That guy in your group

>that guy in your group


Replace 'lady' with 'anyone' and 'D&D' with 'any topic'.

That genuinely one of the shittiest flow charts I've ever seen. Also notice how one of them isn't even a yes or no, wtf?

Note how readily the flowchart can form elliptical motions; it is intended for beta orbiters.

It doesn't seem that outrageous to me. neckbeards are awful gatekeepers when it comes to this sort of stuff, be it vidya, traditional games, sports, firearms, anime, or whatever the fuck it is they're into.

>be ignorant of [hobby], neckbear is going to start talking on and on about it regardless of if you're interested or not and go into every minute tiny detail
>be knowledgable about [hobby], the grog will barrge you with endless stupid questions about obscure shit until he's satisfied that he knows more than you and/or he believes you're not a *true* fan of [hobby].

People need to keep this political bullshit out of games.

You know, guys, I'm glad these people are stuck with DnD and Pathfinder and never go to other games.

...or she can just learn to communicate and deal with people on her own, as a part of being an adult.

Women NEED to be defended, you sexist.

But if women are equal with men shouldn't they be able to defend themselves?

>You aren't allowed to speak to women unless spoken to, says the all-mighty high orbitron beta.

Its a shitty term, but also the most direct and succinct way of stating a problem women feel they have, which is to say: Mansplaining is when men feel they have the natural born right to explain things to a woman, as well as a tendency to interrupt or talk over them.

Argument can be had over how prevalent this is and how much of a problem it really is, but its important to understand the terms being used, because I too used to off-handedly dismiss any mention of the word "mansplain" because of how
it sounds.

No, "mansplaining" is just a way for women to get mad about other people knowing more than them, and instead of getting more knowledge, just try to frame it as some stupid civil rights issue.

It's not mansplaining when the woman is wrong.

I always just interpreted it as "Explaining something nobody asked you to explain." or, in a pinch, "Explaining something under the assumption they don't understand despite not having evidence they don't understand".

Like if someone asks "oh you play tabletop games?" and they get the response "yeah, they're these group-based storytelling games that use dice as a conflict resolution mechanic to make things interesting and incorporate consequences for failure and risk in decision making".
Whereas "Yeah, I've currently got a good group with a well rounded party, we just finished up Curse of Strahd."

It unfortunately seems to be being used as a defense against being corrected though, as people would rather be ignorant than wrong, because the alternative is to basically just verbally tell someone "you should google it, because you're wrong" and then walking off.

>problem women feel they have, which is to say: Mansplaining is when men feel they have the natural born right to explain things to a woman, as well as a tendency to interrupt or talk over them.

Explaining things to people who don't know shit is called teaching you mendacious little worm

I find women "mansplain" more than men constantly

Show me where the post you quoted disagrees with the post you responded with.

I pray you're being facetious.

I think it's a pretty general experience but it's a significant frustration for Gurl Gamers. It's probably statistically logical to go "they're female, they probably don't play ttrpgs so I'll explain what I'm talking about" but to the women that DO play ttrpgs it would get ludicrously frustrating very very fast.

No it's not mansplaining when the woman is wrong. That's the point of the term.

It's a badly formatted flowchart and the phrase is kind of silly. I don't think the grognards and weebs on here can really mock people for using stupid sounding phrases in their subculture.

The joke, your head, etc?

>tfw had to explain the difference between a screw and a nail to a female co-worker
>then had to show her how to use a hammer
>got accused of mansplaining

>be dm
>a female player complains that a paladin PAM pc is op
>she is a wizard
>explain to her in detail how her lvl16 wizard can fuck over most of the situations and bend reality
>"well fuck you user, why you're such a cunt?"
Women are just fucking retarded most of the time, so just get used to it.
>inb4 white knights

Somehow you didn't notice I was joking too

Pali did go beyond just PAM for feats right?

Also that is some nice hypocrisy from the wiz.

You're sexist and you can't even spell/type correctly. Any conversation would benefit by your removal from it.

