WAAAGH! Edition
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Question time
What was your first AoS purchase?
WAAAGH! Edition
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Question time
What was your first AoS purchase?
wait people actually play that shit? i thought they invented this just to get rid of WHFB players from stores?
Well, it was the 4th best selling miniature game in the US in 2016 and people are actually playing it. If you didn't notice there are aos generals every day on Veeky Forums for something like 2 years now. But nice try cheetahfag
A Dragon Slayer, just after AoS dropped.
Was also my first Warhammer purchase.
Are any of the warscroll/rulebooks worth it for the fluff? Im not very keen in the sigmar warriors but are the chaos books worth it for fluff?
Also which one should i pick up for the vanilla warriors of chaos?
>Are any of the warscroll/rulebooks worth it for the fluff?
Warscrolls are just datasheets of AoS - unit stats and weapon list so there is no fluff on them
>are the chaos books worth it for fluff?
All Battletomes are on megalinks in resources. I'm not really into chaos but I liked the Pestilens battletome and Tzeentch one. The FEC one is probably the best IMO but it's death GA.
>Also which one should i pick up for the vanilla warriors of chaos?
Well, Slaves to Darkness are really good for their own and their start collecting has good value. You can mix them with everything chaos you want - I heard that they work pretty well with daemons
Do slaves to darkness have their own battle tome? Cheers though. Ive started to come around to AoS.
Not him, but I don't get this cheetah thing which has been all over 40k and AoS lately
They do not have a battletome.
Well damn. What Chaos Battle Tome gives a nice general bit of fluff for it in the new setting?
>What was your first AoS purchase?
Seraphon Start Collecting
Getting started Ironjawz
>What was your first AoS purchase?
The starter set.
Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch and Dominion of Chaos I believe
Where are the actual core rules? In the Generals Handbook?
Core rules are everywhere - games-workshop.com
A bunch of vintage flagellants. I used the pilgrimage of wrath battalion in the summer campaign. Then I switched to Ironjawz.
Is there anything mediocre at least what can I build with two Spire fo Dawn boxes? I thought about building an army around two Guardians of the Dawnspire Battalions with addaing 10 Spireguard per unit for rerolling hit rolls of 1 or left Spireguard units with 10 models per unit and adding two Skycutters
Allegiance: Order
Archmage (120)
- Artefact: Phoenix Stone
Archmage (120)
- Artefact: Phoenix Stone
High Warden (220)
- General
- Trait: Reckless
- Artefact: Obstinate Blade
High Warden (220)
- Artefact: Relic Blade
10 x Swordmasters (200)
- Eldritch Council Battleline
10 x Swordmasters (200)
- Eldritch Council Battleline
20 x Spireguard (240)
- Swifthawk Agents Battleline
20 x Spireguard (240)
- Swifthawk Agents Battleline
5 x Reavers (160)
5 x Reavers (160)
Guardians of the Dawnspire (40)
Guardians of the Dawnspire (40)
Total: 1960/2000
Anyone have a high quality copy of pic related?
The only one I can find has the OP text on it.
Best one I have found
Thanks! That's fine.
It's some retard so insecure with his manhood he needs to invoke other beast's in order to feel a modicum of confidence upon posting or else he will break in hives and piss and shat himself when he clicks next.
That question could've been answered by just searching GW's webstore . . .
Start collecting Stormcasts. I know the 2-player set is better deal, but I despise the "easy" to construct models, and think the lord on dracoth is actually shit model.
That makes sense. I can see that.
That is an adequate description of some people on this board.
Website, generals handbook, various campaign books, the official Age of Sigmar book, every battletome except Kharadron Overlords.
Dead game dead thread
it has been engulfed inside WH40k 8th edition hypestorm
i'll be having a tournament tomorrow though and get tabled because i can't into khorne
What factions/subfactions do you think need fixing in GHB2?
Do you think there needs to be massive warscroll changes, or just a minor point adjustment?
If you were to make warscroll changes, what would they be? Which units do you think deserve it the most?
I'm so fuckin tired of skaven being parted into dozen of subfactions and actually don't benefit from this at all.
Are the Arkanaut Companies really the only battleline for Kharadon Overlords? Does limit it me a bit in terms of building a list if so.
So, I tried getting into WhFB at one point, but never finished assembling everything from the starter set/reading the rulebook (it was a little overwhelming). It's got... elves and rat people in it. Now that they've changed to AoS, can I use those minis in th new game or is are those factions not in AoS?
Trying to find an alternate model for a vampire lord on nightmare steed. Anyone have any suggestions?
You can use them! Skaven and High Elves have rules. Though I think Skaven are more well supported in AoS. There hasn't been an Aelves release in over two years.
Oh awesome! Thank you! I was worried since my googling didn't show any AoS products for them last I looked, thanks. I'll have to check that out.
