/wip/ Work in Progress

>I dub thee Mudjha-Grot

y'all need to calm the fudge down over this SS business, the number of posts I've seen demonising...

1. The Sender
>Nothing from my SS, have I been jewed, what the FUCK, it's like the 11th of December, tfw grinched by a rat

2. The recipient
>The parcel said it was delivered, why the fuck haven't they posted pictures or said thanks you, what the fuck, fucking ungrateful prick

I haven't seen a single post like that. I see posts worrying that their user didn't get their gift, or if they will get theirs soon, or when they should expect them. I don't think anyone is being a dick about it.

cool normans user! Are they for saga?

I mea, people fraking over not getting anything yet is pushing it. But when you know your stuff has been delivered, I don't think expecting a quick thank you, a picture or a least an acknowledgement is too much.


Mr. M from Whitman your package is *expected* to arive Tuesday by 8 o' clock.


Unfortunately not, would love to play but there is no one around. People play 40k a bunch round here but no historical stuff, sucks.

Look like 5 posts up