/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

5th Edition D&D General Discussion

>Download Unearthed Arcana: Feats for Races:

>Official Survey on Unearthed Arcana: Feats for Skills:


>/5eg/ Mega Trove:

>Pastebin with resources and so on:

Previously on /5eg/...

Reminder feats and multiclass were mistakes and should be banned

Have you done anything interesting in your last sessions, /5eg/?

Our paladin inaugurated a temple of Bane.
>Banning optional rules.
ye dummy

yall mind if I drop this story now?

>playing with group for a few months
>some are better than others and we don't go without arguments from our very own that guy but never anything worth a story until a new kid came who wanted to get into DnD after seeing stranger things
>team consisted of paladin, warlock, dex EK, barbarian and str monk
>pretty unorthodox team but it really adds to the fun
>the new guy came in and made an arcane trickster
>half our team is true neutral with a few lawful neutrals on the side as most of the team didn't care about alignments, paladin is of course lawful good and the warlock was neutral evil but very calm and never displayed his character in town or when with the party.
>new guy is chaotic neutral, this usually wouldn't mean anything at my table but trust me it's important
>party is currently in downtime as they are going to be sent to another country by the crown to conduct a mission, but before I send the new guy into the deep end of session long RP, we pause the downtime session and the party takes up an errand to rid a hamlet of a land shark issue
>characters introduce themselves to the new guy
>paladin steps up and talks about his duty to his god
>new guy starts going full "sceptical mcbigbrainium" and starts calling the paladin an idiot for believing in the gods
>explain to him that it would be hard for his character to completely disbelieve in the gods seeing as holy magic is the most celebrated form of magic and paladins are pretty much the super heroes of the era
>yeah my character still doesn't believe it
do you want your character to be someone angry at the gods or something and denies them
>NO my character doesn't believe in the gods, anyone could use magic and say it's from god
>HMM that’s not bad we can compromise and make this work
>okay how about your character thinks it's all fake and believes in a religious conspiracy?
>everyone’s happy we continue

>Our paladin inaugurated a temple of Bane.

how big for you was it?

>monk and barbarian are great friends and the monk introduces the barbarian and himself
>monk is a goliath with a 9ft pole and barbarian is a huge woman with a hammer
>monk says don't worry about the woman, she is more than capable of handling herself, she's been approved by me. no one gets into the group without impressing me first
>new guy goes on about how he's seen many woman that could beat the goliath up
>goes on about how the goliath is ignorant pretty much saying everything to make his character feel out of place in the setting other than calling the monk sexist
>monk is chill and just acts interested and says he'd like to meet the people he mentioned one day
>monk plays a kind of joking peacekeeper who tries to keep everyone in line and makes sure the party is running smoothly despite being the main cause of conflict at any point.
>it's a running joke and we all enjoy it except maybe the paladin which is kinda that guy but we don't mind him
>introductions are over and we get to the hamlet
>rogue starts talking about payment
>town is too poor to pay
>rogue starts threatening the mayor to pay up
>paladin intercepts and says that we can speak of payment when the job is done
>right after the mayor explains the situation and how the land sharks sense movement the rogue suggests that they use livestock to draw them out
>the mayor explains that they don't have any livestock left and that they would have to think of another way
>the rogue suggests that they use a baby as bait
>everyone jumps in and tells the mayor that he's joking, new guy starts laughing and says that it's an effective way to draw them out and that if the mayor wants to get rid of i he'll do as he says
>mayor walks away as he has nothing else to say as I’m too tired to muster up the energy to respond to such a stupid request appropriately

Building a Knight because I like big guys in plate. The way I see it my options are V.Human with Shield Master or Quarterstaff + Shield PAM.


Is it a big following?

Again, yes, holy magic doesn't require gods, at least on 5e's standard.

Get the sentinel feat and tunnel fighter as fighting style

If you're a knight sword and board is the way to go.
Shield master so you can block dragon breath is a must.

