/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

Hag Life Edition

>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces

>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
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Gone, but not forgotten:
What are your favorite fey shenanigans?

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Dwarf Druid

>5e Blue Mage/Enemy Skill
How do you pull it off?

For the unfamiliar, what do those terms mean?
They're surprisingly fun. I played a mountain dwarf circle of the mountain druid for a one-shot and had a blast.

Chucking lightning bolts as a druid is always cool.

i mean you could homebrew a class around it but having a magic item with limited slots to encode enemy abilities into and limited uses per day could be a good way to achieve it

blue mages learn enemy abilities and use them as their own

You die.

From Final Fantasy. There are games that let you learn what are normally abilities only enemies could do, but not every single one - usually 20-30. You have to learn them by getting hit by it and then actually surviving it, then winning the battle. Some of the Blue Magics/E Skills are always incredible.

In DnD this could be made as learning certain enemy abilities - for example, the Death Knight's Hellfire Orb. All you'd have to do is make your saves and see the end of the fight.

maybe something like WIS mod encode slots and WIS mod/2 (minimum 1) uses per day, abilities limited to those witnessed or survived and used by a creature of a CR no higher than your level? abilities keep their original power as if cast by the monster you learned it from

Sounds awesome, but way harder to balance than I would be able to do.

Maybe ape wizard spell progression: 2 enemy features/attacks per level and you can get more if you're hit by them. Record one monster feature or action from the previous battles during a short or long rest, but then your pool of what you can learn resets.

Prevents too much growth but could work OK, maybe.

There are some neat ones, even among situational. Like the Dragon Turtle's Steam Breath. 15d6 Fire Damage that doesn't care if you're in water.

just hit 10 with my Whisper bard, any recommendations on what magic secrets to grab first?

Well... shit. Got me thinking about some of the shit monsters can do, and the idea of being able to do it to other monsters does appeal.

So then, what suitable monster special abilities/spell-likes/breaths has anyone wished they could do? The kind of shit that there's not really a spell for.

Go here to state your opinions to the brewer.


Find greater steed

Explode like a Balor when I kthxdie. The BBEG will not see that coming.

Faeries replacing a child while everyone is asleep is a classic. Lots of roleplaying potential for the kidnapped child and the changling that replaces them.

About to play a hexblade warlock with proficiencies in alchemist's tools, poisoner's kits, and herbalism kits for that spooky cauldron fluff and go for the celtic morrigan ritualist warlock vibe with all the necromancy spells I can snag. I'm super stoked!

What character's are you all excited to play?

Also, continue with all the constructive criticisms. He could use it.

the Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral Conquest Paladin.

I am planning on putting a nation of Advanced dungeons and dragons style lupin (that is to say with a shit ton of dog breeds so you got goofy shit like Pomeranian knights and chow-chow blacksmiths) 1d4chan.org/wiki/Lupin#The_Many_Breeds_Depiction
they are basically going to be french. What are some interesting ideas I can put in there and also how do I avoid calls of fur-faggotry. I already told one player and he seemed less then enthusiastic.

if you have a longbow proficiency from somewhere swift quiver is nice, and xanathar's guide added a lot of great 5th level spells

I'm making a Grugach Strength Ranger (and yes I'm going to pick up Common)

Should I go for two weapons and TWF or a greatsword and Mariner?

I like the fucked up shit the Unseelie Court faeries do. Dullahans riding a zombie horse with a human spine as a whip, making things unlock themselves just because it was walking by, so there is no safety. Or Nuckelavees, rising up from the ocean to emit a horrible fog-breath that kills cattle and destroys crops.

So one of my players made a deal with a fey and accepted a ring. In what manner should I fuck with him?

I need help with roleplaying one of my characters.
He's a machine that was given free will and grew up among Dwarves for a few months before being called into action for a war due to his father needing money and chose more grants over having a son. He is nearly destroyed in the war and is covered with sand. He's built with a self recovery system and the ability to draw in energy from the sun so when the sand dune collapses around him, he eventually recovers a few more decades later. In the campaign thus far he's been looking for his civilization by working for a city (we're in a west marches) and mainly does scouting missions.

I'm having trouble with a distinct personality to have when in a conversation. I have him speaking like roscharch from watchmen by not having any articles but other than that I am not very consistent yet. Thanks in advance.

>how do I avoid calls of fur-faggotry
Well you could try being less of a yiffing cunt and not inject your magical realm into the game.

On full moons the ring the hand is on disappears to work at some mischief or another that the Fey finds amusing or important.
You can also use this as a quest hook--perhaps someday it reappears back clutching a note, or map, or something like that.


>the ring the hand is on
Ah, fuck. "the hand the ring is on."
Please excuse my dyslexia.

buddy, nothing with a snout has any place in my magical realm.

>Which fey?
>What was the nature of the deal?
>Is it a fucking around in the manner of "ha-ha fuck you" or in the "wow this inconvenience somehow benefited me" sort of deal?

that seems a bit restrictive

Wood elf Warlock

Hahahahahahaahah goddamnit

Ah a cat fetish. Nice.

