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Games #549
Creativity exercise
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1691: OH MY GOD Edition
How do you make a map based on the Eurasian steppes geographically interesting?
How would ye Heresy be different if The Emperor aided Angron in his last stand instead of just yoinking him out just to...
Your current or most recent party ends up in a fight with pic related. How does it go?
Stat me, Veeky Forums
How do you reshape destiny?
You have two sentences to give your best description of your DnD campaign setting. What are they?
King Arthur Pendragon
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Kamigakari Thread
Wanna start a sandbox fantasy pathfinder game, how do I drop my players into a sandbox. I want something interesting
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Roll for a space marine chapter
Make characters
I have a strange request, fa/tg/uys. Can you help me with a cute/outlandish character profile thread...
WIP - Work In Progress General
I want people to train monsters in my setting...
Is anyone else sort of miffed about the dominance of Roll20 these days?
What would be some good effects for an eclipse to cause in a fantasy setting?
Jesus everloving christ why can't I ever play my rainbow warriors without some brokedick piece of shit manlet who...
A guy who likes to play a samurai in european medieval fantasy games
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
Hey, anons. My players are looking for a campaign where they can play as a ragtag group of explorers, merchants...
Pic Related falls in some random hive city In 40k and brings WCS and Red Eye with it
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Why are so many people turned off by dice pools?
The Bureau
/5eg/ Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition General
Mages Guild: Green Mana Edition
Starfinder General /sfg/
These two are the BBEGs for your campaign, how fucked is your party?
This is very strange if you think about it
Risk thread
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Norse space marines, vampire space marines, mongol space marines...
ITT: Wthe campaign you want to run but will never be able to
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1690: I Am Thou, Thou Art I Edition
Ss13: d20 station
How would you port the ogres kingdoms over to 40k?
Weed in Games
Want to play age of sigmar
AD&D Thread
Songs, rhymes and saying from fiction
Have you ever had a really strong character right under your players noses?
Do you prefer your bird-people in fantasy settings to have arm-wings or back-wings?
Inb4 Autism
Necromunda is being released
Background art thread
Okay, I need ideas. Ideas for lifting up curses
MTG modern general
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
If society were to collapse, what factions would rise up and take its place?
Your current party has been whisked away to the land of Patapon. How do they react to this strange new land...
Find a flaw
Let's make a Mythos, Veeky Forums. I'm the proud new owner of a copy of Silent Legions...
Cyoa thread
Sci-fi Hobbit hole
7th Sea just won the gold ennies award for Best Rules and some other ones
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Why are Chess players so cruel?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
The New Plague Marine Models
H-hello fellow wyverns. How d-do you do?
Veeky Forums approved funny books
That will be £45/$70/€60/AU$120/NZ$148 plus shipping please
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1689: The Jumper Foundation Edition
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
Are online TCGs Veeky Forums related?
Funnies Thread
So what's Veeky Forums reading?
/5eg/ Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition General: Dungeon Master Edition
The forest's tribe of dire wolfs is starting to develope a sense of fashion
This week's episode was so Veeky Forums, I could hear the dice roll in the background
Play your self insert
Make a cool new enemy
SMC Creation Thread
Last session of the campaign I'm playing in...
Chaos Followers
/osrg/ Old School Renaissance General Yog-Sothoth Edition
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Fantasy Mechs?
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
Would you play the men of iron if they where a faction?
Wait, so it's literally like Hit Points and SDC in Palladium's games...
Matt Ward's slaughter of the Sisters of Battle during the Bloodtide incident was perfectly in line with both the Grey...
Risk Thread
Who here misses when Special Summoning was, you know, special?
How do dragons work, Veeky Forums?
Infinity General: Religion Introduction edition
/cyoag/ CYOA General
/wmhg/ Warmahordes general
So why do people like making their own original settings...
Warhammer Fantasy General /wfg/
What makes Kobolds unique in your world, Veeky Forums?
