/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General

Happy Nurgling Edition


Core rules


General Handbook

Army builder

Custom Warscroll Designer

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My taint is tender

First for Skaven are cute-fluffy

>Introduce brand new Artifacts for almost everyone
>Increase the fuck out of Battalion costs so you can barely field them.

Stop doing new threads if the previous one didn't hit the fuckin 9th page. There are three /aosg/ now

Reminder that Moonclan grots is best grots!

Earlier thread capped.

I understand that it makes some of you happy. But for they were an way to keep
my army fresh. I collected and painted one battalion and went to other with different theme. Now everything will be the same generic mass.. sigh, one can't have good things lasting forever.

This is our board now bitch boy

is fielding 93 models in a 1000 point game considered waac?

Nth for phoneposting about stormkeks helps alleviate my anxiety about aelves

Looking forward to both of these.

This so much. I feel that this "edition" is a slight overkill on battalions.


I love them but I just wish Squig Hoppers had some value to them.

Remember guys - ignore the stormkikes shitposter and report stormcucks shitposting

Lets say I was crazy enough to buy a Chaos Dorf army
How would this hold up?

Post your army list user so we can see what's happening.

show us the list

Prove me wrong

Only if those 93 models are all either immune to battleshock, all holding ranged weapons, or both.

Reposting, do we have any idea if Arkanauts are going to get the same "only one of each weapon to match the sprue" treatment that the Thunderers are getting?

You don't have enough warmachines yet.

I dunno, I don't click pdf army lists on principle

No idea yet, no leak in that regard.

The ONLY warscroll change was the thunderers

Well, since a tactics article on the Warhammer Community page from just a few weeks ago talked about taking Arkanaut Company units of 30 with 9 times the same special gun, I assume they won't touch those.

80 wulfrik the wander
120 bloodsecrator
180 marauders x3
180 bloodreavers x3
200 warshrine
100 marauder horsemen
100 marauder horsemen

960 points

80 wulfrik the wander
120 bloodsecrator
200 marauders x4 (maximum unit size discount)
240 bloodreavers x4 (maximum unit size discount)
180 warshrine
90 marauder horsemen
90 marauder horsemen

1000 points even

I'm thinking about taking a sylvaneth army with an autumn theme how does this list looks?

Allegiance: Order

Treelord Ancient (300)
Branchwych (80)
Branchwraith (80)

20 x Dryads (200)
10 x Dryads (100)
10 x Dryads (100)
5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
- Sylvaneth Battleline

Household (70)
Gnarlroot Wargrove (180)

Total: 1190/2000

also what i should add to get to 1500 points? more dryads? or another treelord?

Do you have unit size numbers too man?

Everything about the Nurgle one is perfect, save for the fact that GW can't do wood in CAD and it shows.

Ladycast Black Mambazo is really good for a Stormcast. The female proportions make it more dynamic.

Awesome, thank you.

Can't wait to see the point changes to rotbringers.

Also, do you guys think the blightwars set will have alligiance rules for rotbringers?

Lexicanum needs all the help it can get, so sign up and help us put Age of Sigmar information up-to-date!

If you dont have any of the books. We could also use some help by going through the warscrolls and product descriptions and adding them to the lexi!

>tfw Flesh Eater Court gets shit on by GW

Maybe just use the warscroll builder from OP and change the points - I have no idea what I'm looking at

>shiny heavy plate armor

Speaking of. I've now seen two separate images, one with Chemists price raised to 140 (english copy), the other with thunderers' price raised to 140 (french copy we've all seen). Any clue which is right?

Will we get femcast kits to mix with the regular units?

> Principle

>wide hips
>boob plate
I cant see from this angle but if those greaves have heels, I'm gonna cap a nigga

>There is no chance that GW will release bdsm-themed mortal followers of Slaanesh
Mortal followers at all would be nice tho

I miss the old scrollbuilder

Just pay for a fucking hooker or go take a wank at some porn Jesus Christ, all of you slaaneshfags are obnoxious permavirgins

you are 120 points over the limit mate

Says you're at 1120 points bro. You sure the discount plonks you down by 120 points?

Rushing at somebody and hacking them to death is still assassination.

Good, maybe it'll help idiots realize Slaanesh isn't just about sex.

Nope, still don't give a shit.

according to the leaked points from from 2 threads ago that list is 1000 points flat in GHB2017

Recheck your list user, the original GH1. In fact, try to post us the GH1 list (hopefully not too time consuming as you got the list there), then post the point adjustments.

As I asked here, , make sure the discount knocks 120 points off.

Slaanesh needs new models which should really capture the idea of their pursuit for perfection. I want ornate baroque-like armors and cool stuff, not boobs drugs and sex XD

I would prefer the Hellraiser angle instead where they have mutilated their bodies to experience a higher level of sensation. It needs to be more than just kink if it's Slaanesh.

It would be neat to have a decent sculpt models that have more flavor and character than these old-ass daemonettes
>God of pleasure, excess, pride and self-indulgence
>hurr it can't be bdsm themed because it's all about sex
Domination, submission, sadism, masochism, violence, pain and pleasure - it's a perfect theme for slaanesh. IIRC his mortal followers are often killing themselves so they could reach the pinnacle of pleasure and perfection as his servants. I don't want a le tits and pussy meme-tier theme either

Anyone have a points cost on the pestilens clawpack? It's pretty much the only good formation for my rats.