>the battle with the land shark is over, the warlock being the new guys friend focused him with supporting spells and the rogue managed to output a lot more damage than anyone else
>rogue goes to ask for payment, mayor gathers everyone in town to scrape coin together to pay the party
>party gets around 30 gold pieces and a retired dwarf cleric gives up his old plate armour
>paladin refuses to take a cut and convinces the dwarf not to give it up as it was a memory of his service,
>rogue freaks out and asks for a payment from the paladin
>monk steps in and tells him that if he doesn't start calming down that he'll have to put him in his place
>rogue goes full retard and thinks that a realistic answer to that threat is to try and put a dagger to the monks neck
>rolls against the monk and manages to get to his neck and hold the dagger to it but EK casts thunderwave and knocks them both to the ground
>barbarian says that they should duel it out, first to draw blood, monk says he'd prefer first to knock the other to the ground as he doesn’t want to hurt him too bad
>rogue agrees
>monk has 20 strength
>quickly picks him up and slams him on the ground
>issue is resolved and everyone is okay

>the only thing that makes martials competitive should be banned

A baby is a terrible idea.
You need a man in plate stomping on a plank.
I'm not even sure being there was part of my plan.
A whole big town, if you live in a small town or a village, it would be a big following for you.

How long have you been autistic and retarded?

That rogue is a special kind of retard and I hope he fucks up soon.

>the only thing that makes martials competitive
martials are totally viable AND fun just as they are

I mean, for a neutral evil character, 'use a baby as bait' is a valid proposition, but everything the rogue has been doing puts them on pretty much 'chaotic evil', which by 5e's standards mostly just means 'selfish fucker.'

Considering these things could just up and fuck someone in the party over and everybody would be even in more shit, for a more heartless person using a baby as bait sounds like a better proposition than using the people keeping the town safe as bait. Not gauranteed the baby would die anyway.
Main problem is babies don't move much, so he should have said us-
Yeah, he was being edgy. He should have said 'use a child as bait'. Idiot.

>sessions ends and new guy approaches me and starts talking about how much he hates paladins.
it's just your first time you'll get used to it
>nah paladins seem to just ruin the fun
he was just roleplaying his character, he's just trying to stay true to the setting
>he takes it too seriously
>tired of his shit and just confront him
desu I think you should take it more seriously. your character doesn't feel like he would survive a week in my world, and if you keep fighting with the party one of them will probably just kill you and make you reroll a character.
>guy doesn't turn up for next session

>skip to now
>wants to play again with the same character
>this time wants to bring his GF

nothing wrong with him bringing another person but i'm afraid it's just going to be someone to enable him.

pretty much everyone commented on how much of a kill joy he was other than the warlock and shocking the paladin but what should I do the warlock really like this guy and he's honestly the best in the party, should I suffer this new guy just to make the warlock happy?

okay cool.
where did it say that the paladin needed the gods?
are you implying that holy crusaders can't be relgious?

Made out with a cute wizard in an extra dimensional space.

y tho

You get basic versions of those in the class already. Like, it wouldn't justify the overlap.

Question, just had to pay out a fire between a dm and player due to a call on unearthed arcana and stat distribution...
>told to make characters and send sheet to dm for checks before game (offline creation)
>dm gets one players pagee and my page.
>last player sends page...
>"rolled" such good stats his lowest stat was a 13... And had 2 18's @lvl 1
>assumed unearthed arcana revised ranger was allowed without asking dm
>dm looks at all 3, tells powergamer that revised ranger defeats purpose of his campaign's focus on exploration and travel, and that we all needed to use pointbuy instead.
>powergamer rages because normal ranger is "shit and wizards says so in the revised pdf"
>double rage because he can't have another character that is overpowered as fuck (4 short campaigns, alway has "too good to be true stats" but different dm let slide
>raged more and isn't allowed to play and we don't start session 0 that week
>still have to fight him to say how phb ranger isn't garbage...

Is it just me or is phb ranger weak because most dm's don't use the mechanics the ranger has to make it a great rp class? Or do people just want stat buffs over rp?

