D&D Alignment Thread

My DM wants to play an all Lawful Evil campaign based in the underdark, about political intrigue and the players gaining power and influence.

I say I want to play a human mercenary who has a secrete vendetta against Drow and once he's amassed enough power will attempt to commit a drow Holocaust.

My DM says "No that's chaotic evil, pick somthing else"


Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think you actually have a group and you're just meming about /pol/shit.

Genocide is inherently evil, genocide when they haven't broken the law is chaotic.
Chaotic Evil.

What he said, and your DM is right.
Even if you get to play that bad idea to it's conclusion, said conclusion would be death by spider.

>said conclusion would be death by spider
Not him, but what if that's what he wants?

Nazi waifu thread outside of /pol/? I think that it is.

It only lawful if there a trade of sort between both parties. Like opening a portal to the elemental plane of water in the brass city to inciting a war if they don't let you pass.

No because that just attracts more fags from /pol/

Let's make this a thread about sci fi fighters.

It's lawful if you make all drows outlaws.


Ew man, fuck. Mechies are gross. Worse than furries.


Who the fuck said anything about fucking the jets?

and if the DM says no, the answer might just be no



how sci fi we talking here




Depends really on the society in question's attitude towards murder of innocents. In the case of drow - that is kind of considered a way of life in a sense - many drow infants will be murdered for political/monetary gain within house disputes - hell, even within a house. Never mind, the caste system, and slavery - there are whole races which are clearly not extended the same rights as others. Killing say an elf slave would hardly raise any issues. Unless of course its someone else's slave then the owner may take interest in retribution due to damaged goods. Arguably wiping out a house would be seen as a display of immense political/military clout. Sure other houses wouldn't necessarily want that as it establishes a dominant, but all you'd do is really ignite house wars. Its not like they would be shedding a tear over it. So realistically, genocide is not really breaking any social taboos for the drow.

So, yes, it can be arguably Lawful Evil - especially if the machinations of his plan require working through the framework of their society.



Your problem is that all you said wold only work for a female drow.

W-would it be o-okay if I looked m-more like this user-kun?


See you act like I'm the asshole but I fucking knew your shit would attract

>walking bombs.
I kek'd

Ayyy it's yukikaze
Have an artbook, user

Less bitching, more sci fi fighters.

What? They like playing fetch, imagine the happies moment of your life when you catch the stick and you explode with happiness. Nothing compares really.

I probably already have it, but thanks user.

See this is the kind of shit xenos fly. And we kill xenos. Unless they're space elves that power our capital ships.

No, that's Chaotic Evil. Pick something else.

Actually in truth I'm not certain it's Chaotic, but it's certainly Evil.



I guess Foghorn Leghorn is some kind of ancient xenos god of war then.

>the invading Xenos are a race of bipedal bird men.
>Marvin the Martian and his queen are earths only hope

I'm down.




Gotta get that U32 Explosive Space Modulator for the Queen



Gig giddy.





So why arn't there games that let you be Knights fighting in jets? Whether it's in space or in atmosphere.

Try Warbirds. I'm enjoying it.

Good call your DM. Your idea sounds fucking stupid give what he's trying to setup.
You should honestly feel bad.

...god damnit penis



>So why arn't there games that let you be Knights fighting in jets?
>what is AC0
Did you know there are three kind of aces?

I think he means TTRPGs or war games user.


Fifth edition has clear and explicit descriptions of alignments which clear up what the alignments make up.

It's gaming the system on one hand but on the other this is a game not a discussion on philosophy.









Does anyone have space ships that look like this?

>dat pic
>so many fetishes
>so little blood
Stop boner!.... Staahhhp!!

kek, I'm saving this to show to the rest of /k/ some time.

Reverse it then. Play a drow who wants to commit a Holocaust on the dwarves or humans or something.

My first thought is this sounds amazing, but then I realize this may just be too easy given Normal Drow opinions on the lesser races.

I requested that pic on a drawthread, surprised to see it again. Spider symbol on the armband didn't turn out so well, but the drow herself is amazing.