Anyone ever play Slap Jak?

These are fucking bizarre but I'll admit I'd pay way more than what its worth for a mint condition stack of these classics

Posting what I find.

Why sort it?
>Lawful Good - Bata
Leads his nomadic people responsibly.
>Neutral Good - Oresto
His desire for good is counterbalanced by his (failed) efforts to teach and guide Corel.
>Chaotic Good - Irdi
Trying to use her power responsibly, Irdi is torn between her obligation to the evil Jak and her inexplicable (ie poorly-written) attraction to Corel.
>Lawful Neutral - Minton
Minton stands by his friends, but mostly adventures to meet new people to throw rocks at.
>Neutral - Corel
As the hero, Corel's intrinsic righteousness takes the form of an endless parade of unprosecuted crimes.
>Chaotic Neutral - BATTLE SLED
>Lawful Evil - Jaki
The power behind the throne, who abandons her plans to bang Corel at every opportunity.
>Neutral Evil - Jak
A lifetime of being slapped has left King Jak bitter at a world he had never understood. Ineffectual and perpetually concussed, Jak's schemes amount to little more than mildly-oppressed populations that celebrate Corel despite his destructive antics' failure to improve their lives under Jak's misrule.
>Chaotic Evil
This alignment is reserved for whatever heinous villain Corel and Jak will be forced to team up in order to oppose.

My set is definitely not mint from being played a lot, and currently over 1000 miles away sadly.

motherfucker I was all set up to make one of these but I am never going to top this

>"Leader of Good"
Corel isn't all he's talked up to be.

Back of the cards

"My alignment is Battle Sled"

Also the Rules.

.. But are there Bad Space Gypsies?