Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums,

How do you stay dead without being a jerk? I spent three hours dead in D&D yesterday, which produced the small problem of what exactly I should be doing during that time. Is it okay to go read a book or play a game? Do I have to stay at the table? Thanks for your time.

Pay attention to what's going on you mong

Just whip it out, and start beating off. That'll teach 'em for killing you

That's actually a great question. I play online, and you can miss the sessions you are dead at with no problem, and read what happened later.

It'd be kind of cute if the DM let you roll for one of the enemies in an encounter. Like you don't get to control it, but you just roll for hit and damage just to have something to do while waiting.

The DM should really be on top of this. I usually let them handle an NPC or enemies (within reason)
You could be rolling up your next character.
Otherwise there should be no issue with just doing your own thing.

As a player I usually like to watch anyway.

Yeah my DM normally lets us do something similar. If you die you're an ememy till further notice. Helps to fill up "Dead" Time.

Yeah, spend th time rolling up a new character or take over an npc.
That, or handjobs under the table. Depends on the group.

My dad's group did this ALL THE TIME but it seems to have fallen out of favor with the younger crowd, my players were never really interested in doing that sorta thing

To be honest OP this probably won't be viable for you but for my particular situation we hire a hooker. We're all young-ish dudes who earn decent money and are single or don't care about no strings sleeping around on their partners. We play rarely, like once a month or maybe every two months and we like high lethality games. We live in different parts of the country too and host on rotation or based on convenience.

So we hire a hooker when we play and mostly she just sits on her phone or whatever but if someone dies or is out of the game they take her into the bedroom and we shout them when they're ready to play again. We've got one regular in one area but the rest are all pick-ups and they can be a little weird about it but never any real problems.

That's... That's certainly one solution.

You do realize your group is a green text >That John amongst hookers

I would love for a board full of prostitutes to discuss That John behaviors
>leaves the money on the nightstand
>there are coins

Usually my players will have a backup character prepared, but if they don't or it's not a good place to introduce one, I let my players run bad guys. I take them to another room, explain their abilities and goals, and then they get to run that guy in the next combat.

Most players really enjoy the chance to fight their 'former' teammates.


I make them an honorary co-DM for the session and award xp at the end of the session/quest that may be applied to their next character.

Dead character time is for writing up your new character and figuring out how it will become involved with the party.

I tend to read the DM's notes and rulebook while I wait. That or surf the web.


That is one of the most bizarre and true things i have ever read here.

While I appreciate the courage, I can't understand for the life of me how can that be an healthy behavior.

I can't tell if your serious or not, but I love your train of thought.

>get picked up by some yuppie nerds every few months
>makes you sit through 8 hours of make-believe nerd talk
>won't let you watch tv because it "interferes with the game"
>no diet coke or clear liquor in the house
>whole place (nerds included) smells like farts and used fleshlights
>order a meatlover's pizza and completely forget I'm a vegetarian
>fattest of the guys asks me to call him "Atrocitous the Excruciating" while he nervously jerks off on my thigh
Should I just tell them I'm quitting the business or keep taking the money? It's not the nastiest job I've ever had to do but it lasts FOREVER and it's boring as hell

I mean, I get you're kidding but they can totally go watch TV and we'll get them whatever they want for takeout. Initially we were worried about stealing if they were in another room or whatever but it's only been a problem once or twice and we just never ask that person back. Agencies are definitely better for that. Drinking is fine too, we all drink while we game, but we do ask they don't get too wasted (we have like a rules conversation at the start which is definitely one of the most awkward parts of the whole thing).

The regular girl is the best because she seems genuinely interested in the game, which admittedly is probably just her being good at her job. We had another girl who seemed interested in coming back because she was expecting a bachelor party and it was much easier vs. what she earned than she expected, but I think she got out of it because her numbers were dead when we tried again. Boredom definitely is a problem NGL we had one girl just up and sneak out halfway through, taking all the money.

depends on context. roll a new character OR hang around for a while, follow the action and chat a bit with your friends OR go home and do something else.

There are communities on Reddit devoted to this sort of thing.

Got a link or name?

This is what I do, let the players run some monster encounters or even minor social encounters with NPCs.

is that a daemonhost?


well, this was not what I expected when I opened the thread, but good for you.

whats that?

If a character is dead while the party is still in the dungeon, I always let that player take over the henchmen. Barring that, they can stay engaged by being the mapper or the caller or both while everyone else focuses on running their own character.

Balls balls balls

A Christmas Carol is a novella by Charles Dickens and has been adapted several times in different forms since it was written during the Victorian era. It's about an old and bitter miser named Scrooge. It takes place on Christmas Eve. He refuses an invitation for Christmas from his Nephew because he suspects he's a homosexual, and turns away two people asking for money for the poor because Scrooge is a Libertarian, and begrudgingly gives his sole, overworked employee, Bob Crachitt, Christmas off with pay because of social stresses, but secretly hopes Bob's crippled son, Little Timmy, dies and ruins his Christmas.

That night he's visited by his dead Mising Partner, Jacob Marley. He's covered in the change he forged in life (The chains represent dickish behavior) and that he would be visited by three ghosts that night. As soon as Jacob leaves he immediately tries to dismiss it and remembers the good old days when they would work late and take turns fucking their shared prostitute whenever they needed a break.

He is visited by the Ghost of Christmas past, who shows him that he didn't used to be such a dick and was once young, handsome, and sociable. Then he his visited by the Ghost of Christmas present who shows him that his Nephew and his friends are having a gay old time (gay as in joyous, not as in blowjob circle) and the true horrors of stagnant wages coupled with ever increasing cost of living as he sees Bob Crachitt's shitty, Irish, life with his wife and their 17 children, plus crippled Little Timmy who also has like a chest thing or something cause he coughs a lot but damn is he ever optimistic. Also Bob's wife thinks Scrooge is a fucking dick. He is then visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future who reveals that one day Scrooge will.... DIE! Also no one will care because he was the Roger Ails of his time.

Scrooge then wakes up, looks out his window and sees an orphan boy selling Christmas hams and asks him what day it is. (cont'd)


The Ham-slinging orphan looks up at him, rolls his eyes, and says "Why, it's Christmas, Sir!" And is about to flip him off until Scrooge says he's going to buy a ham, then the savvy little entrepreneur instead puts on the charm and closes the sale. Scrooge then has the ham delivered to Crachitt, visits his Nephew, tells him he accepts him and his lifestyle, confusing his straight nephew, and then has dinner with the Crachitts, having a jolly time then Little Timmy says "God bless us, everyone" and dies of dysentery. The end.

A lot of groups now won't use any of those things.