What's the biggest shitstorm you've ever seen at your table?
What's the biggest shitstorm you've ever seen at your table?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Marrying the titimonster
Good, but why can't Hinata dress as slutty as Sakura?
She's a proper housewife, not a loose sloot like Sakura
Sakura? More like Cuckura
She loses her tits though
Only because the new artist is a blatant pedo that hates curves and would rather slut up Sasuke's daughter than the laundry list of milfs
>aging bitter fanbases
Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this
What the fuck is with all the slutted up kids? Why are all the milfs prudish and/or plain??
As a non-pedo I feel disctiminated against
I don't have shitstorms at my table because I play with mature well adjusted adults
Boruto a garbage
Old Hag Hinata a shit
Sasuke a trash
Sakura a whore
Salad and Hinamiwari are ok
I always liked Tenten
Man new MILF-Sakura just does all sorts of crazy shit to my boner.
she's alright, one of the better characters
polite sage for noncontribution and so Naruto can finally fucking die
Wait what
What happens to Hinata's tits? They were the biggest part of her character.
Anyone got the "You fool, you started a thread with an image more interesting then your topic." picture? I feel like it applies here.
Ended up playing with a bunch of manchildren on a Roll20 Fallout game because I was young and naive.
Two players started arguing. One was overweight and gay (his boyfriend also in the game), the other kept mocking him and his boyfriend.
I'll admit I was railroady at the start, but I assumed they wouldn't care that much because
Offended player tried to fight a bunch of heavily armed bandits because he was an NCR Ranger, ragequit when I told him it was suicide and he shouldn't be expecting to be a total badass at the beginning, and his character got splattered after he left. Boyfriend of offended player had his character blow his brains out when I finally managed to wrangle them to a questgiver.
The last guy kept bothering me on Skype after the game until I eventually blocked him.
This lasted one session- the first one. I learned a lot about DMing from it.
One player threw a huge shitfit because he went below 0 hp after we had casually joked about getting his character killed off. That one was our fault though because he was 13 and we were in our 20s.
Another time he threw shit because he didn't have the right color dice.
Another time his brother (my age) got pissed and deleted his campaign because we fucked up time management and we thought we hated him.
I included a Jonesian suicide cult and got yelled at for mocking christianity. They then lost patience for that campaign before I could introduce the "good side of religion" character and his allies who were going to help the PCs and give them some squadmates to shoot up shit with (this was a Savage Worlds game so you want to have the PCs commanding troops for the system to really shine).
Had a player rage out because his character was killed by a succubus and claim that I "raped" him. Proceeded to make a new character who played for 2 sessions before going on a killing spree with Fireball spells and having to be put down by the rest of the party. He killed like 20 people with the fireballs including an important NPC.
Friend brought a friend who was a tranny and liked to shout "mongoloid" as an insult and thus got kicked out of the house we play at because the owner is half-asian.
I went on a date with a friend of a girl from our group, it went badly and the girl gave me shit about it for weeks because apparently I treated her badly. Then her character in our D&D campaign (a rogue) fell into a wicked deadly trap I had made months before any of this happened, and died, and she blamed me for revenge killing her.
One of the weirdos in our group tried DMing and made a campaign where aliens took over the earth. I ended up being mind controlled and forced to have sex with one of the aliens. I didn't get pissy about it, it was kinda funny but that entire campaign was retarded. That's not really a shitstorm, sorry, but its the only other thing i can think of.
lol yeah right
I don't play with mature well adjusted adults and we still don't have shitstorms.
Only the lowest of the low autists have that problem.
Not the biggest of deals, but one of the first i experienced was when i told my players we'd be using some rules to make diagonals slightly more realistic (every other diagnal you move/aim through counts as 2 increments).
One player in particular lost his shit because it didnt make sense why he couldnt effectively shoot farther using diagnals, because everything else he ever played didnt even acknowledge basic geometry. Not only that, he accused me of cheating (being the GM) because somewhere in his brain he thought these rules would only apply to the players.
After an hour of me giving a simple math lesson and the rest of the party groaning and pushing him along it finally fucking clicked.
I've stated this before, but two players had a fistfight over an imaginary waifu. She was the childhood friend of Player 1, and he had feelings for her, but Player 2 was dating her behind his back.