They can be religious, but a paladin's power doesn't come from gods, and therefore you can't say 'Oh, but paladins exist, so gods must exist!'

You sound like you've got a lot of players. Telling him he can rejoin is okay but you'd prefer not to take on another player is a perfectly valid reason not to let the girlfriend join the game.
You are the DM, it's your call.

You're the DM, don't let either of them in.

Now this is probably the most effective way to do it.

This feels much more flavorful though. Something about being a guy who takes it back to basics with a Longsword and a Shield feels so right.

Even though I might not get much use from it I might end up taking Mounted Combatant just to let my horse survive in fights. Shame there's no way to get my horse to survive saving throws.

Revised ranger should be allowed. Even the people who made the fucking rulebook say that.
Also druid and PHB ranger also destroy all 'survival' aspects, but it is a valid reason to disallow those classes (or specifically to nerf those aspects of those classes)

>Rolling for stats
>Especially while not at the table

Also while I'm here you're fucking wrong
PHB ranger is a joke
I mean, come on. Where's your justification?
You might as well go dex fighter, warlock, ranged rogue or any other form of ranged combat.

Everybody else here on the internet will tell you it's shit. Especially beastmaster ranger. ESPECIALLY beastmaster ranger. They got lazy when they made ranger, they didn't even give ranger archetypes proper names, just 'archetypes', with some lame description like 'you chosoe an archetype I guess'.

unless every magic-using class is banned, expecting to challenge a party while spells that create fire, water, and purify food are cantrips is moronic

UA Revised Ranger should be allowed because it frontloads some stats that Ranger could use, has there be a crunch benefit towards attacking your Favored Enemy type, and fixes the Beastmaster issue that the PHB Ranger has.

If the Ranger is going Hunter/Slayer Ranger and not Beastmaster, then the PHB one is fine, they'll just miss a couple points of damage from Favored Enemy.

1: UA Ranger is fine, you could try subtly suggesting the DM work with him to make it fit the campaign BUT
2: Rolling for stats is bullshit, tell the player to cut that shit out and point-buy.

There, compromises for both sides.

Any suggestions on how to make DnD 5e more fun as a player?

Current DM is boring and it takes forever to accomplish anything - so what little roleplaying things can I do to have fun while I wait for the 10-minute conversations with every NPC ever to finish or when the party splits and the DM spends 20 mins with the one guy who decided to leave everyone else?

I've tried keeping a journal of what we are doing and taking detailed notes, but that's been fairly dull.

Get a better DM.
How's it boring? 5e is a system that really requires the DM to be on point.

To build on what this user said, it is well within your right to not allow the girlfriend.

How likely is it that if she doesn't join, the problem player will leave the game?

How likely is it then, that if the problem player doesn't come back, that your Warlock leaves as well?

It's a little bit of both to be honest.
PHB ranger is mostly weak because DM's don't use the mechanics it excels at, but it also has some really underwhelming abilities to be honest.
Favored enemy is shit if they don't appear in the campaign, and even if they do appear it's really kind of weak.

To be honest, the only thing they should take out from revised ranger to make it a bit more balanced is one of the following:
>advantage on initiative
>advantage against those you go before in the initiative order
Together it's a little too good. Separate they're just fine. That said, move one of them back to a later level and you can keep them both in, no problem. But to have them both so early is pretty powerful.

Also natural explorer feels much better and much more useful than it ever was before. Again, having to pick a favored terrain can either make you very relevant or it will never come up. It usually is the later unless the DM tells you what terrain would be best or you have some other meta knowledge going in.

As for revised beastmaster, it's much much better. Just don't allow multiclassing with it and you're good.

I have a UA beastmaster in the game I run (I let us convert his old PHB ranger 5 sessions in) and it works pretty well. No glaring issues, and because the animal companion can be restored back to life, there's much less fear of him dying so they actually try to use them in combat which is great. I hated having phb beast masters that would have a bear or something and they'd never go into combat.

