you might think Monero is the way to go but
Verge is the only coin with iP tracking protection. also only safe coin to use on mobile
Buy XVG for this reason:
Other urls found in this thread:
Verge is a literal shitcoin, stop shilling it, sell and enjoy your gains
Stop trying to make the next generation of digimarines
You two are really dumb. From an 83 million dollar market cap to 2.2 billion in a month shut the fuck up
Will it do another 10x from the current price?
Verge might go 600% but wraith is never coming out
>From an 83 million dollar market cap to 2.2 billion in a month shut the fuck up
Yeah with just about nothing backing that movement up. Market cap doesn't make something actually good, just that it got hyped
Verge a.k.a. DOGECOIN DARK is utter shit garbage. Hope your bags get REALLY heavy
>only coin with IP tracking protection
i forgot ZenCash and SumoKoin don't exist
>Verge is the only coin with iP tracking protection.
not fucking true lmao.
also, tor has been effectively monitored by agencies for many years already because they set up a lot of exit and entry nodes.
haha al guys shitting on verge missed the train. vertcoin will reach 1$ in Jan 2018. and will keep rising. Everyone is holding this coin af.
How high do we think this will go user?
You already saw the top. Enjoy the ride down
enjoy the dip
Bought in at 875 sat, now is the time to sell right?
fucking mcaffee fags
Honestly I just can't handle its shit technology.
I want the sick gains but I feel disgust.
Zencash has IP tracking protection. Also Verge's mining reward stops in 8 years and it will not have enough transaction fees to secure the network. Verge needs a fork to fix its retarded block reward.
i hope u sold at the dip @700 sat. u emotional fags. if u think the "doge fork" would be a fuckn reason that this coin will not moon, u don t understand anything about crypto. it s all about trust. and this xvg will goo moon af in the next couple of weeks and month.
ur literally fucking retarded
XVG is 50 sat shit
omfg all coins are shit but verge has more online influence in contrast to most other shitcoins .thats the reason why this shit keeps going like other shitcoins but with much more power although it s not worth in real value! But crypto is crazy, u will see. don t get emotional and invest & hold.
Veeky Forums hates it but xvg has the most shills and twitter pumpers, that's why its going to fly with normies
Nice BTC meme knockoff Faggot. please be original.
biggest shitcoin ever.
dogecoin dark. says everything
>public blockchain
>listed as a negative
Can't believe vergecucks actually unironically believe this
This. Get dumped on pajeets.
Verge in a British newspaper:
Verge in a Bloomberg article yesterday
1000 Sats today