Ultimately, she went with Player 2, because she simply liked him better and found him more impressive. When she told Player 1, though, these two idiots started brawling no matter how many times I told them "Guys, she's not real."
As it turns out, Player 1 - who threw the first punch - had gone through a similar experience when his girlfriend broke up with him. He was also kind of sore because I'd told him that I already had a boyfriend when he asked me out.
So it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
The new artist doesn't know how to draw tits well, so he made Hinata into a loli to compensate.
One player betrayed the rest of the group to a Genie in a Bottle.
The final session was us hunting him down, and killing him like the dog he was.
>Married a guy who doesn't love her
>He knocks her up and then leaves immediately after
>Didn't even get a family photo with him
>Fails miserably at raising her daughter as a single mom with 12 hour hospital shifts
>Daughter starts dressing in slut gear every day
>Burdened with debt from destroyed house's mortgage while having to pay apartment rent
>Have to work overtime at hospital just to pay bills
>Meanwhile, the blonde loser she ditched in favor of the Uchiha married a princess, became leader of the free world, revitalized the nation's economy and technological development, and became a household figure revered by people around the world.
Man, I almost feel bad for SasuSaku fans. They got their wish and the self-insert girl married the sexy loner boy, but then they got the shittiest possible epilogue ever.
I'm confused.
Two faggots wanted to dick the same NPC, Gm had NPC choose one, the guy who got left out threw a tantrum because he wanted to fuck the GM.
That clears it up. Thank you.
Don't see anything wrong with this.
Seem like an accurate logical conclusion to getting emotionally attached to an edgy brooding faggot.
>Be DM
>Everyone excluding me new to d&d
>Playing pathfinder because it's free
>Guy learns about mystic theurge
>Tries to say a Tiefling's Darkness SLA counts towards the requirement for Mysthic Theurge
>He's a level 3 cleric who just leveled to 4 and wants to take a level in mystic theurge
>Tell him that's not how it works
>He's been playing the fucking character for the past 5 sessions and knows the difference between SLA and spells
>Explain SLA's aren't spells
>Explain it's retarded and you can't do that
I genuinely cannot to this day tell you why the fuck he wanted to be a cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 1 Tiefling anyway. He made a big fucking deal about it even though I explained it's literally a wasted level, just go wizard. I was going to tell him cripple his character by doing it but with the way he acted I told him no in the hopes he would quit the fucking group.
Did you have a boyfriend at the time?
You sure he didn't already have 1 in wiz/sorc? Tieflings don't have LA in Pathfinder so he wouldn't have a level in Tiefling. If he was 3 Cleric/1 Wiz/Sorc, then it makes sense why he'd want to cut corners.
These seem to be all your fault,
>color dice.
Well this might be actual autism, not the type people use all the time online.
>The church is the bad guy.
It's boring and over played. Also look at the world today. People are being told they are evil just because of they are white and straight. Look at the backlash. No one wants to be painted as the villain.
>death by snosno
Let me guess, roll a will save . Nope well she kills you. Save or die are always shit
Well could you of not said. "Hey stop yelling stuff like that" but really your fault, you get a pass for that.
>A massive dick on the date
If I introduce you to someone you make me look bad when you are a cunt. The traps not there till the pc falls into it retard.
If you really need to use these rules why not switch to hex?
Just to check.. real life punch up. Not in game.
Weed out the trash early . I bet he read a build online.
Because hex does diagnals well, but one of your X or Y axis will suffer and most people understand squares better than hexes. Addionally its far easier to design buildings and urban features on square grids, considering thats literally how they do it IRL.
Fair enough.
How about girdless then. You can move x inchs and shoot yinchs
Way back when I played war gaming for a few months I had sticks that where marked out for movement and range for ease of use.
Dumb hag lovers
Aside from map design processes and the arguement of exact positioning when someone enevitably party-fouls their dice into several minis, i personally wouldnt mind gridless.
But given some of my friends i game with (guy i mentioned) temperaments to change, i cant pursue the idea in a meaningful way.
>tfw meek plain jane gf with huge knockers
Gridless also doesnt handle movements that arnt just straight lines very well. I only bring this up because you mentioned shooting and buildings, and the path of rounding a corner isnt always as simple as an "L" shape.
Boruto's Dad
Shit man...
