So a bunch of rando Serbs decided to make an animation out of Love Can Bloom (Seen here: ). And while that sucks...

So a bunch of rando Serbs decided to make an animation out of Love Can Bloom (Seen here: And while that sucks, it is decent quality animation work I think.

Ignoring the taint of LCB, we might be able to get other, more deserving Veeky Forums stories than Love Can Bloom animated. I nominate spamming Gav and Bob at them until it's properly immortalized.

We can't let sub par romance represent us.

Gav and Bob should definately be made into a comic or sumthing. It provoked a feel from me and I don't get those often.

Not about eldar waifus, doomed to die with maybe six posts of feeble begging.

Not even that.

Do people really hate LCB? Seems a trivial thing to devote hatred to.

Incidentally, I can assure you the fastest way to make sure an animator never makes a film out of something is by saying that which they've made so far is shit and spamming them with one story repeatedly.

>Do people really hate LCB? Seems a trivial thing to devote hatred to.

Welcome to Veeky Forums. There are only a few things that I've not seen someone on here hate it. One of those is the All-Guardsmen Party, the other is Dungeon Meshi. After that, it's genuine hatred and bile for anything and everything.

What he said.

Now THAT'S an animation I want to see!

I've seen loads of people hate all guardsmen party

ive seen people call dungeon meshi "bland unfunny weeb shit" before

You forgot skub. Everyone likes skub.

Fuck you, you skub-loving cunt

The butthurt made here when the video came out is just as big as the one /v/ is having with Dawn of War 3.
And I like Love Can Bloom, Gav and Bob and the AGP.

Gav and Bob always seemed set up for a cool sequel. Anyone ever do anything with that?

Fanboism is aids, plain and simple.

LCB was a decent fap-fic, but that's not something you fucking ANIMATE, it's silly. Gav and Bob was an entertaining greentext that got hyped out of proportion to a lesser degree, and I've never encountered anyone opinionated on the subjext of Dungeon Meshi, so grats on that.

The guardsman shit however is just sort of sad. It's a case of Veeky Forums lying to itself, going "this is a great game, I wish I was in that group" when it's pure fiction. Even the author has bailed on it, he's easy enough to spot dicking around in the weekly writethreads while the rest of you stalwartly try to keep your erection maintained for his next chapter. I'm not going to hate on it, but I really don't see the attraction and think it's a bit sad.

I'll defend.

LCB I wouldn't consider a fap-fic, I think that's being crass. It was an action-romance with a few comedy elements to lighten up parts. It was the slew of pornography and sequels that turned it from an awkward romance to pornography.

Gav and Bob was simple but touching. People clearly liked the emotion behind it.

I don't know what Dungeon Meshi is.

If anybody's still lying to themselves that AGP is real anymore that's their prerogative. Nobody will ever know, it's likely fake, but most people don't care. Unlike other "nat-20" style fake tabletop stories, AGP actually makes the effort of being an entertaining tale regardless of context. Whether or not this happened is irrelevant in the face of people liking Shoggy's characters and plotlines.

>AGP actually makes the effort of being an entertaining tale regardless of context
Aye, it's good that its abandoned all pretense of reality by now in favor of pure entertainment.

Remember Grendel? The perfect "ANUDDA TWENNIE" story.

Why not Love and Krieg? It'd be possible in canon at least. Also: TERRANIS HOLDS!!!

>Love and Krieg
>Possible in canon

Ok, c'mon user. I get that it was a popular waifu story, but LCB at least paid lip service to the canon, acknowledging the romance was strained and star-crossed. There's no earthly way L&K would practically happen. A friendly, cute Krieger just shows up on some sap's lawn. You're free to love it, but c'mon.

It makes more sense than a vindicare breaking hypnoindoctrination and a eldar falling for a filthy creature that isn't her species.

>LCB was a decent fap-fic
Pic. Frakking. Related.

I'll cut a compromise by saying LCB and L&K are equally likely in-canon. Not that it matters, since both are non-canon and anyone's free to make fan films of whatever they like.

After watching a LP of DoW 3, I am suspecting that the choice of make Ronahn a sniper was from someone at Relic being cheeky at LCB.

How's the later half of that look anyway?

I played through the first two levels, but got a little burnt out on all the bad interface decisions. Does it look like the fun factor picks up a bit?

Orks are really orky and Jain Zar's personality is really good.
Turns out that Autarch Kyre (the main eldar villian) somehow managed to grab Taldeer's soulstone and used her prophecies to ancend in power on Biel-Tan. Ronahn is pissed and helps Macha on rescue his sister by forcing Kyre to face Gorgutz. It proves vital on avoiding another Maledictum incident.
Also, you can change some stuff on the interface on the options menu.


>love can bloom
I was disappointed when I opened it and it wasn't Love and Krieg