Let's Make a Superpowers Setting

I'm pretty sure this has been done on Veeky Forums before but let's try this out.
Of course, if its posted its in the world. No contradictory posts.
>Superheroes work under the government, corporations, or as vigilantes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Only one timeline/universe.


And I suppose we could bump with this. Post what powers you land with.

Organized crime syndicates often try to recruit superbeings to work with their organizations.

However, it's unheard of for a superbeing to actually be the head of a crime syndicate, at least for very long, because they fall under such intense suspicion from every superbeing by virtue of being the head of a crime syndicate and are quickly put down if the existence of their superpowers is discovered.

>Meta humans have always been a thing in this setting, albeit sometimes rarer than others, so the Epic of Gilgamesh is the historical account of a demi-god king who ruled over Uruk and went on adventures.
>Also, standard Nazi super science and magic shit happened. But also Allied super science and magic shit like King Arthur rising from the dead and summoning the noble dead of the British Isles to assist in the march to Berlin

I've actually played under a DM who decided to make this part of his setting, down to Arthur Pendragon fighting nazis. He made some kind of 1940s Justice League with a superhero from each nation.
He absolutely refused to accept the fact that Nikola Tesla is not a russian and has nothing to do with Russia, because having a lightning guy was more important to him than representing my country accurately.

Pft, that's ridiculous.
Everyone knows Russia either gets a super-resistant primitive mecha or a radiation guy.

Aliens have placed the eath under a very strict quarantine because of all the ubsurd power that seems to congregate around earth to the point wherethis single planet ubjectivl has asv much power as the rest of the universe combined in the form of superbeings.

This has lead to a very strong human supremacist viewpoint taking hold from across the universe with many humans (who are contained to earth) and aliens believing that humans should rightfully smite away all other life in the universe and control it themselves.

>Aliens from a far off planet succeeded in finding Earth ages ago and were surprised to see this capable of interstellar travel as well
>This happened during our 16th century
>Aliens accidentally warp travelled through our world's demons; theyre infernal system of magic is on the same wavelength of the alien's warp technology

Damn, I was a bit too late.

Can these two work together or does the quarantine prevent that?

Rolled 18 (1d100)


Might as well.

I suppose I could use my powers to be a supervillain, though I'm not sure what I'd do besides the usual schemes for money.

>Only one timeline/universe.
But 2 dimensions. One that is our normal one and another of the Divine.

Superheroes often need to deal with political influence and manipulation while they're trying to do their job. A hero who stands for the American Dream, mama's apple pie, and scaring off immigrants get brought into the government during the hight of Republican power, but then the Democrats get to office, you bet your ass that hero is going to either need to fit the mold or is getting fired. Same goes if the parties were switched of course.

Corporate heroes aren't much better, but at least they're more blatant. They care less about your own political beliefs as long as you're somehow promoting their products through your hero works.

Vigilante heroics is the most liberating, but also the worst paying and the most vilified by the world at large (except for maybe the human supremacists?)

>But 2 dimensions. One that is our normal one and another of the Divine.
Yeah, that's how the aliens got here >Aliens accidentally warp travelled through our world's demons; theyre infernal system of magic is on the same wavelength of the alien's warp technology

The Earth Quarantine wasn't discovered until the Space Race, when the Apollo 11 spaceflight was destroyed after ramming right into a force field that surrounds the entire planet. No human has ever been to the moon.

In the divine dimension there is an eternal war between Light and Darkness. Good and Evil. God could easily end it with a thought do to his omnipotent power but he enjoys playing things out theatrically, an eternal movie.

Most super villain teams are akin to terrorist groups or extremist organizations, plotting to overthrow the governments of the world to install their own regimes, or fight back against systems they believe are against them. Ironically, their high body count terror attacks usually lead people to rely even more on government and corporation hero protection, which only furthers the constant struggle between heroes and villains.

The devine realm being unusually close to earth is the reason for why humans make up such a huge percentage of all super powered beings and have pretty much all the magical contacts.

Magical rituals, scientific experiments, and other strange paths may lead to a hero gaining more powers, literally absorbing more energy from the divine realm. However, uncontrolled energy absorption may lead to unexpected mutations, turning the hero into something less human like and more like a bizarre old testament angel.