Move a little at a time user
Maybe, but imagine a situation where you have a mini behind a wall, adjacent to a doorway of somekind. The very outer edge of the mini's base is in line with door's right most opening.
How would you measure out rounding the corner to enter the room? If you measure from the edge of the mini, the character effectively moves directly upward for full movement in additon to slightly sideways dispite that not being realistic (which is one of the biggest advantages of gridless) because a straight line from beginning to end point would have the character go through the wall.
And measuring from the mini's center is a hassle in its own right, since it can be pretty hard to fi d the center of a mini. (Of course the whole situation is irrelivant if you use something flat like a coin or token)
Forgive my ignorance if im missing something, as i dont into gridless and am just speculating and posting theoretical problems as i think of them.
Maybe once this campaign ends and i cull them from the player pool, user. It would still be 100% novel to my entire group though.
>If I introduce you to someone you make me look bad when you are a cunt.
Everything's about you. You know how I can tell you're a woman?
Weeb shit royally fucking up making a new thread, what a surprise.
Yeah cunt believe it or not but not all or use here are retarded children. Crazy right?
Is it my facial hair and my sweaty all year round no matter how hot it is balls?
I'm not getting you. Are you talking about they are being on each side of the doorframe?
You move a tiny bit. Less then an inch till your in the door frame.
You take it as if you where really moving in this situation what path would you take.
Check out DM Scotty youtube vids, he makes a lot of what he calls 2.5D stuff
I don't too. I was thinking the other day how lucky I am to have really only been in good games for most of my gaming life (8 years or so)
Theres been the odd that guy, but most of them have been swell.
In my hypothetical i meant the mini is to the right of a door, with their left most edge in line with the right most part of the doorway.
The main comcern was where to measure from.
Yes, I had been dating him for about a year at that point. It wasn't really a secret. (He wasn't in my gaming group, though.)
>Playing Shadowrun tech only
>We're thieves, in it for the money
>Entire group picks dex type ninja dudes with speed/jumping etc implants
>Oh wait this one guy found ogres in the book
>He wants to be a big strong guy or we can't play anymore(it's a youth club kinda thing, he's the one that signed the papers for some reason)
>He's a skinny retard that obviously wants to self insert because he took a self-defense class and thinks he's now superman
>We go with it and just try to ignore his idiocy
>Every heist/mission we run up walls, hax0r security, jump from street level into 3rd story windows etc, cyborg ninja shit and good times
>It happens so fast that by the time he knocks the front door in we're already on our way out
>He never actually manages to destroy anything other than our group composition
>Eventually he spergs out and says he wants to play something else, after our 3rd session
>We all refuse, because we are fucking loving it so far
>Basically tell him every stupid thing he's done from the first time he showed up and boil it down so he understands exactly why it is we're tired of his bitching
>He throws a plastic fruitbowl at me and yells about how we can all get fucked
>An orange falls out, i pick it up and hurl it full force into his face.
>le natural 20 meme
>He falls over and hits his head, i took this faggot out with a fucking orange
>Of course he whines and gets us shut down, i take all the blame and convince a teacher to sign us up again for a new club
>It was a trap, he forces everyone to play his homebrew samurai system with him as DM, but it's actually decent even if he's autistic
>... Oh wait he made me kill myself because i lost honor for killing a peasant
And that's how i ended up only playing in groups with people i already know. Worth destroying the group all for that beautiful orange throw, it was the stuff of legends and 15 years or so later i'm still proud of that hit.
Most of the time you only worry about facing once you stop moving. It thens to be how far the mini has really moved. Only 40k tournament players worry over mm .
Shoot dude, I don't even use a battle mat. I just di scribe everything
Yes, a real-life punchup. It's exactly as stupid as it sounds. No one was seriously injured, though.
Goddamn, sakura is perfect
I once started a conversation with a picture of a shitty anime.
I remember a different thread you posted that story in.
Yes, I'm the same DM.
Get one of them flexible curve things. Mark it on the top. You can now precisely measure the length of any path.
One time, someone ate all the snacks
It was me
probably the biggest I've ever seen I started, but wasn't the one throwing the shitfit
I was setting up to GM, and for a host of minor reasons (shitty day at work, slightly sick, probably should have cancelled) I'm in a bad mood
one of our habitual bad players shows up late and does that thing which seems pretty common in DnD groups where it's actually just mean insult stuff which is supposed to be funny, in this instance about my car.