>Any suggestions on how to make DnD 5e more fun as a player?
Yeah, talk to your DM. He shouldn't be spending ages on one guy when the party splits. Even mine bounces to each player every minute and it's his first time DMing.

>spells that let you talk directly to the gods
>m-maybe they're making it all up

in the dark ages pretty much everyone believed in god. how much do you think that would be amplified by if holy magic and communal with the gods was a thing

Talk with the DM out of game, maybe see if you can get more info. out of the lore of his game/setting for you to focus on for roleplay moments, see if there isn't anything you can have your character latch onto.

Other things you can do include describing little 'slice of life' scenes while the other players chat up the NPCs.

Yeah, I'm with this guy.
UA Ranger should be allowed, even if the case was poorly made. On both sides. Frankly, a lot of backgrounds, abilities and spells trivialize survival/exploration in a mechanical sense. If there are specific things that the DM feels are campaign breaking, he should have said so earlier, or simply downplay their effectiveness.
Rolling for stats and whining? Nah, screw him. Using Revised ranger? Sure.

Pick up a copy of KM Weiland's book "Creating Character Arcs" and work on developing your character. Or just look up details on how to do good characters for fiction. ebook version is like $4 and it's a quality book.

It's very satisfying to polish the finer details of your character in such a way that they come to life as their own thing, and it can breath a spark into an otherwise dull campaign. Be the light that you want to see in others.

>"rolling" for stats
Your DM is beyond retarded if he ever thought this was a good idea.

You are the dm, imho I feel he will bring an enabler because that is what couples do... Not to mention the "only I can help her cus she's my gf" mentality I fear would arise. Cus if this casual carl gets butt hurt over a player roleplaying well like that player wants, he seems like the type to be selfish and wouldn't want others to help his gf.
Don't risk it man. I wouldn't trust bringing my own gf to table honestly, I would play totally different. It is safer to protect your game and the game over a chance for it to be upstaged. And uostaging a dm is... Bad

Do it. Be the valiant hero. It's really pretty damn satisfying.

>expecting to challenge a party while spells that create fire, water, and purify food are cantrips is moronic

>Fire is a non-issue as everyone and their mother has a tinderbox.
>Create or Destroy Water is a 1st level spell
>Purify Food and Drink is a 1st level spell

Please check the facts before spouting bullshit

Aside from divine intervention which would have to be explained as a lower level wish, you can reflavour those abilities slightly. Aside from that, I recall an user saying that 'paladins and clerics aren't even sure where they get their power from anymore', at least with regards to the whole AO and removing objective alignments and FR and shit.
And then 5e gives various pantheons of gods and clerics only go into a domain rather than definite gods, so if your setting lacked gods it'd still be possible to have clerics.

The only time I allow rolling for stats is when I and the players are aware that this is going to be a high fantasy, 'playing THE heroes of a generation' game; literally, you roll for stats to become Gandalf, Aragon, Gimli, Legolas, etc., because the shit I'm gonna throw at you will require every bit of minmaxing you can do. And even then those campaigns only last a few sessions because the players get bored of the characters and want to play something that's not as overpowered.

Even if it's not a cantrip, a druid or cleric can change their spells at dawn if you need water or food.

It'll feel good being able to be super Lawful Good and unlike a Paladin I don't do it just because I have to.

Any suggestions on ways to get across I'm "holier than thou" other then giving any gold I don't need to the commonfolk?

>Shame there's no way to get my horse to survive saving throws.

Doesn't Mounted Combatant's last effect let the mount take no damage from succeeded DEX saves and only half damage from failed DEX saves?

Different user here, but I'm interested in this book.
Thanks for mentioning it.

I struggle a bit in my own games to create compelling arcs for some of my players. But then again, this is our first really long campaign and isn't so player character centric as far as plot goes since they didn't put a ton of thought into their first characters.

Still, working on creativity is always a plus.