You know the cat-girl thing recently got ruined for me.

I knew cats had rough tongues, now I know those things are keratin, so its like the tongue is covered in fingernail clippings.

Aight, /5eg/. I need to destroy a cult's hideout. Problem is that it's on the seafloor and labelled as a 'kraken cultivation dome'. Any thoughts for dealing with the pressure and, y'know, kraken?

A ring that turns you into a fag


Have you tried kraken the dome open?

Because I'm no longer into it?

My campaign opened with fae nonsense- show up for the child disappearances, stay because you're stuck in a rogue fae's demiplane.



Storm or Dragon Sorcerer? Which is less awful?

How is it pressurized
How do the cult deal
Basically major illusion to make some or whatever look like female kracken ass

Dragon, the bump to an element's damage and always-on Mage Armor is nice.

Did you also imagine also not getting a mouth full of fur whenever you went down?

My only issue with Dragon is that Lightning is very limited, while Storm getting Thunder and Lightning opens up a lot more options.

Ha. Now that gets me wondering why so often it was clearly a headpiece or a tail buttplug in the anime tiddies. I think other people did think about it too hard and had to refluff. Also that is a thing that can actually be done, and not a horrific abomnination. Hell, we can keep adding to it now.

For example, they wouldn't have ears on the side of their head, hence the hair. I know that freaks people out.

What's the best meme subclass, College of Glamour, or Wild Magic Sorcerer?

No shit a human in costume is better than Xenos scum. Praise Emprah.

My first 5e character. He came from an ancient family of brewers and took to druidism to learn how to yield the best ingredients.

DM gave me a magic item that lets me cast jump on myself. This is a perfect opportunity to make a wrestler character. Does anyone have any ideas on ways to make a fun unarmed fighter that focuses on grappling?

>Human variant with tavern brawler
>Rouge for expertise in athletics and acrobatics(Fluff up a whip as the bandages around your hand so you can benefit from sneak attack)
>Barbarian for Rage for advantage on strength checks
>Possibly fighter for battle maneuvers?

What are some good ways to maximize jump height for those sick 1d10 per 10 feet Izuna drops? Any other fancy wrestling/hand-to-hand signature moves that can be emulated or performed? Or in-game mechanics that would really make me feel like a wrestler?

Wild Magic, then pray to RNGesus for the Fireball result early-game so you can TPK everyone.

Chase that wild magic crack dragon mah boi

Don't just focus on grappling, do the whole thing. Folding Chair with War Hammer stats.

Get good at Performance to sell intimidation and pretending to be hurt worse than you actually are. Go full on Totem Barbarian, Bear for resilience and Eagle for jumping assclownery.

Shatter or Thunderwave?


Unfortunately, I plan my characters with a max level of 10 since that's what 99% of campaigns end by

DM wanted to do something different for his next campaign, so he took some inspiration from Legion (WoW) and decided to make a campaign with central items that level with you. So he is having each of us choose an Item of Legacy from 3.5, which he will then convert to 5th. I decided to play a Hexblade Warlock wielding Blackrazor. I'm stoked to see where it goes.

storm has slightly more powerful features but limiting the use of some of them to when you cast a non-cantrip makes it a lot less consistent than a decent bonus to the damage of lightning lure and shocking grasp. shame those cantrips kind of suck for most sorcerers

Hmm, well perhaps more of a Totem Barb/Thief Rogue thing would work.

Oh I should mention, Thief would let you climb better and faster, and Tiger can make you jump further and higher.

Post the best ability or spell synergies you've used.

Wild Magic is the biggest meme option in the game by far. One of my players played one all the way up until level 8 and only triggered the magic twice.

Shatter has a crazy amount of utility. Probably the most underrated low level spell.

And every time they've tried to find some way of giving 1st and 2nd level AoE they can't outdo or compare because it has something dumb. Except Ice Knife.

2 bar/8rogue with defensive duelist
>Character was a master duelist, undefeated in 1-on-1 combat
>Attack recklessly
>gain sneak attack damage on every hit

Casting Darkness on a rope and tying it to the Warlock/Fighter with the Devil Sight invocation. A walking tank that can't be the target of spells, all attacks against him have disadvantage and all of his attacks have advantage. Meanwhile you chill out of the fray and maintain concentration.

Casting Fireball on yourself for quick and painless way out.

Feeblemind+Portent is probably the "best" I've used as far as beating encounters goes, but the best in my opinion is Subtle Spell+Counterspell. I spent 2 combat encounters without spell slots that day, but it'll be a cold day in the parts of hell that aren't Stygia before I regret making those smug ass wizards at the college think they couldn't cast spells any more.

Dissonant Whispers
Booming Blade

Forced movement that still triggers my cantrip opportunity attack and still trigger's Booming Blade's movement effect.