This. There's no need to make up a new gendered term for a non gender issue. Ive also found women like to talk over people and out their ass a lot, its condecending and stupid but you dont see me vranding it womansplaining. You'd think the cunts complaining about gender constantly would understand that but nah it's okay when they do it.

As opposed to women who run their mouth all the time thinking they're always right and all the other bullshit they make up?

Fucking stupid term, stupid problem, and made up like most feminist shite.

Adventures in redundancy

"inb4 white knights" is at roughly the same level of nonsense as "mansplaining" so good job there bucko.
"I know you're going to disagree with me because I'm pulling this nonsense out of the ether, so I'm going to shut you down before you can even begin by labelling you as something demeaning."

A lot of it is tone. It's not actually imparting knowledge, it's the way in which it is done.

>GM for 15 years
>people still trying to give the "what is dnd" speech
>"oh she's a woman, therefore she knows nothing so I need to explain her own job to her"

This is the real problem here.

If you sit down at the table and don't tell me you're new, I assume you know how to play, at least in general.

>go to FLGS
>see a cute girl I've never met looking at the magic case
>"Hey, I'm user, how's it going?"
>explains that she's trying to get into EDH but is a bit overwhelmed with all the options
>but, before I opened my mouth for a philosophical tirade about the nature of cantrips in a 99 card singleton format, I asked her if she ever played before
>turns out she has some pretty competitive legacy decks
>she even plays BR Reanimator
>I recommend her Feldon, she seems happy about it, I politely leave to go get a coffee
>come back to the flgs about a week later
>same girl is buying singles
>this time she has a giant crowd of neckbeards breathing down her back
>some goddamned autist is on a giant rant about how proxies violate the spirit of EDH and how you really need to spend at least $1000 to make sure you're "invested in the format"
>his unwashed friends are mindlessly chittering like eldritch horrors about something completely incomprehensible
>she looks really uncomfortable and ready to check-out, but the clerk is off doing his thing with a big ticket regular
>I walk over, invite the dudes to play a game of EDH to mercifully end their infernal attempt at flirting
>they barely even register that I said anything, one snorts at me, another gives me a "I'm trying to get laid" look
>"accidentally" spill my coffee on the lead autist
>goes on a fedora-tier rant about how I'm so inconsiderate and simple minded before gathering his crew and leaving with a flutter of his cape
>girl thanks me, buys her magic cards, and leaves without further incident
I mean, mansplaining is a stupid word, but I kind of see what they mean after that bullshit, despite women being the worst offenders. At least most women smell nice.

Mansplaining is for when you already know about a thing and someone assumes you don't. It's really annoying when it keeps happening.

>you must spend $X to be a Real Gamer
This is the most annoying bullshit. Some people dabble, fuck off with your nonsense.

>It's not mansplaining when the woman is wrong.

It's called cuntsplaining

>Getting a woman into your hobby

>implying 15 years GMing means shit
I had to explain rules to 20+ years GMs about their supposedly system of choice

>Has a druid/master of many forms and a bear animal familiar at full level
>Complains about the monk being OP
I literally wanted to choke her

The opposite situation is equally frustrating, when some girl goes "yes i am a tabletop gamer, and yes i am a girl, now don't hit on me silly neckbeards

This isn't a gender thing though. Certain people of either sex will explain and talk over others of either sex if they believe themselves to be more knowledgeable and their own words more important.

to sum this all up, many people suck and the entire decent rest is bitter about it

>"Ah yes my Significant Compatriot of Equal Societal Stature, are you interested in The Pathfinder Roleplaying System©?"
>"The Pathfinder Roleplaying System© is a very interesting topic indeed, with the Pathfinder Roleplaying System© facililating cooperation and team-building excerises in which the "artists" of the Pathfinder Roleplaying System© engage in Pathfinder Roleplaying System© sanctioned events as dicated by the Pathfinder Roleplaying System: Core Rulebook©"
>"It is the firm belief of the writers of the Pathfinder Roleplaying System© that engaging in the Pathfinder Roleplaying System© will ensure much Pathfinder Roleplaying System© sanctioned FUN as dictated under the guidance of the Pathfinder Roleplaying System© "

I somehow dont believe you
Though I laugh at the spoilers
And you are right about the fact about women smelling nice( but not the one not taking care of themselves, you just triggered some repressed junior school memory)


You aren't supposed to "in b4" in the same post you made your statement. It's meant to literally be a response before the prediction occurs.

