Used to be good in 7th, I'm guessing that the increased durability of vehicles in 8th makes them solid flankers and troop killers. Maybe they can pop Rhinos, but not alone, you'd need a squadron.
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
>Having a looted Wraithlord but no looted Dreadnought or Carnifex
Step it up fampai that dread mobs not done yet
No. That's literally just a picture of Ultramarines.
>those missiles on the stormtalon
Well I can never look at that image again
How should I build my Tyrant guard?
I'll likely only ever use them in games where I field a Swarmlord as protection, so I'm thinking just plain, but if they survive I might want claws because my friends have a lot of tanks, but then maybe a lashwhip or two so i can choose them as first casualties in combat and still get hits off.
I'm building 6, fwiw
Any ideas for Death Guard alternate colour schemes? Had a few good ideas from old thread, some sort of black mixed with green for power armour. Maybe some sort of grey skin for the poxwalkers instead of usual flesh/green.
Anything else?
Sisters player here. Thinking of a centerpiece FW tank for my army. Not sure what to get.
I'm lacking some serious anti-tank. Anti-infantry isn't hard to come by for me... but I feel like the Malcador Infernus is the one thing the sisters would have because BURN THE UNCLEAN.
Any other suggestions?
Entire company getting basecoated
First try at a Space Wolf list, no idea how much I'm fucking it up.
I'm at 1610 out of 2k. What should I change? What should I add?