Anyone else DM for themselves...

Anyone else DM for themselves? I still get out all the rulebooks and minis and shit but I just play all the players and the dm myself and do all the dialogue too out loud. I don't have any friends to play with
is this weird?

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Yes. Seek help.

I'll take that hook.

Yes. At least if you were writing a book or play you could say you would legitimately be improving the craft by doing that shit out loud and activating the "this sounds retarded" response that doesn't like triggering in your own head or writing it out. But just playing D&D by yourself like you have schizophrenia and having all that go nowhere and do nothing is just stupid.

I don't play D&D with myself, but there are a few "lite" roleplaying games designed to be played solo out there that are OK. Sort of like choose your own adventure books but with dice and sometimes miniatures/cards.

Nah, you gotta do what you gotta do to be happy.

That being said, you shouldn't be such a baby as to not even hit up roll20 and shit.


But in all seriousness, try out Roll20, it's better than nothing unless it's just really fun for you.If that's the case, more power to you.

>Anyone else DM for themselves?
All the time. What started as encounter testing turned into some more enjoyable than running for other people.

>I still get out all the rulebooks and minis and shit
Same. I prefer to have a physical representation of what's going on.

>but I just play all the players and the dm myself
I tend to use rng and other tools to assist in this part.

>do all the dialogue too out loud
I've never had the urge, but I do write down what's happening, including dialogue.

>I don't have any friends to play with
I'm sorry to hear that user.

>Is this weird?
Short of talking to yourself, not really.

Have you considered looking into some of the solo rpgs that are out there?

I do, only I do it totally freeform. I just sit in my chair, close my eyes, and act out all these cool stories, only I don't do any voices or anything like that either. Sometimes I'll base the characters off of ones from movies or books I enjoy, sometimes I'll even add a little romance just for fun. I've done it since I was a kid, before I knew it was called DMing. I've even written some of the sessions down, but I never show them to anyone.

It's really embarrassing, sorry

I DM for my boyfriend

When I write backstories for major characters, or some of my own writefag shit, I roll to see how they perform during important shit.

>guard lieutenant is facing off against wounded CSM
>fear test
>she rolls a 4 on her Willpower check
>"lets fucking go cunt"

I don't know, makes writing about it less dry.

Holy fuck this is goddamn genius.


>having a feminine penis
to what end

Dude literally everyone does this. It's called daydreaming and having an imagination.

I'll admit, I do this. None of my friends really play any tabletop games, and my apps never get accepted on roll20, so eventually I just said fuck it.

That's sad.
You are sad.

I'd keep on putting up the roll20 applications or maybe offer to run a game if you feel familiar enough with the system.

Rock on tho, homie.


tfw always GM

>is this weird?

Check this out. It's made to specifically do this. Or to play as a group without a dedicated GM:

There's also a book to help generate monster stats and stuff.

It's all system-agnostic (though there is a Mythic system, too, it's a bit too rules-light for me).

There's a market for it, so whether it's weird or not there's people doing it. Here's an example of something made for solo-rpgs,

I tried that once and when I started automatically speaking I stopped because it got 2spooky.
I do playtest solo dungeon dwelving in systems.

>is it weird
Depends on how far you go. If you're playtesting, that's practically non-issue.
If you're talking, that's kinda what little kids do when they play and while I commend you for still having an imagination and can play that way, I rarely see any grownup doing that, 'tis a bit weird.

>EU fag
>96% of all games are made by muricans, so 96% of all games starts in the middle of the night or early morning.
>Took me 2 months before I found a group

This was also after like 5 different applications.
You quite literally have to be the first guy to respond to a game.

As far as I'm aware, only about 50% of games are US based.
But sadly a lot of non american games use a non-english language.

Learn what words mean

Yuropoor here, managed to get a game where everyone is a maximum of +-2 hours from each other

Yep. Fucking Germans and frog eaters who don't speak English

I know this is a meme by now, but GURPS games usually accept most players without too much background check. Also putting out about 5-6 applications at a time, and then just going for the first one that accepts you.