When exactly did the "fictional characters shouldn't just be evil by default" meme start?
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1688: economics 101 Edition
GM Tips/Tricks
Why didn't you become a millionaire in the 90s writing d&d fanfiction Veeky Forums?
Character Art Thread | Modern / Futuristic Characters
/btg/ BattleTech General
The Great Debate
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Paizo Games General /pgg
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Whatever happened to no-holds-barred space fantasy...
MTG Legacy General
Mechanic Flavor
You want to siege a city
Tfw a weaboo fantasy book is better than most modern western fantasy books
Starfinder General /sfg/
We had a thread similar to this a while back , but it didn't really get anywhere thanks to certain autists...
Lesbian PC here
What keeps your character from becoming a god, Veeky Forums?
Who is the hottest female Warhammer 40k YouTuber?
/ysg/ - Yog-Sothothery General
Realistic art part 2
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
Claim your Veeky Forums waifu
Which one is the worst?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
In a world where you can kill a million rats and move mountains with your bare hands...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1687: Stereotypical Jumpers Edition
Fate of Konor: Chaos 3 days away from winning a planet?
DM Gripes thread
/WIP/ - Work in Progress General
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
What do you prefer in fantasy settings, northern or southern hemisphere?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
/STG/ - Star Trek General
What is a good name for when you mix the wizard and the cleric in one class?
Nechronica -The Long Long Sequel-
When did you realize it was just as bad as 3.PF?
Why the fuck is this allowed?
/5eg/ Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition General: Multiclass Edition
Stat Me Thread
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
Of course it's a fucking box set
Maybe this can be a regular thing? I'm just another user copping the OP from the last thread...
What's the equivalent of a an FTL/Mass Effect/Star Trek/KOTOR kind of game...
How do you control a AI which is smarter than your?
What kind of stats would pic related have? (5e) I was thinking the same as a longsword...
Field Kit Inspection: Gang Pressed Edition
/cyoa/ general
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Lets Make A Horror Setting Veeky Forums Part 2
/sss/ - Super Stand Sunday
The party finds a magical compass. Where does it always point to, Veeky Forums?
Have you ever stopped playing for a lengthy period of time?
Space Sharks could shit on Space Wolves because sharks are cooler animals than wolves who are niggers of animal kingdom
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Shit GMs say
WH40k reached Dragon Ball Z level of absurd power creep
Non-Standard Fantasy Settings
Putting aside systems were minmaxing is an obvious meta and stats have a balancing problem...
Ever have a triggerbitch make demands at your table in regards to content of the game/setting?
What's the difference between a Wizard, Sorcerer, and Witch?
Hey guys, wanna help me think about something?
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Warhammer 40k General. 40kg
Starfinder General /sfg/
Anybody in the mood to talk alignments? I know it's your favourite pointless thought experiment
When a Warforged druid uses wildshape does it transform into some kind of mecha version of that animal...
On a wooden pedestal on the entrance to the dungeon is an amulet. Underneath hangs a painted sign reading "Do not touch...
Late 80s, early 90's cool stuff
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Caster vs. martial thread
Dragon Thread
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1686: Wearing Sunglasses in Space Edition
"Pumped-Up Kicks" Edition
How do you do a high school RPG about bullies and mean girls?
Max out bluff stat
How badly could a single Custodian fuck up irl humanity?
Setting with instant healing potions
Is it better to die with honor, or live long and be remembered as a backstabber, a schemer and a traitor?
Leather armor
Would the Imperium of Man survive if the Primarchs and Space Marines never existed?
Battle Maps Thread
Dark Eldar thread
PDF Share Thread # 83
Tell us about your most recent gurps game
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
40k Drawthread
Are Space MArines "monsters"?
Eclipse Phase General - Good Boys of War Edition
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General - Brobarians Edition
Is there anyway to play a half-dragon and not be cringe?
