Stat Marco Holt

Alfie is revealing itself to be a pretty competent fantasy comic as well as porn. Marco has just pulled off some badass moves in the latest bit, and in general it seems a good example of a fun low level campaign idea.


10/10 Dreamboat

Lydia is the ultimate tsundere.

Depending on your system of choice, it looks like he invested in proficiency with improvised weapons and/or thrown weapons.

And obviously, high charisma.

BECMI D&D weapon mastery. Practically every sword becomes a thrown weapon.

I hate Alfie (the character) just give me Marco killing monsters and fucking Lydia all day.

15 Str
16 Dex
18 Con
8 Int
10 Wis
16 Cha

His Dyslexia prevents him from book learnin' but luckily he does not suffer from Sexlexia.

What a fucking hero.