Plenty of AOE spells that aren't dex saves. Upcast a shatter and bye bye horsie.

the ranger in general asks the dm to center the campaign around it to work as intended and that is extra shitty design. if your favored terrain and enemy doesn't appear, if your campaign is not about exploration and wilderness survival, all those features get wasted.
even their combat modes can easily get wasted, colossus slayer vs. weak mooks, horde breaker vs. single mobs, giant killer vs. medium or smaller enemies and volley or whirlwind attack vs. single mobs.

the entire suite of ranger effects can just be meaningless from round to round or combat to combat, and there's much to do about it.

Great, that's a spell slot burned for nothing, pretty much. You still need a slot for Goodberry, since you aren't gonna be getting actual food from Purify unless you forage and can't be fucked to clean the animal properly.

Yes, it trivializes the foraging aspect of exploration, but if the DM is good, he'll put enough stress on the players to really make those slots count.

If you want to go full Lawful, read into some authoritarian ideologies and pick one you'd like to "believe in." Ask the DM about any royalty you could come from, or any Kings/Armies you might serve.

Explain to me how a character knows how to traverse a swamp and arctic regions when his entire life was spent in a kingom with 0 swamps... And 0 arctic regions...?

Well fuck it does. I guess most AoE's don't really do too much damage anyway. Warhorse has 19HP so it could likely survive a mid leveled CON save against it.

At least I can have a tragic character arc of revenge and alcoholism for my horsie.

DM would also need to ban background features that say you can find food and water for your party.

Nothing happens, a 5 hour session means catching a boat somewhere and maybe 1 short combat. We have to roleplay every action with every minor NPC. Instead of rocking up to the castle, getting a quest and leaving we have to - walk to gate, ask gate npc to open the gate, 'who said you can come in here', 'here we have this letter', 'ok go on in', talk to castle front door guards, 'Noone enters without authorization', 'we were specifically requested, we have this note', 'ok go in', have to talk to the lord's secretary, 'oh what brings you here?'

All of this pointless shit could be avoided by "You show your note to the gate guard who waves you in, after finding the office of the lord and speaking to his secretary, you enter the office to see the lord sitting down in his chair at a desk." Some people enjoy that stuff, and that's fine, but literally all of us prefer combat and have pointed it out multiple times to the DM.

These numerous NPC interactions might sound short, but when someone wants to go and buy something from the blacksmith, and someone wants to buy spells, and someone wants to look for side quests, it takes literally hours to talk to all these NPC's one at a time because the party splits to make this stuff happen.

>inb4 get a new DM

DnD is literally the only time our group of friends actually meet, bad DnD is better than no DnD in this case - I just want ideas on how to make it more fun instead of sitting on my phone.

It's one level one spell slot used to keep the party alive on the rare occasion where you absolutely cannot find food and water.
It's hardly 'burned for nothing.'

And once you hit later levels, you'll have plenty of other spellslots of higher levels and those low level spellslots will mostly be for things like a healing word or something, anyway.

Sounds like they're more a victim of 'the setting wasn't properly explained'.

Magic, because that's what a D&D Ranger is. He's using magical senses and feeling the lands natural patterns to find his way.

Sounds pretty great, I'll look into it. Thanks :)

why would you want a setting without gods though?

having a setting with demons and devils but no gods and angels is retarded as all hell.

not to mention you lose three of the heaven realms where gods dwell. which are some of the most fun for high level characters to visit.

honestly the setting I was going for is that there are so many gods have varying degrees of intrest in the materal realm so most people feel comfortable giving them offerings every now and then and just being relaxed about it, I guess in a modern day shinto kind of way. no weeabo.

others obviously are more pious and seek recongition from the gods by performing their will on the material plane.

in terms of people who don't follow any god in the slightest it would likely be a druid or someone who disliked the gods for some reason or maybe someone from an elemental plane who hasn't witness one.

just a random rogue not beliving in the gods seems out of place in the setting I established.

I dunno, because survival basics are pretty similar across many different kinds of environments?
You know enough about nature to make very educated guesses about the way things work even in environments that are a bit foreign to you?

Show him this post.

