Warhammer 40K General /40kg/

Everybody Play Nice edition

Old: >Death Guard stuff, including cool video and some stats/abilities for Mortarion

>Next 3 codexes, Necromunda and Chapter Approved stuff

>Konor Campaign,rigged

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

ITT: Post terrain. Do any of you guys have homebrew rules you use for your terrain, such as minefields, fuel networks, toxic fuel spills, etc?

How fucking hype are you guys for Necromunda?

See OP image.

Oh man, I can't wait, plastic Goliath is gonna be amazing, Because they gave me a fetish for muscular men in straps as a teen.


Where in the Lord does it say that old type Marines can become Primaris Marines?

I can't find this assertion anywhere. Are you guys sure it's not fabricated by the fanbase?

Trying to kitbash a Tycho out Captain Artemis. Any opinions so far?
This is the first mock-up. Still need to clean him up a whole bunch and test out some other head and arm options.

I don't have any pics, but our local store has some that we've updated for 8th.

Fuel Pipe Yard (roughly 1'x1' tile of fuel pipes)
>Basically Fuel Pipes, but is impassible to all Vehicles and Monsters without the Fly keyword. In addition, the dense vertical and horizontal mass of pipes (it's pretty tall and wide) obscures firing at models inside of it. -1 BS for all models attempting to shoot an Infantry unit that is wholly within a Fuel Pipe Yard.

Low/Slow Water Feature:
>Water feature that is passable terrain for all models. However, the water is still deep enough to trip up all but the largest of units if they rush in headlong. All Infantry units that lack the Fly keyword (or a rule that allows them to ignore the effects of terrain or water features) reduce their movement value by -2 when moving through this feature, and all Vehicles and Monsters that lack the Fly or Titanic keywords must subtract -1 from their movement value when moving through this feature. Any other rules that affect movement (such as rerolls, etc.) take place as normal.

High/Fast Water Feature:
>Impassible terrain to all Infantry models without the Fly keyword. All Vehicles that lack the Titanic keyword (or a rule that allows them to ignore the effects of terrain or water features) halve their movement value when moving through this feature. Any other rules that affect movement (such as rerolls, etc.) take place as normal.

Psychic Wound:
>All Chaos Characters attempting to Summon within 6" of this feature may reroll a single dice, in addition to any other rerolls they may possess. All Psykers attempting to harness any Warp Charges within 6" of this feature harness them on a 2+, but Perils on any Doubles. Models that lack the Chaos keyword who are immune to Perils count as suffering a Perils on a normal roll, and do not perils on any doubles like other models - they in essence do not benefit from their immunity when affected by this feature.

Shit, that sounds cool as fuck

I can't find it either. The best attribution I could get was a passing mention in a Twitch stream, but nobody could even point me to the right stream. So that's doubly useless.

Thanks man, I make most of our homebrew terrain rules, while the guys mostly make the terrain itself.

Some others we've got, but don't use as often:

Wreckage Ramp:
>This ramp or walkway is an ad-hoc feature composed of strewn debris and wreckage, and isn't considered safe by even the most lax of inspectors - should they even survive long enough to inspect it, that is. Any time a Vehicle or Monster that lacks the Fly keyword crosses over this feature, roll 2D6 and compare it to the units Toughness value. If the roll is greater than or equal to their toughness value, nothing happens. If the roll is less than their Toughness value, the ramp collapses - the vehicle suffers D6+6 Mortal Wounds, as do any models on the feature at the time of its collapse, and the feature is removed for the rest of the game (usually meaning it becomes impassable). Infantry models are (usually) not heavy enough to trigger this test. This terrain is impassable to all Titanic models - they're simply too heavy to use it safely.

Rubble Ramps:
>Like a Wreckage Ramp, but smaller and even more lethal. Any time an Infantry unit without the Fly keyword crosses this terrain, roll a D6 and compare it to the highest Toughness value in the unit. If equal or higher, then nothing happens. If the roll is lower, all models in the unit that crossed the feature immediately suffer D6 Mortal wounds, and the feature is removed for the rest of the game. Vehicles and Monsters without the Fly keyword may not cross this feature, as it's just too small and dangerous.


Anyone have a link to CCON's catalogue?



>All Psykers attempting to harness any Warp Charges within 6" of this feature harness them on a 2+
What does this mean?

I was excited.
Then I watched the video, while my ears were raped by some cockney cunts whore voice.
NOW I'm not.

> want to make a Tycho model
> give him a flesh tearers pad
.... user pls

They successfully cast a spell if they roll a 2+ instead of the spell's initial warp charge

He's more of a counts-as-Tycho then an actual Tycho.

