He's in several active games.
How many games are you in, user?
He's in several active games.
How many games are you in, user?
>Prestigious feat
I'm making a Pathfinder campaign, I'm playing in an AP, and I'm in a Shadowrun campaign.
And no, 2hu isn't in any active games, user. He's a possible spectator in one, and if the GM actually allows him to do it, it's going to be an incredibly bad idea.
What’s the matter with chainmail and a sword?
Rogue(Super) Genius Games, The Book of Horrifically Overpowered Feats.
Surprisingly not that overpowered for most of them.
/pfg/ acts like at level one they will be presented with 10+ CR 4 enemies in their first encounter, requiring them to be 30 PB gestalt monstrosities that do 20+ damage an attack and have 10+ in all saves.
Inb4 someone shitposts about orcs with falchions.
In your experience, what best PoW class/archetype that best uses the Landsknecht PrC's perks anyway?
I tend to find that /pfg/ almost always has a fairly skewed viewpoint when it comes to encounter balance.
It's classic projecting. They want to build OP bullshit, so they assume everyone must build exactly like them.
So why do we give 2hu shit for it?