Yeah, but there's only so much you can get, you know? It's still effectively a mundane, every-day horsey. Letting it shrug off Cone of Cold or some shit would be way too good.

Alternatively, take 5 levels of Paladin for RIGHTEOUS STEED or 5 levels of Wizard for SPOOKY STEED.

DM here, trying to think up a way to make my party's Sorcerer feel a bit more powerful/useful than any other arcane caster available to play.

My current line of thought is that they get a free spell at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level (ie., when the unlock the first spell slots of 1st - 5th spell level) and make the spell learned tie into their Sorcerous Origin.

Lets them be a bit more flexible with spell selection when they know that their "bread and butter" blaster spells are guaranteed to be earned and lets them pick up some other useful spells (Fly, Haste, Counterspell, Invisibility, etc.) and not lose out on having more blaster spells to modify with Metamagic.

If this means I have to homebrew up some spells (the Sorcerer's Origin is a Blue Dragon) then so be it, I don't mind doing a bit of work to homebrew up some blaster spells for him to use.

What other ways/options have you DMs done to give your group's Sorcerer a bit more oomph?

Plenty of reasons not to have gods in a setting. Some people prefer a lower fantasy setting, and want to be able to aim for the top without there being a point where the DM has to bridge the gap from level 20 to godhood with some absurd explanation, and then there's plotholes left right and centre about gods intervening or not intervening or such that're often explained with 'I guess gods don't interact with the world except the ways they interact with the world'.
Generally, gods are a higher power that cannot be simply understood in a plot, and really don't then serve to introduce anything much interesting to a plot other than dues ex machinas and mysteries that can't be solved by logic and reason.

.. I'd probably be better off finding a blog or something trying to explain god-less settings, though.

In any case, it's fine to had a setting with gods too, and if you made the setting clear the player's a bit of an idiot/trying to be special.

Dude plays nothing but fighter so him playing beast master is a joke. And the reason he wants revised is so he can generalize humanoids and get the damage boost cus "muh powergame"
And if you wanna talk shitty... Why play sorcerer when wizard is dewmably better outside a few cheeky multiclass warlock bits? Or wild magic, I see sorcerer flawed as well but I hear nobody complain about it, but ranger... All over

How do I build good low level monk with phb only?

What are my options?

I know the feeling, user.
Here's what I suggest. It *might* help you. It *might* also make you a forever DM, but you might also realize being a good DM for bad players is better than being a good player for a bad DM.

Ask if you can do a one-shot any time the DM feels like they need a break. Make sure you pace it VERY well. Have the action flow well from scene to scene and show how much fun can be had by skipping some of the trivial bits.

Going to buy a sword shouldn't require NPC interaction unless that NPC might have some importance. If you arrive in a new town it can be good to roleplay a minor NPC if anything just because you need to establish contacts in a foreign place. But you're in the capital? Fuck it, just pay your gold and be done.

A good DM will fast forward you to the fun and help you skip the drag. NPC encounters either need to be fun or they need to be of plot significance is a general rule of thumb.

If you can make sure everyone has fun with your one-shot, you might convince the DM to change things up, especially if your style gets people more involved and interactions are actually fun.

I once had a DM that would drag shit out like this. And the worst part was that we only played like once a month (sometimes twice if we were "lucky" ) and fuck all would happen every session just like yours. I believe we were 6 different 5 hour sessions in before hitting level 3. Needless to say, we stopped playing that campaign after we hit level 3. No one had fun, not even the DM.

I think the next most-bitched about class in PHB is Sorcerer.

It's just that the bitching for Ranger is much, much, much, MUCH louder (and rightfully so, for once) than the bitching about Sorcerer.

I was trying to say that it's a resource that is burned "for nothing" because it's not like a damage or healing spell or whatever.

And to be fair, at higher levels, you probably shouldn't be bothering with that kind of shit anyways.

and who doesn't take 20 pounds of field rations when they go exploring anyways?

