The DM bids you to create a handicapped character

>The DM bids you to create a handicapped character

I create op

I say my character has auspergers syndrome and just act like a complete asshole the entire game.

Play a Malkavian and actually do it right by not being a total raving lunatic. Pick a nice, comfortable mental illness to portray, like mild OCD... guys, I'll attack the werewolf right after I wash my hands, ok?

Played a dissociate identity disorder witch that could enter a dangerous, confused identity under stress. Luckily the hostile and aggressive personality didn't have the ability to tap into her magical powers, so she simply wore restraints when at risk of being possessed.

Was hard to explain her 'fashion' choices to strangers.

>Missing a limb
Sure thing pal

Clever, I like that one.

>I play a man who is missing an arm and an eye...

My character is blind, but his superpower is that he has super senses that are better than normal eyesight

No-Legs Jones, the Surliest Gnome.
Rides a hireling like a backpack.
Shooting off his big crossbow.

No-Legs Jones, with Strength 16
Lost his legs to a dire badger.
Runs on his hands like a fucking machine

No-Legs Jones, he's 1' high
Keeps his hat filled up with caltrops.
To cruel to live, too dumb to die.

>Wizard who is missing an arm and a leg

An elementalist that was born without arms

I support this action

So, does lack of a body part technically still count as a handicap if you have a prosthetic that totally replicates the functionality of said body part? Because a warlock who has both physically and metaphorically cut out his own heart in tribute to some weird fey or devil and now has something else alive and beating in his chest seems like an idea that could work and conceivably be interesting.

I create a woman.


This is now a nautical campaign.

I cannot be anymore disabled. Just a piece of meat on a table.

A challenger appears.

I always wanted to have a character that slowly becomes a fantasy cyborg over the course of the campaign. Every body part he loses he find some magical artifact to replace it, until he's a walking scrap heap.

I create a trump supporter
You'd have to be mentally handicapped to support him XDXDXD

but not wrong

I had a character with ADHD, does that count? Or sci-fi characters with robot arms.

I'm sorry for your loss. Loser.

I make Master and someone else makes Blaster

I played a more or less blind character before. Does that count?

Grigbertz do some excellent porn. And you can tell they're into DnD; one of their characters (possibly that one?) features in a picture with the same composition as the old 3e DnD Mindbender PrC art.


>he's so stupid he's realy a genius guis!

fuck off alt-shit

>>The DM bids you to create a handicapped character
>proceeds making a normal character
>names it like Dm

I create a 3.5 martial.

I'd just make a character that's handicapped.
Like fuck, is a peg leg really gonna slow me down that much?
Or I'd make them prctically blind in one of their eyes, while maintaining perfect vision in the other. I myself have that, and it's really no big deal.

Sorry but sucking cocks is no longer considered a mental disease.

I actually made one unintentionally.

I'm playing an ADHD eldar seer. Rogue trader immediately found this hyperactive eldar adorable.

Gm was cool, this being my first eldar character, reminded me of how to play.

Yes I have ADHD. And surprisingly find it really fun to play as a slightly more hyperactive version of myself

I love that book. One of my favorite parts was how crippled he played himself up, then as soon as he gets to the island he throws his crutch into some dudes spine then hops over super fast to finish him. Badass

>player with ADHD makes Eldar with ADHD
Were you trying to template stack your way into the fucking speedforce or something?

Oh shit I never thought about that!

I just wanted to be a happy cinnamon roll

>I simply try to make a character in 3.5e as accurately to my backstory and narrative traits as possible

I can respect that.

DnD characters are already mentally retarded if they delve into dungeons instead of staying in town and making continual light torches or something that utilizes their skills without getting them killed.

What's up with all the leftist shill on /the/ lately?

Sure thing. How does a double amputee sound?

I play a mute.

(A Sister of Silence if it's a new character for our current campaign)

Careful what you wish for, least it comes true

Sure, why not?

Worlds fastest swordsman, but he has to keep one leg tied to his thigh because if it touches the ground he can't stop running as fast as he can.

Transgender dwarf ranger who uses a hammer and sickle.


MtF or FtM?


There's probably a beard involved either way. That's dwarf enough for me.

I played an undead character once. Not being able to receive magical healing seems like a handicap.

It lacks an ear, done.

I like this idea, but how would you intend to keep the clashing magics of high level artifacts from tearing the remains of your body apart?

If it doesn't yield you free parking, you're not cripple enough.

I'll play an angry veteran missing a limb

My character has a full vertical agnosia disorder. He is unable to perceive the right side of things. His own right side. Even the abstract concept of right-ness is very hard to grasp for him.

My character is mute.