Is there a way for your mount to level up alongside you without sucking the DM’s dick as a Ranger? I want to play a Pathfinder-style Cavalier as the Cavalier martial archetype and frighteningly squishy mounts aren’t doing it for me.

UA Revised Ranger, but you will always suck your DM's dick in the end.

That’s still a Ranger though.

Why is it so hard to get a good mount in this game!

>Why is it so hard to get a good mount in this game!

Coordinate with your DM about periodically "upgrading" your mount somehow.

Aura of Vitality + Find Steed = crazy healing
Awakened Mind + Comprehend Languages = discount Tongues

Find Greater Steed
Alternatively, Suck Greater Dick

Catapult + Alchemist's fire

So, how much dick do you think I need to suck to get where the mount grows alongside my PC?

>"Coordinate" with your DM about periodically upgrading your mount somehow

You messed up the placement on the quotes.

Any backstory critique/advice?
Character before this that I spent quite a bit on died first session so I had to think this guy up rather quickly.
Here's what I got so far:
My character was a simple small town man at arms when some raiders attacked his village. He was struck down but in desperation asked anyone for the power to overcome his foe, and before a malevolent being could take him up on the offer a Solar granted him a bit of her power. Afterwords the Solar told him to that he could continue to draw from her power as long as he continues to do good in the world. He now developed a bit of a crush on his patron so a desire to impress her adds to his innate desire to do good to make him rather invested in his quest of do-goodery.

>Reach level 9 in Mystic
>Finally unlock all those 7 psi abilities
>Party ends up going to an Arena 5v5 deal, perfect opportunity to test all my new shit
>Start off by using Victory Before Battle
>Our entire team goes first thanks to the massive +10 initiative bonus
>I go second in our team, and use Strategic Mind to further buff our team's initial momentum
>End my turn, but I'm focused on Mantle of Command, so I have our barbarian (who has 40 feet of movement) move half his speed towards the enemy

God damn do I love mystic, dudes
Is there anything sweeter than battlefield control?

That’s better than 90% of the backstories you’ll find on Roll20.

I guess using a magic item is technically not an ability/spell synergy, but Expertise(Perception)+Reliable Talent+Observant+14 Wisdom+Eyes of the Eagle = 30 Passive Perception
Traps sucked my dick and I loved it.

Wait that came out wrong.

>Be necromancer
>Make the entire floor of every room a trap
>Intruders just levitate over it
Any home defense tips?

The character seems like he still wouldn't be very adept in magic, and would prefer swordplay over spells.

I suggest to focus on self-buffs as far as the powers that Solar grants him. Unless you go Pact of the chain and fluff up that the eldritch blasts and witch bolts are coming from the psuedo dragon that Solar gave him to watch over him.

Maybe think about multiclassing into Fighter(battle master) for those sweet Battle Maneuvers. Especially ones that a soldier might have like disarming strike and commander's strike


Make your entire base an anti-magic field, and get your zombies to fist fight your enemies.

I stab a sword into a monster somewhere it can't easily remove it, then the wizard casts heat metal on it

Useful combo or not?

So a Celestial warlock who wants to bang his patron? Meh, I've heard worse. My only advice would be not to go too crazy with it.

Level 17+ = 6
Expertise = 6 more
20 wisdom = 5
Observant = 5
eyes of the eagle = 5
the calculation itself for passives is 10+other mods, so that makes the maximum possible passive perception cheese: a whopping 37. Vecna couldn't hide from you.

>mfw necrolets are bad at traps
Make the traps levitate, too.

There are no rules for leaving a weapon stuck in a creature, but it seems like reasonable DM fiat.

It is honestly really tempting to go into a more melee oriented class because Pact of the Blade is the most flavorful for my character, but I've never played a spellcaster and the novelty of the novelty of having super late game magic is really enticing. It would probably make sense to do a fighter or pali dip for logic's sake though.

I don't think it'll be that relevant for the campaign, and I'm also aware that I need to not overdo it. Maybe his epilogue is he gets to move in with his patron in the sky. If we finish the campaign that is.

>long trap gauntlet that can be entirely bypassed by using spells
>spike pits you can fly over
>wild animals you can charm
>animated objects you can dispel
>I'm talking every five steps is a trap that's easily defeated with magic
>roaming golems released from the front and head deeper in, pushing the intruders to keep moving
>eventually after like 150 traps they come to the end
>a room full containing only a note and a dumbwaiter
>the note says "hope you've got slots bitch"
>Explosive Rune
>note is Alarmed too so you know that people have shown up there
>teleport into a secret room just above that's trapped like crazy except where you stand and has assloads of non-raised corpses in it
>feed an undead horror into the room below via the dumbwaiter
>the dumbwaiter shaft is trapped when they try to come up it
>drop shitloads of other undead from trapdoors in your room

Booming blade+cloud of daggers was pretty nice from what I remember.
early on, too.

Even without multiclassing, Hexblade by itself is enough swordplay I would think. Not sure if you're experienced or not so your DM if he has other plans but I'd say more than 9/10 games stop at level 10.