by demons, everyday because you are definitely not a level 20 fighter god, Mr peasant farmer.

The other is ass rape via taxes, and the eventual loss of your humanity and dignity via immoral laws.

I'd go with the demons, I mean I have a chance. That or kill myself.

If I had to choose between living in Britain and living in Turkey, I'd take the one with better cuisine.

I'd go with the CE. In Chaos there's usually some oversight - pockets where you're not always being watched and attacked and shit. Like in post-apoc settings: everywhere's shit, but some places are less shit than others.

LE rule usually means ubiquitous monitoring and no illusions of freedom. I'd rather be free and get murdered by demons than be a slave to the asshole Hell bureaucracy, day in day out.

I'm going to argue a world overrun by demons, because it would easier to find niches to exist in where you could live in isolated communities, clinging to your morals. It would be a harsh life, but you'd be able to keep what's most important.

In a Devil conquered world, expect systematic extermination and enslavement. It would likely be easier to live and more would survive, but at the cost of any and all morality.

Overall, chaos is more tolerant than law, so that there's even opportunities for demons to potentially see value in mortals retaining some measure of freedom, if for no better reason than that they could potentially be allies against other demons.

I think New Phyrexia actually had an interesting take on this, with the chaotic Red controlled inner layer being the last place on the plane where the Mirran resistance persisted, though that was in part because the Praetor in charge was willing to turn a blind eye to them.

>a world conquered by devils/demons
I guess it's time to implement the final solution.

This. Even if you're an evil PoS who'd like to ally with the forces of evil, I think the CE option would provide faster upwards mobility and more fun overall than asshole demon cops.

That's unanimously in favor of the Abyss.

>world conquered by devils
>world overrun with demons
you tell me

>Demons and Devils
>Conquering anything

Their patterns of thought are too predictable and inflexible for anything like empire building.

What have they ever conquered and controlled? The tiny little pit the superior angel culture threw them down into? Themselves? They can't even govern their own people.

Beings from the abyss deserve our pity, not our fear. It has to suck knowing that you're very existence is considered a punishment by angel races.


>perpetuating fetishposting

are...are demons black people?

>enslaved, tortured and turned into one of their kind
>eaten, made into drums and probably turned into one of their kind as worst cannon fodder
I'm calling St. Cuthbert



Neither, I go to space instead.


There's about 500 fucks in Abyss, about a dozen in Nine hells if you don't count the Dastardly st. in Dis, and OP. I guess we should start from Abyss. Let's call together a crusade.

I want heralds sending the word out, crusaders armoring up, priests casting wards, and the peasants and smiths crafting enough cudgels for everyone!

Every man to kill 100 demons and purify the land gets to name it his fiefdom!

Maybe it's a semen demon and the ass rape is enjoyable?

>Going for chaos anything

Look at it this way: Lawful means they're efficient and effective. Lawful Evil means they're efficient and effective AT BEING EVIL, which sucks more for common mortals than Incompetent Evil.

Chaotic evil is not incompetent. It's destructive and impulsive, but it's not stupid.

A chaotic evil world will be a world that is literally fucked.

SMT as a whole goes to great lengths to show that a lawful-evil society is equally shitty as a chaotic-evil one. They're both unlivable, just or opposite reasons.

If we're going up against a full-scale demonic takeover, I'd rather a quick war with the threat of total destruction, rather than the penalty for losing being everyone is enslaves and the planet is INSTITUTIONALLY evil-ized.

>if you pepper the right people and do hard enough work, you can make things better for people (or yourself)
>if you become or start off strong enough, all you need to do is keep being a big guy to keep yourself and potentially others safe and happy

A quick war and total destruction is not a guarantee with chaotic evil. You have to understand, Chaotic evil is utterly selfish and wants its hearts desires at any cost.

What if that desire is an eternity of painful suffering and torture?

as opposed to a lawful evil one where all hope and non-evil are ruthlessly, inevitably crushed between the grinding wheels of a sadistic, bureaucratic overlord where the best you can hope for is to be a quisling.

I'll take demons, but really, I'd prefer NEITHER, thank you.

Just to elaborate a little bit.

In that setting at least:

Chaotic-Evil World = 100% freedom, 0% security

Lawful-Evil World = 0% freedom, 100% security.

The central theme is that human beings need both freedom and security/peace in order to live happy, fulfilling lives. So neither of them are options.

Well put, user.

Conquered by devils by far would be better, and I'm already used to living at the bottom of soul-crushing bureaucracy run by LE assholes.

Would you rather live in North Korea or Somalia?

The promotion conditions are clear and "good".

So... Turkey?

Don't demons generally just want to destroy everything, if we're talking standard D&D fluff?

Yeah, would rather go with devils, cause at least there's some semblance of stability there.

>ass rape

Man, you are all mixed up about your sexual fantasies

There's oversight and wiggle room in both.
Alignment is to a literal spiritual energy state, not a definitive on conduct. It's a common misconception to make it so fucking literal, but the intent was for it to be more of an ethos that connects to another dimensional realm that can charge your magic/sword up - not a granular psychology.