me want more tyranid info already
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Aiden Phillips
Alexander Garcia
We even both play Nids and Imperium.
Its a perfect fit.
Jeremiah Lee
Nathaniel Edwards
Are you big dum dum or baiting because it took me 10 seconds (of course the SC! one is a better deal):
Lincoln Ramirez
Brody Parker
I really like this chapter....
Jaxon Murphy
For you.
Xavier Morales
That guy posted this a few hours ago and the Hydra thing was confirmed so, go for that I guess?
Adam Collins
Am I missing something are are the only models for 40k that GW has released since 8th dropped a gazillion primaris variants and DG units (and even missed some of those)
Anthony Barnes
those arms look like those of someone who lifts from time to time, but has not fully embraced the path of the swole