Point costs leaks by Frenchies


Order Serpentis BTFO

the printed GHB1 lists bloodreavers as 60 points per unit, and the online lists them as 70

either way it is under a 1000 points so it doesn't matter

I did the counting for you, it knocks off 100 points, you're off by 20 point so still 1020.

Blood Reavers - 280 > 240 (GH2) = 40
Warshrine - 200 > 180 (GH2) = 20
Marauders - 240 > 200 = 40

Total: 100

Adjustment of points= 1120 - 100 = 1020

Some math is off bud.

Well, from that wheel I assume the allegiance will be Nurgle, not Nurgle Daemon, just like the Disciples of Tzeentch are Tzeentch and not Tzeentch Arcanite, Tzeentch Daemon or Tzeentch Mortal.

Just a bit ticked off that I have to buy a very expensive starter set just to get said Allegiance abilities and Snailbro.

Literally no reason to use two units of 10 Dryads. They are best used in units of at least 20, since they get buffs when you have at least 12.

You can't go wrong with Kurnoth Hunters also. Even with their 40 point price increase they are still worth taking.

It's removed. They tomb cucked it out of the GHB. Sorry user. How many plague rats did you have?

you forgot to account for the horsemen being 10 points cheaper

Yeah, squig hoppers are an absolute disappointment. They don't do reliable enough damage or have reliable enough speed to be good flankers. They don't have any saves worth it for stealing objectives. They don't even have an ability to make them a good SURPRISE! unit. The squig mount does only semi decently, but the strength of squigs comes from the free mortal wounds for failing battleshocks, which these guys utterly lack. Making them cheap battleline did little to change my opinions on them when squigs can do their job but better.

100 monks (80 painted)
3 plague claws
1 Verminlord corruptor
1 furnace
5 censers
3 priests

All but 20 monks are painted

And the squigs are 20 points CHEAPER than the hoppers. I mean, even adding in the costs of a herder or two, Cave Squigs are by and large the better option.

Aaaah. My mistake. Well, looks legit. good show man.

On that though, I just realized you essentially only have basic infantry sans the horsemen so you definitely got the numbers but I think elite might chop them up something hard.

Doesn't seem WAAC. Very swarmy, intimidating but nothing OP. Mainly because you need to run into melee than gun your opponents down.

It never was part of the GHB, so quit spewing bullshit.

>I want ornate baroque-like armors and cool stuff, not boobs drugs and sex XD
What not mix it? Followers start as passionate and fervent worshippers but as they catch a higher position in slaanesh mortal hierarchy they appearance change and become more subtle and imposing while their personality becaomes more and more corrupted

>Clawpack gone
>Censer bearers still total shit and ignored
>Two Minor 20 pts drops
>Foulrain is dead
>Plagueclaws still costly
>Seraphon buffs

Has the Horned Rat forsaken us?

I see no clawpack in GHB1.0 so stop fuckin shitposting

Got 240 euro of Skaven in the mail, see Skaven players worry over changes...Should I worry?

Does that just mean I use the GHB1 cost, or is it totally unusable now?

If it's Skryre or Verminus you're fine.
If it's pestilens ehh, you're getting some sweet stuff in the GHB but don't expect a really competitive army.

It's SC 2x and Isle of Blood 2x, so it was always gonna be a mixed army, so I guess I'm fine?

No, you should not give a fuck about samefagging troll. There was no clawpack in General's Handbook either

Absolutely. You're going to be fine.

Are you blind or just stupid?

Magnetize your shit so you can play mono-pestilens when you get bored with mixed army

Not like anyone plays them anyway.

Show me the "skaven" table in new ghb

Well, I'm going to sell my army at this point. Everyone at my shop plays beastclaw, SCE, and Tzeentch, and this was the last chance for pestilens to be worthwhile. Not going to be a total masochist. Thanks GW.

This list would leave you exactly 120 more points under GBH2. Pretty much ideal to add another 20 monks to the small unit of monks or take two units of censer bearers.

Isn't one anymore

>ITT: People crying about rules they haven't seen yet
It's 40kg and 8th edition all over again

Skaven are looking fine, dude. Ignore the morons.

Didn't Moonclan originally have a Warscroll Battalion in Gh1? Where is it in Gh2?

It's hilarious that they're literally just dragon blades, but 20 more points

But there's no formation, which puts me at a severe disadvantage against the hoard of stormshitters at my shop (most of whom are massive manchildren)

what do you expect

after 8th turned out to be a disaster they 40k players are all jumping ship and coming here

The same place where unique artifacts are for non-Ironjawz destruction allegiances.

What did you expect? Sensible reactions and such? Nope, doomsaying is the way to go.

Anyone know if we can still use old skaven characters like queek headtaker, lord skrolk, and throt the unclean?

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or are you a chaoscuck?

Oh great, now I got to wait for THOSE leaks. Thanks man.

Formations got massive price hikes overall, so what are you crying about? Adapt and overcome. You also get a whole set of allegiance stuff on top of that, so things are fine.

Censers, especially 5 of them are so garbage i would rather be down 60 pts and get the underdog bonus desu

>after 8th turned out to be a disaster
Oh my, you still keep trolling? Jesus, I would take all this shitposting if you were a fantasyshit player at least but you have never played warhammer at all. I hope you will enjoy your ban

Fear the storm boyo

Why does she have no eyebrows?

>he doesn't know

>After 40k released a new edition that was an improvement of the Age of Sigmar system, everyone hated it so much that they decided to play an inferior version of the same system

Are you an actual retard?