Sure you can use them. I understand that you have bought an Island of Blood box? It was rereleased as a Spire of Dawn. As you can see here GW has added special battalions for both skaven and aelves in this box
Yeah I did a little searching and like this
user said they rereleased it as the Spire of Dawn.
You can look in the above link for the new names of all the units and you can look up the warscrolls for them.
When is the Generals Handbook 2 coming out? They really need to nerf Khorne to oblivion, seriously
this, if you aren't going Skyre, you are fucked. Please GW, make skaven good again...
>Implying people will still want to play this game when 40k 8th edition drops with better rules and balance
Warhammer is dead.
PS: thanks for beta testing for us, fags.
PPS:no really, thank you
Well, AoS was a beta-testing for 8e and now 8e will work as beta-testing for next generation of AoS
IMO in two months
The quality race has begun!
The anty-sniping rule in 8e is just a variation of AoS rules. Maybe we will see it in new core rules. Also I hope they will drop the first rule of one
Thanks guys, that'll make things a lot easier for me. And yes, it was the Island of Blood (I just checked)
No problem, feel free to ask about anything AoS-related. New players are the second most important thing right now after fucking death release
>Vanguard Hunters or Judicators for Skirmish?
Playing against Khorne bloodbound
Even skryre is just kept alive by like 2 units
Unfuck Skaven with a good Pestilens book, and then a huge update for skryre, followed by Moulder
Ah I see you are a man of calcium as well.
I'm a ___chaos___ player but for fuck's sake - we need some variety right now
Agreed. I'd really like some soulblight models that aren't complete shit, or over 9000 dollars.
In my death army I've got 80 skeletons, some black knights, arkhan, necromancer, wight king. Trying to add some blood knights and a vampire lord on nightmare steed...Gunna use dragon princes for the blood knights with some headswaps and I'm trying to find an alternate model for the vampire lord...suppose I could just use moar dragon prince conversions...Or maybe they will come out with a death release soon(tm)
wait whattt ?
is that ironic ?
In that case, is there an easy way to learn the rules? Like a youtube walkthrough or cheat sheet or blog or something you guys would recommend?
And I've literally never had any idea where to start on figuring out the Wh40k/WhFB/AoS lore lol
>n that case, is there an easy way to learn the rules?
They have only 4 pages but I understand that some wording can be not clear enough - especialy if english is not you first language. What I found very helpful was an AoS Primer. It costs something like 5$, has ~40 pages and a lot of useful stuff for newbies. Also it has an extra single Liberator model. Probably I have a pdf version somewhere, give me a moment
Well, I fucked up. It is not called Primer but Getting started with. I don't see a pdf version in resources link so you probably have to go to your LGS and ask about it. As I said, it costs only ~5$
I'll have to look into it then. I don't know why the rules always seemed so intimidating- maybe I just got a bad book (haven't looked in a while) or the guy who tried to explain it to me made it too complicated, but 4 pages isn't all that bad (or maybe AoS is just easier than the other two lol)
It is easy but it's not just rolling dice tho. Most rules and strategy is based on unit abilities from unit's warscrolls. You don't need to fuck with 100 pages of rulebook - you just have to know your dudes
God I hope they don't bring anti-sniping proper in Sigmar. Kunnin Rukk Just got a whole new level of brutal!
archmages bring nothing to the table to justify their points cost
phoenix guy hits like a girl and cant take a punch and is not worth his points cost
swordmasters are average on a good day but nothing to write home about
spire guard are terrible for the points they cost
reavers are okay but only because they fulfill battleline requirement and have high mobility
the whole spire of dawn box set is utterly worthless for elves in general.
Me I am looking forward to an actual elves release. I assume it'll have to happen eventually.
not joking, Khorne really is OP, I'm guessing you play Khorne?
Depending on the renown but vanguard
Does anybody have the most upto date khorne book and the grand alliance death and chaos ones please?
>implying anyone wants to play a game consisting only of space marines and chad marines.
So long xenos. even in the new worldwide campaign, you're just a footnote.
whats the point in Khaos building forts if they don't even have infantry to shoot from atop the walls and hellcannons are no longer produced?
They are, and not to much. At 120 points per unit they aren't going to fill up much of your army really.
Also, you have a choice of 3 special weapons for 3 of them, each with their own niche (melee, volume of shots, long ranged high AP damage) so you can sort of equip each unit with how you intend on using it.
Power Projection
>Does anybody have the most upto date khorne book
It's in the first resource megalink in OP pastebin as "Blades of Khorne"
>the grand alliance death and chaos ones
Noone has them in pdf/epub here, sorry mate
>They release an army based around suicide bombing the enemy to death.
Damn the GA books are the ones I need mainly and I don't want to buy them just yet till I read up on a few things
What is a good counter to Spider Grot Riders MW spam? Just having more cheap bodies than the other guy?
Did a 1000 point game today, even without any formation buffs, literally wiped 1/2-3/4 of my Dispossessed army just in MW in the first combat phase, and then lost most of the rest to battleshock. That shit's ridiculous.
