Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Haunted Edition
What is the spookiest thing that has happened in your current campaign?

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A few weeks ago we got coated in a torrential downpour of the blood of fallen soldiers who were slain decades in the past.

We're heading into this demiplane in which a god's mortal vessel is sealed. As we got closer to his chamber, we noticed all the doors are designed to keep things in, not keep things out. When we entered the final chamber, there were corpses of those that were locked inside when the god was sealed. They were burned to the bone, and the door had heavy scratching on the other side. There were also echoes of their deaths imprinted in the space because of how traumatic it was.

The Brinewall stair haunt?

Wow, that one trap gets bigger every time you talk about it.


The PCs have a pseudo-ghost with a constant creepy grin who's haunting their home base.

So are we now falseflagging PFG to get it b&?

The weak should fear the strong.

What are some interesting environments you want to explore, /pfg/? What fantastical places do you wish to see?

What are some cool bardic performances you can get with archetypes? Not good mind you, just neat?

Not him, but show ME some cool bardic masterpieces. How do you like to perform?

Have any of you ever played as a lich before, from the start of the campaign? How'd you pull it off?

Haven't played it, but the Soul Weaver from SoP has an archetype for that.

Please give me creative ways for dealing with the Tarrasque, /pfg/. Then tell me how it could backfire horribly.

Reverse Gravity trap.

Why does everyone want to "deal" with the Tarrasque? Why don't we ever discuss how to... love the Tarrasque?

Why even discuss the Tarrasque? It's a poorly designed monster and only appears at a level where no party actually reaches.

Were touch attacks a mistake in 3.X/Pathfinder?

Did 4e, 5e, and Starfinder have a very good reason for removing touch attacks?

Hey. making it fall in love with you, redeeming it from its destructive ways, teaching it to live for peace and justice, and then training it to become a Paladin would count as "dealing" with it. It's going to cease being a threat to people, or at least to people that aren't evil...

I just wanted something fun to talk about. I'm more interested in crazy ideas for how crazy ideas for dealing with it could backfire, anyway. I still remember stories of "Solar Tarrasques" or Tarrasques that were also epic level wizards with an INT score to match.

My wizard is happy touch attacks exist. What would you do to fill the void left in the system if touch attacks were removed? There are some things which are balanced around the idea.

>He thinks the meme monster ideas from the Godlings game were good

What was the Godlings game?

ensoulment party is realizing how terrifying a horse is


They're also realizing that snallygasters are liquor-craving assholes.

Don't feed the snek pigeons.

Hey, you!
Yes, you!
Why aren’t you PMing them? They miss you.

I miss them too. Just don't want to feel like I'm bothering them.

I don't have a crush to PM.

What? Of course you’re not bothering them. If they seem to like the talking, you should get to PMing.

its 4am lol

Because they're busy studying and we'll do stuff after that.

Both of them.

Can I boop the snoot?

Don't do it. They'll suck your blood.

Only if you got booze.

I love it when you lie to me, user-kun~

But boop

No boop unless you got liquor. Otherwise, your blood they will take.

Can you escape A WIZARD TOWER?

What’s your Roll20?


Los Angeles has efficient, wonderful public transportation.
We'll have casual space travel in your lifetime.
Pathfinder is a good game.
The future is a bright one.

Why? Gonna let me down for lulz? Not this time. I can't take it again.


>1pp only
>Shitty meme avatar
>Thinks RP matters as far as race power
>Locked starting gold
>No traits
>No drawbacks
>Doesn't do Elephant In The Room or a variation
>Average HP

>>Doesn't do Elephant In The Room or a variation
What variations do you guys like to see for Elephant?

>We'll have casual space travel in your lifetime.

No free Power Attack for strength-dumping manlets.

I don't get the elephant in the room meme, it was made for E8

So free piranha strike then.

Face it user. Every game here is E8. They barely get to 5th.

But where's the Discord at

Elephant in the Room is retarded only if you combine it with Path of War.

Elephant in the Room is fine as a baseline, but any set of houserules should be tweaked to accomodate the game they're being run in.

I think even with Elephant combat maneuvers still blow

Just either have Deadly Agility be replaced with Lethal Grace, or make a feat to get Strength to AC and Reflex.

Also let the player choose if they want standard finesse, daisho expertise, or polearm dancer.