Generally don't like this person anyway, but whatever. Call them out with a relativelly innocuous "I know you think you're being funny, but I'm really not in the mood, so could you please just not?"
To which they reply "I don't care if you're in a bad mood, I'll say what I want to anyone."
So I apologize to the group, say "I really just can't deal with this tonight. I'm gonna cancel for tonight we can regroup next week"
So over the next week I guess they just stewed about it and schemed, since they said they were quitting and taking their friend with them (who I also didn't really like, so no real loss)
They stopped having a game forever, but I still play with everyone who wasn't terrible from that group, so I guess I won?
i cant tell you how many supers games ended in shitstorms for me and the people i've run over the years
what a dick
>who was a tranny and liked to shout "mongoloid"
The biggest shitstorm I witnessed at my game was when the "leader" of the party had a falling out with the tempest cleric of the party. Being paranoid and greedy, the cleric confronted the "leader" character about the communal loot chest of the party, where some of the loot we acquired would go in for party related reasons.
The cleric didn't want that and butted heads with the leader and things god fairly heated: OoC too, they only spoke IC and so the two of them raised their voices. The Cleric gave him an ultimatum to "Either give me what's mine or I will take it by force."
It took the rest of us ten minutes to stop the "leader" from making things escalate into violence and just let the guy have his money but we managed and the cleric parted ways with the group without further violence.
>>Meanwhile, the blonde loser she ditched in favor of the Uchiha married a princess, became leader of the free world, revitalized the nation's economy and technological development, and became a household figure revered by people around the world.
>Anyone got the "You fool, you started a thread with an image more interesting then your topic." picture? I feel like it applies here.
That doesn't apply to threads that OP starts because he wants people to talk about anime on Veeky Forums.
First game I ever GM'd, I made the mistake of splitting GM duties with another guy (i.e. I'd GM and he'd be a player for a couple sessions, then we'd switch)
Problem is, I didn't account for him being an asshole and having That Guy assisting with his asshole. Between them they killed my campaign and just about killed my tabletop group too.
so the anime has finally been concluded? There is a final amount of episodes now?
I left when they are fighting Madara and every fucking character had a "flashback backstory" where they had flashbacks in flashbacks and I couldn't take it anymore.
And the fights went from hand to hand (jujitsu vs jujitsu) to big monsters vs bigger monsters.
Is it worth going back to see any more good fighting?
>tfw meek black gf with huge knockers
>allowing a player to play an NCR Ranger but not be a badass
I'm not sure about the biggest, but the most recent and still-fresh-in-my-mind one happened a few weeks ago during a shadowrun game. Two characters got into a fight about whether to kill or release a hostage. Weapons got drawn, dice got rolled. We ended up calling game before it got very far because things got a little too heated at the table for real.
why don't you have a seat over there user.
I came here looking for booty.
The stuff where Naruto's the main protagonist, anyway. They're doing a series about his kid now.
But /a/ hates Naruto, so does that really apply?
how the fuck did naruto end up taller than sasuke? he was the runt of his class even after being held back THREE times, he was supposed to be a manlet
That's just what happens when you're literally Ninja Jesus.
One of the players argued loudly with the GM over whether his facing was correct on the [virtual] gameboard (GURPS uses hexes, and the token was pointing towards a point and not a face). By the end of the shitstorm, it wasn't even about the rules anymore.
Ugly duckling syndrome, applies to both Naruto and Hinata
Same thing happened to me. Twice.
I will never share GMing duties again.
This was a long ass time ago, over a decade, me and my friends had recently joined up with this seemingly cool couple for D&D. Hubby was the DM, Wifey a player. We were all pretty damn young compared to the couple but we shared a passion for goblin poking so it seemed like a nice fit.
On our 5th or 6th session, we had roped a new friend to come join us and everything seemed to be going well, except for a couple of warning signs we had ignored. DM was really pushing the new guy to try roll one of his new race, some furry wolf thing which we had little contact with other than hearing they were a perfect with nature species/society. Honestly the furry thing wasn't that big of a deal and I only bring it up cause it sticks with me now how out of place it was.
