Digging too deep

ITT: Mundane activities done so hard that supernatural phenomina occur.

Pic related, that's gyromancy. The art of spinning around until you get dizzy, then trying to discern prophecy from the dizziness.

How is silent hill gyromancy?
Did the artist do that to come up with stuff?

on, in silent one, the magic practiced by the cultists that started all of this was gyromancy.
All the other shit unfolded from this font of supernatural wisdom.

Nice. The fact it's so accessible makes it so much scarier

All of that because some guy got dizzy? Oh man!

and the lesson learned: Trying to make a prophecy happen and using runes provided by some kind of prophetic system MAY backfire.

Also, that you can do mundane shit way too hard and cause bad stuff.

Thread topic makes me think of Andre the Blacksmith being alive in Dark Souls 3 because he's such a damned good blacksmith the world revived him and brought him to firelink to help the ashen one.
Even though that's not stated anywhere in game.
Trying to think or come up with other examples.

Huh, would have thought they used gynomancy.

Aren't there several Andres?
Like even in DS1 you find at least two stone versions of him that are implied to have been living once

well, there was the time the redguards made a sword so sharp that it cut atoms, nuking the smithee and the surrounding kingdom so hard they became a refugee race.

Or the whole digging too deep thing the dwarves did.

>surrounded by books detailing occult rituals
>constantly casting dice in order to determine the future
>constant recital of strange and often unique words and phrases

>playing roleplaying games so hard that supernatural shit happens

Isekai, here I come!

Now you just need to find a way to summon truck-kun. Maybe ordering some manuals on Amazon?

You ever get the feeling that Silent Hill is only pretending to be deep?

The stone Andres are statues of the Blacksmith Deity. Why do they look so similar to Andre? Maybe From was just being lazy, maybe he is the Blacksmith Deity (though said deity is apparently dead).

The halflings have planted too greedily, too deep. An ancient evil has awoken and possessed all their gourds and tubers. Are you a bad enough dude to reclaim the shire from pissed off potatomen and The Gourd Lord?

>question existence so hard you actually cease to exist
>can be brought back if someone believes in you hard enough, overpowering your skepticism with sheer faith

Andre is undead, he never hollowed because he had purpose, drive, and a source of souls through the millennia.

Not really... It's self aware enough to avoid being pretentious.

The problem here is that there actually were said evils underneath the dwarfs all along. They didn't just come to be because the dwarfs are really good at what they do. That's the true horror of the thing. You never know when you release some ancient horror.

yeah, but there could be evils in the land that don't become apparent until you plant enough biomass.
Like in sid meyer's alpha centauri.

Yeah totally. Perhaps I misunderstood your earlier post. I thought that you were saying that the evil was created and not just let loose by the hobbits' works.

>The setting you're playing in is the GM's magical realm
>Through bad luck, you're now stuck in his nightmare world of fetishes, GMPCs which everyone loves and the constant fear of displeasing a higher force controlling your every move

That wasn't my post, and also it -could- have been created.
I'm just, you know, positing ways it could also have been let loose.

SIlent Hill 1 was a part-parody. Silent Hill 2 is actually deep.

fucking monks, always nirvhanna-ing out of their debts.



Gave me a chuckle.
Mundane use for the supernaturally mundane.

Let's go deeper - what would be the supernatural effect of using the supernatural applications of mundane acts for the purposes of mundane activities too much?

>dragons are attracted to large concentrations of wealth
>fort Knox frequently comes under attack from these dragons
>turns out the Fed made an alliance with one and there's a massive dragon under fort Knox protecting all the gold

Man, makes me sad fort knox no longer has anything major in it.
Fucking removal of the gold standard. What the fuck am I going to heist now?

No all that is because some dude got horny.
kek I feel this strange connection to you, like you are an old love I have lost. Due to either a pillow or a shiba inu

it's silent 2 that is because someone got horny.

>Get way into playing the game
>You feel pain whenever your character gets shot, stabbed ,ect

Roleplay your character long enough and well enough that you can't tell the difference anymore. Soon enough, you even look like them. Sound like them. Think like them. Become them.

By the time they realize they've possessed and consumed you, it's too late - but because the process is gradual, continuity isn't quite lost.

Didn't the Eldar orgy so hard they caused a god to not only be born, but to have always been.

Yes, and it's called Slaanesh. Also, the Eye of Terror. ALSO ALSO, the Age of Strife.

More like the Age of Fun

If you mean Fun in the Dwarf Fortress sense, then yes, it was very Fun for humanity.

More like looking at Jacob's Ladder and attempting to take their own twist on it.

2 apocalypse lmao

a good example if I've ever seen one.

Miyazaki's said in interviews that the petrified Andres are just a gameplay thing so the player knows they're important.