What is wrong with this website
>Player looking for DM listing
>Game already has 5 out of 6 players and 30 applications, listing is still up
>100 players for every DM
That said in the games I've actually managed to get in to have been good.
What is wrong with this website
It's almost like being a DM is a thankless job that takes a lot of work and not many people want to do it for strangers.
>nobody wants to play text
>the people that do want to play text are wannabe trannies or people that write novels every single time they type
>I'm just an awkward motherfucker that doesn't like talking to people without seeing their face
it is suffering
This. I don't like my accent when I speak english, or the amount of "uh"s and "um"s I drop in while trying to form a coherent thought. I exclussively run text and only join voice games if they seem like they'd be really good/friends invite me. I've never had a good experience outside of text-only to this day.
There are always more players than GMs. Additionally, playing takes less effort than GMing, so while a player might be in multiple games, a GM is unlikely to have more than a few games going on simultaneously, even if some of those are only every other week. And finally, why someone would want to GM for a group of total strangers online is beyond me. I GM regularly, but I sure as hell wouldn't post a LFG on a shithole like roll20 unless maybe I already have a mostly complete group and need an extra player.
>I sure as hell wouldn't post a LFG on a shithole like roll20 unless maybe I already have a mostly complete group and need an extra player.
Well, that or to troll /pfg/.
Most games that publicly advertise are shit. They're GM's who aren't good enough to keep a consistent group, and players who are shit, flakey or annoying enough to keep getting booted.
Even shit GM's still get players, and there are way more shit players than shit GM's, but it's why you'll always find public gamefinders clogged with that stuff.
There are some good games, hidden away in there, but most good GM's will get a consistent group of players they trust and then just stop recruiting openly.
>They're GM's who aren't good enough to keep a consistent group, and players who are shit, flakey or annoying enough to keep getting booted.
I see this argument posted CONSTANTLY but I've rarely seen any reason to think it's true; it entirely ignores:
>foreigners in a niche market
>those in remote locations
>those with a perfectly fine irl group that slowly drifts because new job/new kids
>people looking to experiment with a system they don't know
It's based on my experiences and the experiences of every GM I know online. We all started recruiting openly, but over the years and as we've gotten more consistent groups and players we have less and less interest in taking the risk of accepting some random fucker. When you already have a full set of players you know aren't shit, why would you bother?
You say that like it's as easy as simply stating it, ignoring the fact that good players can be unable or unwilling to play because of [reasons], and that finding a good player in these communities (Veeky Forums, r20, forums, any other venue) isn't actually a long, exhausting, pain-in-the-ass process.
I found a decent game (but we've only had one session so far so we'll see) by looking at obscure times like 6:00 am. The dm is Russian, and one player has a euro accent but their English is good so I don't care.
Trying to find a game as a player at a normal time is hell though.
You don't have any sympathy for the people who are trying to start a group by recruiting openly?
Obviously he thinks they're all defective and socially incompetent and he attracts players by radiating pheromones that signal his consummate rpg professionalism.
>tfw thick accent
>tfw the tranny in the group kept sexually harassing me and telling me how sexy my accent is
>the tranny keeps telling me to repeat myself just to hear "my suave accent" even though everyone else understood what I said
Feels bad and I had to quit
I have plenty of sympathy for them, I'm just aware of the reality. Open recruiting is a slog, you have to deal with so many assholes and shitheads that at this point I'm just happy I got past that phase a long time ago. It sucks that other people have to go through it, but I trust that they're just as capable of eventually finding circles of good people to play with as I was.
>but I trust that they're just as capable of eventually finding circles of good people to play with as I was.
>Most games that publicly advertise are shit. They're GM's who aren't good enough to keep a consistent group, and players who are shit
Nice backpedal.
>Already have a group of players for the Adventure Path I'm planning on running once we finish the current game I'm running in a month.
>Go ahead and and make an LFG post and link it to /pfg/.
>sit back and watch them wank over their meme characters, waifus and furfag characters for a month.
>the satisfaction of watching the entire general go up in flames when I don't accept any of them, invite my real players to the game, and purge the threads.
I almost what to do that just to watch the salt, but I'm already in the middle of a SWN game I'm running.
Why didn't you talk to your DM about it?
>too nitpicking about other text players
>can't even speak into a microphone himself
The fault lies entirely with you guys. Change yourselves first.
No? Both are true. Most games that publicly advertise are shit. That was my experience of playing them.
But I found a good group through working my way through them, making contact with the few good players I found along the way, inviting one another to things, finding those few precious good GM's and congregating there, eventually developing a large enough circle none of us ever really lack for good, reliable players.
It took a good few years, but it's entirely possible despite the shitty state of public games.
I started becoming insecure of my accent and dreading to talk out loud anyway.