Paizo Games General /pgg/
I want my character to be half human, halfdragon, halffey with some special snowflake prestige class attached
How reliable are Ork mercenaries...
Exalted General
Do you listen to real play podcast?
That Guys, Bad RP, Mary Sues
/cyoag/ CYOA thread
In Age of Space Marines, the elves fucking make a giant hole in his stomach and kidnap him...
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
So guys, need some advise here
Let's make a space setting, one post at a time
Cultists fuck up and accidentally summon an eldritch god they have no chance of controlling...
/osrg/ OSR General Stick of Danger Edition
I really don't know what to think about this system. On the one hand...
Warhammer 40k General Thread /40kg/
A gang of Lich girls
The party is composed of grunge-styled losers living together in some bumfuck town on the mountains that nobody cares...
Lazy Monster Maker
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
Do you draw maps for your worlds(s)? How detailed do you go? for those of you that do...
Legend of the Five Rings General: Post Kiku Matsuri
No game with classes should have more than 6. Any character concept you want could be covered by the following...
Chapter Creation thread #2: the Ghosts of Dorn
Filename thread 2.0
/bgg/ Board Games General: 'Rules Friendly' edition
Who would win
/gggg/ General general general general
/sfg/ - Starfinder General
How would they fare in westeros
When will spears and other polearms get their due in fantasy gaming?
Guy rolls a female character
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
What kind of stuff should an adventurer always have at hand?
Let's Make a Superpowers Setting
This is Niv-Mizzet, leader of the best guild in all of Ravnica
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1685: Punny Jumper Aliases Edition
Your current adventuring party must somehow convince pic related of the value of mortal life, lest it all be erased...
/swg/ You broke it!
Field Kit Inspection: 20,000 Leagues Under The Hive Edition
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Hey, Veeky Forums! What happens to necrons when they die?
Meta thread
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Reverse Party
Who would win?
Why no one recruits Catachans to become space marines?
My setting has a sea dragon allied empire...
He doesnt put a type of cute and friendly beastfolk into his setting to contrast all the tryhard grimdarkness of the...
Quick! give me the spookiest character concept you can think of!
I pay two mana and counter your spell
Show me your war face!
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General - Under The Sea Edition
Weapon Art Thread
Hi Veeky Forums, got a package
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
Is it just me or are the Xenos races kind of lacking? GW clearly put a lot more thought into the Marines and Chaos
Numenera collection torrent - 85/86 files
This is Leman Russ. Truest and most trusted son of the Emperor...
Whats the happiest ending for a character you've ever experienced?
How would the Saiyan civilization fare in the grim darkness of the future?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1684: "It was like that when I got here" Edition
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Your party from the last/current campaign you are participating in, is transported to the "House" of pice related...
The Imperium finds the planet of Pandora, how long does it take to subjugate and what is the fate of the native xenos
Do orks rape?
Tell me about your favorite system and why Veeky Forums
What are some unique aspects of music based powers? I always loved the idea of musical villains...
Veeky Forumscraft - a Veeky Forums community Minecraft server
Force of Will
GM Advice Thread
Warhammer Fantasy General /wfg/
/CYOAG/ CYOA General
Hey Veeky Forums. Care to tell me about your harpies?
Warhammer40k general /40kg/
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
MTG modern general
/crg/ - Critical Role General: Episode 109
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
New D&D item
GURPS general /gurpsgen/
What colour has the cutest guys?
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General
How many guardsmen would it take to subjegate the westeros planet?
Are RPGs racist?
Have you ever been in a campaign where the bbeg (ugh) was right?
Why do you pretend to dislike elves, Veeky Forums?
Previous thread: >>54928524. So, Your current adventuring party has been unceremoniously thrown into the world of MGE...
Paizo Games General /pgg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Filename Thread
Gellar Field Inspection
/sfg/ - Starfinder General
Realistic art thread, tired of seeing WOW tier pauldrons and spikes on armor
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
/btg/ BattleTech General
Does anyone have any experience with this? I bought it on a whim this morning and it looks neat...