In seriousness, my current character is mute. It means that the other players have to do the social side of things (which is a change), and leads to utter hilarity (my character may spot something but lack the ability to meaningfully convey that information to the rest of the party. This includes ambushes).

who is this guy? Reminds me of the Conan Expy from Discworld.

I have. I played a character with the following description.

>A crevice runs through his face. One brow is buckled, leaving a hairless rent that goes up into his hairline. The eye is useless and blind, a dirty red white. The slash continues to his nose, a chunk of it missing, and down to carve a cleft in his lip. Several teeth are missing. The bones in his cheek and brow did not seem to set well and now curl down slightly. His face is constantly scrunched, eyes watery, and skin a pale clammy color. From what expression you can still see in his good eye it is a look of constant low intensity pain.
>Three holes decorate one shoulder, old arrow wounds since healed. The scars form three puckered marks.
>His left leg is misshapen, twisted at an odd angel where the bones did not heal correctly. The foot now pigeon toed sharply.
>His left hand is missing. A network of pasty scarred flesh goes from his stump of a forearm up to his elbow. Strapped over the stump is a crude wooden hand, bronze caps adorning his finger tips.
>A scar travels from the top of his right shoulder to his ground, pasty white, but shows a distinctly pale against red skin when he exerts himself

The man had a very hard life.

Blind sworsdmen are pretty popular.


Okay GM, this character is missing both her feet.

Which eye user, and for how long has it been blind? Just curious since my right eye is effectively blind from what my paediatric opthamologist believes was a improperly formed blood vessel in utero.


The last time I created a handicapped character the Dm magically healed him at the end of my first session.

Now I'm imagining Handstand Murder Gnome

I once made a character and gave him the "paraplegic" drawback. Twice.

I did something similar for a horror themed 3.5 game with Lovecraftian inspiration.

Quite fun with a changeling since each alternate identity had a different appearance in addition to differences in personality and abilities (or access to them).

Martial's like a good tier 4.5, far from the worst.

Outside of NPC classes, the most handicapped base class is probably Soulknife or the CW Samurai.

>tried to sing this

>"Wassa'matter boss? Les git'm! That git's missin' an arm n' a leg!"
>"Yes, but the question is; what did he trade them for?"

One of my favorite shadowrun characters was a 54 year old paraplegic fistfighter

It's very singable.

Does a tiefling with their tail and horns forcibly removed count?

You could play an arm-less monk. You're useless like a monk anyways, and you can drop kick people all day long while maxing out skills that don't require hands. So knowledge/acrobatics/all the wisdom ones.

That could actually be a good reason for someone to learn how to kick things really well in a western fantasy setting

Only if I get my name to be Hotwheels.

I create a copy of the DM who bids me to do that.

I had wanted to do this with the D&D 4e Deva. Since they can experience multiple lifetimes with a degree of memory shared between them, an ascetic of sorts could choose to experience each lifetime deprived of a different sense or limb.

So disappointed in 2. Literally everything was worse
>Worse big bad with worse plan
>Worse female lead
>Worse handicapped dragon
>Worse early movie driving scene
Merlin singing country roads was okay though

I create a leper.

Good man

You're not brazilian, I see.

In Brazil, being gay is now a disease, as of last week.

I had a dm run a kind of weird game where the pcs had been drawn from different eras.
I played a paranoid schizophrenic crusader who was convinced that God had sent angels to kill him as punishment for the atrocities he'd committed during the crusades.
It was tough keeping him in character without going overboard and just being obnoxious at first, but it ended up being a lot of fun.

ttw kop it wtt gtt

I have a character suffering of blindness. He isn't a king fu master or anything. It's a game of Remnants, and he can only see when he is inside his Ishin (science fantasy mech). So outside of it he's just a blind dude. It creates interesting scenarios.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 90% of the Brazillian population transexuals?

>Wanting the shit 1-dimensional retard movie version of Kushana
Shit taste detected, read the manga for the true Kushana experience, as well as cooler handicapped characters and Dune level psychics

I have a dude who can't progress past the 1960's, we call him forever 67. Its like he is caught in a cultural loop of what could have been if Kennedy had dropped the bomb.

I dunno if thats a disability, but like he can only drive a stickshift, can't operate a computer, can only work with analogue receivers and play records on vinyl.

I have this other dude, big hairy 300 pound bear of a man, regresses to 3 to 5 years of age whenever someone holds his hand.

Guy whos really good with technology, but can't understand morality or how morality and self discipline might benefit him.

Holy fuck, I thought you were joking. Brazil more like Brzzzzil.

So just like a hipster.
But can drive a stick.

Maybe not in your deviant country.

Sure thing, DM. I always wanted to bring back Welshie, the corpulent cleric.

But, all my characters are already retarded...

There can be only one!

>merchant/gunslinger helping out the local thieves’ guild

Just make someone with no sense of smell.