Roll20 Ill Omens;
>Join a game and you are greeted with a default pure white map.
>The GM does not know how to assign you a journal entry, or does not assign one at all.
>The GM does not ask for a token for your character, nor seeks art assets.
>The party of players that is looking for a GM wishes to make demands at to the specific content of the game other than general tone.
>Voice chat game, the GM invites people with high static or background noise.
>Video chat game, GM has only recruited players with female sounding usernames.
>You are running but the LFG applicant want to play a .
>You are running D&D, the LFG applicant has applied with Link from Legend of Zelda as a ranger. His favoured enemy type is 'Wolfos', he has a bow you've never heard of, his money is in 'Ruppes'.
>Co-GM never coordinates with you on anything ever and doesn't make their own maps.
>It's been six months since the last combat encounter.
>I made my own homebrew version of D&D! I thought skills leveled up too fast so now you need to invest 10 points to get a +1, you have 4 points to invest at level 1...
>"I want to run GURPs!", said the GM who only had the characters book.
>The pathfinder community player who gets mad at you for not following pathfinder community mandates in your own scratchbuilt campaign.
>This is a system I made myself, please back my kickstarter for the corebook. (It's D&D using some of the variant rules.)
>This campaign has 6+ players, 4 open seats!
I didn't nitpick, I just sympathized with the other user. I can speak into a microphone if necessary, but I think roleplaying over voice is awkward and it doesn't get better.
>>sit back and watch them wank over their meme characters, waifus and furfag characters for a month.
You must be an idiot to waste your time like that. You could have just gone to /pfg/ and asked them about their favorite character.
As I am someone who doesn't go in there without a good reason, your probably right.
The worst one I see all the time is:
>Open game: 10-15 spots available!
Who the fuck runs games with 15 players?!? Online!
That must be pure Hell.
Man up. When things get heated I sound like a ching chong fresh off the boat gook and another player in my game sounds like a favela monkey. We don't let it get under our skins.
That wouldn't get them to waste time making applications.
>It's been six months since the last combat encounter.
Not necessarily a bad thing, it could by a comfy Ryuutama type dealio or a SWN/Rogue Trader group that knows how to not get shot at.
I think he meant "in a D&D type game". It means the game has degenerated into basically a bunch of lazy slobs sitting around chatting about nothing.
I'm sorry, but if you are under 25, nobody wants you in their game.
Most of the good players in /pfg/ have got games already, and the rest don't make interesting enough characters to wank over, so it'd not get the furore you want unless you make a sufficiently effective lewd game which you're not going to want to invite your friends to.
Time of /pfg/ recruiting public roll20 is pretty much over.
I've had good RP heavy d&d games.
Not "six months no combat" RP heavy but w/e.
>make an lfg post for games I don't really want to play
>32 applications
>make an lfg post about something I do want to play
>2 applications
The interesting stuff is either too niche, or people don't look for it. It's frustrating. I can sympathize.
>The interesting stuff is either too niche
Yeah, I just got into TTRPGs mostly because somehow I stumbled on Delta Green and really wanted to play it. Got an in with a group because of a guy I was in the Marines with, mentioned it them when we were playing Pathfinder but nothing came of it. Then we tried Deathwatch to mixed results. That got dropped pretty quickly in favor of Legend of the 5 Rings. As we're still waiting for the L5R game, I finally manned up and said I wanted to run a Delta Green game and did Last Things Last a couple weeks ago. Everyone enjoyed it despite my amateur DM skills. We'll be running the Last Equation at some point, when the L5R DM wants a break. Basically it took a year for me to play the niche game in an already niche hobby, but I finally got it done.
DG is great but I haven't really had an issue finding players since the new edition dropped.
I had been looking for a while before this. Albeit since I found a group for other games, I hadn't been looking that diligently.
The best advice I can give for finding what YOU consider “good” players is to outline your GM or play style and what you're looking for in a GM or player. I very specifically outline the behaviors I don't want in my game, what degree of role-play I'm comfortable with, what game aspects I'll likely focus on, etc. If someone applies to the game with a question that I already answered in the game description, I decline. If they show any sign of the mentioned behaviors, I decline.
I've seen some even take it so far as to do interviews via Discord before letting someone in their game. Not a bad idea, but I've never had to go that far. It's usually easy enough to weed out the shitters by screening their applications and ability to follow simple instructions.
Pro Tip: Tread carefully with your wording here, because the Roll20 staff themselves are all LGBQTZ (etc) queers and SJW soldiers. See attached image. They have no problem threatening you with mutes/bans if you show any sign of offending their safe space.
I only run/play text based games because accents are only fun in a very casual environment between good friends. When you're in the mix with strangers it's almost always cringeworthy as fuck.