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/swg/ - Legion Confirmed Edition
Space Marine Chapter Creation
So how long till D&D kills everything else? Because newbies certainly aren't ever gonna play anything else
Malifaux General
Gencon 50
Plain old larp thread as we used to have them
Anyone up for a:
Is there any clear advantages to having voice chat as opposed to text only?
During the medieval ages, how did people distinguish between each other with the same first name (I guess only name)...
What if we discover that we live in a Simulated reality? How would we react?
There is any sistem where playing necromancer is fun?
/5eg/ - D&D Fifth Edition General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1683: Big Fluffy Tails Edition
People who got into 40k through the video games (especially through the DoW series) should be surgically removed from...
/cyoag/ CYOA General
What if Holy Terra was Earth?
Veeky Forums makes a Space Marine Chapter
Game Finder Thread
Infinity General: End of Summer draw near -edition
Whaddaya mean your dungeon isn't horse-friendly?
WIP / Work in Progress
Paizo Games General /pgg/
Stat him, Veeky Forums
That campaign that started out really promising and ended up being the same ol' shit
Plot Ideas for Stone Age Game
Anyone else think this guy is the biggest cunt on the planet?
Orks are shit...
Make a board game
If Imperium and Orks were the only factions left which one would win the war of attrition?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
While the games themselves declined in quality after the first it's pretty hard to deny that the Fable series has some...
Be me
Do dwarves have culture?
What does your character drink in the morning?
Dice thread
Player screening
Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVI
How to Rogue / Rogue stories
How does your character deal with invisible enemies?
Why is this allowed
Courting Lofn and also an LCB thread
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Drawthread: /SS/ abduction edition
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1682: Forgetting How to Run Edition
Player tries something
The first user with a reasonable reply gets free concept art
/5eg/ - D&D Fifth Edition General
So, I'm making a character for un upcoming 5e game this weekend, but haven't decided on a name...
Childhood is playing Magic: the Gathering
Your Dudes!!!
Come on. This looks good
Sell me on your class, Veeky Forums
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
Let us discuss Veeky Forums's original characters and why they all died
ITT: Shit normies have said about your Veeky Forums hobbies
Your current adventuring party has been unceremoniously thrown into the world of MGE...
ITT: How do you portray wizards?
I have a problem Veeky Forums
Sell me on your favorite system, Veeky Forums
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
MTG Standard Thread
/gc50/ Gen Con General
What NON-Warhammer wargaming should I get into?
No thread to discuss the most prolific piece of DnD-related media to exist within the last decade...
Paizo Games General /pgg/
If you're not running or playing a campaign right now, why are you posting on a interweb message board?
What if a imperial world can't pay his tributes?
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
AdMech thread
The rules to this game make no sense to me at all. Can anyone help explain to me how this game works?
Starfinder General /sfg/
Horus Heresy 30k General HHG
Total War Warhammer General /wfg/
HH Series
Filename Thread
/5eg/ - D&D Fifth Edition General
I think this guy did a thing once?
I don't like when elves are just humans with pointy ears and a few different beliefs than humans
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
...Identity Spoofed
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Taking a Subjective Look at Weapon Finesse
Characters we wish we could RP (as PC or NPC)
Paizo Games General /pgg/
Veeky Forums likes these guys now. wtf happened
CYOA Thread This is the future you chose-edition
Is Chaotic Neutral the saving grace of the alignment system?
/MTG Green card love
At the end of the Magic the Gathering tournament, everyone votes on who should get the prize
Do you agree with the philosophy of AD&D?
/nwg/ Naval Wargames General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1681: Warp In The West Edition
Why is removal still a thing?
Character Art Thread
GW in good-content overdrive
Dming Poll
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Legend of the Five Rings General: Kiku Matsuri Now
/BGG/ Board Game General - Licensed Games Edition
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Why warriors have to fall off in late game
Fate of Konor : IMPERIUM is 3 for 3!
