/ore/ One Roll Engine General

Back to basics edition

This is a thread for discussing Wild Talents, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Reign and any other games built on Greg Stolze's One Roll Engine.

>***The System
Roll some d10s. Find matches. The number of matching dice is your Width. The number ON the dice is your Height. So a Set of [5,5,5] has a Width of 3 and a Height of 5, written as 3x5. That's it. Width and Height tell you a lot about your action, such as how fast it was, how strong it was, how precise it was, etc. Everything in the system is built around this fast, simple mechanic.

>***The Games

A game about cosmic horror using the Madness system invented and popularized by Unknown Armies. It's available for free on ArcDream's website here: arcdream.com/pdf/Nemesis.pdf

Superhero roleplaying during World War II. Fight supersonic Nazis and invisible French knife maniacs in a brutal setting where you're equally likely to be killed by a mortar blast as from a supervillain.

>Wild Talents
The sequel to Godlike, blowing the doors of the system to let you create any superpower you can imagine. /tg's favorite ORE game.

>Monsters and Other Childish Things
You're a kid with an imaginary monster friend who's real, and you have adventures. Converts nicely to Jojo and Persona.

High fantasy roleplaying in a crazy world that would need to have an entire post just about it.

>A Dirty World
Noir at its best. Relentlessly focused on character growth and psychology. A much lighter system than the others.

>Better Angels
You're a supervillain whose power comes from a contract with a demon. Try not to get dragged to hell.

>***This Thread
---Let's get some Wild Talents back in the thread
---More work on the MaOCT Persona Conversion
---Talk about lesser known or played ORE games

Other urls found in this thread:


/ore's Pastebin Archive

***1x- WILD TALENTS: Superhero Roleplaying in a World Gone Mad***

>1x1- Wild Talents Advice
>---/tg's collection of tips and tricks to up your Wild Talents game (or make it slightly less crushingly lethal)

>1x2- Wild Talents Sample Power Creation
>user walks a new Wild Talents GM through the process of creating a complex power

>1x3- Miracle Flea Market
>---/tg's collection of homemade superpowers for use and reference.

>1x4- Wild Talents Vehicles
>---user's home-brewed system for car races, chases, combat and collisions in Wild Talents.

>1x5- One Shots
>A collection of one shot ideas and proposals. All should be considered works in progress.

>2x1- Random Relationship Events
>---user's home-brewed system for randomly generating teenage drama and tangled social problems.

>2x2- The Velvet Book Discord
>---Discussion for converting MaOCT to play Persona

***3x- GODLIKE***

>3x1- Published One Shots

Here's the current draft of The Velvet Book. It's currently being playtested in the Discord Chat and we're always looking for new GMs and players for more data.

I thought it would be helpful to move the pastebin archive into the second post of the thread to increase it's visibility. That way folks can see all the work that was done on Wild Talents content in addition to the Persona conversion.

So the other day I thought "Can I create Noctis' warping ability in Wild Talents, with a few twists?" Here's what i ended up coming up with. Pretty cheap and nicely representative of how it works, with some twists thrown in to differentiate it from a standard teleportation Miracle.

POWER: Jumping Jack Flash (6 pts)
>Useful Extras and Flaws [if/then-1 (Effect is gobbled by EM jamming techniques)] Capacity: Speed
>Defends+1 Extras and Flaws [if/then-1 (Effect is gobbled by EM jamming techniques)] Capacity: Self
>Attacks+2 Extras and Flaws [Limited Damage(S)-1, if/then-1 (Effect is gobbled by EM jamming techniques, Goes First+2, Limited Capacity-1] Capacity: Range

EFFECT: Jumping Jack Flash Allows its user to temporarily transform the physical state of his body from solid matter to an electromagnetic wave that is locked onto the position of a metal object with X yards (see Power Capacity Table for the Speed Capacity). The user will then swiftly move to that position and return to his solid state. Thus, the user appears to transform into a bolt of light that zips in a flash to another location before appearing again as himself.

Jumping Jack Flash can be used to move rapidly through spaces by jumping from one metal object to another; where no objects are present, the user can create jump points by tossing small metal objects like coins or knives to the location he intends to reach. These jumps can also be used defensively to avoid incoming attacks by flashing out of the way.


When transitioning from a EM waveform to solid state, the power’s user retains an extraordinary amount of kinetic energy that is normally dispersed immediately after as a burst of visible EM radiation. However, if the user instead directs his movement into another person, such as by warping onto a metal object he is wearing or by throwing an object at his intended target first, that kinetic energy can be directed into that target as a powerful physical strike dealing Width+2 in Shock at Width+2 speed.

The one weakness of this ability is that it is sensitive to EM jamming technology such as signal interference (1 Gobble Die), chaff (2 Gobble dice) and EM insulated environments such as Faraday cages (3 Gobble dice).


1.) Wild Talents GMs, how are your campaigns going?

2.) Last thread there were a couple guys who were gearing up to give The Velvet Book a spin. Any success with that?

These threads are what finally persuaded me to start playing Persona 4 on an emulator, first Persona game I ever played. I'm loving it and fully intending to make two runs to get the true ending, then play 3 and 5 when I'm done. Just wanted to come in and say thanks for getting me into this series, /ore/.

I am one of the Velvet book GMs. Campaign has run for two sessions so far with only one combat encounter between the two. some insights so far:

>Persona Power
Personas are stronk: Frankly, a little too powerful. In my opinion it would be better to depower starting personas so the player is encouraged to do more human combat, aswell as offer a real sense of character advancement when their persona proceeds to become a powerhouse over time. Persona was all about growth, and I think this helps. The way to depower them is simple, when making a persona, instead of locations being worth 5 dice, they are worth 3. It makes every choice of extras worthwhile. We've made several test examples, but they have not seen gameplay testing yet.