>no traits

For what purpose?

Aren't traits a default character generation option?


You get traits in Pathfinder Society for crying out loud

150 GP start. Hope you don't want to play any class remotely reliant on its equipment.

To stop everybody from being bullied in their backstory just for the bonus to initiative.

I remember the GM trolled us once with a lolrandumb Bard who used Rondeau of Heavenly Order on the party. The Archer was happy enough (well, until the enemy started taking advantage of corners), but the melee users in the party ended up playing a weird game of chess trying to trap enemies, as the Bard's entire group was ranged.

Obviously we hit the bard first, only for it to turn out that didn't stop the song because the GM just wanted to dick us around more.

Still, cool Masterpiece, but pretty impractical.

Traits aren't default and this GM isn't allowing them.

No fucking traits, seriously?

Restrictions on Trait Selection

There are a few rules governing trait selection. To begin with, your GM controls how many bonus traits a PC begins with; the default assumption is two traits.

I'm just gonna go ahead and assume traits.

>I'mma ignore the GM 'cause he's stoopid
Good luck with that.

>make DA work like a less retarded version of the Grace feats, so you don't pointlessly kneecap classes based around that style of combat like magus
>apply Str penalties to damage if the PC has one, make two-weapon grace not total shit too
>??? Other shit too because the issue has more layers than just DA ???

Steelforge: Book II has been released to Patreon backers. It is mostly GM material, with four legendary items (plus ten reprints from Ultimate Psionics) and three artifacts. On the players' side, there is a series of consumables that summon premade astral constructs... and the forgelord prestige class.

The forgelord suffers from shoddy formatting, but it is really quite impressive. It is a 3/4 BAB, five-level prestige class whose 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels all advance the class features of your previous class. An initiator with the Practiced Initiator trait might not have to sacrifice much of their maneuver progression.

The forgelord offers a few highlights:
>Weapons: This category includes swords, bows, amulet of mighty fists, and the like. You may not attune to ammunition in this way.
>Lesser- Increase the weapon’s critical multiplier by 1. This stacks with similar effects.
Place this on an 18-20 keen weapon for 15-20/×3 criticals.

>Armor: This category includes worn armor, shields, and items which provide a continuous, numeric bonus to AC (such as +1 Breastplate or a Carapace of Natural Armor).
>Greater- Increase its bonus to AC by another one (total of 3), and the forgelord is treated as not wearing the item whenever it would be advantageous to her. For example, a monk attuned to a magical suit of full plate would retain her class features while wearing it, and it would not reduce her movement speed. Characters with vows forbidding the use of the item still violate those vows if they choose to do so.
Stack an unarmored AC bonus with full plate, as the ability suggests. Wield a two-handed weapon and a shield. What are some protective items that would be optimal for this "not actually wearing it" effect?

>Least- If the item is activated as a full-round action or less, reduce the time required to activate it by one step (full round to standard to move to swift to immediate).
What are some wondrous items with standard/move action activations that would be excellent if they could be used as move/swift actions instead?

>Extend Effect (Su): Once per class level per day, the forgelord can cause any magic item that does not have an instantaneous duration or continuous effect to function at twice its normal duration. This item must replicate a spell or power effect of no higher than 3rd level, and he must be attuned to the item.
>Persist Effect (Su): Once per day, when the forgelord uses Extend Effect, she may instead cause the duration of the effect to become 24 hours. Using this ability again before a previous instance expires causes the old effect to immediately fade.
This is like an alchemist's eternal potion discovery, except that it can apply to personal-range spells and psionic powers. What personal-range effects does eternal potion miss out on that would be great to have as a 24-hour buff?

>Lesser Artifact (Ex): Upon reaching fifth level, the forgelord is inspired to create a masterpiece in the form of a Lesser Artifact. They gain the knowledge of how to craft one lesser artifact of their choice, and may craft one such item. Should the item ever be destroyed (not expended), the forgelord may make another to replace it. Crafting the Lesser Artifact or its replacement takes 100 days and costs 50,000gp in materials. No rolls are necessary for this process. The forgelord may Attune to this artifact as appropriate once it is completed.
This is the big one. What are the most powerful lesser artifacts that a 10th-level character could make practical use of? A sphere of annihilation?

Also, I suppose "lesser artifact" should actually refer to "minor artifact."