It's better to just let people imagine the voices of the characters, in that scenario.
I'll play text with you user
I was in a Roll20 Savage Worlds game last Roll20 CON that had 12 players in it. I think I got to say/do two things the entire game. Was a certifiable shit show.
Only if you make an ass out of yourself in public. They don't give a shit what goes on behind closed doors.
What is wrong with this app
>bottom looking for top listing
>dom already has 5 out of 6 subs and 30 applications, listing is still up
>100 bottoms for every top
That said in the dicks I've actually managed to get in me have been good.
kill yourself
Can you even design a character sheet without being full premium member? Pretty sure you can't. Even if you do, i don't think it is listed anywhere, you can only use it for your own games, so who cares?
Also it's fucking sucks that you can't make/use custom sheets without being premium. If i want to play weebshit that won't ever have a sheet or invest few hours into improving existent / making new sheet from scratch (why is mouse guard sheet so bad?), nope tough luck, hello google sheets.
Now you know how you sound when you try to find someone else to DM for you by browsing open games on Roll20.
Not true at all. I was once reported to the Roll20 staff for simply declining a player's application. The player was a super weeb, their Roll20 profile even had a link to their YouTube channel where they did super lispy cosplay and identified as a woman (even though they looked like a 300lb dude). My current players (in Discord chat) were very outspoken about not letting that player in the game.
My only response to the player's application was “Declined, but thank you for your application.” A couple hours later I had a message from Roll20 Staff, specifically Avacyn who is a power-dyke and member of Misscliks, a quirky all-girl gaming project. The message warned me of discriminating against players for their sexual orientation and then threatened to ban me if I continued to do it. I've literally never written a message on Roll20 that wasn't a GM advert or a direct message to someone. Our Discord chat was via voice, not text. There's no possible way Avacyn had evidence of discrimination, but I received the warning anyway.
Custom sheets are listed in a drop down when you create a new game room. There are far more custom sheets listed than the game names listed in the LFG tool. If you don't abide by their rule, they won't add it to their server, thus you can't access it on Roll20.
>16 player games
That might be multiple groups running in the same system and GM reusing assets.
Away, ERPer! Far away!
bottoms for every top
It's a great market if you just want your cock sucked and to smash boipussy.
It's almost like exclusively playing text games is a filter that selects only the most socially awkward neckbears in a given community.
How triggered would they be if I designed a character sheet that had no "gender" field and instead had a drop-down menu for "biological sex"?
Oh, i though it was just post sheet code into the form and use it kind of deal.
Naw, you host it on github and they vet it.
This is every available game on the site, not just D&D. Fucking R20 players are like vultures, fighting for every scrap they can get.
I can't wait for this meme to die.
>Can't play voice games because it's way too loud where I live
>Everyone I live with only speaks in shouts and screeches
>No one wants to play text games
send help
Push to talk and control mic gain, or do they screech every second and always near you?
Push to talk helps, but the screeching is impossible to predict and carries on for random amounts of time. The sounds of screaming children really break immersion and I don't want to bother anyone with that. My mic gain is already super low and I have project my voice in order for people to hear me.
>screaming children
My condolences, i'd propose a net cafe, but i guess you either need one with individual booths or give zero shits about people looking weird at you for roleplaying little girls alone at the table.
I've only liked three games I ever joined, so of course all of them died out because of assholes joining and dropping in a moment's notice, making the games incredibly frustrating for the GMs.
If you ask me, the big problem with roll20 is that by the very online nature of it, every time there is some Internet Celeb™ plays some tabletop and posts the session, you have all his retarded fans flocking to the site so they can also play Swansong/TotalTrapscit's Dark Heresy/Wont Grainton's Le Ebin Adventure of Wacky Shite Eks Dee. There is a constant influx of people trying to play a disruptive style by trying to replicate the game they saw online and being adamant about it. Mix it up with assholes who have been kicked from every IRL and online game imaginable finding the site as their last refuge and you have yourself a shit cocktail served with a slice of busted toenail.
Also there are a lot of flakes and assholes with downright unrealistic expectations. I've had games completely change systems and GMs on the day of the game for no particular reason other than "the GM never wanted to GM and lied about it" or get cancelled and get a notice saying "would you be up with playing this game in about a year and a half?"
At this point I have completely given up on the site. I occasionally run some short introductory stories for systems I like, but that's it. Committing to a long-term campaign is nearly impossible for me, since I find out that even the most likable player can become a total bastard if their view on you changed from "Mr GM" to "EXP dispenser."
>mfw people insist on playing with voice (and often video) online
>mfw the biggest advantage of playing online is the ability to roleplay more immersively through text
That pic offends me deeply.