Halfway through the session we had had beaten up some bandits or something and were dividing the loot when we decided to call a break. So half of us just went to painting minies and shit while the DM and a few of the guys went in to grab snacks. Wifey asked them to bring back a cake since apparently she was craving it.
Cue a half-hour or so later, the provisions team returned with snacks and drinks but with no cake... too expensive so they had to bale on it. We sit down to continue gaming but then Wifey EXPLODES, everyone but the DM goes wide eyed with shock as she starts throwing the mother of all tantrums, screaming about how we never do anything she wants to do and that we were all against her and she just storms off upstairs(we were in the basement, of course) New dude is just staring at me, silently screaming "Why did I bring him here" "How could you do this to me" I'm so sorry man, things had been cool!
Somehow, and I can't even remember how but we started the game back up, all doing our best to ignore the wifey still stomping around above us. We start to get back into the swing of things, having a fun time when at once point we get into a fight and are like, "Damn wish we still had Wifey for this, we could really use some magic." I was playing a rogue so I joke "I pop out her OP GM given fireball staff that I totally borrowed from her without asking."
Apparently Wifey wasn't just stomping about upstairs, she was listening intently and she RUSHED down the stairs to start screaming at us that we can't use her stuff and she didn't give anyone permission and just went on and on...
After we try and explain it's just a joke she just screams and runs back upstairs. We decide to call it for the evening and just never went back. Was sad too cause the campaign was actually really neat, lotta godly shit and the DM was really good about including everyone and making them feel like they were influencing the game. I hope he's still out there and that he is well.
We found out later Wifey was on a bunch of medication that she wasn't taking cause she couldn't afford it. Very sad but that was the most SHITSTORM type of deal I've ever been a part of. New dude hasn't trusted me to vet games since...
You were in the wrong.
Choose one.
Choose both.
What did he play next? Was there any pepper afterwards?
Oh America where you can't afford psychiatric medicine and food at the same time.
>Is it my facial hair and my sweaty all year round no matter how hot it is balls?
So you're a pussified man. Even worse.
>Friend brought a friend who was a tranny and liked to shout "mongoloid" as an insult and thus got kicked out of the house we play at because the owner is half-asian.
You and your friends are fucking morons Mongolians have nothing to do with mongoloids when used in that context. A mongoloid when used as an insult means someone with down syndrome.
>liking sluts
>old sluts at that
Naruto is a fucking giant in that pic.
Why is Boruto's dad's implanted arm still wrapped in bandages 15+ years later? You'd think it would have healed by then. Does he just do it for looks?
One of the players invited someone new, a guy who'd just started working with him. Ex-military dude who'd just come home from Afghanistan. I was DM and said "sure, the more the merrier."
Guy was nice until the party started infiltrating an enemy stronghold under cover of darkness.
He kicked off a virulent argument about it, insisting he knew the best method, calling on his prior real-world experience and throwing out assorted army terms.
What was meant to be a five-minute scene giving the PCs a chance to be cool stealthy competent people turned into a huge yelling scene. New dude was sweating and breathing hard and acting like it was the end of the world, and left in a huff, peeling out of my driveway way faster than safe speeds.
Later, I realized the new guy had been having a PTSD attack. None of us recognized it at the time. He never came back.
I heard from his co-worker that he'd killed himself about six months after the scene.
I wonder to this day, over a decade years later, whether, if any of us had recognized what was happening and defused the situation, and kept him in the group, we might have been the support structure that he needed to keep on living.
The player of the cleric left because of scheduling issues. The replacement player brought in a life cleric instead of a tempest one and since then we haven't had a party fund chest anymore.
Apparently it's bone-white and would be a little bit creepy, unnatural-looking I guess, not a good look for the village chief.
If it makes you feel any better, odds are your gaming group would not have had any appreciable impact on his life.
Why does everyone keep saying Sasuke's daughter dresses like a slut?
Friend user, you have no idea how cathartic this feels.
>"I don't care if you're in a bad mood, I'll say what I want to anyone."
Total disrespect to the GM. Drop that fag immediately. But sounds like you won out in the long haul so good job
Though his daughter is wearing stirrup socks at like 8, and is clearly going to have daddy issues...
So, he's set to produce a turboslut who has a decent chance of inheriting her mother's bosom.
Although even when I used to read it I didn't think any of the girls were pretty besides Inari's mom.
...or was she his sister? Fuck if I remember.