Need a new combat skill

I need to think of a new combat type skill, on par with these others :

1 Handed Weapons
2 Handed Weapons
Gunpowder Weapons
Bows & Crossbows
Dirty Fighting

The one being removed is Armour & Shields, which after play testing has been found to be not fun.

There are magic skills, but they're spell schools so if you suggest something magic related, not a spell school. Give suggestions?

Martial Perception
Wuxia wire-fu
Wuxia other stuff

Leadership is already covered, dodging/grapple/parry is covered by dirty fighting. Leadship has its own skill under social skills. Tell me more what you think by Martial Perception?

Anticipation of incoming blows or surprises, which sounds like you're lumping under Dirty Fighting, recognizing your opponent's stance and abilities, weaknesses and strengths and knowing how he's going to use them.

>ki and wirefu aren't the same
Dude, you known the wires are made of pure ki right?

If I put Martial Perception/Awareness, would being able to know roughly their stats and movesets, etc on top of weaknesses be a bit strong?

It's as strong as you and the ref and the dice make it. For example, maybe the opponent can invest in the skill and roll to hide their style. Maybe the player only gets qualitative measures of the stats in question. Maybe only one success doesn't give the full moveset or misses a critical weakness. In any case a well-made party will probably only have one guy investing in it to fill the strategist role.

Has any system implemented different martial arts disciplines? It could work the same way as spells and spell schools

I think if I rename it "Combat Strategy" this can also be applied for players in charge of armies and squads and such.

Simple/Unarmed generally covers this, there is a system which allows martial arts via the use of stamina. But maybe you get a temp buff if you crit success.

I don't know of any system that does so in a meaningful and satisfactory way. Class systems come kinda close, as they distinguish between martial fighting styles, tradition, and practical skills.

What about like 'finesse' or 'light weapons' to represent light blades, daggers and the kinds of weapons an assassin might use?

Those are covered by simple weapons. Daggers, shortswords, clubs and crossbows.

If crossbows are under Simple then what's under Bows & Crossbows?


In what exact context? I'd say the one-handed/two-handed weapons could be revised. Fighting with a longsword and a polearm is much more different than fighting with a shortsword vs. longsword.

>/parry is covered by dirty fighting
I get the others, but why parrying?

Not that I think it should be its own thing.

I'd say you cover a lot in Simple/Thrown/Unarmed, but that's just me

>There are magic skills, but they're spell schools so if you suggest something magic related, not a spell school.

A question.

How many martial skills a character needs to have basic competency?

How many magical skills a character needs to have basic competency?

sounds like it's better to call "Dirty fighting" "Combat tactics" instead and relegate dirty fighting to seriously dishonorable dick-ass shit like pocket sand or concealed blades.

Explosives and alchemical bombs.
You've got gunpoweder, you know that eventually players will 'discover' grenades.

Specialty Weapons - for those special snowflakes who love to use neat weapons. I don't see PC's using this but could be neat for some NPC's.
Things like Rope Darts, Man-Catcher's - weapons less built around defeating a opponent but more for completing specific goals.

>Pic Related - the Zhua, a weapon used to disarm the enemy and tear at their armor with sharp claws.

Why is dodging fine? How is not standing there and tanking each attack like a tree stump dirty fighting?

Close up this thread chaps. I'm pleased with Combat Strategy.

Not just slamming someone's sword away, but manipulating the fight so you strip them of their armor and weaponry.
