Dungeons: The Dragoning 40k 7E

In the previous thread someone was complaining that Scions break the setting by bringing in Greek gods. Just checked the brew thread, and, apparently all the deities' names were changed toda into generic affiliations. Except for Bone of Pelops

Are there any more-or-less agreed upon revisions that re-introduce Gun Katas into book 1 classes?

Off the top of my head:

>Point Blank and Last Line for Guardsman
>Silent Scope for Assassin

That's what I remember.

Although the Drachma assets still heavily imply them, as are the ensuing alternates.

I suppose you could get a generic name for the Scion Assets, like Aspect or Sign and compile them all into a single list. That leaves the differences in static powers and Divinity features. I suppose they could be a Choose Your Own Divinity set

To be fair, some of the Scion's alternates do something similar, like Signs and Domains.

The baseline ruleset seems to have one fatal flaw: the damage is too low, causing even a moderate resilience on either side to cause a fight to drag its ass forever
I've been spitballing ideas with the only other guy I know who plays it and I was thinking something along the lines of static damage on top of the regular damage for the weapon and he suggested to have that be affected by raises as a multiplier, haven't looked into the math of either yet but it sounded promising
Another suggestion he had was to use resilience as just a flat bonus to soak which kinda sucks but it would fix some issues quick and fast
What do you people who have played anything but dungeons & dragons all think?

Very glad to see a DtD:40k7e thread on Veeky Forums I almost thought this board was dead

Typically damage being too low isn't an issue in DtD. In fact, it can often be the opposite, where combat is decided in a few attacks, especially at higher levels where attacking tends to outstrip your ability to dodge.

The only time damage may tend to be too low is with ranged weapons doing nothing special. Full Auto Burst, Scatter and Accurate weapons do what you were asking though, allowing Raises on the to hit to improve the damage of them. Gun Kata can help with that too.

There's also other ways of taking people out. Tearing, fatigue, snare, setting people on fire, using theenvironment, potent spells like max oower Meteor Storm, etc.

And the thing with marial schools is that you can use special attacks every turn if youbdont have that one disadvantage.

Just discovered DtD40k7th, and reading the setting it kinda struck me as Age of Sigmar-esque, but less vague, which is pretty awesome. That makes me wonder, how would you make a Stormcast? The Aasimar are thematically similar (since Stormcast are basically groundmarines, save with the caveat that they get brought back to life). Would you just do Aasimar-Chosen-Class?