Warhammer Age of Sigmar General /AoSG/

>Saurus Knights only do it if they roll 6s to wound when charging
>Kroxigor has a chance to do it when rolling 6s to wound
>Terradons have a chance to do it, one per game
It hurts.
At least I can cast Arcane Bolt. Once per turn.

Considering Archaon's everchosen kinda keep that vibe (with some demonic mutations since they're Archaon's best bois) I don't think so. But i'm uncertain of WHEN they'd get more models like that, though.

What's the chance that GHBII will come with a rules shake up?

Fairly low, it will probably just be a change in some point values. Heres hoping they nerf shooting a bit

How quintessentially british of them!

truly this shit system isnt worth 3hour drives just to play a game or two, if you're lucky

What homebrew rules are you using? My group is usually using base-to-base measuring and sometimes we drop the first rule of one - you can attempt to successfully cast a spell as many times as many wizards you have but still you can cast each spell only once per turn

Of all the armies, you fuckers have the least right to complain about *anything*.

- base-to-base measuring
- can shuffle around between models with the pile-in move as long as the enemy models are also in base-contact
- no sudden death
- fuck the mournghoul

What do you think about 3rd party models? Do you use any? I'm thinking about pic related as a female khorne hero