The Primary Antagonist of your campaign is pic related, how fucked are you

We're playing an extreme power levels Mutants and Masterminds. I'm talking defending entire universes daily. He has no chance. At all.

Talking about feats that the subject of OP achieved that are relevant to the question is not off topic. Sharing your opinions about the quality of the show or shitposting memes is not relevant. God, I can't believe I had to actually explain that

>I'm talking defending entire universes daily. He has no chance. At all.
>the man who destroys multiple universes doesn't stand a chance


Not true in the first point, there was specifically just one Citadel of Ricks.

There are infinite universes in the Rickandmortyverse but only a finite number that are close enough to Rick's reality to have human beings in it first of all, and Rick specifically second of all, which is why there are infinite worlds but only a few thousand Ricks, and only a few worlds that Rick would be comfortable making his own.

The concept is called the "central finite curve".

Yeah we get it season 3 is badly written and doesn't understand Rick making him a wizard

As ridiculously invincible the show likes to make Rick, he can still easily be taken down if he's not expecting it. You just have to get one good hit in when he's not looking and hope the DM doesn't go "nuh uh he does this because SCIENCE and also he expected you to do exactly what you just did"

So season 1-2 rick

Your party is literally Rick's latest victims as of the last episode.

Well, he was almost killed by Concerto.

My party has an evil gay bard, and no Jaguar expy exists in the setting. I think we're good.

Yes, if he's more grounded like season 1 and 2 (to a point) where he can do plenty of ridiculous damage but is still vulnerable, he can be reasonably defeated.