Thats not a statement about old type marines being transformed into Primaris types. The actual source of the comment might have been a facebook post and/or an extrapolation of a suggestion by the main writer doing the Carcharadons books.

Whats the best way to bring anti-armor in a close combat focused Space Marines army? Do I double down on combat with th/ss termies or scale it back and go for the devastators?

Dreadnoughts or heavily armored gun platforms like Stormravens and laspreds. I wouldn't suggest terminator heavy lists, since I have yet to see a batrep where such a list wins.

Hammernaters probably will never catch any tanks.

I'd look for either heavy weapons on transports like Stormravens or Razorbacks, or a heavy weapon on a dreadnought could also give you some AT firepower while still being able to royally punch something's face(s) in.

terminators are okay now, 2 wounds and double the amount of shots. they're useful in the backlines but you'll get more out of devs in the back shooting turn 1

with that said i'm upgrading some terms to Emp kids and retiring some havocs who can't hit for shit

Follow up:

What is your current list and what lists are giving you trouble?

The proportions of the terminators in that artwork ... My eyes ! It burns ussssss !

Thunderhammers and Chainfists/Powerfists, and Dreadnought weapons are also quite alright. The Ironclad especially has melee weapons that seem created to tear big models a new one. Have a librarian cast Might of Ancients on an Ironclad and watch it go to town on some poor defenseless metal box.

ACKEWLLY according to the INDEX got Tycho is only a captain of the BLOOD ANGELS and CANNOT BE USED as such by ANY OTHER CHAPTER. Sorry user. It's in the RULES
but for real why the fuck is that little up it's own ass snub against count as in the fucking indices? It's a s retarded as the KO painting 'rules' in their battletome. WTF nuGW


Also, have this -

“Felix pondered how Calgar might feel about the primarch’s unilateral altering of the Codex Astartes. The captain could not help but feel that, in his drive for victory and efficiency, Guilliman had been careless with the feelings of his existing sons. Increasingly, Guilliman looked to the Primaris Space Marines as his first solution. He made no attempt to hide the fact that the days of the older Space Marines were numbered.”

Excerpt From: Haley, Guy. “Dark Imperium.” iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

I for one am actually rather glad that we no longer live in the age of seeing Vulkan in every colour of the rainbow in every SM army always and every time. Back when 5th edition explicitly allowed you to repaint special characters.

I get the idea behind it but it only leads to blatant WAACfaggottery on a level that even 'fluff' players can't stay away from. Just like how every Ultramarine player had a chapter master on bike with shield eternal and thunder hammer ... No wonder Marneus Calgar is so depressed right now, he constantly gets put to the side in favor of more OP min-max options.

They ended that shit when they didn't even make it an option in the indices. And then made it a 3CP upgrade to boot!
I just don't like them shitting on the 'Your dude's concept. Plus WAACfags abused it is a shit argument. WAACfags ruin everything.

This is the list I've made so far. I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm back and forth on making the two smaller crusader squads pistol and chainsword or bolter and special weapons. The efficiency of having 2 plas and a lascannon in what is effectively a tac squad was hard to pass up. I wasn't really sure where to go from here for the close combat to back up Helbrecht; between terminators, jump vets, 2 chainsword assault marines, company vets on bikes and dreadnoughts there's a lot of options.

Yeah but I'm talking 1500 points of terminators or something stupid. I fucking love termies and I would fucking love to termie spam, but its not feasible.

WAACfags wil always be WAACfags yes. The problem was that other options were so much better, more effective and point efficient that even more casual and fluff oriented players couldn't stay away from them.

Whatever happened to the Black Library Mega?

Ive got

SC necrons
Doomsday Ark
5 Telsa Immortals
3 destroyers

what should I grab next? More warriors and Immortals?

I wouldn't mind it if they had more options to make Our Dude characters, but they've clamped down so hard on character cheese that the character sandwich has no filling, and I'm shit at metaphors today.

Any ideas for how to make a 40k-era Thousand Sons Spartan Assault Tank look more Tzeentchy?


Damn that is ice cold.

And in the very same chapter he talks about how he wants no hard feelings between them. Guy Haley's Bobby G.'s more like his dead tone-deaf dad than he'd like to admit.

Well following the FW prescribed color scheme would be a start. Check shapeways for TS themed bits. Also consider printing decals of the 5 cult symbols.

Fake drama is what it is. He clearly wants to transition his veteran old-types into administrative or command roles while his Primaris take the lions share of the fighting.

>Hammernaters probably will never catch any tanks.
If they're in a raven they can. Or if you DS then they have fairly good odds of making it into melee. Getting a 9" charge rerolling is far from impossible.