>Parents, bosses, teachers, and tutors should only teach women in what they are interested in learning
That sounds like a great way to run society. Women would be a great use to society having no understanding of math or science, since 90% of kids hate organized learning.

this this this

I'm totally going to use that word.

I've only ever played with one female player who actually knew the rules well and didn't need to ask each session which die to roll to use the sword. I miss her.

You people are just willfully obtuse and looking to get offended (kinda like the people you hate)

I don't think you understand. In the flow chart it specifically states that teachers should only teach girls about subjects that are interested in, which is the uneducated opinion of a high-school girl.

if you remove the gender aspect this just describes Veeky Forums and most of the people who use the internet.

you're interpreting the letter of the shitty exaggerated flowchart and not the spirit. The problem being stated here is that men are demeaning women and overstepping their bounds by making assumptions, whether they be conscious or not, about the superiority of their (the man's) knowledge

Yeah wouldn't really call that 'mansplaining' though. You as a man did not act like those retards. The term ought to be retardsplain.

No it's not. Mansplaining is a condescending term used by feminists to refer situations where MRAs and Egalitarians complain about the inequality suffered by men, such as marriage laws.

Labeling things as mansplaining is also how feminists disregard any complaint made by a man without having to actually address any of the issues brought up.

That's what the facebook 'man' was saying but it really shows that women like 'his' friend perceive problems where there are none.

I'm not a woman so I don't care to assume what being one is like. I do sympathize that someone assuming your ignorance sucks, and being lectured in day to day life on something disinteresting sucks.
If the person who made the flow-chart wasn't paying attention and accidentally implicated that, then that's fine. But I found something I personally disagreed with, so I voiced my disagreement.

tbf I've had similar experiences with dudes who play wizards, for some reason caster players can't stand it when non-casters are actually good at something

This picture and its base form never fail to make me laugh.

Except that white knighting is pretty unambiguous term referring to quite common and disruptive behavioral pattern where as mansplaining is just a way to say that the person's complaints aren't valid because he has a penis.

My wife defines it as any time a feminist cuntbag wants to win an argument, but can't into facts or logic, on feels


Get good and maybe you'll be the one doing the lecturing.
Sure, it may be boring to be lectured on something you aren't interested in, but fucking damni, the other person is taking the time of their day to try and teach you, at least you could appreciate the effort instead of labeling him as an asshole.

Like goddamn how fucking petty you gotta be?
Taking them for granted is one thing, acting like they are scum for trying to help you get better, but failing to make it entertaining just shows how self centered you are.

That is beautiful

>Made this
but he just slopily slapped D&D logo onto already existing chart

>then had to show her how to use a hammer

Please tell me you are exaggerating for comedic effect.

I have a friend who is heavily interested in World War 2, specifically the planes that were used in World War 2. As these are included in his list of interests, he likes to talk about them. I also find some of these talking points interesting, like how they had to design a mechanism that would fire their forward guns at a rate exactly matching the rotation of the propellor, as the propellor has varying RPM, and the current designs were not able to place a gun in front of the propellor. Other talking points in this topic I do not find as interesting, like the relative turning or climbing speeds of a Spitfire vs a German fighter plane. Even if I'm not interested in the current conversation I will ask questions or add comments, because he's my friend and I want him to be able to talk about things that interest him. But it still isn't enjoyable for me to listen to him talk about these topics that I do not find interesting.

There is nothing wrong with this. Newcomers to hobbies should acknowledge their position of not knowing enough to form proper opinions about anything.

Nobody cares, it's not unique to women and it's not even an issue. Learn how to politely tell them you already know it, if it bothers you that much.

>single line of green text to start a topic
>screen cap from facebook
There should be a rule against this kind of posting.

>manposting at me
Yeah, fuck men for manbreathing and manxisting too.

It's a problem term because the people who complain about it almost universally complain about gendered insults and stereotyping yet don't see the hypocrisy inherent in using the term mansplain.