Yeah, giving them an extended spells list is a good start.
I also recommend letting them be flexible with reflavoring some spells mechanically since draconic sorcerers outside of fire and ice are pretty short on elemental spells that fit their theme.

If he is blue, why not give him access to things like call lightning?
I would also maybe look into giving them something akin to a breath weapon that scales properly if you want to keep the draconic theme going.

6 page pdf of the world... Short excerpts with pictures...

how do you feel about ritual casting?
does your party ever give you enough time to cast shit as a ritual, do you carry around ritual spells with the intention of ritual casting them, specially as a wizard?

Is your DM autistic as well as retarded?
What the fuck, no one does that. Even good DMs don't roleplay every little thing, that does nothing but waste time.

Actually, have you guys looked at 4e?

>damage boost to humanoids
If that's what you're worried about have him pick 2 humanoids.
Or perhaps instead of damage rolls, change it to "to-hit bonus" instead.

If they're trying to powergame, they're really not picking the right class to do it with.

So I had a joke idea for a magic bow, but the more I think about it the more I want to go through with it. It should go to a deep stalker ranger and I want it to be of the rare/very rare variety.

>The Invisibow
>+1 longbow that is invisible to all creatures except the one who attuned to it
>while its wielder is also invisible it does some extra shit
>some other stuff
I need ideas. Maybe it can cast a spell? What should it do while the PC is invisible? Extra damage is easy, but boring.

We complain about sorcerer all day long. But sorcerer isn't 100% terrible. The UA content is power creep which balances it out and being able to twin spells like haste is actually pretty damn good, but it's like monk - if you don't understand what it's good at and play to those few strengths, you really might as well play something else.

Wizard has a higher skill ceiling, I suppose. But there are more powerful things than wizards.

Here are your options:
Variant human, wood elf, stout halfling.
Get mobile, don't get mobile.
Shadow or Open Hand.

... That is all. There are no other viable options if you use PHB alone.

Wood elf monk is pretty good.
Variant human with mobile is also a nice option.
You can have a starting AC of 16, and you'll be able to use your mobility to stay out of the front lines while just dashing in to punch and get back out.

>the damage boost
lol, it's like +2 to attack rolls, or +4 later on. Winds up being +4 dpr at level 5 and +8 from 6 onwards. Tell him to stick with Fighter, he'll be better off.

Then their problem is playing an outdoorsey character without understanding the world more than the fact they picked something they couldn't possibly know (which wouldn't give them any benefit whatsoever).

Good ideas. I was thinking of tying it in with another PC. I know one of them is playing a noble Wizard who ran away from home to become an adventure and was thinking that being their bodyguard could be interesting.

Other option would be "Ye olde folk hero turned Knight-Errant".

>variant human
>high strength
>grappler feat
>early levels play safe with javlins or some shit
>wait till level 5 and stun the biggest guy you can find in a fight and pin them to the ground.

>and who doesn't take 20 pounds of field rations when they go exploring anyways?

When you play that asshole that buys 14lbs of flour, 2lbs of salt and a iron skillet (half and iron pot)4lbs
Rp element and food at the same time.

Is this so that there's essentially some retard making pew-pew motions on the battlefield but actually killing people in the process? Because if so I wholeheartedly approve.

As a minor effect for more shenanigans, if they ranger is also invisible, then the target getting hit thinks it came from the opposite side. Like, shoot him in the chest, he feels like he got shot in the back.

No no no.
As an action you can use the bow to turn invisible for one minute. No concentration.
While the user is invisible the bow is visible.
So you still have the benefits that come from invisibility (advantage on attacks, enemies have disadvantage), but your location is otherwise obvious.

Myself and this DM alternate every few weeks. I run a Shadowrun campaign while he does DnD, and we are with the same group of people.

People seem to like my game a lot more, and I'm not perfect but I think I get the pacing right with a good amount of combat - but he doesn't seem to get the hint. Ironically he's a great player - he knows what is going on, takes notes and roleplays his character well. It just seems like when he DM's he's using it as a chance to practice his voice acting and his improv skills rather than creating an exciting game.