What offers of power have you tempted players with? What would the catch have been...
Can someone explain to me the appeal of alignments? I genuinely don't understand what good they're supposed to do...
There are other games besides D&D
Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
You spark a riot by speaking freely about the depraved doings of the royal court in a crowded marketplace
/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General
This shouldn't piss me off as much as it does
Pitch a campaign based on this image
Android: Netrunner General - /anrg/
Active defense vs. passive defense
The villain is a pimp
/gdg/ - Game Design General
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/WIP/ - Work in Progress General
/5eg/ - D&D Fifth Edition General - Mearls Edition
/stg/ - Star Trek General - /trek/
That guy in your group
Terrible characters thread
What kinds of aspects should Asian dragons have compared to Western ones?
The Primary Antagonist of your campaign is pic related, how fucked are you
Hey anyone remember this series and the forums and how it had this wushu homebrew it used for the roleplay section?
Code words and euphemisms
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
8-Bit Theater as it applies to Veeky Forums
GM's, Players, What are you expereinces with Rival/Other parties?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1680: Invalid Edition
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Paizo Games General /pgg/
Goblin Thread
DM gripes thread
Prolly been asked before but I'll ask it again
(Serious question)
Is the "0" on a D10 a 0, or a 10?
Cyberpunk General /cybergen/
/cyoag/ - CYOA General - Imouto Edition
/SIFG/ - A Song of Ice and Fire General
/osrg/ Old School Revival/Razzle-Dazzle General
TCG General
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
So I was thinking about it after the fantasy Veeky Forums thread and if East Asians (Chinese, Koreans...
Movie mtg
What drives a man to build a castle on a small island?
Would you play games with me in my Wizard Van?
Prejudices against Fantasy Races
What if Space Marines could turn into balls like Samus?
Oriental High Fantasy Races
/gc50/ - Gen Con 50 General!
Siege of Terra
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
What D&D 5e Sourcebooks do you most want?
Are the Drow "outdated"?
Tau in Fantasy
Star Wars Miniatures
/5eg/ - D&D Fifth Edition General
Why are Napoleonic-era settings so rare? You can't walk ten feet without tripping over a Medieval setting...
Why don't people want guns in their fantasy settings when more often than not they're running some sort of 13th century...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1679: Internet Popularity Edition
Pleasure Bots
Could the Skaven work in the 40k universe?
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Paizo Games General /pgg/
The Redfort
Show me all the times Red had the best card in a 5-color cycle
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
So Veeky Forums, your latest adventuring party is tasked with defeating pic related...
RPG Theory
The Queen hires you to test her castle defenses for vulnerabilities
Am I the only one who cant stand this guys voice...
The great debate
Warhammer Fantasy General /wfg/
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
40K Worksite Posters?
I'm making a blind dwarf Oracle in pathfinder who was raised thinking he was an elf and is therefore racist against...
No one will ever think you are a great player
Total War: Warhammer They're here
Okay, Veeky Forums, we've all been over the 'Is it evil to kill the young of an always-CE race.' argument...
Cyberpunk in nature
Why haven't necrons won yet?
MtG Lore, Story, and Interpretation
Your game master (or you have) decided on a new gimmick for the campaign
How powerful are the Arbites as a military force?
Lets Make A Horror Setting Veeky Forums
I need pictures. Pictures of landsknechts!
Why does WotC have it out for us, bros?
/WMG/ - Warmachine and Hordes General
What are some equipments/items that a cat can wear/use? Custom, magic, real, fictional, etc
Is being captured by the Dark Eldar the worst fate in 40k?
Shitty Curses
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
/5eg/ - D&D Fifth Edition General - BIG ORC COCK EDITION
Bad news my fellow knights
Fantastic Automobile Thread
/btg/ BattleTech General
The Church of Light
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games