What are you talking about? Most women play trashy supernatural shit like WoD. I've only ever seen like three women play DnD.

I unfairly checked myself for mansplaining the other day. I was talking to my roomate who is a girl about Rome and she started going on about how it was problematic, slavery, etc.

I kept correcting her and felt bad, but then realized she hadnt been swordfighting with sticks as a kid and didnt religiously pore over every relevant book I could find at the local library and bookstore. So i did know more than her on the subject.

I'm not even exaggerating. She was smashing the top of the head into the nail instead of swinging it

I interpret it as "you're a man, and therefore, Super Double Hitler."

what are you, 13?

It's making up a bullshit word to single out men when they're patronizing or condescending.

Because everyone knows females never talk down to anyone.

If they are, they're wise beyond their years and onto feminist's games.

>explaining something nobody asked you to explain

except you don't have to be a man to do this

women do this too

all the time

it's literally just called being an asshole but feminists think all men are assholes

thus "mansplain"

It's extraordinarily common for men to assume they know more than me because I'm female, and talk down to me because of it. Yes, internet neckbeards, it is really sexist to assume you know more than someone because of their gender. Yes, this really happens. Ask any woman in a traditionally male dominated field (particularly stem), or with traditionally male dominated hobbies.

And yes, I know you're a super nice guy™ and would never do that.

>>tfw had to explain the difference between a screw and a nail to a female co-worker
If someone above the age of 18 doesn't know the difference between a screw and a nail, they're not long for this world and you do the world a service by letting them get themselves killed.

>people who don't know the difference between screws and nails should die

Fuck off.

It's not mansplaining if someone legitimately doesn't know. It would be mansplaining if you walked up to a girl and began to explain the difference because you assumed she wouldn't know.

We mansplain because chicks are fucking retarded.

>GM plays/runs d&d for 10 years.
>"You have to take swift actions between move and standard actions" "the hydra gets attacks of opportunity every time you strike it in melee."

What the fuck kind of hopelessly sheltered life do you live that you don't know the difference between a screw and a nail?
Have you never even played with one of those toolbox toy kits as a kid?

Basically this. I don't thing Veeky Forums interacts with enough women to know that 'insane feminist' is a ridiculously small minority that even most self-proclaimed feminists laugh at.

Eggs and bacon, you're mistaken.

>Come home at midnight
>Turn my monitor back on
>See a reply
>Laugh to the point where I wake up the entire house

Thanks user.

Sad thing is, beta cunts desperate for any form of positive (or at least non hostile) female attention no matter how fleeting are partially to blame for this trend. If they could keep their spaghetti and dicks in their pants for even an attosecond then the grrrl gamers™ that look to do this shit would get bored and find some other medium to get their attention fix from.
The other group to take the blame are the grognards that immediately assume all women are like this and go into defensive overdrive and try to exclude these sorts, which ironically makes even more women that lack genuine interest want to get in, only now instead of the vapid attention whores you've got the sjw attention whores trying to barge into the hobby in the name of smashing the patriarchy™. It's a vicious circle that men are ironically almost entirely to blame for. People need to learn to stop giving a shit until the toxicity abates.

Women are equal to men in every way, except when they're not and men have to step in and give them a free ride.

So stealing that word.


My GF was terrible about explaining to me things that I already knew, and was often wrong about what she was explaining. She's mostly stopped.

I like to think that with the exception of some physical attributes women have the exact same potential as men. Much like men, whether or not they choose to act upon that potential is entirely up to them though.

It's extraordinarily common for women to think i don't know how to cook, or what cleaning products are good for. Bitch, i've been taking care of my home and self for a decade, i don't need to know about your shitty baking soda water cleanser, or that your shitty home recipe uses WHITE pepper and is thus super better

>Are you trying to impress her
>Does she know you personally
Oh look there is no 'no' option. Why no women engineers hurrrrr

Ok now I'm starting to worry, just how many of these photos do you have?
Keep 'em comin', though.

>still digging up forcedelf


I don't have that many, which is kind of sad.
S.S.S.Stop h.having fun.