Gee, a character that's worthless for 5 levels and then has one trick it can do 1-2 times before a rest in a low level game? Sign me the fuck up.

Seriously, this isn't even a meme build like Fighter 1/Monk X. It's just insulting.

I do three major fixes:

>1. Combine the Wizard and Sorcerer Spell List
This pretty much fixes the fact that the Sorcerer spell list is a strictly inferior version of the Wizard one, and also gives wizards some silly things they for SOME REASON didn't have before (like waterwalk, even though they get water breathing). There is no reason to keep the lists separate.

>2. Sorcerers know all meta-magic options from the start.
This sounds overpowered, it's not. It allows sorcerers a type of versatility wizards don't have and allows players to pick something besides Twin and Quickened.

>3.Allow Sorcerers to learn spells from tutors and such.
Wizards can learn spells simply by reading a defeated enemy's spell book, sorcerers too should be allowed to learn spells outside of their level-up spells if they find the proper teacher. Helps to alleviate their god-awful spells-known limit. Be careful not to go TOO far with this though, since they're not prepared-spell casters like wizards are.

NOTE: This is all assuming multi-classing is banned. I fully acknowledge this is broken as fuck with multiclassing allowed, but multiclassing is a broken mechanic anyway and I never allow it at my table.

Looks like you need to step up to the plate to DM 5e as well, get him to only play as he's being selfish and a bit of shitfister.

Then my suggestion is to just be honest and tell him how you feel.
Start by telling him what you love about his games, but be honest about how you feel about his pacing.
Suggest that while you enjoy some of these interactions, if the scene doesn't feel engaging to the whole party it's easy to become distracted and uninterested in the scene.

>The user dies
>Drops bow
>nobody can see bow still
>+1bow remains there for an eternity :(

That is all I think of when I hear only visable to attuned.. Is the arrow visable?

I agree with this, like if someone can come to me with it and it's a reasonable thing that can't be accomplished by other options I'll consider.

Most of the time you just need to change 1 ability or something for those character concepts that are "Impossible without MCing".

>the target getting hit thinks it came from the opposite side
Oh, I like that. Guess I can justify it with it being a weapon heavily laced with illusion magic.

>While the user is invisible the bow is visible.
I definitely thought about that because it's pretty funny, but then it has to have some benefits to justify the silliness of a longbow hovering mid-air.

>but multiclassing is a broken mechanic anyway
It's really not except for a few level 20 meme builds that can only do one or two things very well.
>level 20

It's a fine mechanic otherwise for letting a character be more diverse at the cost of reducing their overall power since falling behind the power curve is very easy to do with multiclassing.

Well, it's a Blue Dragon Sorc, so the Lightning damage spells at 0 - 5th spell level are Shocking Grasp (cantrip), Chromatic Orb - Lightning (1st), Lightning Bolt (3rd), and Call Lightning (3rd, not normally on their list).

My thinking for homebrewed spells are:

> Lightning Step

2nd level Evocation

Bonus Action, V, S

Move up to 2x your current move speed, not provoking AoO if you pass by an enemy. Any enemy you do pass by must make a Reflex save or take 2d8 Lightning damage, half damage on success.

> Lightning Wave

4th level Evocation

Action, V, S

Make a 30 ft. cone attack, creatures inside the cone must make a Reflex save or take 7d8 Lightning damage, half damage on success. If cast using a higher level spell slot, add an additional 1d8 Lightning damage per higher level spell slot.

> Lightning Orb

5th level

Action, V, S, Concentration (1 minute)

Throw a pulsing orb of lightning out to an area w/in 60 ft. that you can see. Any creature that starts its turn within a 15 ft. radius of the orb must make a Reflex save or take 6d8 Lightning damage. On concurrent turns you can move the orb up to 30 ft. with a Bonus Action. If cast at a higher level, add 2d8 Lightning damage for every spell level cast at higher than 5th.

Elemental Evil and SCAG add some. Lightning Lure off the top of my head.