Even with a runepriests buff, you're not gonna be able to tank the mortal wounds, which is doubly bad for dwarfs since their main strength in combat is their durability. Your best bet is to take more ranged and shoot the little guys, and use your melee to tar pit the big ones.
>What was your first AoS purchase?
I'm holding out for a Wood Elves starter box. It's either going to be that or a box of Sisters of the Thorn.
I played 2 games today for the start of our league (2 games per week). We started at 35 renown with a bonus point or two for buying shit in shop.
I started with Venator and two judicators, got a third judicator and ended with a paladin (deciding what kind)
When skirmish dropped i played Venator and hunters. Honestly, judicators do a better job, especially the prime with the special bow. They only have one attack, but it's accurate as hell and rends. They can't run and shoot, but they don't need it. The only advantage i could see is a hunter prime with astral compass for deployment shenanigans.
My second game ended in one turn when my opponent deployed half his force (ark company and khemist) right beside my Venator. This let me ignore the LOS limit on the first scenario... So I did the sensible thing and shot them all to hell and won in the shooting phase.
If there is any advice I can give to new players, it's this: be smart about your actions. Look up your opponents figures and see what they can do. Be wary about activations and don't group up. Mind you I've only played 8 games on scenario 1 and none others, so tactics will change as the scenario changes.
Any thoughts on this list or building Kharadon Overlords in general? Looking to start them up but don't want buy anything until I have a good idea of what I want to get.
yep, and i keep getting tabled, even with the new blades of khorne
probably because i'm a scrub, but compared to ridiculous shit like tzeentch and sylvaneth
The grand alliance books are mostly obsolete now and all the info in them is available for free (and up to date) on the gw website or in the aos app.
my flgs hosted a skirmish tourament this weekend, it was lots of fun. Games are super punchy and quick.
4 Liberators (swords and a Prime with grand-blade)
1 Judicator with Shockbolt Bow
1 Prosecutor with Trident
i want to fit a Paladin in there somehow, but i really like how tough this team is... thoughts?
Nids, Orks, IG and Crons are the top tier now.
3/4 are Xenos
I wish people played AoS in my area
That's Varanspire. Archaon's own dimension/reality within the Realm of Chaos. Everything in it binds to his will. Who would be foolish enough to attack Archaon's own home?
oh shit the next city over there is a group that does 3 nights a week of sigmar
but I would have to buy a car to get there, and it would still take me an 1.5 hours each way
Most likely never coming. It is highly doubtful they will do start collecting boxes for old factions at this point.
Not if they don't give them a direct update like the Sylvaneth.
I haven't purchased a shit! I had tones if skaven and high elves minis that I never used since playing 8th wh only twice a year was a pain in the ass: nearly impossible to master all those rules and enjoy a whole game. Ymmv.
I totally hate AoS fluff but its rules saved my gaming experience!
Please forgive my utter ignorance.
Where did you find the Artifacts rules? GH?
>First purchase
None, I had 2500 pts of High Elves of the old WHFB and just kept using them, maybe if the new aelves get release an their aesthetic still fits
>or in the aos app
I want this meme to die. Only unit warscrolls are free on app - everything else is paid
I know that Chaos has not been left in the dust by any means but I was much preferred towards the more neutral looking Chaos warriors like pic related.
I know there is the Slaves to Darkness PDF but do you think the good ole standard full plate Chaos Warriors are in any danger of getting chopped? Cause I have been strongly considering entering this hobby again on a skirmish level and one of my considerations was these chaps.
Every legacy army needs a solid way to output mortals in this meta.
Bretonnia has the paladin, but he's inefficient and ineffective at doing it. So that's where I'd like to see change.
>Saurus Knights only do it if they roll 6s to wound when charging
>Kroxigor has a chance to do it when rolling 6s to wound
>Terradons have a chance to do it, one per game
It hurts.
At least I can cast Arcane Bolt. Once per turn.
Considering Archaon's everchosen kinda keep that vibe (with some demonic mutations since they're Archaon's best bois) I don't think so. But i'm uncertain of WHEN they'd get more models like that, though.
What's the chance that GHBII will come with a rules shake up?
Fairly low, it will probably just be a change in some point values. Heres hoping they nerf shooting a bit
How quintessentially british of them!
truly this shit system isnt worth 3hour drives just to play a game or two, if you're lucky
What homebrew rules are you using? My group is usually using base-to-base measuring and sometimes we drop the first rule of one - you can attempt to successfully cast a spell as many times as many wizards you have but still you can cast each spell only once per turn
Of all the armies, you fuckers have the least right to complain about *anything*.
- base-to-base measuring
- can shuffle around between models with the pile-in move as long as the enemy models are also in base-contact
- no sudden death
- fuck the mournghoul
What do you think about 3rd party models? Do you use any? I'm thinking about pic related as a female khorne hero