Rolled 72 (1d100)

bring it on.

capes are divided into 2 categories, gold and dark, golden capes focus on PR, cause very little property damage, never kill and spend about as much time visiting sick kids at the hospital or doing interviews with the local news as they do handling crime.

dark capes are the punishers and wolverines of of the world, they stay out of the limelight and do whatever it takes to get the job done, most are vigilantes but some are employed by various government agencys or multinational companys.

Wormverse india is now the entire setting.

Sounds fine with me.

Transition between a gold cape and a dark cape, while not often brought up, is possible. If the government loses a high profile hero, they may try to quickly replace him with a new hero who seemed to come out of nowhere (really a dark cape, offered extra pay in exchange for cleaning up their act). Likewise, a gold cape may become disillusioned with the system, and decide to take matters in a more direct way, becoming a dark cape and having all media coverage silenced whenever possible by their former masters.

Or they get the badass normal like KGBeast

Rarely, there are those who blur the line, morally grey heroes often are seen locally, but not enough to be considered gold capes, and do not go as far as dark capes, however are still considered as such, some have nicknamed them "Steel capes"

A steel cape, when they appear, is more likely to be associated with corporations than governments, and even then only the companies that are willing to take potentially negative press.

The conflict between gold and dark capes is coming to a head, with the villains getting the better of the golden heroes for the last few years many citizens think that its time for a new age of proactive and brutally efficient heroism to start.

this shift in thinking was started when the superman of the setting, a man named trueheart began taking more and more drastic action until he was kicked from the settings equivalent of the justice league and started his own underground organization. what led to Trueheats change in ideology is still unknown.

golden and dark are meant to references to the golden age of comic books the debut of heros like superman and the dark age, a time when anti heroes like the Punisher and Venom where popular.

Bronze cape would make more sense given it takes place between the golden and dark age of comics.

To complicate the situation, a terrorist organization has grown into global prominence, composed of mundanes intent on the genocide of the supers. They are cult-like and recruit mainly from people who've suffered from the conflict of the mighty, and without access to powers or advanced technology, fight mainly through intrigue and exploitation.

The opportunity availed by the growing unrest has not gone unnoticed by these terrorists, who seek to use the chaos to climb over better men.

One of the villain organizations, G.O.R.E. (Genius Organization for Release and Exploration) is a collection of super geniuses and mad scientists plotting to steal and dismantle alien technology so that they can find a way to break out of alien quarantine and conquer the stars, as most governments are content just promising further space exploration but never acting on it. G.O.R.E's members often are given intelligence through mind powers, or experiments, and as such lack a great deal of wisdom or morals when it comes to how they go about their schemes.

A non metahuman attempted to create artificial beings with powers that could bind themselves to a human, similar to Symbiotes. However, the slime escaped and began to multiply and mutate into a variety of Super Parasites that have been binding themselves to any thing they can find, unleashing the primal desires of those it latches on to. This has been causing many villains with the slimes powers to emerge, but some heroes have risen too.

G.O.R.E. made slimes. They can survive in space.

Slimes subconsciously want to spread not just to superheroes, but to space itself. A Super Parasite that has overwhelmed its host will often come up with schemes that, if successful, would harm the quarantine.


Cool so I'm Tesseract Man

They've also been taking over animals to try and breed undetected and spread into the food chain. Soon, entire ecosystems will be infected.

This is what I was aiming for. I'm guessing there would be more corporate and government heroes than vigilantes until bad shot hits the fan.

Some black capes work as Slime Hunters, going from place to place, killing every slime and slime infected person they find.

Others however, embrace the slimes, some even going as far as to completely fuse with them, and then even others who have embraced the slimes, in one case, ten black capes fused into a monsterous creature, that while defeated, obliterated the city it was in, G.O.R.E has hired multiple steel capes to prevent this from happening again.

>A fortune teller sees in her crystal ball one child born on the day of this vision capable of world ending power
>News of this gets out and every baby across the world born on that day is on watch
>Coincidentally, this collection of children across the world has the biggest turnout of superpowers or selective genius
>These kids are referred to as The Visioned, The Enders, etc.

Fortune Tellers are often seen working directly with police, trying to predict crimes before they happen, and preparing cops/heroes for upcoming threats. The problem is that as fortune telling powers are driven from a strange link to the Divine world, their predictions are often cryptic and like riddles. Trying to get a prediction out that doesn't sound like a riddle makes the fortune teller ill.