This is pretty good stuff, does the damage reduction change still mean it only works vs. physical damage though?

I'll go yell at the GM. Elixir

Here we are. A Nahyndrian elixir.

>If a creature drinks a Nahyndrian elixir, it must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or take 4d6 points of Constitution drain (demons automatically succeed). If a non-mythic chaotic evil creature succeeds, it undergoes mythic ascension—gaining either the first tier in a mythic path or a mythic rank, at the GM’s discretion. A chaotic evil creature that is already mythic treats a Nahyndrian elixir as nectar of the gods (Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 155).

With a DC 30 Use Magic Device check and a saving throw counter with at least a +24 skill bonus, a [base class] 5/forgelord 5 can gain a mythic tier. By spending a hundred days and 50,000 gp, they can craft more such elixirs.

What is the best PoW class/archetype that best uses the Landsknecht PrC's perks anyway?

In general I think DnD/PF is not exactly a good system for spooky or horrific things, you'd have to tailor the campaign to it and set up the proper atmosphere to do it

Firstly, that's a pretty nasty amount of CON Drain if you fuck up that save; you always fail a save on a 1, remember. Secondly, that requires you to be Chaotic Evil.

>Take a feat to make saves not fail on a 1
>UMD to emulate being CE

That's what the UMD check is for. To let you use magic items as if you had another alignment.

Also UMD to emulate being a Demon so you just auto-succeed.

Isn't the feat from 3.5?
"Demon" isn't a race.

>you always fail a save on a 1
Not with a counter!

3.5 is compatible with Pathfinder, user, and even if it wasn't, it's not exactly hard to convert.

Also, demon is a race.

Emulate a Race: Some magic items work only for members of certain races, or work better for members of those races. You can use such an item as if you were a member of a race of your choice. You can emulate only one race at a time.

It literally defines race as "Does X work better/only for Y? Great, DC 25 to define self as X for purposes of Y."

>Isn't the feat from 3.5?
DSP made counters for it. Go be an initiator.

A fair point. You could skip the need for a saving throw counter by emulating, say, "babau," "marilith," "succubus," or whatever pleases you.

Then your rajah (batal) 2/aegis 3/forgelord 5 can have a mythic tier and accrue more via mythic trials. Given a hundred days of downtime, they can craft more of the elixirs.

It's also a fair point to say that you'd be a complete dickweasel to even try to do this in a game, and that basically anything in a similar vein is just bad manners that's likely to get you removed at best.

How the fuck are you a Forgelord at only 5th level anyway?

10th level, idiot. Level 5 is normal class, then 5 levels of Forgelord.

Or just take the Prestigious feat and get the features of a Prestige class anyway without needing to take levels.

For 2hu, it isn't acceptable to even have the option be technically available.

I mean, 2hu's never going to get to play in an actual game, so it's a moot point anyway.

>Skills: Craft (any one) (5 ranks), Spellcraft (5 ranks).
>Feats: Any Item Creation feat.
>Special: Must have used an item that they crafted themselves in order to defeat a challenging foe.

I do not see what is stopping a 5th-level character from qualifying for the foregelord prestige class.

>Or just take the Prestigious feat and get the features of a Prestige class anyway without needing to take levels.

Is there any such feat that would be compatible with the forgelord?

He's in several active games.

How many games are you in, user?

>Prestigious feat

I'm making a Pathfinder campaign, I'm playing in an AP, and I'm in a Shadowrun campaign.

And no, 2hu isn't in any active games, user. He's a possible spectator in one, and if the GM actually allows him to do it, it's going to be an incredibly bad idea.

What’s the matter with chainmail and a sword?
Rogue(Super) Genius Games, The Book of Horrifically Overpowered Feats.

Surprisingly not that overpowered for most of them.

/pfg/ acts like at level one they will be presented with 10+ CR 4 enemies in their first encounter, requiring them to be 30 PB gestalt monstrosities that do 20+ damage an attack and have 10+ in all saves.

Inb4 someone shitposts about orcs with falchions.

In your experience, what best PoW class/archetype that best uses the Landsknecht PrC's perks anyway?

I tend to find that /pfg/ almost always has a fairly skewed viewpoint when it comes to encounter balance.

It's classic projecting. They want to build OP bullshit, so they assume everyone must build exactly like them.

So why do we give 2hu shit for it?