/STG/ - Star Trek General
Uh huh. So, you should account for the unknowable through moral cowardice? Gotcha.
Makes sense. Riker is an ass.
To be continued?
I'd be cool with that. Really like this Mirror take on LaForge and the rest of the gang.
That was neat. It's good to see the Stargazer in action.
People were complaining about that with ENT. No doubt we're going to see more of it.
Better than the novels, for sure.
Are you saying dominatrix Troi from Dark Mirror is worse than this one? Ree.
Is that what she became? The only story that I read with her in it (from Shards and Shadows) was that she was the pure maiden manager of her mom's Best Brothel in Known Space (it contained what was left of the Betazoid race) who was only pure because she had no telepathic abilities, because her mom suppressed them for some (probably evil) reason. She then got her mom killed when Picard turned off her suppression at a key moment, so she raged and got the place blowed up good (along with the Duras sisters, I guess, which was why Picard was there in the first place).
MU novels are basically "everybody except Tuvok dies".