>surrounded by books detailing occult rituals >constantly casting dice in order to determine the future >constant recital of strange and often unique words and phrases
>playing roleplaying games so hard that supernatural shit happens
Isekai, here I come!
Daniel Wright
Now you just need to find a way to summon truck-kun. Maybe ordering some manuals on Amazon?
Leo Gomez
You ever get the feeling that Silent Hill is only pretending to be deep?
Owen Gomez
The stone Andres are statues of the Blacksmith Deity. Why do they look so similar to Andre? Maybe From was just being lazy, maybe he is the Blacksmith Deity (though said deity is apparently dead).
Owen Sanders
The halflings have planted too greedily, too deep. An ancient evil has awoken and possessed all their gourds and tubers. Are you a bad enough dude to reclaim the shire from pissed off potatomen and The Gourd Lord?
Jayden Hernandez
>question existence so hard you actually cease to exist >can be brought back if someone believes in you hard enough, overpowering your skepticism with sheer faith
Parker Myers
Andre is undead, he never hollowed because he had purpose, drive, and a source of souls through the millennia.
Owen Garcia
Not really... It's self aware enough to avoid being pretentious.
Nolan Jones
The problem here is that there actually were said evils underneath the dwarfs all along. They didn't just come to be because the dwarfs are really good at what they do. That's the true horror of the thing. You never know when you release some ancient horror.
Dylan Hernandez
yeah, but there could be evils in the land that don't become apparent until you plant enough biomass. Like in sid meyer's alpha centauri.