>Joined a few games
>90% of them have been good to great
>10% of them fell apart because of one player being dumb
>0% of them have been recent editions of D&D or PF
The trick is to go for the lesser known systems. I played a WarmaHordes game and it was great. Same goes for 2nd Ed. D&D, Traveler, Stars Without Number, Sci-fi Cypher and Mage the Awakening. If you go for the popular shit you're going to get everyone and their mother. When you go for the more obscure stuff it weeds out a large chunk of people. Really wish that Mutants and Masterminds GM I had was better at saying, "no" to players.
I'm a pretty socially awkward cretin but even I can voice chat. Fucks sake
That's my favorite analogy.
join several games. they never go past first session because of other players schedules. Or the first session doesnt happen cuz not enough people show on game day.
The worst part is I get really hopeful about the character I made. Slowly coming up with more and more backstory ideas or future gameplay plans. Only to have it never happen.
Hoping is Futility.
Looks like you've got a nice stable of NPCs built up then. Better go run your own game.
I've met most of my regular players/GMs in the OSR or old school gaming crowd. They're super reliable, will let you know if they can't show up, and will play even if the game sucks. Some of them really show their age in their blatant racism or SJW bashing, but I find that shit hilarious.
>Be me
>Be the only one willing to DM
>I'm the only one running campaigns for my group
>Others don't want to DM because they have thick accents that people wouldn't be able to understand
This is suffering.
>I don't accept any of them, invite my real players to the game, and purge the threads.
What happens if a person writes up an actual good charecter and wants to join or is willing to go with the GM's advice ?
They're probably /pfg/ countertrolls. I wouldn't trust them.
Welcome to roll20, where the good games are pretty okay and the bad ones are Satan's asshole levels of bad.
>What is wrong with this website
More people want to play than GM. As it ever was.
I've run a few games through it, including a paid one, but the paid ones tend to be fairly awful. The the most desperate game-non-getters are interested in those.
I've seen the same stuff happen for ignoring people over 30. Luckily I can still find games so far but I'm getting pretty close to the 30 mark while most DMs I see pick out people in their 20s unless they are older themselves.
>if you are under 25, nobody wants you in their game
Is that "nobody" named Michael and plays a lot of VtM?
Asking for a friend.
>be part of problem
>complain about problem
have you tried dming?
People keep posting this like they were serious applications. It was a roll20 troll thread and people kept making ridiculous and cringey characters to bother shitty roll20 DMs that some anons dropped a list of named accounts to avoid playing with ever.
>want to play a game
>irl friends are busy
>have literally zero fucking interest in wading through the deluge of roll20 and Veeky Forums's combined autism
Have fun playing alone user.
My experience has been that half the players will flake before or shortly after the first session, so just because it recruits that many doesn't mean it will end up with them all.
play Tunnels & Trolls solo adventures. There's even an app for it now.
What are you talking about? Everyone on Veeky Forums knows that the DM puts in no more work than any of the other players.
Most of my games are text between Discord and Roll20.
Try harder.
Huh, I advertised on tg and r20 to fill in some non-people I actually know slots, and it worked out well.
Just make a simple little "why do you want to be in the game question section".
Immediately toss anyone that ignores it
If you pick decent questions they'll filter out the rest pretty quickly
Combine that with a long wind up time (like a month or two of application time, vet them at the end not along the way because that'd defeat the point). The longer you set things up before the game the more potential players you can catch in your net, which immediately gives a better chance at finding ones that work well together. Most importantly it adds an additional filter of "willing to wait". That will give you a good indication of a potential player's commitment/obsession and act as a litmus for your game premise all at the same time.
You'll spot the bad applicants quick. It's not like turbo autists are going to stealthily pretend to be good players just long enough to get their feet in your window.
This guy. He gets it.
*creates a Conan-esque serious campaign about exploring a holy shit deadly jungle nation where magic is rare, beasts are scary, and the sun will fucking kill you.*
>five minutes later 20 wizard/sorcerer/warlock applications.
>and often video
I think you is a fibber.
>Specifically say some options are not available
>Dozens of applications using them anyway
>"I know you said no Bestial races but am hoping you could make an exception"
Oppress him harder than radical feminism
This explains why I got so many people wanting to join my games....(I run text only games you see)
>want to play some good fantasy DnD or any other setting
>Just want fantasy
>Every single 3.5-5e listing on Roll20 has 200 applications for 3 spots, and they demand a character for their setting that they provide zero info about
>The last 10 Veeky Forums games I've tried to join have died because the DM blocks all the players or I'm the only one to show up at game time
Adventurers are not ordinary people. Even if magic is rare in the setting, it'll be much more common among adventurers than the general population.
Not him but I already run two games for my friends and none of them want to try to GMing. Why am I not alllwed to play?