>Fortune Tellers are often seen working directly with police
And some are spies for villains misleading with false information.

I love it.

That is some stupid luck

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolling to see which continent got hurt/fucked the most to the point of almost being dystopian or lost.


Powers strengthen through use and practice, no matter what kind of power it is. With enough dedication and hard work, any power can grow to be S tier.

That being said, this is my power and I'm not really sure what it does. powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Esoteric_Sun_Manipulation?useskin=oasis#

Cheesomancy is the most common power by far. True masters can even manage to turn milk to cheese in an instant and use it right away in offence.

Because most of Asia is a dystopian wasteland, many large scale criminal organizations like G.O.R.E. set up shop there. The asian governments aren't going to stop them since they're some of the only good money coming in, and no one wants to go to that part of the world to deal with them directly.

Most nations actually try to send their help (for ulterior reasons) to only be stopped by magical thunderstorms, demons running amok, and villains using new alien technology.

The Alien Underworld are planning to conquer another continent.

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Let's so what nation the Alien Underworld's setting their sights on (if we get Asia again someone just reroll).

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Here's your reroll

Rolled 4 (1d6)

>rolled a 5

This should be not who gets crushed next, but which continent is the next target.

>Australia or Europe as the next target
Which should it be?

Europe might make more logical sense for a place alien gangsters would want, but Australia is better for a good ol' campy feel, I think.

I say make it Australia, and make the aliens want to set up there because they're used to arid conditions, but want no chance of contamination, thus wiping life out there.

One of the oldest super hero organizations around, before the rise of corporate and government heroes being the norm, is H.O.P.E. (Heroes Organized to Protect Everyone). They are like superhero old money, still kicking but mostly bought out by various government and corporate investors to stay afloat. Your older generation heroes and heroines run the ship, but find it increasingly difficult to recruit new blood.

The roll was 6 first, so Australia.

Now, the heroes AND villains of Australia get a heads-up on the war coming their way and try to band together with an uneasy alliance.

Gov and vigilante heroes will be there, but corporate heads and Australian villains will wait until their's a profit to be gained. Some corporate heroes become vigilantes after this.

>Stand back, alien scum, or face your DidgeriDOOM!

Without going full Aussie, I decided to roll two powers with similar capabilities to create a hero. I now present Wrangler.

"Just give me a rope. I'll catch 'em."

>The original didgeridoo
>Lasting for ages, its been passed down (and once stolen) from predecessor to apprentice
>It has the power to soothe an army or to blow one away

Legend states that only one with the blood of an Australian Angel can properly play it.

Pathetic bump.

When aliens come down to observe the planet, Super Parasites infect them and take down the barrier. All hell breaks loose.

[Insert Comic Books Series Name]: Galactic Panic: Issue 1: Parasites In Space!!!

Aussie Shitposting killed the thread. Damn.

G.O.R.E and H.O.P.E are forced to make a temporary alliance after the Super Parasites begin to spread, and try to contain them.

H.O.P.E. mainly wants to destroy the slimes or at the very least get their Slime controlled buddies back on the side of justice. G.O.R.E. wants to capture as many slimes as possible to continue their research. The alliance is necessary, but strained.

The few heroes that have tamed slimes are disgusted by H.O.P.E's blind genocide and begin to doubt the system.

This is especially harmful to H.O.P.E. in the long term, as they're already losing traction and are failing to keep up their image. More heroes are becoming vigilantes by the year or just going directly to companies and the government without going through H.O.P.E. first. They need to figure out how to draw in those kids.


I'm a software developer, this seems pretty fitting I guess.

Parasite hosting heroes begin to band together and try to find their own way to defeat the slimes without going on an outright crusade. They begin working between the lines of good and evil, and nobody is sure what to think of them.

The Century Children. Born on Jan 1, 1999. It is speculated that they are part of Earth's selfdefense system and each have a specific role to fulfill.

Fuck yes. We need some sort of Planetary situation here.

Alien invasions are incredibly rare because a group of heroes/villains go around the galaxy pre-emptively attacking any creatures that give earth a bad look. They act like text-book terrorists/