>S-Links are YUGE
The social aspect was huge for the players and so far has given them the most enjoyment. Plenty of opportunity to use MaOCT's social and emotional combat rules. (Sadly, I have not had players use these rules yet, but I do plan to test them.) there next crushing emotional breakdown will be imminent.

>Prepper's Paradise
So much prep was done for this campaign. more so than I was expecting or used to. Just a fair warning for those who want to run it. Players are hoping for it to be like the game, and there is a shitload of things and concepts in those games.

>Personas too Stronk
The more feedback I get about this the more I'm inclining towards the 3d Persona idea. MaOCT isn't a game about progressing through a gauntlet of increasingly dangerous threats the way that Persona is, so lowering starting Persona power may be the best solution.

I'd love for the next playtest group to operate on a 3d/hit location system for their Personas.

Is the Yugioh guy here? Interested to see how he's approaching things. There was some talk of how best to implement card games, either actually having the players play yugioh or using dice to represent it.

Has anyone managed to come up with a good system hack for using Monsters and other childish things for the Nasusverse? Because I think it'd end up pretty cool, at least for a one-shot.

It wouldn't really be that hard from what I understand of the Nasuverse. Champions match pretty well to Monsters in the way that the system is built, though as I mentioned a couple threads ago you might do better in Wild Talents depending on how you'd want the game to play.


1.) Would you want damage to take away from a target's dice pools directly, thus lowering their chances for success and forcing them to pull from a risky pool of resources? Or would you rather have damage add up in wound boxes that, when full, represent the disabling/destruction of that limb?

2. Do you want a character's abilities and powers to be kind of ad-hoc, with simple descriptions for what they can do? Or would you rather a system that digs elbow deep in the qualities and capacities of an ability, giving you precise measurements of what it's capable of?

3. Do you want a character's relationships with other people to be his or her primary driving force? Or should inner motivations be more important?

I was the guy posting the PDF. In my opinion, it is possible to just play out matches with cards, but to me, that seems to come with some disadvantages, namely
- relying on an existing game
- players having to play two games
- potentially long resolution of conflicts, with only one player and the GM playing
- card games often do not make for dramatic stories. You don't want to tell the story about how you lost against the archvillain because you got manascrewed.

I will concede that with the group that would want to play such a campaign, using the real card game might work as well, but I think there's something to be said for abstraction, at least in the theoretical.

Hey /ore/, which one of the base books would be best for running a magical girl/guy game?

Monsters and Other Childish Things, almost for certain. It's a game where you can literally get power-ups from invoking your friendships and where you can defeat your enemy by either beating them to a pulp or humiliating/demoralizing them into submission. All you need to do is ignore the Monsters rules (which is surprisingly easy to do) and use the Weird Kid rules from the Bigger Bads supplement to create magical powers.

Alternately you can use the Monster Rules as your Magical Girl/Guy transformations, with stuff like Flowing Ribbons of Justice 8d (Attacks, Useful (Entanglement), Wicked Fast x2, Awesome x2). Which might actually be the way I'd suggest to do it.

1) stalled for the foreseeable future unfortunately, which is a shame because they were getting to what I like to call "the hall of fame" arc.

2) the discord seems busy enough, so i'd take that as a decent sign

That sucks! Hopefully it kicks back up again. Had I the time and opportunity I'd definitely put together a discord game but alas it's not to be.

Yeah, I imagine Wild Talents might be better. Have masters be 200 point characters, servants somewhere around 300 points.

What's the difference between losing to mana screw and losing to dice screw? The only one I can see is you can minimise manascrew through good deck building, whereas unlucky dice are simply unlucky.

Speed duel games would eliminate the time issues. On the opposite end tag duels could get more players involved at once.

All that said Id be interested in seeing a play test of the original concept, it might work better than expected.

Yeah it's basically as to whether you want a light and breezy game or a crunchy and detail-oriented game. Both would work, but MaOCT would be easier to get off the ground.

>mana/dice screw
Granted, although Awesome helps with getting screwed too much by your dice.

>Speed duels/tag duels
Certainly a possibility, even though I'm not familiar enough with modern Yu-Gi-Oh to say how much that would affect game balance.

That would indeed be interesting. It's a shame I don't have the right time for it.

Is ORE the right system for sci fi skirmishes? Think things from fighting the Combine in Half Life to the rule of cool firefights in Clone Wars.


Wild Talents is well suited for Half-Life type gunfights against moderately tough human enemies bolstered by big nasty aliens. Firearms are powerful and deadly and armor is extremely important; I'd actually say that the standard array of guns is nicely suited for that style of gameplay, in that small firearms can be quite easily negated by armor, but heavy assault weaponry is a threat to everyone who can't, like, turn insubstantial.

Clone Wars style combat is the domain of Reign, which is by default a fantasy setting but which can easily be ported into SF (a pet project of mine). Reign includes rules for special martial arts (martial paths) and is fast, cool and gritty.

I play a Wild Talents game that fuses Reign martial arts with Wild Talents tech and gunplay and it's a blast. I've got a character who combines twin-handgun gunslinging with drunken boxing fighting alongside a shapeshifting knife master, a russian juggernaut who knows SAMBO, and most recently a half-fox mutant who mixes glitch-in-the-matrix style illusions with capoeira. Best game I've ever played.


Tell us about your personas.