I'd look at adding a Stormraven, Venerable or Contemptor Dreadnought, Second CC unit of your choice to go in the Raven or Raider, then probably a Captain to sit with your firebase of the Razorbacks and the two shooty Crusader squads.

Or if you use RG tactics on hammernators.

I believe that even with a reroll 9+ on 2d6 is slightly under 50%, and that's assuming you can actually land close enough to your key target.

>Getting a 9" charge rerolling is far from impossible.
That's where I'm torn. The Black Templar tactics lets you reroll a failed charge, and 2d6 rerollable gives you ~48% chance on making it 1-(1-.2777)^2%. On the one hand that's great and if they make it they'll crush, but if they don't make it then they're just sitting out in the open, in rapid fire range, with their thumbs up their asses. It's such an expensive unit that I'm afraid to put it in that kind of a situation.

Calgar literally complains that Guilliman doesn't consider his feefees. Kek. Being made as obsolete in the fluff as you were made in the crunch must be a slap on the face.

And after all the Wardian bullshit he pulled off, he deserved it

50/50 is pretty good odds. What would you rather do, play it safe like a bitch and sit back with your tau gunline or conscript/parking lot, or nut up and send in your slammers to whack a tank into the dirt?

This is a dice game, can't win if you don't play.

Thats why the God Emperor blessed you with Land Raiders and Stormravens.

So, are 10-man Rhino mounted Chaos Space Marine squads viable? I'm thinking about hopping back into 8th with my mechanized Black Legion, but I don't really want to invest the time and money if it's still as shitty as it was in 6th/7th.

That wasn't Calgar. Calgar constantly feels like a failure at life, now that BobbyG is running things. That being said, Calgar isn't going to be a little mopey bitch like it like how Morty does it. When Sicarius was lost to the Warp, Calgar mourned and said everyone needs to pick up the slack to avenge him.

Or, hold on, use your transports and other heavy hitters for their intended role instead of throwing a massive chunk of your army away due to bad decision making.

Since ObSec is back should I use Troop Terminators or Strike Squads for objectives?

Also are Dreadnoughts good now? Or are Dreadknights still must have's? And GK have Chaplains now? That's really cool, are they a good option or no?

Then either make sure you have a backup plan (other unit that can also try charge it) or stop being a little bitch. If you're quaking in your boots before every dice roll because it might go wrong you're in the wrong hobby, lol.


Warboss w/ big choppa
Warboss w/ big choppa
Warboss w/ big choppa

10 Ork boys + Nob with big choppa +
10 Ork boys + Nob with big choppa + trukk
10 Ork boys + Nob with big choppa + trukk

Tank huntas x12 + trukk

Heavy support
Deff dread, 4 klaws
Deff dread, 4 klaws

Total = 1997

What's everyone think? Since this list isn't spamming hordes of boys it isn't the best, but looks fun to run.

Idea behind it is either the enemy shoots the nauts first, and everything else gets across the board, or they shoot trukks, and the nauts get across the board and into CC, which is where they shin.

Troop termies are too expensive for objectives. Also when Chapter Approve comes out everyone will have Obsec so it's borderline useless.
Dreads are ok, especially now that they're psychic. Dreadknights are great but not essential. Chaplains are pretty mediocre.

you're welcome

If you're playing a melee-orientated army, maybe.
Rhinos are much tougher, but also more expensive. It's not worth it to send a rhino forward with 10 guys just to fire bolters and 1-2 special weapons.

So my initial reaction is to do what recommend and get some transports for termies, but then I ask myself "what's my opponent going to do when they see I have 300 pts of slow models inside a 300 pt model" and then I realize that a few lascannons later I could have a stranded termie squad with nothing to show for it. It's not like either one is a bad plan, per se, but I'm not sure which one is better. I'm leaning the most towards the stormraven, because then even if it does get shot down the squad inside will be around the enemy's lines.

Ironclad Dreadnought

>he doesn't teleport his terminators
>he hides his terminators behind bitch boards
>his terminators are scared babies who get coddled inside a metal box

This is 8th ed. You don't have to worry about random ass damage charts or immobilized land raiders anymore.

Strike Squads are better objective campers : cheaper in points, way more ranged firepower per point spent.
Dreadnoughts are alright, specially now that they can buff themselves with the psychic power they need (Astral Aim for ranged dread, Hammerhand for melee dread)
Dreadknights are in a bit of a weird spot. Their ranged weapons are decent against infantry, but specially against multi-wound infantry with low armoursaves. But their melee attacks are only efficient for taking big chunks out of other large models.
Chaplains are very neat near some Paladins, and probably the best option for GK if you want a cheap HQ.

