/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

I guess I know what song I will play when that ape druid shows up. That's catchy as hell.

Goddamn that fight's fun.

Crypt of the necrodancer music is catchy as hell. I recommend checking it out on Steam if you get the chance. I think also someone tried to come up with ideas for a CotND styled dnd dungeon crawl a while back.

Yeah. My all time favorite would have to be Necrodancer fight though. Momentum mori is catchy as hell.


>lose to Necrodancer
>mocks you and invites you to try again
Welp, looks like I need to start playing again.

>tfw will never finished Aria

I have an idea for balancing combat: No Dual Wielder (DW) feat, no -5/+10 on GWM/SS.

TWF: no bonus action, fighting style gives +1 AC instead of ability modifier to second hand, you can draw/stow both weapons on the same turn, stacks with extra attack.
GWM: merge Savage Attacker feat and remove the "once per turn" text, now it's basically advantage on damage rolls.
SS: increase shortbow and longbow damage from d6 and d8 to d8 and d10 (same as crossbows)

Feat-less 2HF and TWF have the same damage output.
GWM increases the mean, but not the maximum.
PAM increases the damage by 5-7 and costs your bonus action and feat
SS increases damage to the same as Duelist fighting style, along the other bonuses from the feat.

>Literally saying it's better not to just kill people
It's saying it's more EFFECTIVE not to just kill people. Not necessarily better from moral standpoint.

>Follow the law, justice and fairness for everyone
Follow the law? Maybe.
But it doesnt say anything about justice and fairness. It does speak about exemplary punishment, though, which i don't think is JUST thing. Exemplary punishment is (by definition) harsher than default punishment to set example and discourage others.

>Improve yourself, if you are not the best then you are not fit to rule. Meritocracy
I would agree, if the merit in question was wisdom or something. Strength is important, but it is not the main thing good (in ethical sense) ruler should have.

They added some new DLC recently that added a lvl 5 with new enemies, a new vampire girl character, and a rapping mole boss, so now would be a good time as any to pick it back up.

user with the evil druids could also make an awakened mole bard just for shits and giggles if you want to do more references.


>I would agree, if the merit in question was wisdom or something. Strength is important, but it is not the main thing good (in ethical sense) ruler should have.
Do you really think that when it says "the strongest should rule" it's implying the ruler should be the one who can lift more weight?!

No. I used word strength and wisdom in purely common meaning, not as attributes.