Stormraven is probably your best bet. Land Raiders will get popped. Ravens are pretty fucking cheesed out though, easily the strongest flier. Dropping 5 termies with a character and a venerable dreadnought up your opponents ass turn 2 is retarded. And it's covered with guns.

What a fucked up model.

rerolls from a chaplain are always great

You can't disembark after moving anyway. Now that Terminators can charge after deep striking a transport is just a clunky point sink they don't really need anyway.

Speaking of the Raven carrying a Dreadnought. I've been strongly eying the Chaplain Dreadnought as my second HQ choice. Anyone know whether that's a dumb choice or not? I'm thinking that +1S from Helbrecht and another +1S from the Chaplain Dreadnought could really turn an assaulting marine squad into something special.

If you don't think a transport+occupants that cost as much as knight with half the wounds won't get popped you're retarded.

>Dreads can't ride normal drop pods
>dread drop pods are 120pts
>irrelevant because storm ravens

Whether or not it gets popped before it delivers the goods is entirely on you.

I like it, I think maybe try a head a little bit closer to Tycho's half face mask thing, but I like it.

Tycho's honestly one of my favorit special characters, and I don't even play BA.

Because fuck you that's why. Buy Primaris Space Marines™

Do you play with literal mouthbreathers that you think that most armies can't pop a land raider?

Well here's a though. If I take another HQ, high points assault squad, and dread in a Storm Raven then I only have 2 razorbacks, a landraider and a stormraven to put on the board. There's a pretty good chance that gets me turn 1 with only 4 drops. If the Storm Raven dies on the enemy's turn 1 then at least it'll have brought the boys with it.

>Interested in starting a Black Templars army
>No Primaris marines are melee oriented
>Would have to stock up on old and busted Marinelets to run crusader squads

Truly suffering.

Deathmarks, Lychguard, Monolith and Night Scythes especially are good. Ghost Arks and maybe another 10-20 Warriors would serve you well.

Also, get a Cryptek asap!

Playing with terrain on the board might have skewed my POV, so obviously an American style tabletop will not favor armored transports.

So Chainswords and Icons of Wrath all around? Probably with meltas to open up any nearby transports?

Planning on bringing Abaddon with an escort of Slaaneshi Plasma Terminators, maybe a Sorcerer too for Warptime+Delightful Agonies. I figure three mechanized squads plus the terminators should make for a good offensive line, plus some armor of my own in the backfield.

The lack of great close combat primaris marines is what made me lose interest in them. Maybe the reivers can be useful with their no-overwatch-for-you grenades, but that's about it.

>Make bigger, stronger marines that would be ideal as better close combat troops
>Only give them ranged weapons

This is why the Mechanicus is the reason behind everything that is wrong in the Imperium. Bloody toasterfuckers can't do anything right.

This plus a catacomb command barge.

Do you play on 4x4s over in Eurabia? How is it possible that your opponents can't figure out how to get a solid round of shooting on one tank before it reaches them?

>play sharks
>dont give a shit about Primaris
>too busy killing bitches

Primaris are gay anyways. The scuplts put me to sleep, there's almost no customization, and their rules bore me despite being made with my chapter in mind
>t. smurf

Pretty sure it is LORD COMMANDER GUILLIMAN, SAVIOR OF THE IMPERIUM, who is dictating the Primaris tactical load outs and proficiencies there user. Mars just makes the stuff.

I wouldn't mind upgrading a lieutenant or captain to primaris, but if they can't ride around in transports with my crusader squads they're useless to me.

Well then Guilliman is a puff.

Unfortunately I like the updated aesthetic of the Primaris models thanks to the less goofy proportions and it would also be perfectly fluffy to have primaris in a Black Templar army as the events of Cadia left them with a lot of dead marines... but the rules

In other breaking news, the sky is blue, and bears shit in the woods.

It would be funny to have a Neophyte Primaris following round an established battle-brother

I am pretty sure that every initiate of the nuBlack Templars is actually now a neophyte of a Black Templar Primaris marine.


Hey teej, recommend me a good GS cult colour scheme

Alright guys, I need help deciding on a chapter. Should I do the Hawk Lords(raven guard esque while connecting to the plot through big bobby G), Raven Guard or some other successor?

I like the deathmask. It's a nice homage to the original Tycho from his first appearance in the White Dwarf battle report.

Light blue prison uniforms with black and steel colored armoring that they "liberated" from the arbites.

Fuck primaris

Fuck bobby G

one of the primarch will come back and wont want anything to do with the primaris kool aid. That will be my new army

Oo I like that

Probably not gonna happen sadly. GW wants us to burn all original SM and rebuy everything as chad marines, so any other loyal primarch that shows up is guaranteed to be gobbling RG's dick for how amazing chad marines are.